11 13 1984 Council Minutes THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MEDONTE Minutes of a Regular Meeting of Council of the Township of Medonte held on Tuesday, November 13, 1984 at 1 :00 P.M. in Council Chambers, Moonstone, Ontario. Present Reeve - Ingram Amos Deputy Reeve - Lytle Johnstone Councillors - Jill Patterson - Ian Beard - Horace Vasey .ADOPTION OF MIN{JTFS ~ Resolution ~4-774 was passed as follows: " That the minutes of a meeting of COuncil held on Tuesday, October 9, be adopted as circulated" Mr. Stem Attenborotlgh Clpproached Council to discuss the installation of a radio system for the Public Works Department. He presented Council with some specifications and some general prices. He noted that these would change when tenders were called. He also advised Council that he could work as a consultant regarding the preparation of specs. Council deferred any decision and said they would advise Mr. Attenborough of their decision. - Council. met with Mr. E. Robertson, Township roads Superintendent and discussed roads matters. ,Resolution 84-225 was passed as follows: " That Council approves of hiring Mr. G. WHiston as night man for the winter season to start when required by the Roads Superintendent. And that Council approves of hiring Mr. P. Nixon and Mr. J. Richardson as wingmen for the winter to be used as required by the Superintendent". 13 psolution ~4-226 was passed as follows: " That Medonte Council petition the Ministry of Transportation and Communications for Interim Subsidy on 1984 road expenditures in the amount of $517,157.42 for Payrolls 1 to 10, from January 1, 1984 to October 31, 1984". Resoltltion ,^4-777 was passed as follows: " That the Clerk advise Mr. T. Grignon that he is in contravention of the Township Zoning By-Law selling Top Soil and ask him to stop selling". Mr. Robertson Cldvised Council that a rebuilt motor was required for one of the graders. Council authorized him to proceed as soon as possible. ~ . Mr. Freel Mad eCln approached Council and asked that they place a question such as "Do you favour the return of Capital Punishment and the Death Penalty as an option available to judges and juries when sentencing those found guilty of first degree murder?". Mr. MacLean suggested Council have a separate ballot available for those who wish it at the polls. He explained that he feels it is important that the citizens of the Country have the right to express their opinion on such an important issue. Council deferred decision and advised Mr. MacLean they would advise him of their decision when reached. ..DEFERRED BUSINESS ~ ",,1) Council decided to continue to pay $2.00 towards to purchase of solution for warble fly control. 2) Clerk presented a letter from the Ministry of Natural Resources requesting changes to the lease agreement for the road allowances within the Copeland Forest. Council directed the Clerk advise the Ministry that they are not in favour of the changes. 1) rOt Inri I elpriclpcl not to hire the firm of Noront Engineering as their drain maintenance super intendent. Page two November 13, 1984 THE CORPORA nON OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MEDONTE =~EW BUSLN~~S_ 1) R~soJ!JtiQn..Blf=228was passed as follows: " That Council approves of writing off an Ontario Home Renewal Program loan to Clements in the amount of $5,591.67 as uncollectable as there was not enough money to satisfy the lien at the time of the sale". 2} Resolution 8lJ:-229 was passed as follows: " That Council endorses the resolution of the Township of Downie regarding the removal of Ring-Billed Gulls frorr: the protected species list and directs the Clerk notify the local M.P.P. of this decision". ~ i ;3) E,esollJtion 84-230 \Iv'as passed as follows: " That Council approves of payment of Payment Certificate If 5 for the Warminster Reservoir project in the amount of $1,000.00 and approves of retaining a holdback in the amount of $1,482.00 until May 24, 1985". ~ 4.) Resolution 84-2} 1 was passed as follows: " That Council approves of a conversion of assessment from Commercial Public to Residential Public in the amount of $350, Roll 9-219, Jim Wild, from Nov. 1/84 to Dec. 31/84, 2 months due to business ceased. Refund $2.96". 5) ~, Resolution 84-232 was passed as follows: " That Council approves of a cancellation of business public assessment in the amount of $105., Roll 9-219-0002, Louise Ann Wild from Nov. 1/84 to Dec. 31/84, 2 months due to business ceased. Refund $5.91". i?) Resolution 84-233 was passed as follows: " That Council approves of a cancellation of reside ntial public assessment in the amount of $500., Roll 5-116-01, The Jomavis Co. Limited, from Oct. 7/84 to Dec. 31/84, 86 days. Write-off $33.81". 7) Resolution 8lJ.-2)lf was passed as follows: " That Counc-n requests the Federal Minister of Transport to hold public hearings at convenient locations all across the country so that more people may participate in hearings before any decision is made to conduct any testing or operation of cabooseless trains". 8) Resolution 84-235 was passed as follows: " That Council endorses the motion of the County of Simcoe regarding with waste disposal facilities and directs the Clerk notify the Minister of the Environment of their support". 9) Resolution 84-236 was passed as follows: " That Council approves of paying the energy charge for a streetlight at the entrance to Pine Ridge Trail subject that the residents involved pay the cost of purchasing and installing the light". ~ "PASSING OF ACCOUNTS 1) Resolution 84-237 was passed as follows: " That General Voucher If 11 in the amount of $33,517.85 IS hereby approved for payment". - )} Resolution 84-238 was passed as follows: " That Roads Voucher If lOin the amount of $51,229.29 is hereby approved for payment". OTHER BUSINESS ..,J) Resolution 84-239 was passed as follows: " That Council apppoves of closing the Medonte Landfill site, lot 19, con. 13 on Tuesday, December 25 and Tuesday, January 1, 1985. And that Council approves of the Municipal Office being closed on Monday, December 24, 1984, as an unpaid day off for the staff, And that the Clerk be directed toplctce ads in the local papers to advise the public of these decisions". .............y--...----.. --7 Page three THE CORPORA nON OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MEDONTE OTHER R! ISTNFSS ( ront.) ",2) Resolution 84-240 was passed as follows: " That Council approves of hiring Mr. Max Robillard, of Prices Corners, as Dog Control Office I for the Warminster area, and if it works out for the whole Township". ,3} Resolution 84-241 was passed as follows: " That Council write-off 1979 Business tax in the amount of $108.20 and 1980 Business Tax in the amount of $120.78, Roll /I 9-177 as uncollectable". t 4) Resolution 84-242 was passed as follows: " That Council supports the Unions battle to keep the Black & Decker Plant open in Barrie". 5) Council decided to move their regular meeting in December to Monday, December 10 from Tuesday December 11, 1984. 6} Council decided to have a special meeting on December 19 to deal with budget items and insurance. t ADJOURNMENT ,Rp.solution 84-243 was passed as follows: " That this meeting be adjourned to meet agam on Monday, December 10, 1984 at 1 :00 P.M.". Reeve t -