11 08 1983 Council Minutes
Noverr.ber 8,
Minutes of a Regular Meeting of Council of the Township of Medonte held on Tuesday,
November 8, 1983 at 1:00 P.M. in Council Chambers, Moonstone, Ontario
Reeve - Ingram Amos
Deputy Reeve - Lytle Johnstone
Councillors - Jill Patterson
- Ian Beard
- Horace Vasey
Resolution 83-229 was passed as follows:
" That the minutes of a Regular Meeting of Council held on October 11, 1983 at
1:00 P.M. and the minutes of a Special Meeting of Council held on October 17,
1983 at 7:30 P.M. be adcpted as circulated".
Council met with respresentatives of Bot Construction who requested to lease a
Township Road and Who request~d a wayside pit permit.
EesoJllti OJ) R1-?10~",was passed as follows:
" That Council agrees to lease the road allowance between lots 20 & 21 from the
9th Concession to Highway 400, subject to the provisions of the Municipal Act,
Section 298 (1) (d), R. S.O. 1980, and that Bot Construction shall be responsible
for the costs incurred complying to the provisions of the act, and that Bot
Construction shall be responsible for the costs of maintenance and dust control
of the road and that the portion of this road Which is presently open shall
remain open and public access to this j::ortion of the road shall not be affec.ted".
R~solution 83-231 was passed as follows:
" That Council approves of Bot Construction operating a Wayside Pit on the land
of Mr. Alfred Bidmead, E-l/2 lot 20, Concession 10, Township of Medonte, subject
that they do no excavate on the archaeological site on the property as outlined
on the drawing attached to this resolution and subject that this permit shall
be for the duration of contract 83- 53' I .
COl mC'i 1 then meL with the Township Road's Superintendent.
Cmlmril directed that Petty Coat Lane in Warminster be torn up and gravelled so
it can be hard topped next year. '
Council directed that gravel be purchased to placed on the InbTam Road..
Wuncil agreed to repair the motor on the 1970 Ford Snowplow.
C~tmcil then discussed repairing the Sideroad and the 8th Concession Which were
damaged by scrapers hauling on the road. Council directed the Superintendent
put gravel on the sideroad and on the soft spots on the 8th Concession.
,Resolution 83-232 was passed as follows:
" That Council requests the Mt. St. Louis SkL Resort to purchase gravel and place
it on the 8th Concession to bring the road back to the conditicn it was in before
he hauled on the road with his scrapers".
Resolution R3-231 WRS passed as follows:
" That Council requests that Champion Road Machinery decrease their invoice #49218
in the amount of $1,287.49 as Council feels this problem may have existed with
this machine at the time of puIchase".
Resolution 83-234 ,was passed as follows:
" That Medonte Council petition the Ministry of Transportation and Communications
for Interim Subsidy on 1983 Road Expenditures in the amount of $502,809.64 for
payrolls 1 to 10 from January 1, 1983 to October 31, 1983".
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November 8, 1983
Council agreed to hire Mr. G. Whiston as night man and Mr. P. Nixon and Mr. M. Miller
as part time wingmen for the 1983/84 season.
Council then adjourned for ten minutes.
Resolution 83-235 was passed as follows:
" That General Voucher # 11 in the amount of $50,205.98 is hereby approved for payment".
Resolution 83-236 was passed as follows:
" That Roads Voucher # 10 in the amount of $40,006.47 is hereby approved for payment".
A) Resolution 83-237 was passed as follows:
" That this Council approves of the Canadian Armed Forces using the Township
Roads for vehicle training for the 26th & 27th of November, 1983".
2) QQwci,l g.gr:eed_ to hold a Special Meeting of Council on December 20 as required
under the Planning Act regarding the Gentle and the Horseshoe Valley
Official Plan Amendment.
;:~) (;1 erk reported that he has not received a reply as
to allow for future expansion with the proposed
as to Council's request
..4) The Clerk presented a request by Mr. W. Furs to have the ditch on his property
Which drains the Preston Subdivision cleaned out. Council directed the Roadls
Superintendent to investigate and clean out as soon as possible.
S) Clerk advised Council that in order to proceed with the
of Matts Pit that a site development plan would have to
the matter for the time being.
and licencing
Council deferred
/Resolution 83-238 was passed as follows:
" That a By-Law to establish a schedule of retention periods for Municipal Documents
be considered read a first and second time, read a third time and passed this 8th
day of November, 1983 and numbered By-Law 83- 20" .
,1) Resolution 83-239 was passed as follows:
" That Council direct the Township Solicitor proceed against Mr. D. Walker
under the Township Noise By-Law".
2) A request by Mrs .J. Pauze for a refund of the Orr Lake Garbage charge as she is
not receiving the service was deferred so Reeve Amos could discuss the matter with
the Reeve of Flos Township.
3) Resolution 83-240 was passed as follows:
" That Council approves of a one year extension of draft plan approval for
Mr. L. A. Tureck, Ministry File 43T-75155, for a period of December 5, 1983
to December 5, 1984".
~ Resolution B3-241 was passed as follows:
" That Council accepts the recommendation of the Medonte Library Board and agrees
to reimburse all purchasers of an Orillia Library Card a further $10.00 for the
year 19831'.
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r:IDV BUSTNESS ( com.)
,5) Resolution 83-242 was passed as follows:
" That Council approves of a cancellation of $550. residential public assessment,
Roll 9-172, Hans Terek, from Sept. 1/83 to Dec. 31/83, 4 months, due to house
demolished" .
..6) Resolution 83-242..~NaS passed as follows:
" That Council approves of a cancellation of business assessment in the amount
of $240, Roll 4-174-03, tenant 1, Wendy Goerk, for all of 1983, due to business
ceased before the start of 1983".
7) Resohltion R3-2~as passed as follows:
" That Medonte Council approve of a cancellation of business public assessment
in the amount of $290, Roll 5-125, Leslie Clark, from Oct. 21/83 to Dec. 31/83,
72 days, due to business ceased by this owner at this location. Section 33
pendingl' .
J3) Resolution 83=243. was passed as follows:
" That Council approves of a conver1sion of assessment from corrmercial public to
residential public in the amount of $800. for all of 1983 due to no business
operating on Roll # 4-174-03, William B. Henry".
9) Resolution 83-246 was passed as follows:
" That Council agrees to pay Horseshoe Valley at the rate of $36.00 per hour
for snow removal for the 1983/84 season".
~rious other pieces of correspondence were presented as informational and filed.
Resolution 83-247 ,was passed as follows:
" That this meeting be adjourned to meet again on December 14, 1983 at 1:00 P.M.