10 11 1983 Council Minutes
UCL:ooor LL, 1. 'j~J
Minutes of a Regular Meeting of Council of the Township of Medonte held on Tuesday,
October 11, 1983 at 1:00 P.M. in Council Chambers, Moonstone.
Present Reeve - 1. Amos
Deputy Reeve - L. Johnstone
Councillors - J. Patterson
- H. Vasey
Councillor - I. Beard
Re~o 111rj on R1- ?04...was passed as follows:
" That the minutes of a Regular Meeting of Council held on September 15, 1983
and the minutes of a Special Meeting of Council held on the 20th of September,
1983 be adopted as circulated".
(',01 mril rnen met wi th Mr. E. Robertson, Roads Superintendent.
The Clerk presented a request by the Canadian Armed Forces to use Township land to park
Rp ~o 1 utj OJ! 83- 205_ was pas sed as fo llows :
" That Council approves of the Canadian Armed forces using its gravel pits, lot 19,
concession 13 and lot 10, concession 10 to park army vehicles on October 20, 1983".
C,olmci1 then dealt with the Tenders for Sand and Salt.
'T'hprp WRR one ~Rnd tender received.
Ken Truax Construction Limited - $10,325.00
Resolution 83-206 ~s passed as follows:
" That the tender of Ken Tr.uax Limited for the screening, delivering from screen
belt, stockpiling and mlxing 3500 cu. yds. of sand from the Township Pit, in
the amount of $10,325.00 is hereby accepted".
C.Duncil then deRlt with the quotations for salt.
There were two received.
- Domtar CHemicals
- Canadian Salt Company
_ ;Resoh;Jti on R1-?07 was passed as follows:
" That the quotation of Canadian Salt Company in
tonne be accepted".
- course per tonne - $ 29.37
- course per tonne - $ 29.37
the amount of $29.37 per bulk
Crum~iJ theD~cussed the replacement of a motor in one of the trucks. It was
decided to defer the matter until after the roads report for September was prepared.
BgsolutiQn 83-20RwRS passed as follows:
" That Medonte Council petition the Ministry of Transportation and Communications
for interim subsidy on 1983 road expenditures in the amount of $462,803.17 for
payrolls 1 to 9 from January 1, 1983 to September 30, 1983".
1) Mr. Todd Grignon approached Council with regard to a possible manufacturing plant
on his property. He explained that the plant will take dressed furs and turn them
into a finished product. He explained that he will not be dressing the furs on
:the property. Al McNair, the Township Blanning Consultant explained that Mr.
Grignon would definitely require a zoning amendment and could also require an
Official Plan Amendment.
Council deferred making a decision until a future meeting.
Page two ......
October 11, 1983
2) Mr. ~ Mrs. C,entl e approached Council regarding the rezoning of their property.
A. McNair presented a report from the Simcoe County District Health Unit regarding
the septic systems for the lot. There was a discussion regarding Council
entering into an agreement to have one of the cottages removed When it was no
longer needed. The matter deferred until the Health Unit inspected the existing
septic systems.
32 Mr. VRn VR1kenhllrg and Mr. Kennedy of Warminster approached Council with a request
to have a walkway between Georgian Drive and Petty Coat Lane improved by putting
in a culvert and some gravel. The Reeve agreed to meet at the site to investigate.
There was also a discussion regarding fire protection in the Village of Warminster.
4) Mr. Charles Adams approached Council to request approval for obtaining a special
occasion permit for the Hillsdale Community Hall for October 22, 1983. Council
noted that the Building Inspector and Fire Chief had done inspections and found
several deficiences Which must be corrected.
. Resolution 83-209 was passed as follows:
" That Council approves of the Hillsdale Legion having a special occasion permit
for the Hillsdale Community Hall on October 22, 1983 subject to the Legion
obtaining a certificate of approval from the Building Inspector and Fire Chief".
S) Mr. A. McNRir present~cj Council with a report on the \lillage of Coldwater Official
Plan. Council accepted the report and directed the Clerk prepare a letter to
the Ministry with the Council's comments.
- 1)l!~~~r:~e ~
_.ReSQ]ution 83-210 was passed as follows:
" That Roads Voucher # 9 in the amount of $32,165.33 is hereby approved for paymentt!.
Resolution 83-2jj was passed as follows:
" That General Voucher # 10 in the amourt of $280,443.96 is hereby approved for payment"
,Resolution 83-212 was passed as follows:
" That Council directs the Clerk to notify the Royal Canadian Legion, Hillsdale ,
that their use of their present meeting hall in in contravention to the Township
Zoning By-Law".
COl]J:\cil derided to have a Special Meeting on October 17, 1983 at 7:30 P.M. to finish
the agenda.
__Resolution 83-213 was passed as follows:
" That this meeting be adjourned to meet again on Tuesday, November 8, 1983 at 1:00 P.M