04 12 1983 Council Minutes
Minutes of a Meeting of Council of the TOVv'Dship of Medonte held on Tuesday, April 12, 1983
at 1:00 P.M. in Council ChambeIs, Moonstone.
Deputy Reeve -
I. Amos
L. Johnstone
J. Patterson
I. Beard
H. Vasey
'~~O~RR~=~IT~~~ passed as follows:
" That the minutes of a Regular tI.teeting of Council held on March 8, 1983 and the minutes
of a Special Meeting held on March 28, 1983 be adopted".
Firp Chief K.~Hamilton met with Council and presented drawings for the new fire truck.
_ Counci 1 met . with E. Robertson, Township Roads Superintendent and discussed various road
matters. It was decided to call tenders for calcium, gravel and prime and surface treat-
ment with the tenders closing on May 10, 1983.
Council decided to meet at 9:00 A.M. on April 15, 1983 to consider purchasing a used
Resolution 83-82,~as passed as follows:
" That this Council approves of Mrs. N. Beard having an access to her property, Pt. of
lot 23, Con. 10, through Block "A", Plan M-62, subject to a proper entrance culvert
being placed at the entrance".
Re~Qlutiop 83-83 was passed as follows:
" That this Township appoints Mr. 1. Spears to be Township Weed Inspector for the year
1) Mr. & Mrs. G. J1Qir of Hillsdale approached Council with plans to turn their home into
a retirement or boarding home for senior citizens. They felt bhey--coilld accomodate
up to 7 people who they would prepare meals for. They noted that this would not be
a nursing home. It was noted that before they could proceed they would require an
Official Plan Amendment and a Council agreed to allow the Moirs to
have a consultant prepare an Amendment.
West Central Public
by the School Board to
on behalf of the parents involved with the Medonte
in Hillsdale. He explained that they are against a plan
grades 4 to 8 and bus the students to Elmvale.
Resolution 83-84 was passed as follows:
" That this Council opposes the plans of the Simcoe County Board of Education to
cancel grades 4 to 8 at the Medonte West Central School and to bus the students
to Elmvale" This was a recorded vote as follows: Yeahs - 1. Amos, 1. Beard,
L. Johnstone, J. Patterson Nays - H. Vasey
Council th~n met with Mr. A. P. McNair & Associates.
He presentEd Council witthithe required amendment to By-Law 82-23 as requested by the Ontario
Municipal Board.
He presented Council with the proposed amendment to the Township Zoning By-Law 82-25 Which
was prepared due to the objections received to the Zoning By-Law.
Mr. McNair also presented a report on the request for rezoning of Mr. A. McCarthy, Pt.
Lot 23, Concession 10.
Page tID
Council then met with Mr. P. Smith the TowrJship Engineer and discussed matters.
. 1) Mt. St. Louis Waste Site - Council directed Mr. Smith to contact the two contractors
to supply prices for doi~g the required excavation IDrk.
2) Warminster Cistern - Council directed Mr. Smith to proceed with the addition of a
30,000 gallon cistern to the existing facility and asked him to prepare the necessary
J) Office Landscaping - Council directed Mr. Smith to prepare material to have the
sidewalks and other cement work done and to have the general grading done. Council
also approved of payment of an invoice in the amount of $3,260.31 for work done
regarding the specifications for the office.
4) Horsesh~..Valley Dev~lopment:. - Mr. Smith explained that he should be involved in the
engineering from the first stage and suggested Council meet with Horseshoe Valley
and request a deposit to cover the costs involved.
,Resolution 83-85 was passed as follows:
" That Roads Voucher # 3 in the amount of $21,985.93 is hereby approved for payment".
Resolutjon R3-R6 was passed as follows:
" That General Voucher # 4 in the amount of $205,800.24 is hereby approved for payment".
Resolution 83-87 was passed as follows:
" That a By-Law to authbrize the purchase of
considered read a first and second time, read a
12th day of April ,and numbered By-Law 83-8".
,- 2) Resolution 83::118_ was passed as follows:
" That a By-Law to authorize the purchase
first and second time, read a third
numbered By-Law 83-9".
for road widening purposes be
third tirr~ and passed this
a fire truck be considered read a
passed this 12th day of April and
3) ResolutioXL-81::89..was passed as follows:
" That a By-Law to authorize the
of Council for the purchase of a
time, read a third time and passed
,200.00 to be repayed over the term
considered read a first and second
of April, 1983 and numbered 83-10".
4) Resolution 83-90 was passed as
" That a By-Law to amend By-Law
lands being parts of lots 1, 2
considered read a first and
day of April and numbered
23 being a By-Law to rezone certain
Ten Metres of lot 3, Plan 91 be
a third time and passed this 12th
2).. Resolution R3-91 was passed as
I' That a By-Law to amend
be considered read a and
day of April and numbered By-Law
being the Township Zoning By-Law
a third time and passed this '12th
1} Resolution 83-92 WaS passed as follows:
" That Council of a grant in the amount of $25.00 to the Coldwater Music
Festival for year 1983".
was passed as follows:
" That this Council approves of Mr. E. LeCraw living in a mobile home for a
of up to 6 months While he constructs a home on the West half of lot 6,
Page Th}:1ee
April 12,
3. Resolution 83-94.. was passed as follows:
" That this Council approves of an extension of Draft Approval for file 43T-75368,
Mr. A. Teskey,for a period of one year from May 4, 1983 to May 4, 1984".
-i1" ReSQ]lltioD 83__91) was passed as follows:
" That Council approves of a :Draft Plan Extension, file 43T-77022, Parhet
Engineering Ltd. Pt. Lot 65, Concession 1 for a period of one year from May
9, 1983 to May 9, 1984".
_5: ,Resol1JtJQn B:i-::2Lwas passed as follows:
"That the Secretary of the Committee of Adjustment is authorized to attend the
Ontario Association of Committees of Adjustment and Land Division Committee's
Conference in London, Ontario from June 12th to June 15th, 1983".
f). J?roposed Amendn1ent~ # 15 to the Official Plan of the Oro Planning Area was presented.
_ Council had no objection to the Amendment.
~.~ieces ..JJ.f correspondence were presented, discussed and filed.
Resolution 83-97 was passed as follows:
" That this meeting be adjourned to meet again on Wednesday, May 11, 1983'iat 7:00 P.M.".