12 09 1985 Council Minutes THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MEDONTE Minutes of the Inaugral Meeting of Council of the Township of Medonte held on Monday, December 9, 1985 at 11 :00 A.M. in Council Chambers, Moonstone Present - Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillors I. Amos I. Beard H. Vasey J. Clarke R. Beleskey . The Clerk called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone in attendance to the Inaugural Meeting. The Clerk th~n administered the Declaration of Office and Allegiance to the Queen to Reeve Amos, Deputy Reeve Beard and Councillors Vasey, Clarke and Beleskey. ~ R~eYe AmQs then thanked those in attendance and asked that the new Council work together equally for everyone in the Township. He stressed the need to do bridge work and continue to maintain service. He thanked the staff for their cooperation. He stressed the need for growth in order to hold the taxes down. Deputy ReeveB~arq welcomed those in attendance. He noted that the past Councils have worked well together and expressed hope the new Council would. He asked the new Councillors to speak their mind. He noted that work on the roads must be kept up and that the Official Plan must be updated. ..kouncillor Va~y' advised everyone that the upcoming term would be a busy one. He advised the new Councillors that there wouldn1t always be agreement) i around the table but that members of Council should leave the meetings as friends. He felt that the Council must continue to keep up the level of service as well as adding to the Public Works garage. COIlncillor:Clarke expressed his pleasure at being elected and was looking forward to working with the Member of Parliament. He said he would use common sense and his knowledge to give input. He felt that with agriculture diminishing that rural growth could cause problems. COIlncillor Bel~s~~~y noted he was looking forward to working on Council and stated that Council's work would be well done. - ,l\LIr, 8. Ms:L~QO congratulated Council and brought greeetings from the Province. He explained that it is important for Council to treat everyone equally. He congratulated past Councils in Medonte for doing a good job providing service with the tax base available. He noted that the Province has assisted in the past and that they will continue to do so. He stressed that everyone must work together and wished Council a successful term. Mrs, R. N~wman,..~ School Board Trustee congratulated Council and noted that although the School Board and Council are different bodies they are related. She offered her input to provide Council with information and requested Council's input. IYIr. B,. ..Ed,'n[ar~S, School Board Trustee congratulated Council and stressed cooperation. He noted that the School Board has a hard job ahead dueto changes in Government policy. ~ The Clerk then administered the Declaration of Office and Oath of Allegiance to Mr. James Rumble Trustee for the Police Village of Hillsdale. Mr. Rumble congratulated Council and discussed the need for more funds for street lighting. discussed the problems of escaJ~ting insurance costs and increasing number of law suitsc being brought against Municipalities with Mr. A. McLean. Council requested J\lIr J\lIrT P;'In hrinp' their roncerns to the Provincial government. I --0 - -..- THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MEDONTE The Meeting reconvened at 1 :00 P.M. ~gesolution 85-235 was passed as follows: " That the minutes of a Regular Meeting of Council of the Township of Medonte held on November 11, 1985 and the minutes of a special meeting of Council held on November 22, 1985 be adopted as circulated". ~ CauDdl then met with acting fire chief James Oakley and he reviewed the changes in the answering of fires recently. There was also a discussion regarding equipment needs. There was also a discussion regarding central answering. Council also discussed these matters with Cliff Lockhart. ~oved by H. Vasey Seconded by I. Beard That Council go into Committee of the Whole to discuss the hiring of a Fire Chief. ~ Moved by J. Clarke Seconded by H. Vasey That Council go out of Committee of the Whole ResohJtion 85-236 was passed as follows: " That Council appoints Mr. James Oakley as Fire Chief for the Township of Medonte at a rate of $7.75 per hour". Council directed the Clerk post a notice m the Fire Halls for the position of Deputy Fire Chief. ~Council met with E. Robertson, Township Road1s Superintendent. The Treasurer advised Council that there were extra funds. Resolution 85-237 was passed as follows: " That Council directs the Roads Superintendent sand all the Township roads, both the flats and the hills as required". Resolution 85-238 was passed as follows: " That the quotation of Koopers International for the supply of the culvert for Spence's as laid out in the Township specifications in the amount of $7,563.14" be accepted subject to Township Engineer's approval". Resolution 85-239 was passed as follows: " That Council accepts the quotation of Beard Farm Supply for the supply of a Model C.M. 216 Vicon Disc. Mower at at price of $4,000.00 plus tax". - ReSE'ilution 85-240 was passed as follows: " H.at Council directs that the Road's Superintendent proceed to order material for the expansion of the roads garage". ~(:ounc;il also~irected the Superintendent purchase whatever tires and winter equipment he needed. .Collnci I a Iso directed the Superintendent contact the crushed gravel contractor to see ~ if he could come back and stockpile some gravel. PASSING OF VOUCHERS_ Resolution 85-241 was passed as follows: " That General Voucher II 12 in the amount of $123,734.14 IS hereby approved for payment". Page Three THE CORPORA nON OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MEDONTE Resolution 85-243 was passed as follows: " That a By-Law imposing special annual drainage rates upon land in respect of which money is borrowed under the Tile Drainage Act, 1971, be considered read a first and Second time, read a third time and passed this 9th day of December, 1985 and numbered By-Law 85-18". . .' AD10URNMENT ResolU1LorL85=244 was passed as follows: " That this meeting be adjourned to meet agam on December 20, 1985 at 1 :00 P.M." . - ~