08 13 1985 Council Minutes
Minutes of a Regular Meeting of Council of the Township of Medonte held on Tuesday, August
13, 1985 at 7:00 P.M. in Council Chambers, Moonstone, Ontario
Reeve - I. Amos
Deputy Reeve - L. Johnstone
Councillors - J. Patterson
- H. Vasey
Councillor - I. Beard
Reso]utioD 8~-122 ~Yii).s passed as follows:
" That the minutes of a Regular Meeting of Council of the TOwnship of Medonte held on
July 15, and the minutes of a special meeting of Council held on July 18, 1985 be adopted
as circulated".
.Council met with Mr. E. Robertson, Township Roads Superintendent. Mr. S. Attenborough met
with Council to discuss the Township Radio SYstem. He explained to Council he would place
them on one of his shared frequencies and ap.fJroach thE: Department for the Township's own
frequency. Council authorized him to go ahead~
Resalution 82:-:J 24 was passed as follows:
" That Council approves of a payment in the amount of $236.00 to the Receiver General for
Canada for licence fees for the Radio System".
U Re:"Qhltion 85-155 was pa5sed as follows:
" That a By-Law to amend By-Law 82-25 as amended be considered read a firs.t and
second time, read a third time and passed this 13th day of August, 1985 and numbered
By-Law 85-10".
2) Resolution 8 5-1 56 was passed as follows:
" That a By-Law to amend By-Law 82-25 as amended b~ considered read a first and
second time, read a third time and passed this 13th day of August, 1985 and numbered
By-Law 85-11".
-.21 Resolution 85-1 57 was passed as follows:
" That a By-Law to amend By-Law 82-25 as amended be considered read a first and
second time, read a third time and passed this 13th day of August, 1985 and numbered
By-Law 85-12".
4:) ResohJtiQO 85:-: 158 was passed as follows:
" That a By-Law decreasing the speed of motor vehicles from statutory speed limits be
considered read a first and second time, read a third time and passed this 13th day of
August, 1985 and numbered By-Law 85-13"
l} Mr. K. Shaw presented a petition on behalf of the residents of the Mt. St. Louis Estates
to have Council assume the subdivision. Council advised that the servicing would have to
be completed. They directed the Clerk to write the developer and advise that Council
would assume if the servicing was completed.
Page two
J.) T? esollltiaD 85-~as passed as follows:
II That Mr. Donald A. Ouellette is hired as dog control officer for the Township of Medonte
on a part time as required basis at a rate of $7.00 per hour plus mileage".
2) Resolution 85-160 was passed as follows:
II That Council approves of reimbursing the Province of Ontario $50,000.00 from the
Township's Ontario Home Renewal Program bank account".
~) Resolution 85-161 was passed as follows:
II That Council approves of a conversion of assessment in the amount of $55., from Commerci
Public to ResidD~lial Public, Roll 6-007-03, Gordon & Rita Whiston, due to land now farmec
was previously C. P. Railways,. Write-off $1.95".
.4) Resolution 85-162 was passed as follows:
II That Council aprpoves of a cancellation of Business Public Assessment in the amount of
$255., ROll 81-059-0001, J. Rolland Hallyburton, from July 15 - Dec. 31, 1985, 5 & Yz
months, due to business ceased by this tenant. Section 33 pending".
Oj5) Resolution 85-163 was passed as follows:
II That Council approves of a cancellation of Business Public Assessement in the amount
of $100., Roll 81-071-0002, tenant Roy Hallyburton, from July 15-Dec. 31/85, 5 & Yz
months due to business ceased".
9) Resolution 85-164 was passed as follows:
II That Council approves of a conversion of assessment from Commercial Public to Residential
Public in the amount of $300., Roll 81-071, Russell Hallyburton, due to business ceased
on this property by tenant, from July 15/85 to Dec. 31/85, 5 & Yz months".
1> Resolution 8,5-165 was passed as follows:
II That Roads Voucher II 7 in the amount of $47,923.86 IS hereby approved for payment".
2) Resolution 85-166 was passed as follows:
II That General Voucher I/: 8 in the amount of $29,501.36 IS hereby approved for payment".
D Resolution 85-167 was passed as follows:
II That Council approves of an increasein the collections fee paid for the collection of water
bills in Warminster and Hillsdale from 50<: per bill to 60<: per bill".
2) Resolution 85-168 was passed as follows:
II That Council recommends File A-2/85 for approval".
3) Resolution 85-169 was passed as follows:
II That Council recommends File B-18/85 for approval".
~ --M Resolution 85-170 was passed as follows:
" That Council recommends File B-17/85 for approval".
.:>) Resolution 85-171 was passed as follows:
II That Beatrice Woodrow be authorized to attend the Municipal Finance Conference to be
held in London, Ontario on September 25, 26 & 27".
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