04 21 1986 Sp Council Minutes
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1 "pI. ~~ L. I, I/UV
Minutes of a Special Meeting of Council of the Township of Medonte held on Monday,
April 21, 1986 at 1 :00 P.M. in Council Chambers, Moonstone.
Reeve - I. Amos
Deputy Reeve - 1. Beard
Councillors - H. Vasey
- J. Clarke
- R. Beleskey
Jhg<::::J~r:b:,,~~:tgxt~~d that the Meeting was called pursuant to the Municipal Act requirements
for stopping up and selling a road allowance. He advised Council that notices were
placed in newspapers and in the neighbourhood of the road allowance as required. He
also advised that he had received no written or verbal comment on the proposed sale of
road allowance.
Mr. Gerald Ganton advised Council he has no objection to the proposed sale.
.......Re:iQJytiQn..J~...Q::2Q.was passed as follows:
" That a By-Law to stop up and sell a road allowance within the Township of Medonte
be considered read a first and second time, read a third time and passed this 21 st
day of April, 1986 and numbered By-Law 86-9".
~Re~01!)J.ion,_..~Q::.9Z....was passed as follows:
" That Council directs that the revenue from the sale of Adelaide Street be used
for sidewalk construction and maintenance in the Police Village of Hillsdale".
,{:;OV1Kl.L...tl:le.n went on to other business.
~~=,g~er.al dis~,u~siQD regarding the operation of the Waste Site. It was
decided to seperate the dump to seperate out the wood for burning and to ask a
scrap metal company to collect the metal.
Res.olutiOll..B.!i::::3.8.was passed as follows:
" That Council hires George Fleet to work at the Township Waste Site to start on
April 24 on a part time basis at $7.50 per hour".
with the Road's Superintendent to discuss summer help.
R<;solutioJL86-99 was passed as follows:
" That Council approves of hiring Mr. Jim Russell, Mr. Warren Fewster and Mr.
Ray Hill as part time summer road's employees at a rate of $7.50 per hour".
C:01!!lCiJ.lIL~:t..~h the Township Treasurer. They set up a special meeting for
budget purposes for April 30, 1986 at 7:00 P.M.
~1) ResolutioD_8_Q.::1.QQ was passed as follows by recorded vote:
" That Council approves of repairing the Township Dump Machine at a cost
of $,4537.25".
Nays Ron Beleskey Yeahs - Ian Beard, H. Vasey, J. Clarke, Ingram Amos
2t...fu..~iolu:tioo 86- LOL was passed as follows:
" That Council approves of a one year extension for the plan of Subdivision,
Mr. A. Teskey, Ministry File II 43T-75368".
was passed as follows:
That Council approves of the installation of Flashing Lights and Bell at
the C.P.R. Crossing on the 12th Concession, Mileage 90.48, Mactier
Subdivision at an estimated cost of 107,700. and that Council approves of
paying 12Y2% of the installation costs and 50% of the Maintenance costs
for this Crossing".
"Resolution 86-1'03 was passed