08 17 1981 Council Minutes
Pg. 207
Council met pursuant to adjournment with all members present.
Reeve R.S. Arbour in the chair.
The minutes of the last regular meeting of August 4, 1981 were on motion of
Vousden and Davie, confirmed as printed and received with the following addition:
"Deputy Reeve Davie stated that he never sought the position of Reeve and he invited
the Reeve for lunch to further discuss the matter. (which is to be inserted in the
minutes of August 4, 1981 following resolution accepting the copies of letters
which are appended to the minutes.)
Presented copies of letters forwarded from the last regular meeting, either
personally delivered or taken to the various local post offices where local rural
mail delivery was still carried on. Letters for out of the Township which were
not delivered are still being held until the Postal Strike is over and mail service
will again be in operation:
-Stewart, Esten - Barristers & Solicitors, attention Paul G.M. Hermiston, Q.C.,
advising that Solicitor proceed with pursuring legal action against L.J. Torpey with
respect to non-compliance of Subdividers Agreement for Plan M-71.
-Paul G.M. Hermiston, Q.C., requesting he attend a meeting with Township Engineer,
on Thursday, August 13, 1981 at 8:00 p.m.
-Stuart N. Keyes & Associates, requesting he prepare an updated itemized report of
all unfinished work, on Registered Plan M-71, suitable for the purposes of calling
Tenders and attend meeting with property owners of Plan M-71, Council and Township
-District Manager, Huronia Dsitrict, Ministry of Natural Resources, Attention A.W.
Smith, expressing appreciation of his presentation to meeting of Council, July 20,
1981 with respect to controlled Deer Hunt in 1980 and requesting M.N.R. assistance
with regard to the number one deer problem, being dogs.
-Gordon Rochner re: Garbage containers at Sugar Bush Development.
On motion of Johnson and Davie, that copies of letters as presented and forwarded
accepted as satisfactory and ordered placed on file for reference.
Presented Correspondence, Communications, etc., as follows:
-Copy of letter to J.F. Vanderwaardt, Lot 36, Plan M-66 re: fencing By-Law
-Simcoe County District Health Unit copy of letter to Salvatore Mascioli, Part Lot 20,
Concession 3, re: Septic System
-Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce re: interest rates applied on loans effective
July 24, 1981 , being 21%
-Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing - Background Issues for June 22, July 13,
and July 20, 1981
-Ontario Hydro-Service Connection card for Allan McLean, Lot 25, Concession 1-
Contract 0052003, Class lR2-11
Survey Plans - SIR-I0423; SIR-I0449; SIR-I04S0; SIR-I0460; SIR-I0S04; SIR-I0SI3;
On motion of Vousden and Halfacre, correspondence, Communications, etc., as presented
be received and placed on file.
Pg. 208
Presented letter from Paul G.M. Hermiston, Q.C., in reply to Township letter of
August 5, 1981 advising that action has been proceeding against L.J. Torpey since
the Writ was issued on January 2, 1980, and that it has been on the Supreme Court
Trial List since November 1980, but the Township case has never been reached.
Hopefully it will be reached this fall. Letter also confirms that he will be atten-
ding the meeting of Council, property owners of Plan M-71 (Torpey Subdivision) and
Township Engineer on Thursday, August 13, 1981 at 8:00 p.m. Enclosed a copy of
letter to D. Teves, Road Master, C.N.R. with respect to fencing along the C.N.R.
tracks which abut the Subdivision. Copy of Township letter had also been forwarded
to Mr. Teves.
On motion of Halfacre and Johnson, letter and copy of letter to Road Master C.N.R.
be received and filed for references as required.
The matter of the completion of Roads and services on Plan M-71 were further re-
viewed, following the meeting on Thursday, August 13, 1981 with property owners
of the said Plan with Council, Township Solicitor and Township Engineer. After
consideration of all avenues open to Council to endeavour to resolve the matter,
taking into account the Solicitor's suggestion to complete the services, the fol-
lowing action was taken by Council:
On motion of Davie and Vousden, that the Township proceed with completing the un-
finished work on Plan M-71, Torpey Subdivision, in accordance with the Subdividers
Agreement and Drawing prepared by Stuart N. Keyes & Associates Ltd., dated August 12,
1981, referred to as Drawing No.1, Job No. 8013, and further that the Township
Engineer Stuart N. Keyes prepare to call for tenders to complete the work according
to the said Drawing and Subdividers Agreement. Tenders to include that all damaged
Culverts be repaired where possible and balance replaced with new ones. The tenders
call be subject to approval of the M.T.C. of work being suitable for the assumption
of the said roads and services and further that tender callbe presented to Township
Solicitor for his comments. Upon receipt of favourable comments from M.T.C. and
Township Solicitor the tender be called.
Prior to motion being voted on Deputy Reeve Davie requested a recorded vote on the
Reeve Arbour
Deputy Reeve Davie
Councillor Halfacre
Councillor Vousden
Councillor Johnson
Motion carried unanimously.
On motion of Davie and Halfacre, that the completion of the unfinished services on
Plan M-71 in accordance with the Subdividers Agreement and Drawing by Stuart N. Keyes
and Associates, and after acceptance of a tender, the cost of the work under tender
be paid for out of Lot Levy funds, which funds are to be replaced to the Lot Levy
Account, with interest, once Judgement against L.J. Torpey has been obtained and
the money is received. And, further that copies of this resolution and resolution
authorizing the work to proceed and calling of tenders be forwarded to M.T.C. and
Township Solicitor for comment.
Pg. 209
Presented letters from D.S. White, in reply to Township letter forwarded as
instructed from last regular meeting requesting that he review the Site Plan Agree-
ment for Horseshoe Valley Limtied. Clerk advised that the Solieitor had contacted
the office prior to forwarding the said letter to'express his concerns. Letter
sets out the concerns with respect to the schedules to the Agreement. In the second
letter of August 13, 1981, the Township Solicitor confirms that the schedules re-
ferred to in the first letter now indicate to the Township Solicitor's satisfaction
where the buildings will be located in the Site Plan Control Area.
On motion of Halfacre and Johnson, that the letters from the Solicitor and amended
schedules as presented, be received. Amended Schedules be used as Schedules A & B
for the Agreement which now indicates to the satisfaction of the Township Solic,itor
where the buildings will be located on the Site Plan Control Area. Accordingly, the
said Agreement may now be signed by the Reeve and Clerk on behalf of the Corporation
as previously authorized at a meeting of Oro Council held on August 4, 1981.
Presented copy of letter to the Hon. James Snow, Minister, Ministry of Transporta-
tion and Communications with respect to concerns of the Oro Station Ratepayers
Association, regarding the erection of a 3-way Stop Sign at the intersection of
County Roads 27, & 20, from Allan K. McLean, M.P.P., Simcoe East and copy of the
Minister's letter to Mr. McLean, advising that since both Roads are under the juris-
diction of the Barrie Suburban Road Commission, the Ministry, has no authority to
become involved in a matter of this nature. Letter further indicates that the
Ministry does not condone three-Way stop signs at a four way intersection.
On motion of Vousden and Halfacre, copies of letters from Minister, Ministry of
Transportation and Communications to Allan K. McLean, M.P.P., Simcoe East and copy
of his to the Minister be received and filed for reference.
Presented letters of complaint with respect to Shelswell Park and removal of Toilet
Facilities which have been removed, from Mrs. Gail Farrell and Carol Harden. Also
complaint with respect to weeds and long grass in the area of trees and ditches.
On motion of Davie and Halfacre, that one outhouse be re-installed at Shelswell Park
and the no camping sign be put on both sides of the road and garbage can be attached
to a post on the outside of the Park. And Clerk to reply to the two letters.
(Recinded by motion later in meeting)
Reeve Arbour reported on attendance with Orillia Township Council along with
Councillor Halfacre with respect to Boat Launching Facilities, which hadbeenre-
quested by several ratepayers of the Township. Also presented letter from Township
of Orillia requesting representatives of the Township attend a meeting with Committee
of Orillia Township confirming telephone call to arrange same.
Reeve advised that Orillia Township had indicated that some boat launching facility
now exists, which requires some repair . He also advised that he had investigated
same and in his opinion the existing boat launching facilities could be repaired.
Orillia Township Council would be prepared to further consider jointly with Oro
Township the repairs of the boat launch.
On motion of Halfacre and Johnson, that the ratepayers who approached Council with
regard to Boat Launching Facilities, be advised that a boat launching facility
presently exists at the foot of the Townline between Oro and Orillia Township.
Pg. 210
The Chief Building Official was present before Council at 11:45 a.m. and advised
that the Safety Inspector had requested that he should wear safety shoes while
doing inspections.
On motion of Davie and Halfacre, that the Township authorize the Chief Building
Official to purchase a pair of Safety Shoes for which the Township will assume the
The meeting resumed at 1:00 p.m. after recess for lunch, with Deputy Reeve Steve
Davie in the chair. Reeve Arbour having to attend a Committee of County Council
at 1:00 p.m.
The Road Superintendent, Fred Haughton, was present at 1:00 p.m. as per Agenda,
with regard to Road matters and report of same.
Road Superintendent advised Council of request from Barrie Terrace for services on
Private Road on Plan 663 and presented cost of work done over a period of four years
and suggested charges on a lump sum basis plus cost of material applied, should an
arrangement in this regard be considered when the delegation from Barrie Terrace
appear before Council in this regard later this afternoon.
The second matter being the Topsoil from the pathway, as to where to place the Top-
On motion of Halfacre and Vousden, that the Topsoil removed from the area of the
pathway to be constructed in Shanty Bay, be stockpiled in anaesthetic manner behind
the Shanty Bay Fire Hall for future use by the Roads Department.
The matter of removing the damaged raft from the Park was also considered and it
was left that same be removed by the Road Department at their earliest convenience.
On motion of Vousden and Halfacre, that the resolution of Davie and Halfacre passed
earlier at this meeting with repect to toilet at Shelswell Park and erection of 'no
camping' sign and placing of garbage container be rescinded and replaced with the
following motion.
On motion of Halfacre and Vousden, that a portable toilet be installed in Shelswell
Park in 1982 for the months of July and August and that Garbage Containers be erected
and attached to posts, outside of the Shelswell Park immediately. Clerk to reply to
letters received with respect to complaints about Shelswell Park.
Presented letter from Secretary, Simcoeside Ratepayers Association in response to
Township letter of July 6, 1981 with respect to Park lands, Plan 1488, requesting
permission to commence Phase 2, of the Park Plan, the south-east corner of the Park
Lots off Rosemarie Drive. Request is to clear an area to put in two or three horse-
shoe pits as well as a small parking area.
On motion of Johnson and Halfacre, that the matter be referred to the Park Committee
for consideration and be dealt with at the next Committee meeting and Clerk to reply
Presented letter from Mr. Truax with respect to dogs running at large in the Simcoe
Side Area and his daughter being bitten by a dog. Letter requests information re-
garding dogs running at large and follow up procedure when such dog or dogs bite
Pg. 211
On motion of Vousden and Johnson, that Clerk to reply to Mr. M. Truax and advise
that it is the understanding of Council that the Simcoe County District Health
Unit did look into the quarantine of the dog immediately after the Simcoe County
District Health Unit had been contacted by the Humane Society who had obtained the
information from the O.P.P. who visited Mr. Truax, when called. Therefore, it would
appear that the Health Unit has looked into the matter. The dogs running at large
have been reported to the Ontario Humane Society who constantly endeavour to look
at such matters as reported.
Presented letter to Councillor Halfacre from Family and Children's Services of the
County of Simcoe advising that the Children's Aid Society Picnic at Oro Memorial
Park was a complete success and look forward to using the Park again next year. Also
expressing appreciation for the generosity of paying for the Park fee for same on
July S, 19S1. Presented as well copy of Councillor Halfacre's reply to the letter
advising that the fee had been paid by Howard Campbell.
On motion of Vousden and Halfacre, letters as presented be received and placed on
file for reference.
The Planning Administrator was present at 1:45 p.m. to review planning and develop-
ment matters. The following was presented:
Committee of Adjustment, Notices of Hearing re: submissions B11/S1 - Strachan,
A5/S1 & B12/S1 - Crawford, and A6/S1 - Gabura.
On motion of Vousden and Halfacre, that correspondence as presented be placed on file.
Advised that a draft zoning by-Law in respect of the Holden-Quinlan lands, part of
Lots 1 & 2, Range 1 had been received from the applicants consultants, Skelton,
Brumwell & Associates and that on review, a few minor changes had been recommended.
Revised draft to be presented to Planning Board for comment as required by Council's
June 6, 19S1 resolution on August 20, 19S1.
Advised that to date, a reference plan of survey and comment from the Ministry of
Environment in regard to the proposed Driftwood Campground re-zoning has not been
Advised that the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing have indicated that O.P.A.
13 has completed circulation, and that Ministerial approval was anticipated prior to
the end of the month.
Advised that the Community Planning Advisory Branch were in the process of reviewing
draft terms of reference for the proposed North Oro O.P. updating, and that a com-
mitment could be expected within the next week.
On motion of Johnson and Halfacre, that the report of the Planning Administrator be
Mr. Eldon Greer was present at 2:10 p.m. with respect to several items of concern
which he submitted in writing listing same as follows:
1) Due date of taxes - suggesting first few days of the month rather than the
last day of the month
2) The matter of acceleration and decelaration lanes at places of business
along No. 11 Highway, in particular, places such as Fudas and Northway
Pg. 212
Deputy Reeve Davie thanked Mr. Greer for bringing his concerns to Council and ad-
vised that the matters would be considered and he would be advised after some in-
Council after some further discussion passed the following resolution:
On motion of Halfacre and Vousden, Clerk to forward a letter to Ministry of Trans-
portation and Communications expressing Council and ratepayers concerns in view of
proposed increase of speed limit on No. 11 Highway from 80 to 90 km. Council would
request some further consideration with regard to the acceleration and deceleration
lanes along No. 11 Highway to Commercial operations, such as Fudas and Northway
Restaurant, which presently appear inadequate at the 80 km. speed limit in heavy
On motion of Johnson and Halfacre, Clerk to advise Mr. Eldon Greer of the resolution
to M.T.C. and that the matter of due date for taxes willbe further considered when
setting due dates for taxes in 1982.
Mr. T. Strampel of Agriculture Canada, Department of Health, with respect to the
Rabies Clinic to be held this fall and requested use of the Township Machine Shed
on October 23, 1981 for a Rabies Clinic in the Township of Oro from the hours of
10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. The Township to supply two Clerks and necessary tables
and chairs.
On motion of Vousden and Johnson, that Council authorize the use of the Township
Machine Shed for a Rabies Clinic to be held on October 23, 1981 between the hours of
10:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. Also that the Township be responsible to have two Clerks
for the registration as well as sufficient tables and chairs and further that the
Township arrange for advertising of the Clinics.
Presented three applications for a Loan under the Tile Drainage Act, as submitted by:
1) Leonard and Margaret Mortson for Part of E~ Lot 18, Concession 6, Township
of Oro. Total cost of Drainage System being in the amount of $11,347.80,
a Loan in the amount of $8,500.00 is requested, being 75% of the total cost.
2) George A. Sutton on Part Let E, Concession 2, Township of Oro. Total cost
of Drainage System being in the amount of $4,650.00, a loan in the amount
of $3,400.00 is requested, being 75% of total cost.
3) Carl Cumming on Part Lot 19, Concession 5, Township of Oro. Total cost of
Drainage System being in the amount of $1,500.00, a loan in the amount of
$1,100.00 is requested, being 75% of total cost.
Clerk advised that the office of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Food Land
Development Branch, had been contacted by telephone, since the Ministry had been
advised, as requried that as of August 1, 1981 no applications for Tile Drainage Loans
had been received, which would leave a NIL requirement for the Township of Oro in
1981. On the 12th of August 1981, Ministry's office had returned a call advising that
the Township of Oro would be authorized Tile Drainage Loan of up to $10,000.00 for
1981, as had been originally allocated.
Accordingly the three applications will have to be pro-rated as follows:
Pg. 213
Amount of
% of total
Amount of Loan
after Pro-rating
Leonard & Margaret Mortson
George A. Sutton
Carl C. Cumming
110.0. .0.0.
Clerk further advised that under Township approval By-Law No. 980. of $10.0.,0.0.0..0.0.
a balance of $61,60.0..0.0. still remains which would be reduced to $51,60.0..0.0. after
approval of present Loans applied for.
After consideration Loans under the Tile Drainage Act as applied for were approved
on a pro-rated basis by the following resolutions:
On motion of Johnson and Halfacre, application for a loan under the Tile Drainage
Act, 1975, as applied for by Leonard and Margaret Mortson for a Tile Drainage
System on Part E~ of Lot 18, Concession 6, to a total cost of $11,347.50., for which
a loan in the amount of $8,50.0..0.0. qualifies as 75% of the total cost, be approved
by Council on a pro-rated basis of 65.39% of the requested loan of $8,50.0..0.0., to a
total loan of $6,50.0..0.0.. Clerk to advise the applciant accordingly and that upon re-
ceipt of Form 8 from the Tile Drainage Inspector, the necessary Rating By-Law will
be passed and the loan be processed in accordance with the Tiel Drainage Act 1975,
subject to the approval of the loan by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, for
purchase of the Debenture.
On motion of Vousden and Halfacre, application for a loan under the Tile Drainage
Act, 1975, as applied for by George A. Sutton, for a Tile Drainage System on Part
Lot E, Concession 2, to a total cost of $4,560..0.0., for which a loan in the amount
of $3,40.0..0.0. qualifies as 75% of the total cost, be approved by Council on a pro-
rated basis of 26.15% of the requested loan of $3,40.0..0.0. to a total loan of $2,60.0..0.0..
Clerk to advise the applicant accordingly and that upon receipt of Form 8, from
the Tile Drainage Inspector, the necessary Rating By-Law will be passed and the Loan
be processed in accordance with the Tile Drainage Act, 1975, subject to the approval
of the loan by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, for the purchase of the Debenture.
On motion of Vousden and Johnson, application for a loan under the Tile Drainage
Act, 1975, as applied for by Carl C. Cumming for a Tile Drainage System on Part
Lot 19, Concession 5, to a total cost of $1,50.0..0.0. for which a loan in the amount of
$1,10.0..0.0. qualifies as 75% of the total cost, be approved by Council on a pro-rated
basis of 8.46% of the requested loan of $1,10.0..0.0. to a total loan of $90.0..0.0..
Clerk to advise the applicant accordingly and that upon receipt of Form 8, from the
Tile Drainage Inspector, the necessary Rating By-Law will be passed and the loan be
processed in accordance with the Tile Drainage Act, 1975, subject to the approval
of the loan by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, for the purchase of the
Mr. Bruce Sarjeant and Mr. Chalmers were present at 3:0.5 p.m. as per appointment,
representing the Barrie Terrace Ratepayers Association.
Mr. Sarjeant was spokesman as representative of the Barrie Terrace Association and
presented a plan showing the present right of way as Lot IIKII of Plan 663. He then
outlined the present arrangement for maintaining the right of way. Suggested grading
the road as well as gravelling be done when needed rather than when called by the
Pg. 214
Road Superintendent concurred that it would probably be easier to include the work
when the equipment is in the area, rather than take the equipment when requested.
Mr. Sarjeant expressed his concerns with regard to the road and the crossing on
Colborne Street and suggested improving Colborne Street south of the C.N.R. tracks.
Road Superintendent suggested that the method of a set sum for the year for main-
tenance which is to be done as necessary would seem satisfactory, but material sup-
plied should be billed separately.
On motion of Vousden and Halfacre, that in accordance with letter from Barrie Terrace
Association authorizing the Township to maintain Block JlKJI being the present access
to Lots of Plan 663, to an amount of $175.00 and that the material supplied on Block
JlKJI be separately invoiced to the Barrie Terrace Association. It is understood that
the Road Superintendent is hereby authorized to carry out any normal maintenance
and service on Block "K", when required, until such funds are expended, after which
further funds are to be requested from the Barrie Terrace Association. This arrange-
ment is to commence January 1, 1982.
Presented letter from Robert Holmes, Park Superintendent requesting a meeting with
Council with respect to his position for continuing as Park Superintendent after
the end of the season.
On motion of Vousden and Davie, that this matter be discussed at Committee of Council
meeting on August 27, 1981 prior to Mr. Holmes meeting with Committee of Council.
Presented letter from Ontario Good Roads Association forwarding a decal to recognize
that Fred Haughton, Township Road Superintendent has completed another three day
course in the JlC.S. AndersonJl Road School, sponsored by the Ontario Good Roads
Association, namely the Maths and Metrics course 1981.
On motion of Davie and Vousden, that the decal be presented to Township Road Superin-
tendent at the next meeting of Council and he affix same to the certificate previously
presented to him.
Presented letter from the United Townships Bangor, Wick10w & McClure, forwarding copy
of resolution with respect to arrears of taxes, to petition the Ministry of Inter-
governmental Affairs to amend Section 543 and 555 of the Municipal Act to reduce
the three year period to two years. Letter request Council's endorsement.
On motion of Davie and Vousden, letter and copy of resolution be received and filed
with no action taken.
Presented resolution from the Town of Wasaga Beach with respect to intention of the
Atomic Energy Board in concert with the Federal Government to dump radioactive waste
in Base Borden in Essa Township, to which the Council of the Town of Wasaga Beach
vigorously objects to the proposed dumping the said nuclear waste. Letter and reso-
lution request endorsement.
On motion of Davie and Halfacre, that the Council of the Township of Oro endorse the
resolution of the Town of Wasaga Beach #13-272 with respect to moving of radioactive
soil from Scarborough to Base Borden.
Pg. 215
Presented letter from Assessment Commissioner forwarding the Ministry's procedure
to calculate the equalized Assessments and equalization factors, as required under
Section 81 of the Assessment Act. And copy of general calculation procedure. The
equalization factor shown for the Township of Oro being 4.59 for 1981.
On motion of Vousden and Davie, letter and calculations as presented be received
and filed for necessary reference.
Presented letter from Mayor Robert Rutherford, Chairman, Association Steering Com-
mittee of the Association of Counties and Regions of Ontario, Association of
Municipalities of Ontario, Rural Ontario, forwarding a series of materials pertain-
ing to the Founding Conference of the new Municipal Association and the forthcoming
AMO Annual Conference. Chairman encourages detailed review of the enclosures,
namely :
-Proposed Constitution of the New Municipal Association
-Proposed Fee Schedule of the new Municipal Association
-Invitation to nominate individuals to the Boad of Directors of the new
Municipal Association
-AMO Resolution Report - 1980 AMO Auditors Report
-AMO Pre-Conference Bulletin
On motion of Vousden and Johnson, that the series of materials presented be received
and copies as presented to each member of Council be reviewed and comments be refer-
red to voting delegates who will be attending the conference for the Township of Oro
4It on August 24th to 26th, 1981.
Presented letter from the Hon. C. Bennett, forwarding copy of Bill 67, being an Act
to establish the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing and advising of the names
of the Parliamentary Assistant, Deputy Minister and Assistant Deputy Minister.
On motion of Vousden and Davie, that copy of Minister's letter and copy of Bill 67
be received and filed for reference.
Presented letter from Crawford Heating and Air Conditioning forwarding Service
Contract available which offers a one price budget and also assurance of a winter
emergency service for a total price of $90.00 per furnace.
Service Contract
-One complete furnace conditioning and efficiency test
-Labour free servicing all winter long
-All parts are free of charge, except: - circulating pumps, Humidifier Parts,
Heat Exchangers, Combustion Chambers, Burner Housing and Nose Cone
-Plan expires May 31, 1982
-Price - $90.00 per furnace
Hourly rates are still available if preferred - all furnace conditioning and service
calls done on hourly rate of $18.00 per hour (minimum of $24.50 for each call) parts
On motion of Vousden and Johnson, that the letter and service contract from Crawford
Heating be received and Clerk to contact other Heating Service Companies and request
quotations after which the Clerk-Treasurer to have contract accepted from a reliable
Heating Service Contractor with most suitable contract.
Pg. 216
Presented letter from Ministry of the Environment forwarding Certificate of Com-
plicance for the approval for construction of a new barn and manure storage to be
located on W~ Lot 17, Concession 7 for the purpose of keeping mink.
On motion of Davie and Vousden, Certificate of Complicance for Mr. L. Squire,
W~ Lot 17, Concession 7, Township of Oro for construction of new barn and manure
storage to house mink, as presented, be received and copy be presented to Chief
Building Official.
Presented letter from Duane Patfield, Insustrial/Commercial Development Officer
for the County of Simcoe requesting completion of an industrial fact sheet for the
Township of Oro to assist in keeping records.
On motion of Halfacre and Davie, that the letter be received and Clerk to have the
industrial fact sheet completed and returned as requested.
On motion of Vousden and Halfacre, that Clerk to draft a letter inviting Reeve and
Councillor of Municipalities in the County to participate in a log sawing contest at Oro
Fair on Friday, September 25, 1981 at 7:30 p.m., provided the Agricultural Society
has not already invited Municipalities to participate.
Presented letter from Township of Matchedash with respect to an information and
discussion meeting with respect to a small Conservation area involving the North
River and Coldwater River, which has been suggested to come under the jurisdiction
of the N.V.C.A.
On motion of Vousden and Johnson, that Oro Council will be represented at the infor-
mation and discussion meeting with respect to the Watersheds of the North River and
Coldwater River, coming under the jurisdiction of the N.V.C.A. on October 26, 1981
at 8:00 p.m.
On motion of Vousden and Davie, adjourn to meet again on Tuesday September 1, 1981
at 9:30 a.m. and Clerk to advertise the meeting.
Reeve - R.S. Arbour