04 23 1984 Sp Council Minutes THE CORPORA nON OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MEDONTE Minutes of a Special Meeting of COuncil of the Township of Medonte held on Monday, April 23, 1984 at 1 :00 P.M. Present Reeve - I. Amos Deputy Reeve - L. Jo hnstone Councillors - J. Patterson - I. Beard - H. Vasey ~ Council met with Mr. F. Schinners, Township Auditor and reviewed the 1983 Financial Statement. - CRJH!lc:i I tb~n met with Mr .J. Richardson to discuss Council purchasing gravel from his pit. ResQlutio[) ~4-9Z W;;lS passed as follows: " That Council approves of purchasing approximately 3000 yards of crushed gravel from the pit of Mr. Jim Richardson, subject to him providing a road out to the second concession at a price of $1.75 per yard. And that the remainder shall be purchased in 1985 at the same price plus any additional fees that may be levied by the Ministry of Natural Resources". Counc:i I thf'n iDtervi.f'wed five applicants for the position of part time bookkeeper. R f'solution 84-98 was passed as follows: " Tha t Council approves of hiring Wendy Hicks for the pOSI t10n of part time Bookkeeper, at a rate of $6.00 per hour on a three month probationary period, and that the position shall be for two days a week to start". ....1< p<;ol1ltion 84-99 was DEFEATED as follows: " That Council approves of hiring Grace Sawyer for the position of part time Bookkeeper, at a rate of $6.00 per hour on a three month probationary period, and that the position shall be for two days a week to start; in the event that Wendy Hicks does not accept the posi tion". Resolution 84-100 - resolution was not voted on for lack of a seconder to the motion which read as follows: " That Council approves of hiring Margo Strongitharm for the position of part time Bookkeepr at a rate of $6.00 per hour on a three month probationary period, and that the position shall be for two days a week to start, in the event that Wendy Hicks does not accept the position". - R~solution 8ft-T01 w<tspi3ssed as follows: " That Council approves of hiring Elizabeth Snider for the posIt1On of part time bookkeeper, at a rate of $6.00 per hour on a three month probationary period, and that the position shall be for two days a week to start, in the event that Wendy Hicks does not accept the position". Cotmcil tben Qpened the t~<oders for variOUS roads matters. - a.) M i lief PCJving $207.20 per flake tonne equivalent b) Pollard BrQthers Limited - $205.40 per flake tonne equivalent ..Resolution 84-102 was passed as follows: " That the tender of Pollard Brothers for the supply of liquid calcium chloride at a price of $205.40 per flake tonne equivalent be accepted". Page two Special Meeting THE CORPORA nON OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MEDONTE ~2) SURFACE TREATMENT a) Seeley & Arnill Construction Ltd. - $120,500.00 b) McKean Quarries Ltd. - $114,950.00 - $119,250.00 c) Evans Contractif:1'g Jitd. - Resolution ~4-1 Q} ),Y,as passed as follows: " That the teoder of McKEan Quarries Ltd. for the supply of surface treatment as laid out i n the Township Tender in the amount of $114,950.00 is hereby accepted". ...aLCollingwood Sand and Gravel Ltd. - b) Ken Truax Construction Ltd. $29,000.00 $35.200.00 $29,720.00 c) Dalton P. Lowe Construction Resolution 84-104 was passed as follows: " That the tender of Collingwood Sand and Gravel Construction for the crushing and delivery of gravel in the amount of $29,000.00 be accepted". Council directed the Clerk to advertise the tender for a 5 Ton Truck, to be advertised in the local papers to close on May 14, 1984. PASSING QE..B.Y.~W-5""~ Resolution 84-105 was passed as follows: " That a By-Law for prohibiting the depositing of refuse on private or municipal property and to set a fine for the contravention of the By-Law be considered read a first and second time, read a third time and passed this 23rd day of April and numbered 84-11 fl. Council directed the Treasurer to stop depositing tender cheques and to just hold them at the office. - Council discussed the fee charged to the Village of Coldwater for using the Township Waste Site, Lot 19, concession 13. Council noted that the site will now be available to them three days a week instead of once. R~solution 84-106 was passed as follows: " That Council increase the amount charged to the Village of Coldwater for the use of the Township Waste Disposal Site, lot 19, concession 13 from $400.00 per month to $450.00 per month". Council decided to have a Special Meeting on April 27, 1984 at 1:00 P.M. to discuss the Official Opening - Bicentennial Celebration. - ADJOURNMENT F-3solution 84-107 was passed as follows: " That this meeting be adjourned". -------