08 16 1983 Council Minutes
August 16, 1983
Minutes of a Meeting of Council of the Township of Medonte held on Tuesday,
August 16, 1983 at 7:00 p.m. in Council Chambers, Moonstone.
Reeve -
Deputy Reeve -
- J.
- H.
~OO~IO~ ()~ ~I!:~
~ Reso ut10n 3- was passed as follows:
"That the minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on July 12, 1983 at
7: 00 p.m. be adopted as circulated.' I
Council met m.th E. Robertson, Township Roads Superintendent. He reported that
Nor John was supplying a sample of their Dust Control Agent. Council directed
it to go on the First Concession south of County Rd. 19.
Council authorized the purchase of a supply of culverts.
Council directed a letter be sent to Mr. Battison on Mill St. Hillsdale,
requesting he install an entrance culvert.
1) Mr. & Mrs. Fenwick of Warminster met with Council and expressed concern over the
interruptions in water service in Warminster. They also requested that something
be done about the fire siren Which rings for long periods of time. They also
expressed the concern of many residents regarding the Cable Company putting in
overhead lines When all the other services were underground.
/7) Mrs. T .<:Jfral1gh.... met with Council to question the fees charged by the Township
Pound. She noted that on top of the Township $25.00 fee she had to pay $15.00
to get her dog out of the pound. She also felt that the pound should be located
in the Township and not in Orillia.
/-3) Mr~.. R. Van Valkenburg also approached Council regarding the overhead wires
for Cable Television. He also requested machinery to work at the Warminster
4) Mr. w. Dodds approached Council regarding renting the old Township Office. He
requested a long term lease to use the office as a Sales Office. Council agreed
to enter into a Lease Agreement for the term of Council.
1) Reso111tiotL.83-l6LI&as passed as follows:
That Council approves of the plans of Mr. D. Hervieux to expand the sawnill
operation on his property, Lot 72 Con. 1 as this operation is a permitted use
under a Rural Zoning.
?) R~Ro111tion 83-162 was passed as follows:
That Council approves of a one year extension of draft approval of plan of
Subdivision, Mr. C. Wells Ministry File 43-T-76030 for a period to August 22, 1984
3) Re~olt~ion 83-l63~as passed as follows:
That Council approves of the request of Mr. Barry Benyon, Lot 50 Con. 1
for a Kennel Licence.
~) Resolution 83-164 was passed as follows:
That Mrs. Pat Stewart be appointed as Dog Control Officer for the area
around Warminster and Prices Corners.
5) Resolution 83-165 was passed as follows:
That Council authorizes the Clerk have the Township Solicitor take legal
action under the noise By-Law against Mr. C. Pattenden.
6) Resolution 83-:.l6..6.- was passed as follows:
That Council write off taxes on Roll No. 4-149-07, Pt. Lot 6, Con. 14,
5lR-1l344, Pt. 1, in the amount of $9.43 as this land now deeded to Township