09 09 1986 Sp Council Minutes
Minutes of a Regular Meeting of Council
1986 in Council Chambers, Moonstone.
of the Township of Medonte held on September 9,
Reeve - I. Amos
Deputy Reeve - I.B eard
Councillors - H. Vasey
- J. Clarke
- R. Beleskey
JS~S~Qll,ltlQD~~.6=2JJ...was passed as follows:
II That the minutes of a Regular Meeting of Council held on August 18, and the minutes
of a Special Meeting of Council held on August 27, 1986 be adopted as circulatedll.
Council met with the Road's Superintendent and the Road's Foreman. It was decided to
crush '+000 yards of 5/811 , 4000 yards of 2" and to put 12,000 yards of 3/4" on various roads.
The Road's Superintendent advised that all graders required maintenance. There was a
discussion regarding who would do the work. Council directed Councillor Clarke look into
local companies who could do the work.
_R~QllliLO!L.R6-2] 4: ...was passed as follows by recorded vote:
II That Council approves of hiring Swance & Murray to work on the rear bushings of one
Yeahs - Vasey, Beard and Amos
Nays - Beleskey and Clarke
~.Ib.e~~..~W..a5~.~.di.s.c.us.siarL regarding the handling and transportation of dangerous goods. Council
were advised that G. Ball should handle or transport goods. Council directed he should train
the rest of the men.
_lL.ML..E.......~..ap.pr~Qached,."CQuncil seeking employment as a mechanic. Council advised him
there was no job at this time but would consider it in the future.
_"2LaiLLepr~ati~e.s,.J:)L_the Warminster Water Committee advised Council there was a
public meeting on September 15, 1986 at 7:00 P.M.. Deputy-Reeve Beard to attend on
behalf of the Council.
~.R~olut~6=..2J...Lwas passed as follows:
II That Council accepts the quotation of Glen Dunlop Plumbing, Heating and Supplies Ltd.
for the replacement of 300 feet of water line in War minster Ontarioll.
~3)_Repr~5.en1.atL~s...Qttbe...~T.Qwn.ship~of Flos approached Council regarding the Fire Agreement
with Medonte. They advised the last two invoices they received were for responses out
of the agreement area. They requested that Medonte only respond into the specified
area. Council agreed to so advise their chief and to reduce the charges. Council advised
the representatives that they would require the agreement be updatedll.
_ It was also agreeQ._ that when the next contract for the collection of garbage In the Orr
Lake area was called there would be no collection on.private roads.
..lt~R~SQJutiQIl.~~J.L.was passed as follows:
" That a By-Law to establish a systemf0[ the collection and disposal of ashes, garbage
and other refuse be considered read a first and second time, read a third time and
passed this 9th day of September 1986 and numbered By-Law 86-1411.
.......2,L~..Re.solu.ti.Qn..8,6:::.21L...was passed as follows:
11 Re:'iQlutiQn 86-218 was passed as follows:
" That Council approves of the proposal of Ontario Hydro for the installation of street
lights for the Mt. St. Louis Estates as laid out in their letter under date of September
5, 1986 subject that the no lights be constructed on the turnarounds".
_2L_E.e.s.Q.lu1iQll...R<i.-:2L'Z. was passed as follows:
" That Council of the Township of Medonte endorses the Brief of the Association
of Conservation Authorities of Ontario".
...3L R~sohltion 86-22.O......was passed as follows:
" That Council approves of a cancellation of residential public assessment in the amount
of $605, Roll 9-023, Patrick Lalonde, from June 1 to Dec. 31/86, 7 months, due to
barn demolished".
.1l Resolution 86-221 was passed as follows:
" That Roads Voucher II 8 in the amount of $46,256.24 is hereby approved for payment".
~~oLllti.QLL~2-2~Z..._,,~as passed as follows:
" That General Voucher II 9 in the amount of $55,831.57 IS hereby approved for payment".
~SQ1U1i01L..R6.:::221 was passed as follows:
" That Council recommends file B-26/86, Tinney, for approval".
,12__J:?,s:~QllitLQ1L.8.6- 22.~.~.. was def ea ted as follows:
" That Council recommends file B-27/86, Lippel, for approval".
,....1L-Re.s.QlutioIL..8.6::22..Lwas passed as follows:
" That Council recommends file B-28/86, Hounsell, for approval".
..!ll_ R~~llJJ1.Qn..~:::22..6_.was passed as follows:
" That Council recommends file B-29/86, Bihun, for approval, subject to only one lot
and subject to road widening".
XCi.rjQ1!~..QJh~L...Q!~~~.~~ of correspondence and reports were discussed and filed as informational.
.. F-esolution ~~.J2..:1.f.z...-':Vas passed as follows:
" That this meeting be adjourned to meet agam on October 14, 1986 at 7:00 P.M.