06 24 1985 Sp Council Minutes
~peclal Meetmg
June 24-, 1985
Minutes of a Special Meeting of Council of the TOwnship of Medonte held on Monday, June 24,
1985 at 7:30 P.M.
Present Reeve - I. Amos
Deputy Reeve- L. Johnstone
Councillors - J. Patterson
- I. Beard
- H. Vasey
Council met on site with the Roads Superintendent and Mr. B. Spence to discuss the road
construction and bridge construction.
Council then retyrn5;d to the Township Office and discussed the project. They decided.!o
offer to put in a temporary fence so they could begin to put fill in the road allowance.
There was also a discussion regarding purchasing fill from Mr. Spence as well as straightening
the creek.
r) Resolution g 5-1"11 was passed as follows:
" That Council allows Stewart Construction to remove the topsoil from the property
of Mr. Marvin Collins, Lot 12, Con. 13, as they entered into a contract before Council
passed their By-Law prohibiting the removal of topsoil".
2) Resolution 85-132 was passed as follows:
" That Council accepts the tender of McKean Quarries Ltd. for the supply and spread of
D. H. O. Prime, R S I K Emulsions, 3/8" Stone Chips and Screenings in the amount of
~~solutioo 85-133........was passed as follows:
" That this meeting be adjourned".