11 11 1985 Council Minutes
Minutes of a regular meeting of Council of the Township of Medonte held on Monday,
November 11, 1985 at 1 :00 P.M. in Council Chambers, Moonstone, Ontario
Reeve -
Deputy Reeve -
Ingram Amos
Lytle Johnstone
Jill Patterson
Ian Beard
Horace Vasey
Resolution 85-214 was passed as follows:
" That the minutes of a Regular Meeting of Council of the Township of Medonte held on
October 8, 1985 be adopted as circulated".
~ Council met with E. Robertson, Township Road's Superintendent. Council approved of using
the breaker to put up to 3000 yards of 2" stone in a stockpile at a cost of 55<: per yard.
Council also approved of the Roadl s Department installing a third sand box to be used when
required. Council approved of hiring the same wing men for the winter to be used on an
as required basis.
Council decided to have a Special Meeting on November 22, 1985 at 1 :30 P.M. to discuss
the 1985 roadl s budget.
/1) Mr. G. GantoQ approached Council regarding rezoning a lot owned by his wife in Hillsdale.
He explained that the lot is in the Commercial area of Hillsdale and is shown as
Commercial Designation in the Official Plan and felt it should be a commercial lot.
Resolution 85-215 was passed as follows:
" That Council approves of holding a public meeting to consider the rezoning of a lot
owned by Mrs. G. Ganton at the corner of Mill Street and Highway 93, Hillsdale
from Residential to General Commercial".
...Jl~~Mr~A~~~i[,the Township Planning Consultant approached Council regarding site plan
control. He explained that Council would lose the right to use site plan control on
January 1, 1986 unless an Official Plan Amendment was prepared.
Resolution 85-216 was passed as follows:
" That Council directs the CLerk arrange a Public Meeting for an amendment to the
Official Plan tb institute Site Plan Control and that all cost for the amendment shall
come from the amount budgeted for planning for 1985".
1) R~olution 85-217 was passed as follows:
" That Council approves of paying 12Y2% of the installation costs and 50% of the maintenancE
costs for flashing light signals and bell at the crossing on the 8th Concession".
2) A letter from th~ City of Barrie regarding the County providing a central dispatch
service was presented.
1) Council deferred the applications for Fire Chief to the special meeting to be held
November 22, 1985.
2) A resolution from the Town of Durham regarding the right of school teachers to strike
was presented and deferred.
3") A letter from Mr. A. Brant, M.P.P. regarding the so called "Spills Bill". Council
directed the Clerk write the Ministry of the Environment and express concerns over
the absolute liability and possible insurance implications.
November 11, 1985
passed as follows:
That Council approves of an extension of draft plan approval for a period of one
year to December 5, 1986, Ministry File 43T -75155".
1) Resolution 85-219 was passed as follows:
" That Council approves of a cancellation of residential public assessment in the amount
of $550., Roll 6-102-01, Uno Gabrielson from Nov. 1/85 to Dec. 31/85, 2 months, due
to barns demolished".
Qt Resoltltion R5-220 was passed as follows:
" That Council approves of a cancellation of business public assessment in the amount
of $100., Roll 7-052, Patricia Kavanagh, for all of 1985 Due to business ceased".
7) Resolution 85-221 was passed as follows:
" That Council approves of a conversion of assessment from commercialbublk t~
residential public in the amount of $150., Roll 7-052, Patricia Marjorie Kavanagh,
for all of 1985, due to no business operated on property".
81 ResolutioD 81-222 was passed as follows:
" That Council approves of a cancellation of business public assessment in the amount
of $650., Roll 9-014, Bernard Buschke, from Oct. 1- Dec. 31/85, 3 months, due to
business ceased, Section 33 pending".
~~iOIL 85-223-was passed as follows:
" That Council endorses the resolution of the Village of Omemee and the Township of
Emily which requests additional funding for fire departments offering emergency service".
.,1) Resolution. 82__22fL..was passed as follows:
" That General Voucher II 11 in the amount of $52,063.31 IS hereby approved for payment".
2) Resolution 85-225 was passed as follows:
" That Roads Voucher II 10 in the amount of $121,997.89 IS hereby approved for payment".
1) Resolution 85-226 was passed as follows:
" That Council directs the Clerk appeal the decision of the Committee of Ajdustment,
File B-25/85 on the grounds the decision is contrary to the Official Plan".
J) Resolution 85-227 was passed as follows:
" That Medonte Council petition the Ministry of Transportation and Communications for
Interim Subsidy on 1985 Road Expenditures in the amount of $592,939.02 for Payrolls
1 to 10 from January 1, 1985 to October 31, 1985".
2) R~solu:tipn 8 2~was passed as follows:
" That the Provincial Government pass legislation that anyone trespassing on private
or public property without written permission will not be able to sue for damages
for any reason as they are committing a criminal act by being there".
Ya[i9US other pieces of correspondence and reports were presented, discussed and filed as
informa tional.
J1esolution 85-229 was passed as follows:
" That this meeting be adjourned".