10 09 1984 Council Minutes THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MEDONTE Minutes of a Regular Meeting of Council of the Township of Medonte held on Tuesday, October 9, in Council Chambers, Moonstone. Present Reeve - I. Amos Deputy Reeve - L. Johnstone Councillors - J. Patterson - I. Beard - H. Vasey - ADOPTION OF MINUTES ResolutiQn 84-212 was passed as follows: " That the minutes of a Special Meeting of Council held on September 11, the minutes of a Regular Meeting held on September 12, and the minutes of a Special Meeting held on October 1, 1984 be adopted as circulated". - Council met .with Mr. E. Robertson, Township Road's Superintendent. Council dealt with the sand tender. There was only one tender received. K. Truax Construction Ltd. $14,000.00 Resolution 84-211. was passed as follows: " That the tender of Ken Truax Construction Ltd. for the screening, delivering from screen belt and mixing 4000 cubic yards of sand in tbe amount of $14,000.00 be accepted". ",Resolution 84-214 was passed as follows: " That the quotation of Domtar Chemicals for the supply of Fine Bulk Salt at a price of $30.77 per metric tonne be accepted". "J"he Clerk presented a request from Radio-Com COmmunications to supply Council a radio system for the public works department. Council agreed to talk to them at the next meeting. I\!I r n. Hill approached Council to request they add a piece to the cuI vert on the road allowance which he will use as an entrance to his property on Highway 93. It was agreed that the Roads Superintendent would meet with the M. T. C. and get the specifications of what is required. Council agreed to allow the Horseshoe Valley Property Owner's Association place signs along the road allowance in Horseshoe Valley. ~ Council then met with Mr. J. Young of NorOnt Engineering regarding Municipal Drains. He explained to Council that the Ministry of Agriculture and Food offers a 50% grant towards the cost of having an approved Drainage Superintendent and also pay a 33 & 1/3% Grant towards the cost of programs of mainterllaoce.when the Superintendent supervises the job. Council deferred making a dec ision. NEW BUSINESS 1) Resolution 84-21 5 was passed as follows: " That Council endorses the resolution of the Village of Zurich with regard to environmental assessments for small municipalities". - 2) Rf'sollltinn R4-?1 h was passed as follows: II That Council supports the Simcoe County Board of Education in their petition to the Minister of Education to provide grants to boards of education to off-set additional costs associated with the implementation of Bill 119". .a.~b""'" "- '""'.........,.,....._.......J. ...., I..........' THE CORPORA nON OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MEDONTE " P ASSING OF ACCOUNTS .. 11) Resolution 84-217 was passed as follows: " That General Voucher II 10 in the amount of $311,237.04 IS hereby approved for payment". 2) Resolution 84-,:218 was passed as follows: " That Roads Voucher II 9 in the amount of $28,158.93 IS hereby approved for payment". - .OTHFR BI !SI~ESS . "J) Resolution 84-219 was passed as follows: " That Council recommends file II B-13/84, Canadian Pacific Ltd., for approval". - 2) Resolution 84-220 was passed as follows: " That Council recommends file B-14/84, Mary Lawlor Robbins, for approval". 3) Resolution 84-221 was defeated. as::ibl1Qw;;: " That Council recommends file B-15/84, R. W. & A. B. Noxon, for approval". 4) Resolution 84-222 was passed as follows: " That Ingram Amos is appointed to the Ad Hoc Committee to support the Oro Township History Committee's attempt to have Highway 93 designated as a Heritage Highway". Various other pIeces of correspondence were presented, discussed and filed as informational. A010URNMENT ,.Resolution 84-223 was passed as follows: " That this meeting be adjourned to meet agam on November 13, 1984 at 1 :00 P.M." ---~~~----~~--------------------------- Reeve ~ ---------- -