05 25 1983 Sp Council Minutes Special Meeting May 25, 1983 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MEDONTE Minutes of a Special Meeting of Council of the Township of Medonte held on Wednesday, May 25, 1983 at 7:30 P.M. in Council Chambers, Moonstone, Ontario. Present Reeve - I. Amos Deputy Reeve - L. Johnstone C01.IDcillors - J. Patterson - I. Beard - H. Vasey . C01mci 1 met with Mr. P. Smith of Reid and Associates and discussed the work to be done at the Mt. St. Louis Waste Site. Two quotations to do the work were reviewed. 1) H. t'lr;J<errol.J- .. f$4,870.00 plus $3.00 per metre for additional material to be moved. 2) Ri 1 1 $tXJ1(]wtrk- $5,800.00 complete . Mr. Smith ~stimated that the job would require an additional 1,200 metres of material moved Which brough't1: the price of P. McKerrol to $7,325.00. Reso11wion 83-116 was passed as follows: " That this Council accepts the quotation of Bill Strudwick Construction Ltd. in the amount of $5,800.00 for work at the Mt. St. Louis Waste Site under the supervision of Reid and Associates". r.nlmril rhpn TJlE" with Mr. F. Schinners, Township Auditor Who presented the 1982 Financial Statement. Council reviewed this information with Mr. Schinners. c'Cmmd 1 met with Beatrice Woodrow, Township Treasurer and discussed several matters. j) The due date for the final installment of taxes was set for September 12, 1983. ?) Re~oll1tjon 83-111>was passed as follows: " That this Council agrees to pay the increase in O.H. I.P. for the employees due to the PRovincial government budget". 3) Resolution 83-118 was passed as follows: " That Council the Treasurer not to collect water billings from the Simcoe Condominium # 35 in Horseshoe Vallev". ./ A) Mrs. Woodrow brought Council up to date ~,,)ith regards to the properties in the Township which are under tax registration. ~ rrrHF.P RHSTNESS 1) ResoJutJou 83-119 was passed by recorded vote as follows: That Council hire Randy Woodrow for 3 days a week at $5.50 an hour for 8 hour day. for the summer to help with bookkeeping to start 13 June". Yeas - H. Vasey, I. Beard, Ingtam~Amos Nays - Jill Patterson, Lytle Johnstone ~ Rpso 11lti on 83-120 \\7as passed as follows: " That this Council accepts the tender of Nor John C,ontracting Ltd. for the supply and spread of Dust Control Agent for the year 1983 at a price of $.50 per imperial gallon subject that the Township requires one load be delivered early so the material may be tested before the remainder is ordered". Eesolution 83-121 was passed as follows: " That Council hire Mr. G. Fleet, a.s Foreman, Mr. R. :Coombs, Mr. R. We iller , and Mr. R. Booth to work on the Township Canada Ontario Employment Development Program. Project to start on May 30, 1983". ;Reso1t~ion 83-12~ was passed as follows: " That this Council directs thB Clerk to contact all Community Centre Boards, Water Works Committees and Deparrtrnenti Heads to arrange to have a key for all the Township Buildings delivered to the Township Office". Special Meeting page tv.1O May 25, 1983 aruER BUSINESS ( Cont.) RpSO]l1rion R1-1?1 was passed as follows: " That this Council agrees to refund the balance of Mr. A. McCarthy IS deposit regard1ng rezoning his property until Mr. McCarthy can provide the required information". f,01mcil deci ded to have a special budget meeting on June 1, 1983 at 7: 30 P.M. . AnTOl JRNMEN'r . ~1:utiQn83:"'12~was passed as follows: II That this meeting be ad journed" . . Reeve t t