06 16 1983 Council Minutes THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MEDONTE Minutes of a Regular Meeting of Council of the Township of Medonte held on Thursday, June 16, 1983 at 7: 30 P.M. in Council Chambers, Moonstone. Present Reeve - I. Amos Deputy Reeve - L. Johnstone Councillors - J. Patterson - I. Beard - H. Vasey ~ hDOPTION OF MINUTES Resol1~ion R1-1?fi was passed as follows: " That the minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on May 11, 1983 and the minutes of special meetings held May 25 and June 1 be adopted". DF.1.F.GATION~. ~ 1) Mr. R., V~YS!l!5enbuJ:g. approached Council requesting to rent some Township equipment to wook at the Warminster Park. Council directed the roads superintendent meet with him to see What was needed. ?) Mr. G. McKa.y~ O. Hill, D. Hill and P. Hoffman approached Council regarding trucks hauling on the second concession. They noted that the amount of use has increased since the road was closed off at Highway 400 and felt that the road should be hardtopped. Council explained the work could not be done this year. The residents also requested that When the calcium is placed on the 2nd. that it be continuous from the St. St. Louis Road to the dead end. 3) Council agreed to meet with the Prices Corner's Ratepayers Assocattion on Monday, June 27, 1983 at 8:00 P.M. to discuss various problems in the Prices Corners Subdivision. 4) Mr. Sawyel;' fr0m the 4th Concession approached Council to request that the remainder of the 4th Concession between Vasey and the Side1Joad which is gravel be resurfaced. He noted that there are 5 houses in the 6/10 of a mile piece and that the traffic seems to have increasedlwhich causes a lot of dust. Council noted that the job could not be done this year but stated they would consider it for another year. (;1 erk pn~sented a request from Mr. D. Hervieux to complete his severance. Council noted that he would have to bring the road up to standard by placing gravel on the road to create a 22' travelled area. ~ CRerk presented a request from Horseshoe Valley to have stop signs placed in the Subdivision. Council directed the Clerk to prepare the By-Law. ~ Rp~ol11,ion R1-1?7 was passed as follows: " That this Council directs the Roads Superintendent order calcium from Miller Paving in the price quoted in letter". }1r ~ H. MacMillan of Harry A. MacMillan Construction Limited approached Council and presented plans for a new design of home that he hopes to build in Horseshoe Valley area. He presented Council with a letter from an engineer stating that the design poses no problems. He noted that the design has a very small basement Which limitS: the amount of excavation necessary. Council advised Mr. MacMillan that they have no objection to the design as long as the house meets the Ontario Building Code. rage rwo -.JUlie; ~Sl,.J...:JU...J THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MEDONTE Mr. R. Baycroft and Mr. D. Knight of Wilfred Laurier University approached Council regarding the use of a 'portable classroom on a piece of property beside Mr. Baycroft. He explained that people are using the structure until late at night and that they are disturbing him. Mr. Knight explained that the building is used to store artifacts from the nearby archaeological dig and much of the cataloging work is done at night. Mr. Knight explained that he does not wish to cause problems but it is not feasable to move the trailer and all he can do is try and cut down on the noise. It was agreed by both parties that Mr. Knight would not use the classroom after 11:00 P.M. ~ fASSI~~):'~~W~ J&escWlltion 83-12R was passed as follows: " That a By-Law imposing special annual drainage rates upon land in respect of Which money is borrowed under the Tile Drainage Act 1971, be considered read a first and second time, read a third time and passed this 16th day of June 1983 and numbered By-Law 83-13". ~ NEW BUSINESS - , 1 ) Rp!,:o 111,i on R1-1?q WAS passed as follows: " That Council accepts the resignation of Carolyn Wiebe, fug Control Officer for the Warminster Area and directs the Clerk advertise the position in the Packet". 2) Resolution 83-130 was passed as follows: " That Council directs the Clerk have Dunlop Plumbing and Heating install the air Conditioner at the office and Council agrees to pay the extra cost of having a cement pad pouredl'. '~rimlS other pieces of correspondence were presented and filed. COlmci 1 then met with Fire Chief K. Hamilton. He requested as to Who would assume responsibility during an emergency in the absence of the Reeve. Council directed that the Deputy-Reeve would act in the absence of the Reeve. Cmmd 1 then reYiewed the 1983 Fire Department budget. PASSING 01<' U01n-TF.RS Reso111tjon 83-13J.was passed as follows: " That General Voucher # 6 in the amount of $43,134.60 is hereby approved for payment". ~ RQSo1ution 83-132 was passed as follows: " That Roads Voucher # 5 in the amount of $53,574.44 is hereby approved for payment". 8D. 101 JRNMENT ~ ~ J8esolution 83-133 was passed as follows: " That this meeting be adjourned to meet again on July 12, 1983 at 7: 00 P.M. Reeve - -------~---------