09 12 1984 Council Minutes
Minutes of a Meeting of council of the Township of Medonte held on September 12, 1984 at 7:00 P.~
in council Chambers, Moonstone.
Reeve - I. Amos
Deputy Reeve - L. Johnstone
Councillors - J. Patterson
- I. Beard
- H. Vasey
Resolution 84-203 was passed as follows:
" That the minutes of a Regular Meeting of Council held on August 14, 1984 be adopted as circulatE
Council met with Mr. F. Robertson, Township Roads Superintendent
The Clerk reported that the O.P.P. requested signs placed on the sideroad between the 5th and
6th to alert traffic for the Papal Visit to the sharp corner. Council directed the Superintendent
put the signs up.
Fir:e Chief K--- Hami ItOlLrequested two loads of sand be available at the Township Garage for the
Papal Visit weekend.
TDe Clerk reported that the Township of Orillia had declined a request to lower the speed limit
along the Town Line in the F ox mead area.
. Clerk presented a request for a road speed sign at the corner of the Mt. St. Louis Road and
Highway 12. Roads Superintendent to investigate.
(:lerk presented a request from Mrs. Lloyd, on the Foxmead Sideroad for ditching In front of their
property. Roads Superintendent to investigate.
Clerk presented a request by Mr. J. Beard to have screenings instead of gravel placed on the end
of his driveway to build it up to the road. Council refused this request.
,Council agreed to keep the extra men on and do some brushing at the corner of the 12th concession
and the Foxmead Sideroad if they could obtain permission from the landowner.
Mr. R. Sorensen approached Council to complain about people parking old cars on their lots in
Warminster. The Clerk advised Council that he had written one of the parties and that nothing
had been done. Council directed the Clerk have the By-Law Enforcement Officer talk to the
people. Mr. Sorensen also complained about someone parking a transport in the subdivision.
1) CQllllril di (prtprl the clerk send copies of the animal control By-Law to Mr. P. Nixon and ask
him to pen his chickens and geese.
t 1)
/ 4)
Clerk presented a letter from Operation Dismantle requesting Council pass a resolution In
support of a Nuclear freeze. Council took no action.
R psollltion 84-204 was passed as follows:
" That Council requests a meeting with Nor Ont Engineering to discuss retaining their firm
as a Drainage Superintendent".
Resolution 84-205 was passed as follows:
" That Medonte Township Council approve of a cancellation of residential public assessment
in the amount of $1,280., Roll 9-172, from Feb. 1/84 to May 1/84, 3 months, Hans Terek,
due to house not occupied until May 1/84. Write off $91.84".
5) Resolution 84-206 was passed as follows:
" That Council designates the Clerk, Mr. Gary CUnnington, as the contact for the Township
of Medonte for Line Load Control Input".
,6) Clerk presented a letter from Mr. A. B.Noxon regarding Council's consent policy and requesting
a change to section 5.14.3 X 1 of the Township Official Plan. Council directed the Clerk
discuss the matter with the Township Solicitor.
Page two
September 12, 1984
J)* R esollltion 8l!- ?07 was passed as follows:
II That Roads Voucher 1/ 8 in tt::le amount of $49,520.19 is hereby approved for paymentll.
2) Resolution 84-208 was passed as follows:
II That General Voucher 1/ 9 in the amount of $53,115.49 IS hereby approved for paymentll.
t Yririous other reports and pieces of correspondence were presented, discussed and filed as informati
Resolution 84-209 was passed as follows:
II That this mEeting be adjourned to meet agam on Tuesday, October 9, 198411.