07 15 1985 Council Minutes
Minutes of a Regular Meeting of Council of the Township of Medonte held or. Monday, July
15, 1985 at 7:00 P.M. in Council Chambers, Moonstone
Deputy Reeve
- J.
- H.
Rpso]ntiOIl.8S-::-J14 was passed as follows:
" That the minutes of a Regular Meeting of Council held on June 13, 1985 and the
minutes of a Special Meeting held on June 24, 1985 be adopted as circulated"
Council met with Mr. E. Robertson, Township Roads Superintendent. There was a discussion
re weed cutting along road sides. Council also discussed their construction budget.
was passed as follows:
That Council accepts the supplementary allocation in the amount of $20,000.00
from the M. T. C. for rer:lacing the bridge, lot 12, concession 8 and amends the
proposed construction budget by placing an extra $20,000.00 in Construction Job
# 1".
a request for additional calcium. Council directed the
advise that Council would split the cost.
was passed as follows:
That a By-Law to authorize ap. encroachment on a Road Allowance, Lot 68, Con. 1 be
considered read a first and second time, read a third time and passed this 15th
day of July, 1985 and numbered By-Law 85-8".
Resolution 85-1"7 was passed as follows:
" rIhat a By-Law to authorize the transfer of Municipal Records to the Simcoe County
Archives be considered read a first and second time, read a third time and passed
this 15th day of July and numbered By-Law 85-9".
II As there WAS ~nly one application for Dog Control Officer Council directed the Clerk
advertise in the Midland Paper.
ResolutioD 8")-138 was passed as follows:
" That Council approves of retaining Bay Animal Control to provide a pound senTlce
for the Township of Medonte".
2) A letter from the Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority regarding Council
withdrawing was presented. They offered to reduce Council's fee from $500.00
to $250.00 if they would stay. Council directed the Clerk advise the authority this
is satisfactory.
3) The Clerk circulated a proposal from the Orillia PUblic Library for providing
library service to Medonte. Council directed the Clerk advise them Council is
not interested.
J) Cs:mnie Murphy and Muriel Robb approached Council with a petition from the residents
of the Mt. St. Louis Road requesting a reduction in the speed limit.
Resolution 85-139 was passed as follows:
" That Council directs the Clerk prepare the necessary By-Law to reduce the speed
limit. on the Mt. St. Louis Road between the 12th Concession and Highway 12
from 80 KIn. to 60 KIn.".
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2) Mr. O. Roe and Mr. D. Jenkins his solicitor approached Council regarding his property
in Warrninster. He explained he bought the property in good faith to develop. 'l'hey
asked Council to consider exerrpting Mr. Roe I s property from the By-Law prohibiting
the removal of topsoil. They also noted that Mr. Roe had about 10 acres all stripped
and ready to remove before the By-Law was passed. Council agreed that the By-Law
could not be retroactive but stated that they would net consider exerrpting the rest
of the property at this tim e.
Resolution RS-14Qwas passed as follows:
" That Council approves of the Orr Lake Ratepayers Association using the Flos-Medonte
Corrrnunity Park for their annual regatta on August 4, 1985".
Clerk presented a complaint regarding dogs continually barking 1n HorseshoE: Valley.
Council directed the Clerk contact the owner of the dog.
a letter from Mrs. Grant on the 8th concession requesting permission
for her son to live on the their property in a trailer while waiting for a posting in
the armed forces. Council agreEd.
Resolution 85-141 was passed as follows:
" That Council approves of a payment of $317.86 to the TOV\TIship of Flos being
50% of the cost of the repairs to the change houses at the Flos-Medonte Park".
Medonte Township included in the Rural RRAP designation
was presented. Council was agreeable to refunding a portion of the OHRP fur.ds to
get the RRAP program.
amount of $362,287.64 1S hereby approved fcr
was passed as foIIO\\-s:
That Roads Voucher # 6 in the amount of $77 ,492.17 is hereby approved for payment".
Resolution 85-144.was passed as fcllows:
" 'I'hat Council recorrmends file B-13/85 for approval".
passed as follows:
That Council recorrrnends file B- 14/85 for approval".
Resolution 85-146~as passed as follows:
" That Council recorrmends B-15/85 for apfrovalll.
J3,esolution 85-147 was passed as follows:
" That COlillCil recorrmends B- 16/85 for approval".
Resolution 85-148 was passed a~; follows:
II That Council recommends file A-l/85 for approval".
C'nnnr.il rpviewm estimates for lights and repairs 1n the office.
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Resolution 85-149 was passed as follows:
" That Council accepts the quot.ation of Ken McCann Electric Ltd. for the supply and
installation of out.door flood lights $750.00".
RRSO 11Jr; on RS-l SO llI1i'1S passed as follows:
" That Council accepts the quotation of Hunt's Interiors for the supply and installation
t of carpet in the amount of $959.60".
V"rio1Js o"thpr pipc:;ps of correspondence were presented, discussed and filed as
Resolud on 85- 151 WCi.s pa.ssed as follows:
" 'I'hat this meeting be adjourned to meet agaln on Tuesday, August 13, 1985 ai, 7:00 P.M.