04 10 1984 Council Minutes
Aprll I U, I ~M
The Corporation Of The Township opf Medonte
Minutes of a regular meeting of 00 uncil of the Corporation of the Township of Medonte
held on Tuesday, April 10, 1984 at 1 :00 P.M. in Council Chambers, Moonstone.
Reeve - I. Amos
Deputy Reeve - L. Johnstone
Councillors - J. Patterson
- I. Beard
- H. Vasey
EesQllltiOD 84:-79 was passed as follows:
" That the minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on March 13, 1984, and the minutes
of a Special Meeting of COuncil held on March 20, 1984 be adopted as circulated".
CQtJncil then met with Mr. E. Robertson, Township Roads Superintendent and discussed road's
matters. Council decided to have a roads tour on April 11, 1984 at 8:30 A.M.
C:otJnc;i! agreed to lend Horseshoe Valley the township sweeper to clean up the Horseshoe Valley
1) Mr.R. Jarri,~,tt" approached Council regarding a ditch which runs across his property.
He explaIned that since the Township cleaned out the ditch down the 1 Oth concession
that the ditch on his property will not hold the water and asked that the ditch be
cleaned. Council decided to look at the ditch while on roads tour.
2) Mr. B. Wilson and Mr. A. Bosman approached Council regarding the road allowances
in the Copeland Forest. Council explained that they are desirous to have this matter
settled and that the Ministry is blocking the road allowances without an agreement. The
Ministry explained that the request for funds to purchase the allowance is in their
budget but they do not know when the funding will be available. Until the funding
is available, they requested that the Townsh~..p lease the province the road allowances
for $850.00 per year. They stated that they would cover all the required costs for
preparing and advertising the By-Law.
I\.~sQl!JtiQn 84:~Omwas passed as follows:
That Council approves of passing a By-Law to stop up and lease the road allowances
within the Copeland Fo rest, the By-Law and necessary notification to be at the expense
of the Ministry of Natural Resources; and that Council further agrees to enter into an
agreement with the Ministry to lease them the road allowances until a purchase agreement
can be reached".
3, Firf' C:hif'f K. Hamilton approached Council to request they apply for a grant under
the Joint Emergency Planning Program to equip the Township Emergency Command
and Response vehicle.
Rps()hltion~4-::8l.was passed as follows:
" That Council approves of making an application to the Provincial Government for a
grant in the amount of $14,000.00 based on an expenditure of $28,000.00 for an
Emergency Command and Response vehicle under the Joint Emergency Planning Program".
l.()llflri I rlisn ISSf'O various other FIre Department matters with the Chief.
1) Resolution 84-82 was passed as follows:
" That a By-Law to establish water fees and payment dates for the Medonte Hills
Water System be considered read a first, second and third time and passed this
10th day of April and numbered By-Law 84-10".
Page two
April 10, 1984
The Corporation of the Township of Medonte
;;; -
~ 1) ResQlution 84-~'3 was passed as follows:
" That General Voucher /I 4 in the amount of $251,027.71 IS hereby approved for
2) Resolution 84-84 was passed as follows:
" That Road's Voucher II 3 in the amount of $29,478.16 IS hereby approved for
1) Council decided to have a special meeting to meet with the Auditor on April 23, 1984
at 1:00 P.M.
2} Council directeg the Clerk to arrange to have some old records for display on the
June 2 during the Office Opening/Bicentennial Celebration.
J) Council directed the Clerk contact the Solicitor of Mr. G. Brouwer regarding his
apparent By-Law infraction.
,ljJ r:QPoc:i I direc:t~d the Clerk contact the School Board regarding their Occupancy Pe rmit
for the General Purpose Room in Moonstone.
~} Re..5Qlptjon8lt-85 " was passed as follows:
" That this Council supports the Township of Tiny resolution with regard to the Simcoe
County Board of EducatioD _ reacting in a fashion to explain the sizeable increase in
their budget".
2) R~:;}QlwtiQn84-M~ was passed as follows:
" That Council of the Township of Medonte once again requests that the Province of
Ontario enacts legislation to require that the Boards of Education collect their own
taxes" .
}) r:o\1ocjl reyjewed a request from the Township of OriIlia to place a repeater on
their tower to enable them to share the radio frequency used by the Township Fire
Department. Council deferred decision until it can be proven that this repeater
will not interfere with the Township radio system.
4) (:oPllci I deferrf'd decision on a request from the coldwater and District Community
Centre-Recreation Committee for funds to operate a Summer Youth Involvement Centre
until budget time.
.:)) Re~Ql!JtiQn ~:Ef-:8Z, ,W_Q.S passed as follows:
" That this Council approves of the use of the Hillsdale Community Centre for
functions which require a special occasion permit".
6) ReSQhJtj,Qn~lt;::,38."was passed as follows:
" That Council approves of a grant in the amount of $25.00 to the Coldwater Music
Festival for the year 1984".
7} ResQhJtiQo8Lt-89~was passed as follows:
" That Council approves of a grant in the amount of $210.00 to the Co ldwater and
and District Agricultural Society for the year 1984".
8) Resolution 8h9.D. was passed as follows:
" That Council approves of payment of Certificate No. 1 for the War minster
Reservoir project in the amount of $38,502.00 to Burnham and Associates L td".
Page three
April 10,1984
The Corporation of the Township of Medonte
1) Resolution 84-91 was pas;;ed as follows:
" That Council approves of the use of the Moonstone Community Hall as a location
to house the inmates of Camp Hillsdale if necessary during an emergency evacuation".
2) Resolutjoo84-22 was passed as follows:
" That Council approves of the purchase of 3 Municipal plaques in the amount of $180.00,
on plaque to be donated to the County of Simcoe to be displayed in the Administration
3) Reso!lltiOI) 84-93 was passed as follows:
" That Council approves of an extension of the draft plan of Mr. A. Teskey, Ministry
File 431'-75368 for a period of one year from May 4, 1984 to May 4, 1985".
lj,) Resolution 84-94 was passed as follows:
" That Council approves of an extension of the draft plan approval of Mrs. M. Edwards,
Ministry file 431'-75500 for a period of one year from May 4, 1984 to May 4, 1985".
5) Resolution 84-95 was passed as follows:
" That council approves of lending the Hillsdale Community centre Board an additional
$5,000.00 to complete construction of the Community Hall".
VariolJs other ple<;:e~ of correspondence were presented as informational and filed.
.Resolution 84=26 was passed as follows:
That this meeting be adjourned to meet agam on May 8, 1984 at 7:00 P.M.".