12 09 1986 Council Minutes THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MEDONTE Minutes of a Regular Meeting of Council of the Township of Medonte held on Tuesday, December 9, 1986 at 8: 15 P.M. in Council Chambers, Moonstone. Present Deputy Reeve - I. Beard Councillors - H. Vasey - J. Clarke - R. Beleskey . Absent Reeve - I. Amos Resohltion 86-291 was passed as follows: " That the minutes of a Regular Meeting of Council held on Tuesday, November 25, 1986 be adopted as circulated". . Resolution 86-292-w..as passed as follows: " That a By-Law to retain a firm of solicitors be considered read a first and second time, read a third time and passed this 9th day of December, 1986 and numbered By-Law 86-24". 1) It was deci.ded....t.o have a Special Meeting on January 20 at 7:00 P.M. to begin amending the Township Official Plan. offer the wood at the Township garage for sale by tender. PASSIN G ....QF.-ACCOJJl'!JT5 Counci IIQL..B.e.leske..y...declared conflict of interest and did not vote on either of the vouchers. ..R.e.s.Qlu.ti.oo.....8..6-29~~was passed as follows: " That Road's Voucher II 11 in the amount of $80,971.64 is hereby approved for payment". R~solu.tiOJl..8.6",294was passed as follows: " That General Voucher II 12 in the amount of $153,653.15 is hereby approved for payment". - ....QIl::I.ER.... U ~Co~LJ!l~il diL.!;..kte.d the Clerk ask its solicitors to attend the December 23 meeting. 12~C:::ouncil...<::Ig~Lde.d.jo meet with McKea.n Quarries on January 13th to discuss their building a road. ,2L~VarLQ1l:LQ:theL.pieces of correspondence were presented, discussed and filed as informational. - ,Resolution 86-29') was passed as follows: " That this meeting be adjourned to meet agai n on Tuesday, December 23, 1986 at 7:00 P.M.".