08 27 1986 Sp Council Minutes
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Minutes of a Special Meeting of Councilor the Township of Medonte held on AU~"lU&;1:l 27, 1986
at 7:00 P.M. in Council Chambers, Moonstone
Reeve - I. Amos
Deputy Reeve - I. Beard
Councillors - H. Vasey
J. Clarke
R. Beleskey
<:::Q!dos::iLrnet with the Road's Superintendent and the Road's Foreman and discussed the budget. It
was decided to complete work at the railway crossing on the 8th concession. Council also directed
that the bridge be replaced on the 8th Concession using Township crews. It was also decided to
order a new sander and to work on the 9th Concession with what funds were left. It was also
decided to crush some 2" gravel when the contractor was in.
Lal.J.D.ciL!iis.cus.se.d various other matters. It was decided to prepare a list of rules for the waste
site and to circulate a list of the rules to Township residents.
~ouncil approved of hiring someone to haul the old fridges and stoves at the waste site to
Francoz Metals.
The Clerk advised Council that the persons renting the old township Office have disappeared.
Council directed the water and hydro be cut off, the office be locked with everything inside
and a new tenant sought.
~.:s!:tsel:1'5~~ttte communal tile beds in Horseshoe Valley. It was decided to advise the
developer Council would nOT get involved in the maintenance.
~\J.1iQrLM=2i)2.~~was passed as follows:
" That Council approved of a cancellation of residential public assessment in the amount of $330.,
Roll 3-086, Larry G. Booth from Aug. 1 - Dec. 31/86, 5 months, due to barn demolished".
4~Resol~!L~~~-2Ql..~was passed as follows:
" That Council approves of a conversion of assessment from commercial public to residential
public in the amount of $250., Roll 4-001, Lothar W. Christmann, for all of 1986, as business
ceased in 1985".
~....8f)=.201L..~as passed as follows:
"That Council approves of a cancellation of business public assessment in the amount of
$150., Roll 4-001-0002, Lothar W. Christmann, for all of 1986 as business ceased in 1985".
Resohrtioo .86:::2!LLw.as passed as follows:
" That Council approves of a conversion of assessment from Commercial Public to Residential
Public in the amount of $2535, Roll 1-196, K. J. Beamish Holdings Ltd., as business ceased
in 1985".
..ResollltiarL8f),,206 was passed as follows:
" That Council approves of a cancellation of business public assessment in the amount of
$1520, Roll 1-196-0001, K. J. Beamish Construction Co. Ltd. as business ceased in 1985".
. Res.oilltion 86,:::2!lZ~...~w.a.s passed as follows:
" That Council approves of a conversion of assessment from commercial public to residential
public in the amount of $150, Roll 4-131, James Cryderman, for all of 1986 as business ceased
in 1985".
Resoluti~K6~-:2Q.~.was passed as follows:
" That Council approves of a cancellation of business public assessment in the amount of $100,
Roll 4-131-0001, James Cryderman, for all of 1986 as business ceased in 1985".
Re.s..Q1.utjon.....8.6~::2Q.2~was passed as follows:
" That Council approves of a conversion of assessment from commercial public to residential
public in the amount of $100, Roll 5-216, James and Valerie Powell, for all of 1986 as business
ceased in 1985".
Special Meeting
page 2
August 27, 1986
" R esolu.tion-8.6.=2.1-O was passed as follows:
" That Council approves of a cancellation of business public assessment in the amount of $100.,
Roil 5-216-0001, James and Valerie Powell, for all of 1986 as business ceased in 1985".
R.e.s.aluti.arL.U:21.1--was passed as follows:
" That Council approves of a cancellation of residential public assessment in the amount of
$700.00, Roll 9-023-01, Janice E. Pauze, from July 1 to December 31, 1986, 6 months due
to house demolished".
_;;:~~u..tio.[L..R6;::~was passed as follows:
" That this meeting be adjourned".