07 08 1986 Council Minutes
Minutes of a Regular Meeting of Council of the Township of Medonte held on Tuesday, July 8,
1986 at 7:00 P.M. in Council Chambers, Moonstone.
Reeve - I. Amos
Deputy Reeve - 1. Beard
Councillors - H. Vasey
- J. Clarke
- R. Beleskey
g~~~QJI,JJ!QIJ~2:J.2.Zwas passed as follows:
" That the minutes of a regular meeting of Council of the Township of Medonte held on June
12, 1986 be adopted as circulated".
~ouncil met wi.lh._.Mr. E. Robertson, Township Road's Superintendent.
ResQlu.tioll.....8.6:::L58. was passed as follows:
That Council request that 473552 Ontario Ltd. be requested to complete the servicing of
the Mt. St. Louis Estates subdivision by August 8, 1986 or Council will use the letter of
credit to complete the servicing".
J:.ou.odl_dlc.ec:ted..Jhe Superintendent haul gravel from Richardson's Pit to be place on the 6th
Concession. Council agreed to placing a dead end sign at Albert St. in Hillsdale and an
advance warning sign for the Stop Sign at the 10th Concession and Mt. St. Louis Road.
Lo.llncil~w.e.nt. into Committee of the Whole with the Road's Suprintendent to discuss personnel
matters. Council came out of Committee of the Whole.
11._JYII?!_.fl~s;:b~[,_.b_QL6~,~CQn.J, approached Council to complain about the dust in front of her
house. Council advised that calcium had been placed in front of her house but had not
taken. Council advised Mrs. Fischer something would be done. They directed the Clerk
contact the calcium supplier and ask they send a representative to the Township.
There was also a discussion as to why residents of Medonte were being turned away from
the F los Waste Site.
Re.silluti.all_8.6...-:.15~_w as passed as foIl 0 ws:
" That Council directs the Waste Site Superintendent to only accept waste from residents
of the Township of Medonte or the Village of Coldwater".
~ 2) _fjI.~i,::hi~LJ:.._OClkl~y approached Council on several matters:
B-e~QlutiQD~~2=-l6.Q was passed as follows:
" That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to enter into a Fire Agreement with the
Village of Coldwater".
&~l?01IJj!.QI1_~6-1..6.L.....was passed as follows:
" That Council approves of entering into an agreement with Huronia Alarm & Fire Safety
for the supply of necessary equipment and for the supply of an answering and dispatch
service at a price of $542.00 per month based on a three year contract as outlined in
their proposal dated July 4, 1986".
Re.&olu.tiall.-8.h:::L6L... was passed as follows:
" That the Fire Chief be able to purchase three sets of special lens covers for glass wearers
at the cost of $67.00 per set".
Regular Meeting
Page two
July 8, 1986
1) ..Re.5clutiQ~86.=L6J~was defeated by recorded vote as follows:
" That Brian Jennett be given a final warning plus one week off without pay - reasons carless
use of Medonte Township truck".
Yeahs - Ron Beleskey
Nays - 1. Beard
- T. Vasey
- J. Clarke
- Ingram Amos
.counciL.dj.[e"~J.~.d..." the Clerk direct B. Jennett attend the next Council Meeting. They also
directed the Clerk provide the maintenance records on his truck.
2) .Re.s.Qlu1iQll~"6=J.~LL was passed by recorded vote as follows:
" That Council enter into an agreement with the Village of Coldwater to become part of
the joint operation, management and maintenance of the Coldwater & District Community
Centre on the same basis as the Township of Tay being $1.00 per 25% of the per capita".
Yeahs - Beard, Beleskey, Clarke
Nays - Vasey, Amos
3) ResQLllil"ou...~86=16j.was defeated as follows:
" That Council reimburse Mr. R. Leonard the sum of $98.21 for picking up the garbage at
Orr Lake".
4) Re~01!Jt!Qn""~~Ji=16Ji".was passed as follows:
" That Council approves of issuing building permits for lots 14, 15 & 16, Plan 203, North Side
of Mill Street subject to the Police Village water connection fee".
1) _Re.s.olu:tiQu.....86::L6L was passed as follows:
" That General Voucher II 7 in the amount of $368,290.35 be approved for payment".
2) Re.s.olution._8.6=J.68.~was passed as follows:
" That Road's Voucher II 6 in the amount of $124,783.56 be approved for payment".
1) ,_Re~LlJ.ti.on~6.:::~16'l~as passed as follows:
" That Council approves of a conversion of assessment from commercial public to
residential public in the amount of $3,100. Roll 4-140-01, Royal Canadian Legion,
for all of 1986 due to bingo par lour closed in 1985".
..Re.s.olu1ion~.8.6.=...LZQ_was passed as follows:
" That Council approves of a cancellation of business assessment in the amount of
$930., Roll 4-140-01-0002, Roadhouse Bingo Parlour, for all of 1986, due to businesss
ceased in 1985".
.R~sQlutiQfl"~6=.LZJ_was passed as follows:
" That Council approves of a conversion of assessment from commercial public to
residential public in the amount of $975., Roll 5-125, Jean Reece from Mar. 1/86 to
Dec. 31./86, 10 months due to business ceased".
Re~QJu1ioD86::J]L.was passed as follows:
" That Council approves of a cancellation of business public assessment in the amount of
$290, Roll 5-125-0001, Jean Reece, from Mar. 1 - Dec. 31/86, 10 months, due to business
ceased" .
Re~QllltiQn_86.:::.1Z:Lwas passed as follows:
" That Council approves of a conversion of assessment from commercial public to residential
public in the amount of $380, Roll 2-019, Deana Simpson ( now Stephen & Virginia Godin)
for all of 1986 due to business ceased in 1985".
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rdbe lflree
July 8, 1986
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Resolution 86-174 was passed as follows:
" That Council approves of a cancellation of business public assessment in the amount of
$190, Roll 2-019-0002, Dale Simpson, for all of 1986, due to business ceased".
ResoluHo.D g6-1 Li....was passed as follows:
" That Council recommends file B-16/86 for approval".
.Re_scl.IJ1i.QD...J$.6::.11~J.Vas passed as follows:
" That Council recommends file B-17/86, Norman for approval".
R~oilltion_~..Q..=J1L was defeated as follows:
" That Council recornmends file B-18/86, McCutcheon, for approval".
..Re.s..a.lu1~::lJ.J$.....was defeated as. 101lows:
" That Council recommends file B-19/86, Klingner, for approval".
Yari.QllS.....olher ~i~~~.s....9f correspondence were presented and discussed.
..GQ.uru:;jLs:feJ:;id.e.~L_tQ._~hange the date of the next regular meeting of Council to allow the staff
to take holidays.
ResolulioD_~6::1Z~L.was passed as follows:
" That this meeting be adjourned to meet again on August 18, at 7:00 P.M.".