02 14 1984 Council Minutes - - - ~ February 14, 1984 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MEDONTE Minutes of a Regular Meeting of Council of the Township of Medonte held on Tuesday, February 14, 1984 at 1:00 P.M. in Council Chambers, Moonstone. Present Reeve - I. Amos Deputy Reeve - L. Johnstone Councillors - J. Patterson - I. Beard - H. Vasey p,OOPTION OF MINUTES Resolution R4-37 was passed as follows: " That the minutes of a Regular Meeting of Council held on January 10, 1984; and the minutes of Special Meetings of Council held on January 26, 1984 and February 7, 1984 be adopted as circulated". ~ouncil then revipwprl a By-Law to stop up and lease a portion of road allowance to Bot Construction Ltd. The Clerk advised Council that he had complied with the provisions of the Municipal Act and had posted notice of the proposed By-Law in at least six places for at least one month before the meeting. He also explained that a 1]otiee of the proposed By-Law has been placed in the Packet and Times on January 17, 24, February 1 and February 7, 1984. There was no one :Ln attendance at the meeting to support or object to the By-Law. R~lution 84-38 was passed as follows: " That a By-Law to stop up and lease a portion of a Road Allowance within the Township of Medonte be considered read a first and second time, read a third time and passed this 14th day of February, 1984 and numbered By-Law 84-5". Council then-.had a discussion with regard to employees abusing alcohol on the job and set a policy to deal with this. J)ASSING OF BY::-LAWS Resolution 8~as passed as follows: " That a By-Law to regulate the erection, alteration and construction of buildings within the Township of Medonte, be considered read a first and second time, read a third time and passed this 14th day of February, 1984 and numbered By-Law 84-4". .ResolutiQn~ 84-EQ was passed as follows: " That a By-Law to appoint a Clerk and Deputy-Treasurer for the 'Township of Medonte be considered read a first and second time, read a third time and passed this 14th day of February, ) 1984 and numbered By-Law 84-6". .. Council then met with Mr. A. Teskey and Mr. P. McHugh from the Warminster Water Committee and discussed the Warminster Water Rates. It was noted that the rates have not increased since 1979 and that the yearly expenses are now equal to the revenue. It was decided to increase the rates by $2.00 per month for the minimum charge of up to 4,000 gallons and to increase the remainder by 50i per 1,000 gallons or part thereof. The Clerk was directed to prepare a By-Law for the next meeting. Reeve Dtmlop of the Village of Coldwater met with Cotlllcil to discuss several matters. He asked Council. if there were any problems arising from the Village using the Medonte Waste Site. Council explained that they know of no problems but that the charge would have to be looked at in the spring. Council also explained that due to the closing of the other Township Waste Site that the site near Coldwater would be open 3 days a week, starting May 1, 1984. 1. ac;c: LWV ....... reDruary i4, i~04 THE CORPORATION OF THE TCMlNSHIP OF MEDONTE E~eve Dunlop thanked Council and the Township Library Board for their contributions to the Coldwater Library. He noted that some of the funds have been placed in the Building Reserve Fund and that it is hoped the addition to the Library would begin soon. Reeve Dunlop then discussed the Community Centre Management Committee. He explained how it works and asked if Council might want to join. Council declined saying that they would rather just provide a grant towards the maintenance and not become involved in the management. - .Mr. W. Lohuaru of Horseshoe Valley Ltd. approached Council to discuss the lot fees and water fees proposed. He asked if the water fee could be reconsidered and if the lot fee could be phased in and not charged up front. Council agreed that the lot fee could be paid in stages and not charged up front. DEFERRED BUSINESS - ,1) Resolution 84-41 was passed as follows: " Whereas Council has been unable to obtain permission from the landowners located in the northeast and southwest quadrants for permission for cutting trees to improve the view lines; Therefore Council petitions the Canadian Transport Commission to repeal Order No. R-18351 dated March 19, 1974". 2)c Resolution 84-42 was passed as follows: " That Council petitions the Canadian Transport Commission for automatic protection combined with improvement and realignment of the easterly approach grade at the C.P.R. crossing, Mileage 82.81, Mactier Subdivision, C.T.C. File No. 26727.1283 and requests that the Canadian Transport Commission supply the Township with a proposal of the cost for the automatic protection". ~3) ResolutiQn 84-43 was passed as follows: " That Council approves of not taking any action against Mr. J. Verbeek regarding his barking dogs for a period of 90 days to allow Mr. Verbeek to relocate his dogs to a more isolated property Where their barking will not disturb the neighbours". - 1.1J..e.solutioXl.~~was passed as follows: " That Council approves of Mr. J. Oakley attending the Deputy Fire Chief's Seminar to be held at the Ontario Fire (,allege, December 10-14, 1984". -2l.~E..s;,SQ1~uti,QIL~..:::45 was passed as follows: " That Council agrees to a further payment to Pierreville Fire Trucks in the amount of $13,000.00 vtlich will leave a $2,000.00 holdback". follows: the amount of $34,575.63 is hereby approved for payment!!. t ~ol1;;!lioIL 84:::4Z.., was passed as follows: " That Road's Voucher # 1 in the amount of $43,666.14 is hereby approved for payment". _Various other pieces of correspondence were presented as informational and no action was taken. as passed as follows: " That this meeting be adjourned to meet again on Tuesday, :; e' March 13, 1984 at 1:00 P.M.!! Reeve