10 14 1986 Council Minutes THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MEDONTE Minutes of a Regular Meeting of Council of the Township of Medonte held on Tuesday, October 14, 1986 at 7:00 P.M. in Council Chambers, Moonstone. Present Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillors - I. Amos - I. Beard - H. Vasey - J. Clarke - R. Beleskey - Rf'sollJtioll~...was passed as follows: " That the minutes of a Regular Meeting of Council of the Township of Medonte held on September 9, 1986, and the minutes of a Special Public Meeting of Council held on October 7 at 7:30 P.M. and the minutes of Special Meeting of Council held on October 7, at 8:00 P.M. be adopted as circulated". - .CQlllli::iLrrlS;i_wi11L.the Roads Superintendent and Roads Foreman. There was a discussion regarding road ditching along the 12th and 13th Concessions. It was explained that this ditching could not be done until Municipal Drain II 1 was cleaned out. The Clerk advised Council that a M. Pethick on the OriIlia end of the Town Line was ;~fuseddit~~hi;;-gbyOrillia Township. Council directed the Clerk write to ask OriIlia Township reconsider their decision and Reeve Amos to discuss the matter with the Reeve of OriIlia Township. _CQ!J.QciL.diLe~:;J~.~Llhe Clerk contact Corrib and express their displeasure regarding the culvert purchased and installed at Lot 1, Concession8. Ibe~~.Roa..d'..~_Supg[iQ!e_Qde.n.t advised Council that they should prepare engineer's plans for the replacement of the bridge on the 9th concession just north of the Warminster Sideroad and apply for a supplementary. Council directed the Clerk obtain estimates for the engineer ing. ....JJl~.e Wp.~~A_discu_g;iQ!lJegarding grader repairs. It was decided to convert the front end of the grader needing repairs to hydraulics. Council directed the Superintendent obtain two estimates and use the lowest one. It was also agreed to fix the brakes on one of the graders. - .-Jl.....M.~-.W....Q.a-Y~\i;~._p.pproached Council to request ditching along the 13th Concession. Counci agreed to Illeet with Mr. Davy to look at the problem on October 20, 1986 at 9:00 A.M. .}) ~M[!.T'pLyeapproached Council to request ditching along the 12th concession. Council agreed to look at his request on October 20, - A,J)~_ML~~_~~_]eske'y~_~approached Council to discuss the SerViCing of this proposed 9 lot Subdivision. Council advised Mr. T eskey they would require (1) a 6" watermain fronting the 9 lots with a hydrant (2) the provision of proper drainage (3) the provision 0f a stAndard driveway entrance culvert for each lot (4) at least one streetlight (5) surface treatment of the road fronting the lots !fL... M~mber~ the War?1inster Water Committee approached Council to request the ditch from run off pipe at the reservoir to the road be cleaned. Council directed the Road's Foreman supervise the cleaning of the ditch with a Township grader. .,.1 5) Council met with Mr. J. Oakley. Resolution 86-238 was passed as follows: " That Council requests the Fire Marshall's office conduct a Municipal Fire Protection survey for the Township of Medonte at no cost to the Township". There was a discussion regarding answering service and the Fire Agreement with Flos Township. There was also a discussion regarding By-law enforcement. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MEDONTE ~..Ih~.IQ.wD~_bipI[ei;lS!JLer. presented Council with financial statements as at September 30, 1986. .~lu:tiorL8.6.:::212_ was passed as follows: " That Medonte Council petition the Ministry of Transportation and Communications for Interim Subsidy on 1986 Road Expenditures in the amount of $580,073.96 for Payrolls 1 to 9 from January 1, 1986 to September 30, 1986". - ~Re.s.Qlutior1.~6:21til...was passed as follows: " That General Voucher /I lOin the amount of $419,613.79 IS hereby approved for payment". __R~.Q!utiolJ.~86~-:l?tl~was passed as follows: " That Road's Voucher /I 9 in the amount of $111,097.78 is hereby approved for payment". ~_QIl:iER.llilSIbJESS~~ - _<,Re.s.alutiorLSh.,.21!2...-- was passed as follows by recorded vote: " That all regular meetings of Council be held at 7:00 P.M." Yeahs - J. Clarke, Ron Beleskey, Ian Beard Nays - Vasey, Ingram Amos kRe~lu:tian.....8.6:::2YJ......was passed as follow s: " That Council approves of repairing the waste site machine at an estimated cost of $3,000.00 fl. Resolu1.ian._.8.6.:::2.41L was defe,a:ted, as follows: '"fI'~That Council approves file B-30/86 and file A-3/86, D. E. McCutcheon for approval". J...Re.sQ1Jl1iQn,.86=2Y5~.was passed as follows: " That Council recommends file B-31/86, Josef Honka, for approval subject that no new lot is created". . Re.5.o1u:tlon....&6.::24.6....was passed as follows: " That Council recommends file B-32/86, A.J. Bell, for approval". ResoltJ.:tion _U.:::2!1.l_was passed as follows: " That Council recommends file B-33/86, Wayne & Bridget Jones, for approval". ~rr~soly.ti.o_Q...~6-24:,.8_was passed as follows: " That this Council shall meet regularly on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each Month". - _R.e.5illu.ti!lO~U=2~.9..-w<ilS passed as f 0 II ow s: " That the part time road's employees be gIVen proper notice and laid off. ~d~..Q~qe_d..la. hold a special meeting on October 20, 1986 at 7:00 P.M. to finish the agenda. ~ Re.salu.tian-8.6:::25D_.was passed as follows: " That this meeting be adjourned to meet again on.November 11, 1986 at 7:00 P.M."