05 13 1986 Council Minutes THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MEDONTE Minutes of a Regular Council meeting of the Township of Medonte held on Tuesday, May 13, 1986 at 7:00 P.M. in Council Chambers, Moonstone Present Reeve - I. Amos Deputy Reeve - I. Beard Councillors - H. Vasey - J. Clarke - R. Beleskey e ~EllITI~LNUTEs.._-_~ E.esnl\Jtinn 86dD.6..~was passed as follows: " That the minutes of a Regular Meeting of Council held on April 8, 1986 and the minute~ of Special Meetings of Council held on April 21 and April 30, be adopted as circulatE e ~A~delega1iQnQl I.e_.sidents from War minster approached Council regarding the water system. They presented Council with a petition which raised concern over the present operation of the system and requested regular sampling and maintenance of the system and notification of residents of the results of the testing. They also requested landscaping around the pumphouse and replacement of the line from the well to the pumphouse. _C;~Q.un~jL2:.Qy!!>e~L!he_ residents that the Ministry of Environment had requested Council properly train one individual to do sampling and maintenance. Council also requested that people interested in serving on the water committee submit their name through the Townshi Clerk. Jher.e...~w.a.s.._....alS0....iL~iscussion regarding the Township better maintaining their property and cutting the roadsides and Park Land. They also requested more dog control. _~QU.O.d.L...:the[LJ:D~t with Mr. E. Robertson, Township Roads Superintendent. .i:mJru:;lL~dL!:e_~.1.~.d .the Clerk advise Mr. Andersen that the responsibility for maintenance of entrance culverts rests with the owner. In his case Council agreed to replace :bhe gravel if he cribbed the end of the culvert to stop it from washing away. ~pr..e.s.e-D1e.cL a petition from the residents of the Playford Subdivi;Sii<Dn requesting less sanding. It was agreed the Township would only sand at the intersection and on the one hill. It was noted that the Police Village Trustees were going to sweep up the sand and the Township would carry it away. :I.be.Derk....preseH1.e.d quotations for calcium and oil. e Resolll:tion~..8_6.:::10Lwas passed as follows: " That Council accepts the quotation of Pollard Brothers Calcium Ltd. for the supply and application of liquid calcium chloride at a price of $230.58 per flake equivalent metr ic tonne". -..Res.alu1iQn_..8.6.=.lo.~as passed as follows: " That Council approved of purchasing non-asphaltic gravel dust layer from canam oil serVJ at a price of 82 cents per gallon, tax included". e ~r. Michaelis agproac~.d_Council regarding the water problem at this property. Council agreed to meet at his property on May 19, 1986 at 7:30 P.M. ~lJnclLag[ee.d__:to meet on May 20, 1986 to open tenders, meet with auditor and work on the budget. ..lL Lett~Ll[Qm~~Igs.Ke~,-- Heacock, Ferguson & Main re Communal Tile beds was presented. Council directed the Clerk set up a meeting with all parties. .2L~CQ.\lOi:;lL.<iderrgd making a decision on a request from Bill Lohuaru to develop a small parcel of land without an Official Plan Amendment. LVIUY I J, I /UV 1 ace; L.. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MEDONTE 3} ResQ.lu.:1:lo.i:L.86-1 Q9 was passed as follows: Councillor Beleskey declared a conflict of interest on this matter and did not participate or vote on this resolution. " That Council approved of payment of $150.00 being reimbursment for lost wages for Mr. John Bell, Mr. Maurice Barbe, Mr. Bert Langill and Mr. Cliff Lockhart for fire training plus mileage plus expenses. - ." 1 ) Resolution~8fj=.J-LO..- was passed as follows: " That Council approves of Mr. W. Sissons constructing a second residence on his lot, part lot 10, concession 5 subject that the present dwelling will be removed upon the completion of construction". . 2) ,/Resolu:tiop...-&&...lJd- was passed as follows: " That Council endorses the resolution of the Township of Essa and requests that Agriculture Canada reinstate free rabies vaccination clinics in Simcoe County". - 3) Resolution 86- U2 was passed as follows: " That Council of the Township of Medonte endorses the resolution of the Township of Nottawasaga and requests the Province install traffic control signals at the intersection of County Road 9 and 42". !!:~~J6- U:L was passed as follows: " That Council of the Township of Medonte endorses the resolution of the Township of Neebing regarding amendments to the Drainage Act". ~j1l1iQ!l~,..Was passed as follows: " That Council endorses the resolution of the Township of Norwich regarding timber harvesting on conservation authority properties". . 6) Resolution 86-11 '2 was passed as follows: " That Council directs Mr. K. Robbins hire a planner to prepare an Official Plan Amendment to allow for six severances on his property". -Ei\SSING OF ACCOI IN.:r:s.-.. .Res.clu1iolL 8(;-116 was passed as follows: " That General Voucher II 5 In the amount of $33,752.54 be approved for payment". Reso.1uUon....86-117 was passed as follows: " That Roads Voucher II 4 in the amount of $50,661.85 be approved for payment. ~ ~ ResolutiQn .86=.U1L.JWas passed as follows: " That Council of the Township of Medonte supports the submission of the Simcoe County Board of Education with regard to Bill 75". .22 Resolution_.~~~_ was passed as follows: " That the Clerk be authorized to attend the Annual Meeting of the Association of Municipal Clerks and Treasurers of Ontario to be held in Toronto on June 15 to 18, 1986". ~ ~esoIJJ~Q.::.12(Lwas passed as follows: " That Council recommends file B-9/86, Mr. Klaas Vanderveen, for approval". _j:L~Q.luHQI}.._~6.::J.2_L.was passed as follows: " That Council recommends File B-10/86, Sharon Shellswell, for approval". _~2L.R~~QIl!jlQD~.8.6::J2.;L was def ea ted as follows: " That Council recommends file B-11/86, Claire & Todd Grignon, for approval". l'..~.L....8~esolU!lQn~.6.:::J..2.1was passed as fo 110 ws: " That Council recommends file B-12/86, Mr. W. Christmann, for approval". May 13, 1986 Page j THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MEDONTE . 7} ResQIlJllQO 86- J 2!:L.was passed as follows: II Tha.tCoundl recommends file A~2186, Mr.Joachim Weinert, forapprovalll. - \[ariQ!J~~Qtb~~L.r~PQLt~.~p.nd correspondence were presented, discussed and filed as informational. _~..~91 uJ.jgn.J~.9~::L22....was passed as follows: II That this meeting be adjourned to meet agaIn on June 12, 1986 at 7:00 P.M. - Reeve ------------- ~ ~