01 26 1984 Sp Council Minutes
Minutes of a Special Meeting of Cotmcil of the Township of Medonte held on Thursday,
January 26, 1984 at 1:00 P.M. in Council Chambers, Moonstone, Ont.
Reeve - I. Amos
Deputy Reeve - L. Johnstone
Councillors - J. Patterson
- I. Beard
- H. Vasey
Reeve Amos called the meeting to order. He reported that he attended a Mutual Aid
meeting sponsored by the Township on behalf of Council on January 18, 1984. He also
reported he attended a presentation from the Ontario Ambulance Service to the Fire
Department of various rescue equipment on January 19, 1984. He reported he also
attended a meeting of the Waverley Hall Board and that a new executive was formed.
r,Olmd 1 rli srl1sspn the use of the Orillia Library by residents of Medonte Township.
Resolution 84-14 was passed as follows:
" That this Council approves of reimbursing Township Residents and ratepayers
$50.00 towards the purchase of an Orillia Library Card, maximum of two cards
per family".
Besoll~ion R4-1S was passed as follows:
" That Council approves of a payment of $25.00 to the Secretary-Treasurer of the
Medonte Library Board for the year 1984".
Council then discussed the status of the Township Building Inspector. Councillor
Beard declared a conflict of Interest on this matter and left the meeting.
Resolution 84-16 was passed as follows:
" That this Council requests the resignation of Mr. J. Beard, Township Building Inspecto~
to be effective April 30, 1984, and directs the Clerk advertise for a Building
Inspector/By-Law Officer. Applicant must be able to supply a vehicle. Salary to
commensurate with qualifications. Applications to be received by March 9, 1984".
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Robins approached Council with a proposal to run a "Home Occupation"
from a building they have purchased in the Township.
Resolution 84-17 was passed as follows:
" That Council approves of the plans of Mr. & Mrs. Paul Robins to run a home occupation
consisting of a craft shop, a tea room and a bed and breakfast operation in their
home, part lot 43, con. 1, subject to the terms of section 3.10 of By-Law 82-25".
Mr. P. Smith of Reid and Associates Ltd. met with Council and Council opened the 11
Tenders received for the construction of a 30,000 gallon reservoir in Warminster. The
following tenders were received and are listed in order of price.
1) Bumham and Associates Ltd. $58,800.
2) Naughton Excavating 64,335.
3) Arnott Construction 69,250.
4) R. J. Rutherford Contracting Services 70,800.
5) Maple Engineering and Construction Canada Ltd.71,660.
6) Aknor Construction Company Ltd. 72 ,181.
7) Dalmeny Construction Ltd. 74,200.
8) C. A. McDowell Ltd. 87,055.
9) Deciantis Construction Ltd. 109,732.
10) Logan Construction 123,919
11) B. Zaitz Construction Marine (1982) Ltd. 136,380.
"Resolution 84::--1lLwas passed as follows:
" That Council accepts the tender of Burnham & Associates Ltd., 75 Anne Street South,
Barrie, Ont. in the amount of $58,800.00 for the constuction of an in ground 30,000
gallon concrete reservoir in Warminster as per the Township specifications subject
to the approval of Reid & Associates Ltd".
page two
JCIlJuary LV, 1.:10'+
Council then discussed the use of the Bicentennial Funds allocated the Township. It
was decided to have a special meeting on february 7, 1984 at 7:30 P.M.
1) Resolution".8~~19,$as passed as follows:
" That Council accepts the quotation of Direct Communications, Barrie, Ont. for
the supply of 24 Minitor Pagers complete with chargers and protective leather
cases in the amount of $12,397.00 provincial sales tax included".
~2) Resolution 84-20 was passed as follows:
" That the Clerk advise Mr. G. Brouwer that the Township Zoning By-Law 82-25
does not permit a duplex or an apartment dwelling in a Rural Zone;
And also that the Clerk advise Mr. Brouwer that he is in contravention
of the Township Building By-Law as he has made renovations without Health
Unit approval and a Township Building Permit".
3) Resolution 84-21 was passed as follows:
" That this Council approves of a grant in the amount of $25.00 to the North
Simcoe Soil and Crop Improvement Association for the year 1984".
4) Resoll~jQn M-22 was passed as follows:
" That Medonte Council petition the Ministry of Transportation and Communications
for subsidy on 1983 road expenditures in the amount of $610,409.84".
5) The Stat~m~nt of the Treasurer with respect to remuneration and expenses paid to
Council and Board members was presented.
Council then discussed wages for the year 1984. Councillor Beard declared a conflict
of interest and did not take part in the discussion of wages for the part time hourly
rated employees.
Resolution 84-23 was passed as follows:
" That COlmcil approves of an increase in the amount of 40ct per hour for all permanent
hourly employees for the year 1984".
Rpsollltion 84-24 WRS passed as follows:
" That Council approves of an 1ncrease in the amount of 41ct per hour for all part
time hourly employees for the year 1984".
Bpsollltion R4-2S was passed as follows:
" That Shirley Bell be given an increase in wages of 34ct per hour for the year 1984".
ypsoll1t:i on 84-26 was passed as follows:
" That Gary Cunnington be made Clerk and Deputy Treasurer at a salary of $25,500.00
per annum".
Rpc:::nl11r;on R4-~as passed as follows:
" That Council approves of an increase in the amount of $1,260.00 for the Treasurer
for the year 1984 to be paid from the roads budget".
'8fF'nlqUQIL861--:-?8 ~s passed as follows:
" That Council directs that the Deputy- Chief's wages shall continue to be paid as
they presently are".
..BpsoJlltinn R4-29 was passed as follows:
" That the Reeve, Deputy-Reeve and Council be given an increase of $100.00 for the
year 1984".
COlmci 1 decided to have a special meeting on Feb. 7 at 7: 30 P. M. to discuss the
Bicentennial Grants.
esolution 84-30 was passed as follows:
" That t, . s meeting be adjourned".
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