06 01 1983 Sp Council Minutes ;:)pec~al. lV1eel:~ng June 1., 1.::10 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MEDONTE Minutes of a Special Meeting of Council of the Township of Medonte held on Wednesday, June 1, 1983 at 7:30 P.M. in Council Chambers, Moonstone. Present Reeve - I. Amos Deputy Reeve - L. Johnstone Councillors J. Patterson I. Beard H. Vasey - -<-;1 erk presented letter from Ainley & Associates Who were representing Mr. & Mrs. Moir of Hillsdale with regards for their plans to provide accomodation for seniors. Council agreed with their plan to have less than 6 seniors at one time as this is allowed in the Zoning By-Law. Council granted the approval subject to the Moirs meeting any health unit and fire regulations. CoJillCiJ rhen met with Mrs. B. Woodrow, Township Treasurer and discussed the 1983 budget. She presented the School and County Mill Rates. _ EJ ,FMENTARY F1IRT,IC BF.STDF.N'TTAJ, 1983 - 94.3 1982 - 82.7 El ,F.MF.NTARY SEP~RESIDENTIAld,. 1983 - 90.4 1982 - 82.5 ~.sECONDARY RESIDENTIAL b 1983 - 75.0 1982 - 71. 7 . F.LFMFNfARY FTIRLIC COMMERCTAL 1983 - 110.9 1982 - 97.3 EI EMENTARY SEPA:RATE C'LMMERCIAL 1983 - 106.3 1982 - 97.0 - J SEC'DNDARY CO'1MERCI AT, 1983 - 88.2 1982 - 84.3 ,fOUNTY RESIDENTIAL 1983 - 23.2 1982 - 20.8 - .[.01JN'l'Y COMMERCTAL 1983 - 27.3 1982 - 24.5 Council then reviewed the 1983 Township proposed expenditures. It was decided to look at the revenue side and the Fire Department on June 16, 1983 and to try and set the Budget at a Special Meeting on June 22, 1983 at 7:30 P.M. An TOT lR'NMENI ~esolution 83-125 was passed as follows: " That e adjourned". - --------------- Reeve