04 27 1984 Sp Council Minutes
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Minutes of a Special Meeting of Council of the TOwnship of Medonte held on Friday,
April 27,1984 at 1:00 P.M.
Reeve - I. Amos
Deputy Reeve - L. Johnstone
Councillors - J. Patterson
- I. Beard
- H. Vasey
The Clerk advised Council that on reviewing the tenders received for Surface Treatment it
was found that only one tender of the three received incorporated the price of delivering the
Township's own gravel. This resulted in that tender becoming the low tender.
Resolution 84- 1 08 was passed as follows:
" That this Council accepts the tender of Seeley & Arnill Construction Ltd. for the supply
of surface treatment as laid out in the Township Tender in the amount of $120,500.00,
and that resolution 84- 1 03 is hereby rescinded".
Council then discussed the Official Opening and Bicentennial Flag Raising to be held on
June 2, 1984 and drafted the agenda.
The Clerk advised Council that the Simcoe County District Health Unit has advised him
that there are three communal tile fields on the lands which Council received from the
developer as Park Land. There was a discussion as to the problems this could cause with
regard to maintaining them and the legality of who would do this. Council directed the
Clerk write the developer for an explanation.
Clerk presented a letter from the Town of Collingwood requesting all Municipalities in
Simcoe COunty to appeal their School Board Levy under Section 213 of the Education Act.
Council directed the Clerk advise Collingwood that although they were unhappy with the
levy they did not wish to appeal their apportionment.
Councillor Beard presented a letter from the Township of Oro explaining that they would
be granting funds to the Jarratt Hall for the year 1984. Council directed the Treasurer
provide the Council's Grant to Jarratt for 1984.
"Rf'Soltltion 9.4-109 was passed as follows:
" That this meeting be adjourned".