08 18 1986 Council Minutes THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MEDONTE Minutes of a Regular Meeting of Council of the Township of Medonte held on Monday, August 18, 1986 at 7:00 P.M. in Council Chambers, Moonstone. Present Reeve - I. Amos Deputy Reeve - I. Beard Councillors - H. Vasey - J. Clarke - R. Beleskey .~ADOP~~QEMllillIES"". - _ Resolu!lon 86-182."..was passed as follows: " That the minutes of a Special Meeting of Council held on July 3, 1986, and the minutes of a Regular Meeting on July 8, 1986 and the minutes of a Special Meeting held on July 22, 1986 be adopted as circulated". G. Ball, Township Road's Foreman. They directed he place some gravel on the Spence culvert and do the remainder when the crusher is in. - ~~.Q..undLlben._!1Js:Lwith Township Employee B. Jennett. Moved -by Clarke and seconded by Vasey that Council go into Committee of the Whole. Moved by ~~nd seconded by Vasey that Council come out of Committee of the Whole. Resolution 86- 183 was pass~d as follows: " That Council requests all Township equipment operators keep a daily log and note any mechanical problems as they occur and that the supervisor be advised immediately". the Clerk write S. N. Diesel Service to express disatisfaction with the motor put into unit 4 two years ago and with the service on this one. Council will request an extended two year warranty. placing curve signi on the sidroad between the 2nd and third concessions. They also approved of ditching and placing of gabion stone in the Gloucester Estates Subdivision. They also approved of cutting weeds along the War minster Sideroad in front of the school. JL.Mr:~ Mrs, Cooper approached Council to complain about the continual garage sale being run by Mr. & Mrs. Courtney. They noted the sale is on every day, year round. Council advised them they had requested on two occasions that the Courtneys cease. . -.R~Lution 86- L8J:I: was passed as follows: " That Mr. & Mrs. Courtney be charged under the Township Zoning By-Law for running a Commercial Business in a residential lot". ~~J. Gee, W.::li.Jot 65, Concession 2 approached Council with a proposal for a six lot development on his property. Council deferred any decision until they had a look at the property and had an Official Plan Amendment Meeting dealing with a similiar type amendment. approached Council regarding their subdivision, lot 11, concession 4. would complete the servicing of the subdivision before winter. Council requested the letter of credit be replaced before it expires the end of August. Council also requested they pay their invoice for winter snow plowing and sanding. . Chief and Building Inspector met with Council to discuss several matter There was a discussion on responding into Matchedash Township with fire equipment if requested. Council directed the Chief assess the situation if such a request were to occur and to make the decision as to whether to respond. There was a discussion on having a backup Building Inspector. Council directed the Clerk contact the former Building Inspector to see if he would be interested. Page two August 18, 1986 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MEDONTE ...5) Mr. G. ..Nblstpn. approached Council with an offer to purchase on one of the properties the Township has listed for sale. Resolution 86-185 was passed as follows: " That this Council accepts the offer of Mr. J. Oakley to purchase Pt. 11, Ept. lot 10, Concession 5, Township of Medonte in the amount of $7,000.0011. . quotations for the replacement of the water line from the well to the pump house in W arminster. 1) Dunlop Plumbing and Heating - $3,600.00 2) Naughton Plumbing and Heating -$4,897.00 $4,043.00 411 pipe 3" pIpe Heavy 311 pipe . Water Committee. Clerk obtain the Dunlop estimate in writing and advise the Warminster .~~R~.solv.:tiQI1~..::186~ was passed as follows: II That Council accepts the letter of M. Zwicker and drops the request that Mr. Crosby rezone his landll. dLC.Q.IJ.D~!L~12L<;tY.~sL of the Treasurer attending the Municipal Finance Conference to be held In London on September 24, 25, 26, 1986. 2L._~:tim::L.86-187 .was passed as follows: " That Council approves of contracting with the following Library Board for the year 1986: 1) Coldwater Public Library 2) Midland Public Library 3) Flos-Elmvale Library - $3,500.00 - $2,500.00 - $3,500.00 .~esilluti~.:::.llt8._ was defeated as follows: " That Council approves ofa payment of $3,500.00 to O.M.E. Insurance Brokers being a partial payment of excess liability for the year 1987". ~ ~~t~&6=.l8..2 was passed as follows: " That this Council endorses resolution 169-86 of the Township of Flos with regard to appeal procedures under the Drainage Act". . LOCl\L120 AJsDli~ &: _.~O_MMIII_EI;.~. .Jl~JSesolutioD.__86.::...12Q...was passed as follows: II That Council recommends fileB-20/86, Hofman for approvalll. .1L_ R~solutjQJl._.8.6_-::1.2L was passed as follows: _ " That Council recommends file B-21/86 for approval". _~L R~.~Ql!J1ion_.86::.L22 was passed as follows: " That Council recommends file B-22/86 for approval". !tL~R~~glIJJio1L..86_-:.L23~. was passed as follows: " That Council recommends file B-23/86, Grenier, for approval". _21~.Js.~~QIIJ1!gn_86.::J~2.lt. was passed as follows: " That Council recommends file B-24/86, for approval, lot closest to Highway only". ..~Js~~oJlItiQn_86- 19.2 was passed as follows: " That Council recommends file B-25/86, Teisler & Panek, for approval". ..J;;;,Q"yncil decided nQt to nominate anyone to serve on the Advisory Committee to the County Co-operative Library Board. Page three August 18, 1986 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MEDONTE OTHER BUSINESS .. Resolution ~86-1 96 was passed by recorded vote as follows: " That G. Fleet be termed a permanent employee and be placed on the Township Benfit Plan". Yeahs - J. Clarke, Vasey, Beleskey, Beard and Amos. Nays - nil . was defeated as follows by recorded vote as follows: That the salary of G. Fleet be increased to $9.00 per hour". " Yeahs - Clarke Nays - Vasey, Beleskey, Beard and Amos ~~.Re~QllJ:tiQn 86- J 98. was passed as follows: " That Council approves of rezoning part of lot 65, concession 1 from Chalet Seasonal (R3) to Rural (RU) to correct an error in By-Law 82-25, And that Council will undertake this rezoning in the near future". . ./. ResolutiQll,"J~6-1 ~L was passed as follows: " That General Voucher /I 8 in the amount of $51,959.27 be hereby approved for payment". .Js.~scllJj;lolL.8.6:::2ilit was passed as follows: " That Road's Voucher If 7 in the amount of $69,525.81 be hereby approved for payment". CO\jnc:i I decided to have a special meeting on August 27, 1986 to finish business from this meeting and to have a Special Public Meeting on October 7, 1986 to deal with the Bill Lohuaru rezoning. _~soluti~.R6::.2QJ was passed as follows: " That this meeting be adjourned to meet agaIn on September 9, 1986 at 7:00 P.M." - Reeve ~