11 27 1985 Council Minutes . . . Pg. 243 COUNCIL CHAMBERS NOVEMBER 27, 1985 TWENTY-FIRST MEETING Oro Council met this evenIng pursuant to adjournment at 7:05 p.m., with the following members present: Deputy Reeve Councillors: Joanna McEwen Robert E. Drury Thelma Halfacre Allan Johnson Absent Reeve, Stephen Davie Administrator/Treasurer Robert Small Also present were: David Burton David Caldwell Judy Catania Spiro Catania and other Ratepayers Opening Deputy Reeve, Joanna McEwen opened the meeting with a prayer at 7:05 p.m. prayer by Councillor Halfacre. Declaration sclosure of Conflict of Interest Deputy Reeve welcomed the Ratepayers of Hawkestone Police Village who wished to appear before Council and asked the rest of Council regarding their request. On motion of Drury and Halfacre that the ratepayers be permitted to address Council. The Deputy Reeve advised the Ratepayers they would be given an opportunity at 7:30 p.m. Minutes On motion of Halfacre and Drury that the minutes of the last regular meeting of November 6, 1985 be confirmed as printed and received. Correspondence, Communications, etc. - requiring action of Council (a) Letter from Ministry of Transportation and Communications with respect to 1985 Supplementary Subsidy Allocations - Approval dated April 19/85 indicated Subsidy Approval of $607,900 based on $1,047,600 expenditure review of this approval now indicates total subsidy should be $612,300 with no change of total expenditure. The revision relates to special subsidy rate of 80% for paving of 15/16 sideroad project. On motion of Halfacre and Drury that the letter of approval for revised Subsidy from $607,900 to $612,300 based on the 80% subsidy on 15/16 Sideroad which was approved as Supplementary Subsidy Allocation, be received and applied to the 1985 Road Program accordingly. (b) Letter from Jan Hulland, Principal East Oro School regarding Fall Student Reeve Program, in response to Township letter requesting comments on the program of the day. Letter conveys thanks and appreciation for a most informative and enriching experience given to the five students of East Oro School. . . . Pg. 244 TWENTY-FIRST MEETING OF COUNCIL - NOVEMBER 27, 1985 On motion of Halfacre and Johnson that the letter be received and filed for reference should the program continue in 1986. Administrative Staff were directed to present the program to the 1986-88 Council for continuance of the program. (c) Presented copy of Draft Regulations for Part IX of the Environmental Protection Act referred to as the "Spills Bill" and copies of letters regarding same were presented. On motion of Halfacre and Drury that a copy of Draft Regulations and letters with respect to same as presented be received and same be made available to members of Council. (d) Presented letter from D.S. White, Q.C., regarding Township of Oro purchase from M.T.C. Part Lot 16 & 17, Concession 14, forwarding duplicate registered copy of the deed, which was registered as Instrument No. 883788 on the 7th day of November, 1985, along with account for professional services in the amount of $475.32. On motion of Drury and Halfacre that the letter and duplicate copy of deed for Parts of Lot 16 and 17, Conc. 14, designated as parts 1,2,3,4,5,6 & 7 of Plan 51R-13567, subject to Bell Canada easement over parts 4 and 5 as described in Instrument No. 16746, be received and account to Stewart, Esten in the amount of $475.32 be approved for payment. (e) Presented from Ontario Municipal Board, a Board Order for File 850254 and 850255, stating that the appeals are hereby dismissed and the applications for consent to convey lands being composed of Part Lot 7, Conc. 14, will be given by the Committee of Adjustment, provided the same conditions imposed in their decisions are fulfilled. On motion of Halfacre and Drury that the Ontario Municipal Board Order, entered as O.B. # C-85-1 In Folio 122 of the Ontario Municipal Board for File Nos. C-850254 and 850255, be received and filed in respective files and that the Committee of Adjustment receive a file copy for their records. At this time according to the earlier resolution the Ratepayers of Hawkestone Police Village were given the opportunity to present their concerns. Present were: Paul Fallon, Bradley Richardson, Jackie Duffie, Judy Catania, Spiro Catania, Marvin Tingey, Peter Eenhoorn, Kenneth Crawford, Pat Crawford, Betty Crawford. Deputy Reeve McEwen then invited the delegation to make their presentation, advising that same should be limited to 10 to 15 minutes and asked if a spokesman had been selected to express the concerns of the delegation. Mr. Paul Fallon acted as the spokesman and related the following concerns: - in the matter of the proposal by Canada Post Corporation to locate a trailer on property ad- jacent to the Hawkestone Community Hall, the residents of the Police Village had not been given an opportunity by the Trustees to be heard and express their opinions - were not given any information on the matter. - No proper notification given - people adjacent to the area not notified - no information as to reason for moving the Post Office from the store. - Understand Mr. Robert DeMara of Canada Works acted as agent to find property or suitable location. - Trustees have pictures of type of trailer suggested to be used for facility as temporary Post Office. Pg. 245 TWENTY-FIRST MEETING OF COUNCIL NOVEMBER 27, 1985 Understand Trustees have been requested to sign Lease Agreement . - Asked that Council not sign the Lease Agreement - Do Township By-laws permit trailer to be placed? Bradley Richardson asked if By-law had been amended to permit placing of trailer. Deputy-Reeve asked Council members if they had any questions. A number of questions were asked and the matter was discussed at some length. Bradley Richardson and several other members of the delegation inquired about the proposal for construction of a Bridge and Road to Line 12, and whether this project was to proceed. Had Council received petition and letters opposing the project? Deputy Reeve advised that petitions and letters had been received both for and against the proposal and were on file. Then advised that at present there is not a programmed proposal to proceed with such a project since Trustees had no funds for same and neither have the Township any funds for construction of a road from Robinson Street to Line 12. Township records in minutes indicate that if any such proposal were to be programmed, a public meeting would be a requirement. . There being no further questions the Deputy Reeve advised that Council would consider the matter later in the meeting since other delegations were scheduled for the meeting, and asked if any particular person wished to be advised of Council's action. Mr. Paul Fallon asked the he be advised, as did Peter Eenhoorn. Councillor Halfacre advised that she received two telephone calls from Hawkestone Police Village residents and presented memo for files. Correspondence, Comnunications, etc. - receiVed and forwarded . Ministry of Municipal Affairs re: draft plan of subdivision - part lot 24, Concession 8; owner WIn. J. Cook Construction Ltd. - file no. 43T-83005 advising that since no response had been received with respect to Health Unit cc:mnents by October 22, 1985 it would be assumed that the application has been abandoned; - Ontario Hydro - copy of letter to Clerk, Township of RaIna, in response to Township letter supporting the resolution of the Township of Orillia regarding deterioration of Ontario Hydro service - advising that Ontario Hydro would like to assure the Township of RaIna that no reduction in response time to regular emergency work is anticipated. Also copy of letter to Orillia Township regarding services and apparent problem that prompted the resolution which apparently has now been resolved and suggesting that similar problems can be reduced if better communications can be established between the Barrie Hydro Office - Manager Barrie Area; Ministry of Municipal Affairs - Official Plan for the City of Barrie Planning Area, File 43-oP-3997, requesting cc:mnents and Clerk's reply advising that the Township of Oro have no cc:mnents; . . . Pg. 246 'IWENTY-FIRSTMEETING OF COUNCIL - NOVE.M:BE.R 27, 1985 - copy of letter to Leighton Clark, County Engineer with respect to request of owner of Lot 10, Concession 10 access to County Road No. 11 requesting the owner receive clarification as to mctintenance of the part of Road Allowance serving as access to County Road No. 11; - Letter fran the Hon. David Peterson acknowledging endorsing the resolution of the Township of Onondago respecting bilingualism - assuring that Council's views have been noted and will be kept in mind during the government's deliberation on the mcttter; - LotteqLicence #512952 issued to the Oro '77' s Junior "c" Hockey Club; - Ontario Good Roads Association - forwarding copy of Road Runner October 1985 issue; - Ontario Humane Society - monthly report of animal control during October Barrie and Orillia Branches; - Ministry of Municipal Affairs - issue of Background of October 28/85 and November 4/85 (included in this issue notice of New Councillor's Seminar 1986); - A.M.O. - response to the 1985 Provincial Budget Announcement; - Ministry of Community and Social Services re: RPAC membership - the implementation of the Child and Family Services Act - Nov. 1/85 and report on annual conference and list of directors; - Orillia Public Library Board - meeting of Wednesday, November 20, 1985; - Simcoe County Board of Education - board meeting highlights; - The Asystants, a Computer Consultant Group Co. - assistance and training, enclosing enquiry form; - Survey plans 5LR-13960 (Part E~ Lot 23, Conc. 11) 5LR-13964 (Part W~ Lot 10, Conc. 13); - The Cancer Research Society - request for donation; - Rodney C. Raikes Surveying Ltd. - preliminary 5LR plan for part Lot 24, Concession 11 (Consent Application B9/85~ Brings); - The Starr Group, Planning and Management Consultants re: subscription for info:r:mation services manual - goverl1J:rent grants for municipalities. On motion of Halfacre and Johnson, that the correspondence, corrmunications as presented be received and filed for reference. Treasurer's Report of Accounts Accounts for the period ending November 27, 1985 as per Computer print-out presented to each Council :Me:rrber for ;r;eview, were considered for the following am:>unts: Manual Cheque Register Computer Cheque Register Payroll Cheque Register $26,858.06 $146,607.70 $19,453.42 $192,919.18 - Nov. 27 - Nov. 27 - Nov. 21 Total Cheques per Registers On motion of Drury and Johnson that the accounts as presented and in accordance with Computer print-out for the period ending November 27, 1985 be approved for payment and Computer print-out for accounts as approved, be appended to the original Council Minutes of this meeting. .. . . . ... Pg. 247 TWENTY FIRST MEETING OF COUNCIL - NO'VEMBER 27, 1985 Other Business and Matters to be Presented to Council (a) Presented letter fran Barrie Public Library with respect to library service agreement, the present contract expires Decerriber 31, 1985. According to discussions the letter indicates that early in 1985 it was specified that the 1986 library service agreement be signed prior to expiry date of the present contract, such process would ensure that the 1986 library memberships could be issued to Oro patrons as of January 1, 1986. Contract for 1986 is for $29,742.00 - the 1985 contract was $27,667.44, being an increase of $2,075.00 or 7.5%. Payments are requested to be made quarterly - January, April, July and October. On motion of Halfacre and Drury, that the present Oro Council recorrmend to the 1986-1988 Council accept the proposal for 1986 Library Services. (b) Presented copy of letters to Mrs. Jean Crawford, correspondence secretary for the Oro Horticulatura1 Society in response to letter to the County Warden regarding the planting of trees which had been referred to the Barrie Suburban Road Co:rrunis s ion . Response being that the Camnission would have no objection to the Oro Horticultural Society planting trees on the Suburban Road Allowance, providing the actual locations of the trees are approved by the Engineer's Office. On motion of Johnson and Drury letter be received and filed for reference. (c) Presented letter fran Jean Crawford, correspondence secretary for the Oro Horticultural Society with respect to removal of trees fran 15/16 Sideroad during reconstruction. Contents of letter indicates that the Oro Township Horticultural Society implores the Council to have the trees replaced 'INhere ever any improvement work is performed. On motion of Johnson and Drury that letter be received and copy of same be referred to the Road Supt. for corrments on progranroing of the request. Deputation/Appointments 7:30 p.m. - Skelton, BrurtWell & Associates Ltd. re: Audubon Estates Subdivision - walkway on draft plan of subdivision 8:00 p.m. - Executors Mel Hastings Subdivision - A.W.J. Dick, Solicitor and Charles Hastings 8:20 p.m. - Mervyn Walt re: Developers Agreement - Frame Shop Mr. Douglas Skelton was present at 7:40 p.m. along with Mr. H.S. Cooper with respect to walkway on Audubon Estates Subdivision, draft plan at request of Council. Mr. Skelton reviewed the alternatives shown on the draft plan as re-submitted and also another alternative was reviewed. Mr. Skelton indicated that the request of Mrs. R. Brooks for a chain link fence along her property line is not aceeptable to IY'.J::'. Cooper. . . . Pg. 248 TWENTY FIRST MEETING OF COUNCIL - NOVEMBER 27, 1985 Deputy Reeve advised that Council would further consider the matter and result of same would be forwarded. Mr. Skelton took the opportunity to thank all of the present Council for their co-operation and wished the Council elect success. Mr. Mervyn Walt was present at his request at 8:10 p.m. with respect to Developer Agreement, Instrument No. 732706, By-law No. 1230.81. Mr. Walt indicated he was and still is prepared to fulfill the requirements of the Developer's Agreement and that the purpose of his attendance was to request a further extension to complete the erection <fif the fence. Mr. Walt indicated that he was endeavouring to abide within all requirements which some other businesses along the highway are not complying with. The matter was discussed at some length. Mr. Walt indicated he would request a gradual annual project to endeavour to complete and fulfill requirements of the Agreement. Deputy Reeve advised that after further consideration he would be advised of Council's action. Report of Municipal Officer s 8:30 p.m. - Road Supt. Report 8:45 p.m. - Administrator's Report Road Supt., Fred Haughton was present at 8:25 p.m. to present his report of work accomplished and other matters in response to: (a) letter fran Rowanwood Road, Plan M-205 with respect to snow plowing and application of dust control (b) letter fran John Waters re: condition of south west corner of Orser Drive and the 14th Concession rtoad Supt. presented recomnenda tions to both letters and presented a written report to all Council members. On ITPtion of Johnson and Drury that the written report of the Road Supt. as presented and considered be received and Road Supt. and Clerk to respond as required with respect to Rowanwood request for road maintenance and to Mr. John Waters regarding his concern as recomnended in the Road Supt. report. And further, that the Insurance claim i terns be referred to Township Insurance Agents. On ITPtion of Johnsonahd Drury, report of Road Supt. for work completed to November 30, 1985 as presented accepted as satisfactory and Treasurer authorized to issue cheques in payment of same, according to Vouchers 10 and lOA, to a total of $86,809.51. . . . Pg. 249 TWENTY-FIRST MEETING OF COUNCIL - NOVEMBER 27, 1985 corrmi ttee Reports (a) Finance,~dministration & Fire Councillor Halfacre advised she had attended at the official opening of the critical care units of the R.V.H. on behalf of the Township and presented a written report. (b) Road committee Presented earlier by Road Superintendent. (c) Planning & Development Presented Notice of Amendment to the Official Plan for the Township of Vespra for which a public meeting is to be held on December 12, 1985 at 7:00 p.m. On motion of Johnson and Drury that the copy of the Amendment to the Official Plan for the Township of Vespra Notice of Hearing be received and filed for reference. (d) Parks & Recreation Committee Deputy Reeve McEwen as Chairperson of Parks & Recreation Committee advised that a Parks & Recreation meeting had been held on November 26, 1985 at which a presentation of LE.R. Corrmunity Survey Report had been received. Petitions - none Other Business and matters to be presented to Council (Cont'd) Presented report of Livestock Valuer, Ernest Bidwell reporting of Poultry and FO'iNl killed by dogs, belonging to Velma Shanahan, NV'1 Part Lot 14, Concession 4, having a total estimated weight of 78 lbs. and valued at $137.00. Owner having taken the necessary affidavit. On motion of Drury and Johnson report of Livestock Valuer for Poultry and FO'iNl killed by dogs be accepted and that the Treasurer be authorized to issue a cheque to Velma Shanahan, for same to a total of $137.00. Presented report of Livestock Valuer, Ernest Bidwell reporting on a calf injured, belonging to Chris Ellsmere, Lot 40, Concession 1. The report indicates the calf was injured by dog or dogs. Value of damage to newborn calf being estimated at $25.00. On notion of Halfacre and Drury, report of Livestock Valuer be received and approved and Treasurer authorized to issue a cheque in the amount of $25.00 to Chris Ellsmere for damage to calf. Presented a letter from Village of Omemee forwarding a resolution passed by the Council of the Village of Omemee and the Township of Emily with respect to Fire Department Services to be provided on limited funds and further to petition the Ministry of Health for additional funding and requesting endorsement. . . . Pg. 250 TWENTY-FIRST MEETING OF COUNCIL - NOVEMBER 27, 1985 On rrotion of Johnson and Drury that the resolution of the Village of Omemee forwarding a resolution of the village of Omemee and the Township of Emily, be tabled for corrments from the Fire Department and same be referred to the 1986-1988 Council. Presented letter fran the Township of puslinch forwarding a resolution passed by the said Council regarding the need of a nevv Aggregate Act with respect to need for an aggregate extraction levy on granular extraction in the Province of Ontario. :Moved by Johnson and Halfacre that Oro Township Council support the resolution of the Township of puslinch with respect to the aggregates. Appointment of an Acting Secretary-Treasurer to Carmi ttee of Adjustment and Acting Planning and Zoning Administrator. On motion of Halfacre and Johnson that Council appoint Henry Neufeld as Acting Secretary for the carrmi ttee of Adjustment and further that Henry Neufeld be appointed as the Acting Planning and Zoning Administrator. By-laws Presented letter fran Ministry of Agriculture and Food that all allocation restrictions for Tile Drainage have been rerroved on municipalities and applications be accepted and debenture liens for same be forwarded as quickly as possible, as soon as work has been cOII\Pleted. At this time, it appears that sufficient funds are available to purchase debentures which it is anticipated municipalities will offer. As approved by Council at a meeting held on August 6, 1985 for a further Tile Drainage Loan for Glendening Farms Ltd., David Levision, for an additional estimated cost of $1,891.00 for which a loan is applicable on basis of 50% of the total cost in the a:n:ount of $1,100.00 and that the same be processed once additional funds become available. Completion of Inspection Form 8 had been accepted along with original application for an a:n:ount of $4,000.00. Accordingly, the drainage work having been performed and Form 8 completed and received, a By-law to impose a Special Annual Drinage Rate upon the land in respect to which rroney is borra;.;red under the Tile Drainage Act, R.S.O. 1980, c. 500 to construct a sub-surface drainage works on such lands. And whereas Council upon application had agreed to lend the owner a total of $1,100.00, to be repaid with interest at the rate of 8% by means of a rate hereinafter imposed by a Rating By-law as prescribed on Form 11 and presented be on rrotion of Drury and Halfacre introduced and numbered as By-law No. 1426/85 and read a first time. On rrotion of Drury and Johnson, By-law No. 1426/85 read a first time be read a secorld::::I::ime. On rrotion of Johnson and Halfacre, By-law No. 1426/85 read a second time be read a third time. Pg. 251 TWENTY-FIRST MEETING OF COUNCIL - NOVEMBER 27, 1985 . On motion of Johnson and Drury that By-law No. 1426/85, now read a third time do pass, be engrossed by the Clerk, signed and sealed by the Reeve and clerk to complete and forward Schedule "A" of the said By-law, which sets out the annual rates for a ten-year period. Clerk advised that at a meeting of Oro Council held on November 6, 1985 that the Inspection and Completion Certificate (Form 8) had been accepted and that upon receipt of further allocation of funds from the Province of Ontario being available through the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, the necessary documentation be completed for the Tile Drainage Loan by John McCuaig be processed. Therefore a By-law to impose a Special Annual Drainage Rate upon the lands of John McCuaig, west part lot 19, Conc. 4 in respect to which money is borrowed under the Tile Drainage Act. R.S.O. 1980 c. 500 to construct a sub-surface drainage works on such lands. And that such loan be repaid with interest at a rate of 8% by means of a rate hereinafter imposed by a Rating By-law as prescribed on Form 8. Also a special annual Drainage Rate be imposed for the balance of the application by Gary Sanderson which had been approved by Council and an amount of $400.00 being withheld until further funds became available from the Province of Ontario. Therefore on motion of Halfacre and Drury be it resolved that a special annual rate be imposed by a Rating By-law as prescribed on Form 11, for John McCuaig and Gary Sanderson, be introduced and numbered as By-law No. 1427/85 and read a first time. On motion of Drury and halfacre that By-law No. 1427/85 read a first time, be read a second time. On motion of Johnson and Drury that By-law No. 1427/85 read a second time, be read a third time. . On motion of Halfacre and Drury that By-law No. 1427/85, now read a third time, do pass, be engrossed by the Clerk, signed and sealed by the Reeve and Clerk to complete and forward Schedule "A" of the said By-law, which sets out the annual rates for a ten-year period. Offer to Sell, Form g, be completed by the Treasurer and Debenture Form 4 No. 85-16 in the total amount of $4600.00 to cover all loans for the month of January 1, 1986, be completed and Reeve and Treasurer be hereby authorized to execute same on behalf of the Corporation of the Township of Oro, and along with Form 8 be forwarded to the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, foodland Development Branch, Drainage Section, Queens Park. As recommended by Fire Committee and Administrator a draft by-law to amend By-law No. 1171, be presented for consideration of Council. On motion of Drury and halfacre that a By-law to amend By-law No. 1171, be introduced and numbered as By-law No. 1428/85 and read a first and second time. On motion of Johnson and Drury that By-law No. 1428/85 read a first and second time be read a third time. On motion of Johnson and Halfacre that By-law No. 1428/85 now read a third time, do pass, be engrossed by the Clerk, signed and sealed by the Reeve. A Draft By-law to appoint a Fire Chief for the Township of Oro was presented and on motion of Drury and Halfacre that By-law No. 1429/85, read a first and second time, be read a third time. On motion of Johnson and Drury that By-law No. 1429/85, now read a third time, do pass, be engrossed by the Clerk, signed and sealed by the Reeve and necessary copies be prepared for all concerned. . After further consideration of Mr. Vern Walt request with respect to the fencing of the property In ac- cordance with the Developers Agreement, the following resolution was passed: On motion of Drury and Johnson that the 1983-85 Council recommend to the 1986-88 Council that an extension for the completion of the fence around the Shanty Bay Auto Wreckers as outlined in the site plan agreement be granted for a reasonable period of time. . . . Pg. 252 TWENTY-FIRST MEETING OF COUNCIL - NOVEMBER 27, 1985 Mrs. Charles Hastings, Executor of Mel Hastings Draft Plan of Subdivision was present along with Charles Hastings at 8:45 p.m. regarding extension of the Draft Plan. Presented letter from A.J.W. Dick requesting recommendation to the approval of extension of Draft Plan. Also copy of letter from Administrator advising of meeting of Council. Mr. Hastings advised Mr. A.W.J. Dick, Solicitor was unable to attend. The purpose of the request to appear before Council was to seek approval for recommendation of an extension of the Draft approval. On motion of Drury and Johnson that the 1983-85 Council recommend to the 1986-88 Council that a further extension of Draft approval be granted for a longer period of time up to one year that the Ministry would approve for the Hastings Subdivision. Presented Draft Agreement of Lease as prepared by Public Works Canada, acting as Agent for Canada Post Corporation. The lease prepared as Draft reads that it is to be effective for a two-year period from December 1, 1985 to November 30, 1987. Clerk advised that the Representative, Mr. Robert E. DeMara when leaving copy of the lease had indicated he was meeting with the Trustees that day. Clerk also presented copy of letter forwarding the resolution of Council to Public Works Canada with copies to the Trustees that attended the meeting of Council held on November 6, 1985. Council considered the draft lease and the delegations concerns were expressed earlier and as a result passed the following resolution: On motion of Drury and Johnson: 110ro Council suggest that as a result of the concerns of the delegation of ratepayers that appeared before Council at a meeting held on November 27, 1985, that the Trustees arrange a meeting with the Ratepayers of Hawkestone Police Village to inform them of the proposal by Canada Post Corporation as a temporary facility for a Post Office in Hawkestone Police Village and further that the Agent for Canada Post be advised accordingly. II The matter of walkway on the Draft Plan of Subdivision of Audubon Estates was further considered and the following motion was passed: On motion of Drury and Johnson that Oro Council is not making any request for alterations from the Draft Plan as presented with the Red Line Revision which is being circulated by the Ministry. Clerk presented contract for Extended Software Maintenance from Molnar Systems Group which was dis- cussed and the following action was taken: On motion of Drury and Johnson that the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign the Extended Software Agreement once all items have been resolved by the Administrative Staff and Molnar Systems Group. Presented letter from Barrie and District Christmas Cheer Organization - request for financial assistance. On motion of Halfacre and Johnson that Oro Council authorize a grant of $50.00 to the Barrie & District Christmas Cheer Organization. Confirmation aw On motion of Halfacre and Johnson that a By-law to confirm the proceedings of this meeting of Council held on November 27, 1985 and recommendations contained in Reports, be introduced as the draft By-law having been circulated and numbered as By-law No. 1430/85 and read a first time. On motion of Drury and Johnson that By-law No. 1430/85 read a first time be read a second time. On motion of Halfacre and Drury that By-law No. 1432/85 read a second time be read a third time. . . . Pg. 253 TWENTY-FIRST MEETING OF COUNCIL - NOVEMBER 27, 1985 Adjournment On motion of Johnson and Drury that the 1983-85 Council adjourn. H. ... . . . Y-FIRST MEETING - NOVEMBER 27 1985 On November 14, 1985 Clerk declared the following elected for a three year term 1986-88 (in accordance with Section 79(2) of The Election Act.) 1986-88 Council Reeve Robert E. (Bob) Drury - R. R.#l Deputy-Reeve Thelma Halfacre - R. R.#l Councillors: David Burton - R. R.#l Dave Caldwell - R.R.#2 Bob Swerdon - R.R.#2 Simcoe Board of Education - Ward 9 Oro Gail O'Brien R.R.#l Oro Station, Ontario LOL 2EO Trustees Hawkestone Police ViII Steven Cook - Hawkestone, Ontario LOL 1TO Kenneth E. Crawford - Hawkestone, Ontario LOL 1TO John O'Kurily Hawkestone, Ontario LOL 1TO Oro Station, Ontario LOL 2EO Oro Station, Ontario LOL 2EO Oro Station, Ontario LOL 2EO Hawkestone, Ontario LOL ITO Oro Station, Ontario LOL 2EO Declared at Oro Township, this 14th day of November 1985. H. Neufeld Returning Officer Township of Oro of Simcoe Roman Catholic arate School Board - Ward 6 Robert Debesys (as declared acclaimed by Clerk, Township of Mara) Results of Simcoe Divisional Board of Education Elected by Separate School Supporters (North Ward) Paul Tremblay (as declared acclaimed by Clerk - Township of Tiny) On motion of minutes. and , report of 1985 elections be received for inclusion In the CHEQUE NO M5728-ML M5729-ML M5730-ML M5731-ML M5732-ML M5733-ML M ~\7 3 4-~IL 115735-ML M5736-.Ml M5737-Ml M5738-~lL M5 7 3 9 -'ML M5740-ML M5741-ML ~1:)742-ML M5743-ML M5744-ML M5 745'-ML M~,746-ML M5747-ML M5748-ML M5749-~IL M5750-ML M5751-ML M5752-ML M5753-ML M5754-.ML M5755..'ML M5756-ML M5757-ML M5758-.Ml. M5759-ML M5760-ML ~15761-ML M5762-ML T5490 83800 83800 88200 61825 07500 M5496 82150 11075 85499 L5500 U501 05502 M5503 J5504 85505 J5506 B5507 K5508 85509 R5510 K5511 M5512 N5513 55514 85515 85516 A5517 38700 73000 J5~~20 N5521 M5522 C5523 R 5~! 24 NO VENDOR NAME TOPOS WOHKSHOP TREASURER OF ONTARIO TREASURER OF ONT AR 10 WOODS GORDON ONTARIO MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES BELL CANADA ~IARGARET St.JEENY THOMSON SEYFFER GRAPHICS L TO. CAt.ADIAN IMP. BANK OF CO~IM. 8ETTY BROWN LINDA HAUGHTON LENA SIMPSON DOUGLAS WILSON MARY PROPER JUDY GAUTIER BARBARA BARD ,TOANNE rlANZLl K BERNAL JOHNSTON KATHLEEN NELLES BERNICE HICKLING ROSEMARY DUNSMORE KEITH SANDERSON MOU_ I E SCH~1 I EDCHEN NORMAN CAMPBELL SHARON LEVESDUE BARBARA CRAWFORD 8EEiSIE CRAWFORD AUDREY ORf1EROO KATHY HUMMEL GEORGE ROBERTS ,TEAN PEARSON NORMA LEIGH MARY RICE CHRIS WRIGLEY RUTH ANNE SHAW e C HEG1UE DATE 85/11/14 85/11114 85/11/14 85/11/14 85/11/14 85/11114 85/11114 85/11114 85/11/14 85/11/14 85/11/14 85/11/14 85/11/14 85/11/14 8:,/11/1.1 85/11/14 8:'\/11/1-, 85/11/14 85/11/14 85/11/14 85/11/1.4 85/11/14 85/11/14 85/11/14 8:,/11./14 85/11/14 85111114 85/11/14 85/11/14 85/11114 85/11/14 85/11/1 85/11/14 85/11/14 85/11/14 'HE TOWNSHIP OF ORO PO It N5490-1 N5491-1 N5492-1 N5493-1 N5494-1 N5495-1 N5496-'1 N5497-1 N5498-.1 N5499-1 N:'\500-1 N5501-1 N5502-1 N5503-1 N5504-1 N5505-1 N5506-1 N5507-1 N5508-1 N5509-1 N5510-'1 N5511-1 N5512-1 N5513-1 N5514-'1 N5515-1 N5516-1 N5517-1 N;,518-1 N5519-1 N5520-1 N5521-1 N5522-1 N5523-1 N5524-1 CTRL NO VENDOR REFERENCE 5490 5491 5492 5493 5494 5495 5496 5497 5498 5499 5500 5501 5502 5503 5504 5500' 5506 5507 5508 5509 5510 5511 5512 5513 5514 5515 5516 5517 5518 5519 5520 5521 5522 5523 5524 10600 487.-5454 18873 287018247 INVOICE/CREDIT NOTE DESCRIPTIO\'J DATE 85/11/2-5 PAGE INVOI CE AMOUNT ROADS REGISTRATION OHIP OCTOBER ROAD COUNTERS TREAS/ADMIN. OMERS OCTOBER PARV TELEPHONE LIVESTOCK VILLED VOTERS LISTS CHARGEX DRO ELECTION POLL CLERK ELECTION DRO ELECTION POLL CLE.RK - ELECTION ORO ELECTION POLL CLERK - ELECTION DRO ELECTI ON POLL CLERK ELECTION DRO ELECTION POLL CLERK - ELECTION DRO ELECTION POLL CLEHV ELECTION DRO ELECTION POLL CLERK ELECTION DRO ELECTIotJ POLL CLERK ELECTION DRO ELECT ION POLl.. CLERK El.ECTION DRO ELECTION ELECTION ASSISTANT ELECTION ASSISTANT POLL CLERK ELECTION ORO ELECTION POLL CLERK ELECTION DRO EL.ECTION POLL CLEHK ELECTI ON e 35.0') 922~ 2:, 642.00 4,500.00 3,842.70 13.54 200.00 364.45 84.24 70.00 60.00 0.00 60.00 70.00 60.00 70.00' 60.00 70. OC! 60.00 70.00 60.00 70.00 60.00 70,00 60.00 70.0(:- 60.00 7('.00. 8~). 00 45.00 60.00 70.00 60.00 70.0(' 60.00 CHEOLJE A~lOUNT 35.00 922.25 642.00 4,500.00 3.842.70 13.54 200.00 364.45 84.24 70.00 60.00 7 60.00 70.00 60.00 70.00 60.00 70.00 60.00 70.00 60.00 70.00 0.00 70.00 60.00 70.00 0.00 7 ,,0 85.00 45.00 60.00 70.00 60.00 70.00 60.00 \ e THE TOWNSHIP OF ORO DATE 85/11125 MANUAL CHEQUE REGISTER PAGE 2 it . CHEQUE --------- VENDOR ------------------- CHEQUE CTRL VENDOR INVOICEICREDIT NOTE INVOICE CHEQUE NO NO NAME DIHE PO # NO REFERENCE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AMOUNT it M5763-ML S5525 SUSAN GRANT 85/11/14 N5525-1 5525 DRO ELECTION 70.00 70.00 M5764-ML M5526 MARION SAILA 85/11/14 N5526-1 5526 POLL CLERK ELECTION 60.00 60.00 M5765-ML 85527 BETTY PARTRIDGE 85/11/14 N5527-1 5527 DRo ELECTION 70.00 70.00 M5766-ML E5528 ESTHER WILSON 85/11/14 N5528-1 5528 POLL CLERK ELECTION 60.00 60.00 M5767-ML K5529 KAY VOKES 85/11/14 N5529-1 5529 ORO - ADVANCE POLL ELEC 80.00 80 00 , M5768--~lL 85530 BETTY ERICKSON 85/11/14 N5530-1 5530 POLL CLERK - ADVANCE PO 70.00 70.00 M5 7 6 9 --ML E 5 5 31 EDGAR COMMUN!TY HALL 85/11/14 N5531-1 5531 HALL RENTAL - ELECTION 60.00 60.00 M5770-ML R5532 RUGBY COMMUNITY HALL 85/11/14 N5532-1 5532 HALL RENTAL - ELECTION 60.00 6 .00 . M5771-ML 85533 SHANTY BAY SCHOOL CENTRE 85/11/14 N5533-1 5533 HALL RENTAL - ELECTION 75.00 :7 5. O(! '1- M5772-ML 05534 ORO STATION COMMUNITY HALL 85/11/14 N5534-1 5534 HALL REtHAL -- ELECTION 75.00 75.00 M5773-ML H5535 HAWKE8TONE COMMUNITY HALL 85/11/14 N5535-1 5535 HALL RENTAL - ELECTION 90.0(' 90.00 M5774-~lL J5536 JARRATT COMMUNITY HALL 85/11/14 N5536-1 5536 HALL RENTAL - ELECTION 60.00 60.00 M5775-ML 56800 HENRY NEUFELD 85/11/14 N5537-1 5537 RETURNING OFFICER 170.00 170.00 M5776-ML 77625 ROBERT W SMALL 85/11/14 N5538-1 5:! 38 AE)~:)T ~ RETURNING OFFICER 12 -",.00 125.00 M5777-ML 25750 JOAN FLETCHER 85/11/14 N5539-1 553<:' ASST. REVISING OFFICER 150. 00 1.:,0 k 0(' M5778-ML 76600 DARLENE SHOLORIDGE 85/11/14 N5540-1 ~,540 ASST. REVI ING OFFICEP .00 90.00 M5779-ML 32150 GOODCHILD, DARL_ENE 85/11/14 N5541-1 5541 ELECTION ASSISTANT 85.00 85.00 M5780-ML 73000 GLORGE ROBERTS 85/11/15 N5542-1 5542 4TH QUARTER EXPENSES 319.00 319.00 M5781-ML 73000 GEORGE ROBERTS 85/11/15 N5543--1 5:',43 TERMINATION PAYROLL 6.180.4(' 6,180.40 M5782-ML G2700 GEORGE ANDERSON 85/11/18 N5544-1 5544 VOL. FIREMAN STA.#4 815.32 815.32 M5783-ML G270I GEORGE SCOTT 85/11/18 N5545-1 5545 VOL. FIREMAN STAT. #4 740.66 740.66 M5784-ML J2702 JACK SCOTT 85/11/18 N5546-1 :,546 VOL. FIREMAN STA.#4 528.18 528. 18 M5785-ML B2703 BOB TUDHOPE 85/11/18 N5547-1 5 :,47 VOL. FIREMAN STA.#4 187. 18 187.18 M5786-ML 83025 B08 LANGMAN 85/11/18 N5548-1 5548 VOL. FIREMAN STA.#4 402.12 402~12 M5787-ML G2705 GOROON HORNE 85/11/18 N5549-I 554Q VOL. FIREMAN STA.#4 221. 56 221.56 M5788-ML 43500 ALLAN JOHNSON 85/11/18 N55:JO-I 5550 VOL. FIREMAN STA.#4 152.80 .I. 52.80 M5789-ML 82707 BRIAN JOHNSTON 85/11/18 N5551-1 5551 VOL. FIREMAN STA.#4 343.8(' 343.8 M5790-ML K2708 KEN MCLEOD 85/11/18 N5552-1 5:I:J 2 VOL. FIREMAN STA.#4 168.08 168.08 M5791-ML E2709 EDWARD LANGMAN 85/11/18 N5553-1 5.553 VOL. FIREMAN STA.#4 503.86 503.8 M5792-ML [2376 ERI L ANGM/\N 85/11/18 N5554-1 5554 VOL, FIREMAN STA.#4 14~). 16 145_ 16 M5793-ML G2711 GEORGE LANGMAN 85/11/18 N5555-I 5 5:\ VOL. FIREMAN 8TA.#4 53.48 53.48 M5794-ML N271~ NORM LANGMAN 85/11/18 NCJ5~)6-1 ~; 5 56 VOL. FIREMAN STA.#4 329.54 32Q. :14 M5795-ML E27l3 ERIC SCOTT 85/11/18 N5557-I 5557 VOL. lREMAN STA.#4 161. 46 161. 46 M5796-ML M5558 MEL STRACHAN 85/11/18 N5558-1 5558 VOL. FIREMAN STA.#4 19. 10 19. 1 M5797-ML G3031 GARRY WALKER 85/11/18 N5559-1 5559 VOL. FIREMAN STA.#4 187. 18 187.18 e e e .. THE TOWNSHIP OF ORO MANUAL CHEQUE REGISTER CHEOUE --------- VENDOR ------------------- CHEOUE NO NO NAME DATE PO It M 5 79 8-:-ML B2715 BERNARD ROACH 85/11/18 N5560-1 M5799-ML M2716 MURRAY LANGMAN 85/11/18 N5561-1 M5800-ML W2717 WAYNE HORNE 85/11/18 N5562-1 M5801-ML W2718 WAYNE ABBOTT 85/11/18 N5563-1 M5802-ML R5564 RUGBY FIREFIGHTERS ASSOCIATION 85/11/18 N5564-1 M5803-ML M5565 MARION MCLEOD 85/11/18 N5565-1 TREASURER M~\YOR APPROVED BY RESOlUT ION Nm1BER DATE 85/11/25 PAGE 3 CTRL VENDOR INVOICE/CREDIT NOTE NO REFERENCE DESCRIPTION INVClICE AMOUNT 5560 5561 5562 5563 5564 5565 DISBURSEMENT It CLERK AT A MEETING OF COUNCIL HELD e VOL. FIREMAN STA.lt4 VOL. FIREMAN STA.lt4 VOL. FIREMAN STA.1t4 VOL. FIREMAN STA.#4 CDNTRIEllITION FIRE PHONE 432.68 305.60 137.52 229.2(' 400-.00 150.00 TOTAL MANUAL CHEQUES TOTAL FOR GENERAL FUND FUND= LAST PAGE OF 3 e CHEQUE At10UNT 432.68 305.6(' 137.52 229.20 400.00 150.00 26.858.06 26.858.06 e THE TOWNSHIP OF DRD DATE 85/11/25 PAGE , CHEQUE --------- VENDOR ------------------- CHEQUE CTRL VENDOR INVOICE/CREDIT NOTE INVOICE CHEQUE . NO NO NAME DATE PO It NO REFERENCE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AMOUNT . 01729-CA 00500 AINLEY & ASSOCIATES 85/11/27 N5646-1 5646 284370-13 122.48 . AUTO FLEA MARKET , N5647-1 5647 285449-2 462.45 RURAL SEVERANCE POLl ) N5648-1 5648 285151-6 1,249.54 . OFF. PLAN & ZON.UPDAT N5649-1 5649 283273-17 170.30 :J WINOFIELOS . N5650-1 5650 284333-1 172.43 2,177.20'/ ALEXANDER EXTRACTION 01730-CA 02500 ASSOC OF MUN CLERKS & TREAS 85/11/27 N5678-1 5678 MCI0I085 150.00 . R. W. SMALL - MEMBERS N5679-1 5679 MCI01058 150.00 D. SHOEBRIDGE - MEMB 300.00 .,.-/ , 01731-CA 03200 ATKINSON ELECTRONICS 85/11/27 N5705-1 5705 4877 120.92 SERVICE RADIO 120.92/' 01732-CA 05125 BARRIE BUILOING CENTRE 85/11/27 N5713-1 5713 3546 159.25 , SAFETY GLOVES ") N5714-1 5714 2229 6.90 CEMENT 166. 15~ ,. 01733-CA 05200 CITY OF BARRIE 85/11/27 N5703-1 5703 1717 10.50 10. 50~ AIR REFILLS 01734-CA 05500 BARRIE PUBLIC LIBRARY 85/11/27 N5651-1 5651 6,916.86 . FINAL INSTALL. '85 L 6,916.8V 01735-CA 05550 BARRIE RADIATOR LTD. 85/11/27 N5711-1 5711 12828 133.32 REPAIRS . N5712-1 5712 12833 53.50 186.8/ REPAIRS J 01736-CA 05800 BARRIE TENT & AWNING 85/11/27 N5717-1 5717 2647 179.91 ... REPAIR 179. 91~ 01737-CA 06000 BARRIE WELDING & MACHINE 85/11/27 N5715-1 5715 77749 163.67 REPAIR 'I N5716-1 5716 77982 267.79 431.4/ REPAIR 01738-CA 06400 BAY CITY PAPER PRODUCTS 95/11/27 N5652-1 5652 12889 46.63 J GARBAGE BAGS 46.63/ 01739-CA 07500 BELL CANADA 95/11/27 N5697-1 5697 728-3552 126.62 EDGARISHANTY BAY PHO 126.62......... 01740-CA 07700 BERTRAM BRDS BLDG MATERIALS 85/11/27 N5653-1 5653 82924 19.67 WDS SUPPLIES N5654-1 5654 84137 34.62 J WOS SUPPLIES 54.29/ 01741-CA 09000 BOWMAN DISTRIBUTION 85/11!27 N5710-1 5710 47541 25.66 BOLTS 25.66.-/ ) 01742-CA 09500 A.G. BRADLEY LTD. 85/11/27 N5655-1 5655 2956 44.57 OFFICE SUPPLIES >> , , j i e e ~. IHE 10WNSHIP OF ORO DAiE 85/11/25 ** CHEQUE REGISTER ** PAGE 2 CHEQUE ----.-- VENDOR ------ CHEQ\JS C1RL VENDOR INVOICE/CRE.DIT NOTE INVOICE CHEQUE NO NO NAME DATE PO It NO REFERENCE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AMOUNT ) N5778--1 5778 3243 12.52 SUPPLIES 57.09/ 01743-CA 09577 BROOKS VENDING AND 85/11/27 N5656-1 5656 2307 13.65 COFFEE SUPPLIES N5695-1 5695 2316 57.80 71.45/ COFFEE SUPPLIES 01744-CA 10100 C ~ R Cl.EANING SUPPLIE.S 85/11/27 N56BO-1 56BO 3B32 38.52 FLOOR CLEANER N5681-1 56Bl 371\9 34.67 wET FLOOR SIGNS N5682-1 56B2 3733 72.03 STRIP PADS N56B3-1 56B3 3731 167.99 313.21/ DRIVE BLOCK 0171\5-CA 10150 CADILLAC RUST CONTROL 85/11/27 N571B-1 5718 96.19 REPAIR 96. 19/ 01746-CA 10600 CAMERA CRAFT t, GIFTS 85/11/27 N5657-1 56;)7 6983 11\.9B C.8.0. SuPPLIES 14.98/ 01747-CA 11030 CANADIAN BEARINGS B5/11/27 N5719-1 5719 7660B-11 23.5B PARTS n.58""- 01748-CA 11250 THE CP,NADIAN SALT CO. LTD. 85/11/27 N5720-1 572() 099644 1,655.Bl SALi \\\5721-1 5721 99658 1,292.31 SALi N5722-1 5722 99659 I,OB5.01 SALi \\\5723-1 5723 996B3 1.059.79 SALT N5724-1 5724 99681 1,027.76 SALT N5725-.1 5725 996B2 1,027.76 SALT 7,14B.4V o 1749-CA 12600 CHAMP lON ROAD MACHINERY SALES B5/11/27 N5726-1 5726 249572 283.95 PARTS/REPAIR \\\5727-1 5727 249571 4B2.17 PARTS/REPAIR 766.12/ 01750-CA 13100 COL.LINGWOOD SAND ~, GRAVEL B5/11/27 N5728-1 5728 B5-03 17,899.90 17,899.90' PROGRESS PAy'T Q1751-CA 14450 JOKN CUPPAGE B5/11/27 N5606-1 5606 637.94 VOL.f1RE.SiA.~2 637.94/ 01752-CA 15600 OAL.STON STORE 85/11/27 N5730-1 5730 31363 7.06 SUPPLlES 7.06/ 01753-CA 16800 DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS 85/11/27 N5731-1 5731 51108 160.50 REPAIRS \ e e . THE TOWNSHIP OF ORa DATE 85/11/25 . ** CHEQUE REGISTER ** PAGE 3 . CHEQUE --------- VENDOR ------------------- CHEQUE CTRL VENDOR INVDICE/CREDIT NOTE INVOICE CHEQUE . NO NO NAME DATE PO # NO REFERENCE DESCR I P TI ON AMOUNT AMOUNT . N5732-1 5732 51115 518.95 " REPAIR .. N5733-1 5733 5114 402.86 REPAIR . N5734-1 5734 51113 3,520.30 <It REPEATER/CRYSTALS N5735-1 5735 51120 158.37 . REPAIR 4,760.98// . 01754-CA 20700 PAUL EENHOORN 85/11/27 N5595-1 5595 562.98 VOL. FIRE. STA. #2 . N5658-1 5658 113.50/ . mLEAGE 676.48/ 01755-CA 24100 THE EXAMINER 85/11/27 N5659-1 5659 59730 91.14 IJ LEDGER SAFE . N5660-1 5660 59060 100.44 REC.MASTER PLAN " N5661-1 5661 59979 40.92 . RATEPAYERS , N5662-1 5662 60048 195.70 NOTICE OF POLL . N5663-1 5663 60281 97.38 . NOTICE OF POLL 525.58/ 01756-CA 25700 F.K. MACHINERY LTD. 85/11/27 N5737-1 5737 77796 28.71 . PARTS . N5738-1 5738 77538 18.48 PARTS 47.19/ , 01757-CA 36100 THELMA HALFACRE 85/11/27 N5777-1 5777 27.00 . EXPENSES 27.00- 01758-CA 37500 FRED HAUGHTON 85/11/27 N5740-1 5740 11. 49 ., MEETING EXPENSE 11. 49--- . 01759-CA 37700 HAWKINS GARAGE 85/11/27 N5665-1 5665 24125 66.68 ARENA TRACTOR PARTS 66.68/ " 01760-CA 37740 ROBERT HENDERSON 85/11/27 N5739-1 5739 26.73 . CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 26.73;/ 01761-CA 39100 HlffiONIA LEASING 85/11/27 N5664-1 5664 284.23 :t CSO LEASE & LICENSE . N5741-1 5741 367.72 LEASE ~'< LICENSE 2 N5742-1 5742 276.28 . LEASE & LICENSE 928.23/ 01762-CA 39200 HURONIA FORD SALES 85/11/27 N5743-1 5743 11161 7.92 ? PARTS , ":) ) ,') ,:) e e .. I THE TOWNSHIP OF ORO ** CHEQUE REGISTER ** DATE 85/11/25 PAGE 4 CHEQUE --------- VENDOR ------------------- CHEQUE ND NO NAME DATE PO # CTRL VENDOR NO REFERENCE INVOICE/CREDIT NOTE DESCRIPTION INVOICE AMOUNT 01763-CA 41000 IDEAL SUPPLY CO. LTD. 01764-CA 42500 JANES STATIONERY INC. 01765-CA 46100 KOPPERS INTERNATIONAL CANADA 01766-CA 47200 L & E PAPER 01767-CA 51265 PETER MARCHILDON 01768-CA 51290 HAROLD MARTIN RENT-ALL INC 01769-CA 51300 MARSDEN'S TROPHIES 01770-CA 51~)00 MARSHALL'S AUTO PARTS UD. 01771-CA 52100 JOANNA MCEWEN N5744-1 5744 10590 . PARTS 85/11/27 N5745-1 5745 263810 PARTS N5747-1 5747 263812 PARTS N5748-1 5748 264199 PARTS N5750-1 5750 264233 PARTS 85/11/27 N5684-1 5684 49084 ARENA SUPPLIES 85/11/27 N5751-1 5751 30-~495 PARTS 85/11/27 N5752-1 5752 WI03433 SUPPLIES 9.81 7.21 8.52 47.03 15.62 6.35 21. 24 32.34 85/11/27 N5631-1 5631 347.62 VOL. FIRE. STA. #3 85/11/27 N5755-1 5755 23834 RENTAL 85/11/27 N5667-1 5667 3833 ENGRAVING 85/11/27 N5753-1 5753 9107 REPAIRS 43.72 10. 10 51.90 80.00 85/11/27 N5696-1 5696 01773-CA 54100 MUNICIPAL WORLD LTD. 01772-CA 52400 MCKERLIE-MILLEN (ONTARIO) INC. 85/11/27 N5704-1 85/11/27 N5668-1 4TH QUARTER MILEAGE 5704 2327356 FIRE SUPPLIES 5668 345 BALLOT BOXES 5756 58293 GRAVEL 100.00 01774-CA 56200 NELSON AGGREGATE CO. 01775-CA 56800 HENRY NEUFELD 01776-CA 60500 ON-SITE EQUIPMENT REPAIRS 01777-CA 61375 ONTARIO DOOR SERVICE 01778-CA 61700 ONTARIO HYDRO 01779-CA 63200 ORILLIA PUBLIC LIBRARY 01780-CA 63250 ORILLIA SPRING SERVICE 01781-CA 63320 ORILLIA TRUCK REPAIR 01782-CA 63700 ORO SANITATION 01783-CA 64500 OXY-WELD LTD. e 129.21 30.10 85/11/27 N5756-1 69.93 85/11/27 N5774-1 5774 MEETING EXPENSE 85/11/27 N5758-1 5758 R.O.736 REPAIRS 85/11/27 N5757-1 5757 5262 REPAIRS 85/11/27 N5687-1 5687 1402205 ARENA HYRDO 1.048.15 47.00 2.475.71 3.458.50 85/11/27 N5669-1 5669 FINAL INSTALL. '85 LE 85/11/27 N5759-1 5759 S018711 PARTS 85/11/27 N5760-1 5760 194 REPAIRS N5761-1 5761 230 REPAIRS N5762-1 5762 286 REPAIRS 85/11/27 N5688-1 5688 50 PUMP SEPTIC TANK 85/11/27 N5670-1 5670 95096 WDS FIRE4II'INGUISHE 14.34 2,939.97 162.80 83.89 170.00 48.85 CHEQUE AMOUNT 17.73/ 78.38/ 6.35/ 21.24............ 32.34,../" 347.6~ 43.7V 10.1V 51. 90,../ 80.0!)./" 129.2V 3 O. 1 ().r" 6 9. 9 J.o.--' 100. O~ 1,048.1s,../ 47.00-- 2.475.7......... 3.458.50---'" 14.3~ 3, 186. 6~ 170.00/ e . THE TOWNSHIP OF ORO DATE 85/11/25 . ** CHEQUE REGISTER ** PAGE 5 . CHEQUE --------- VENDOR ------------------,- CHEQUE CTRL VENDOR INVOICE/CREDIT NOTE INVOICE CHEQUE . NO NO NAME DATE PO '* NO REFERENCE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT A~10UNT . N5701-1 5701 92242 48.85 . FIRE €XT. VAN . N5702-1 5702 92551 31. 10 OXYGEN SUPPLIES 128.80"""'- ,. 01784-CA 65700 PARTRIDGE TRACTOR SERVICE LTD 85/11/27 N5763-1 5763 2387 68.41 . PARTS 68.4V 01785-CA 65850 PAUL'S LOCK LTD. 85/11/27 N5764-1 5764 S9963 12.31 . KEYS 12.31/ . 01786-CA 65950 PENGUIN PETROLEUMS LTD. 85/11/27 N5698-1 5698 11061 63.42 GAS UN IT 9 . N5699-1 5699 11062 46.00 . GAS UNIT 9 109.42/ 01787-CA 66200 PETRO CANADA 85/11/27 N5689-1 5689 300154 305.81....... . F/O GUTHRIE HALL . N5708-1 5708 345928 906.48 ROADS - GAS . N~,709-1 5709 345927 1,770.60 . ROADS - DIESEL 2,982.89/ 01788-CA 67200 PITNEY BOWES 85/11/27 N5671-1 5671 9301850 296.39 , POSTAGE MACHINE 296.3'(../ . 01789-CA 68590 PROVINCIAL TRAFFIC SIGNS 85/11/27 N5672-1 5672 2126 451.67 . BICYCLE SIGNS 4 5 1 . 6 z".--' 01790-CA 72100 REEVES CONSTRUCTION 85/11/27 N5765-1 5765 11,342.07 . GRAVEL "B" 11. 342. 07~ . 01791-CA 73200 ROBINSON HARDWARE (BARRIE) LTD 85/11/27 N5690-1 5690 78954 51. 64/ SUPPLIES - GUTHRIE H . N5691-1 5691 78955 20.99/ SUPPLIES - GUTHRIE H . N5766-1 5766 80082 48.96/ " SUPPLIES 121. 59""" 01792-CA 75400 PAUL SADLON MOTORS INC. 85/11/27 N5767-1 5767 7991 191. 10 .. PARTS 191. 10/ lit 01793-CA 76000 SEABOARD LIFE INS. CO. 85/11/27 N5673-1 5673 119-2314 391.41 YEARLY A.D.D. PREMIU '. N5754-1 5754 320.31 . INSURANCE PREMIUM 711. 72,../'" 01794-CA 76600 DARLENE SHOEBRIDGE 85/11/27 N5674-1 5674 10.00 . MILEAGE 10.00- . 01795-CA 77625 ROBERT W SMALL 85/11/27 N5776-1 5776 700.00 MEETING EXPENSES 700.000--'" . 01796-CA 77800 SPEEDY AUTO GLASS 85/11/27 N5768-1 5768 902030 143.06 " REPAIRS 1 43. 0""'-- 01797-CA 78100 STAN'S SHARPENING SERVICE 85/11/27 N5692-1 5692 4848 23.54 .. SHARPEN ICE RESURFAC 23.5......... ., 01798-CA 78300 STEWART. ESTEN 85/11/27 N5675-1 5675 475.32 OROP/FM.T.C. ) N5707-1 5707 1. 184.66 , LEGAL SERVICES 1,659.98/' 01799-CA 78400 STEWART CONSTRUCTION LTD. 85/11/27 N5769-1 5769 4273 145.66 t GRAVEL 145.66/ II :::J ,Ie e e } THE TOWNSHIP OF ORO DATE 85/11/25 ** CHEQUE REGISTER ** PAGE 6 CHEQUE --------- VENDOR ------------------- CHEQUE CTRL VENDOR INVOICE/CREDIT NOTE INVOICE CHEQUE NO NO NAME DATE PO It NO REFEHENCE DESCR I PTI ON AMOUNT AMOUNT 01800-CA 78500 STEWART WHOLESALE CO. LTD. 85/11/27 N5676-1 5676 105721 34.20 ARENA SUPPLIES 34.20......... 01801-CA 79500 SUPERIOR PROPANE LTD. 85/11/27 N5770-1 5770 2~J1745 277.94 PROPANE 277.9"........ 01802-CA 82050 DWIGHT TAYLOR 85/11/27 N5693-1 5693 64.41 PETTY CASH 64.41....... 01803-CA 82100 TEXACO CANADA INC. 85/11/27 N5775-1 5775 9251185659 142.70 142.70.-/' C. 8. O. GAS 01804-CA 83800 TREASURER OF ONTARIO 85/11/27 N5771-1 5771 100.00 ANNUAL PIT LICENCE 100.00--' 01805-CA 84000 BELL TECHNICAL SERVICES INC. 85/11/27 N5677-1 5677 151997 390.55 HARDWARD MA I NT. 390. 5~ 01806-CA 85300 UNITED LUMBER & BUILDING BUPP 85/11/27 N5694-1 5694 1-1~)893 135.74 ARENA SUPPLIES 135.7........... 01807-CA 86300 CLIFF VARCOE 85/11/27 N5772-1 5772 12.734.12 SAND 12, 734. 1~ 01808-CA 86700 VOLVO 8M CANADA 85/11/27 N5773-1 5773 18509 390.30 PARTS 390.30--' 01809-CA 87300 WALLWIN ELECTRIC LTD. 85/11/27 N5700-1 5700 2179 56.53 SUPPLIES 56.5~ ') 01810-CA A5619 ANN EENHOORN 85/11/27 N5619-1 5619 500.00 PHONE STA.1t2 500.00..... 01811-CA A5628 ALF PERKINS 85/11/27 N5628-1 5628 221.56 VOL. FIRE. STA. 113 221. 56/ 01812-CA B4572 8RIAN BARTHOLOMEW 85/11/27 N5609-1 5609 893.88 VOL. FIRE. STA. 1t2 893. 8 a-- 01813-CA 85579 BLAIN PFRIMMER 85/11/27 N5579-1 5579 473.68 VOL,FIRE.STA.ltl 473.68- 01814-CA B5580 BOB BURCH 85/11/27 N5580-1 5580 569.18 VOL. FIRE. STA. Itl 569.18 - 01815-CA B5583 BRUCE LAFFIN 85/11/27 N5583-1 5583 424.02 VOL. FIRE. STA. III 424.02........... 01816-CA 85586 BOB BOWMAN 85/11/27 N5586-1 5586 309.42 VOL. FIRE. ST A. !II 309.42......... 01817-CA B5591 BARB BOWMAN 85/11/27 N5591-1 5591 355.28 PHONE STA. III 355.28......... 01818-CA 85598 BRIAN HART 85/11/27 N5598-1 5598 768.84 VOL.FIRE.STA.1I2 768.8V 01819-CA B5618 BONNIE SHElSWEll 85/11/27 N5618-1 5618 500.00 PHONE STA.1t2 500.00/ 01820-CA B5626 BOB ANGI 85/11/27 N5626-1 5626 371.56 VOL. FIRE. STA. 113 371.56../ 01821-CA B5627 BRIAN PRATT 85/11/27 N5627-1 5627 577.14 VOl.FIRE.STA.1I3 5 77. 1 4---" 01822-CA B5632 BARRY NORMAN 85/11/27 N5632-1 5632 523.34 VOL.FIRE.STA.1t3 523.34/ 01823-CA C2337 CATHY CUPPAGE 85/11/27 N5622-1 5622 379.62 PHONE STA.1t2 379.62- 01824-CA C4532 CARL WALTON 85/11/27 N5567-1 5567 351. 44 VOL. FIRE. STA.lll 351. 44......... 01825-CA C5592 CAROL SHUFELT 85/11/27 N5592-1 5592 374.78 PHONE STA. 111 374. 78../ 01B26-CA C5617 CHRIS CUPPAGE 85/11/27 N5617-1 561 214.94 PHONE STA.1I2 214.94../ 01827-CA C~ CARL WRIGHT 85/11/27 N5636-1 5636 VOL. FeSTA. 113 205.58 e 205.58/ 01828-CA 0 DOUG SHElSWElL 85/11/27 N5613-1 5613 870.96 . '\.__ ~" '0 " 01830-CA 05578 DON PFRIMMER 85/11/27 N5578-1 5578 126.06 . VOL.FIRE.STA.#l 126.06/ " 01831-CA 05610 DON BLUNT 85/11/27 N5610-1 5610 393.46 393.46/ VOL. FIRE. STA. #2 II 01832-CA D5612 DAVE CONLDN 85/11/27 N5612-1 5612 309.42 " VOL. FIRE. STA. #2 309.42 ,./ II . . . . . .. . fi . II . II . \\If . . . . . . . . . . . . " ,. ) :r ,J "'!ir II .. - e Je THE TOWNSHIP OF ORO DATE 85/11/25 ** CHEQUE REGISTER ** PAGE 7 CHEQUE --------- VENDOR ------------------- CHEQUE CTRL VENDOR INVOICEICREDIT NOTE INVOICE CHEQUE NO NO NAME DATE PO # NO REFERENCE DESCR IPTION AMOUNT AMOUNT 01833-CA 05620 DOROTHY JERMEY 85/11/27 N5620-1 5620 150.00 150.00/ PHONE STA.#2 01834-CA 05630 DENNIS FRENCH 85/11/27 N5630-1 5630 827. 54 VOL. FIRE. STA. #3 827.5';/ 01835-CA 05634 DAN KEY 85111127 N5634-1 5634 477. 50 VOL. F1F~E. STA. #3 477. 5~ 01836-CA 05635 DAVE FRENCH 85/11/27 N5635-1 5635 599.74 VOL.. FIRE. STA. #3 599.7~ 01837-CA 05638 DAVID KEY 85/11/27 N5638-1 5638 408.74 VOL.FIRE.STA.#3 408.74/ 01838-CA 05729 DOUGLAS YOUNG 85/11/27 N5729-1 5729 85.h136 8,902.40 HARDWARE/SOFTWARE 8,902.40......- 01839-CA E5642 EDGAR FIREFIGHTERS ASSOCIATION 85/11/27 N5642-1 564~' 400.00 VOL.FIRE.STA.#3 400.00/ 01840-CA E5645 EVELYN PERKINS 8till1/27 N5645-1 5645 87.50 PHONE STA.#3 87.50/ 01841-CA F4570 FRED SHELSWELL 85/11/27 N5600-1 5600 500.84 VOL.FIRE.STA.#2 500.84""'- 01842-CA F5736 FRAME SHOP & AUTO SALES 85111127 N5736-1 5736 6121 85.60 REPAIRS 85.60/' 01843-CA G4568 GEOROE SHUFELT 85111/27 N5577-1 5577 500.00 VOL. FIRE. STA. #1 500.00/ 01844-CA 05574 GERRY MILLER 85/11/27 N5574-1 5574 687.60 VOL. FIRE. STA. #1 687.60/ 01845-CA 05590 GWENDA GROOT 85/11/27 N5590-1 5590 366.06 366.06/ PHONE STA. #1 01846-CA G5594 GRACE ycmNO 85/11/27 N5594-1 5594 792.78 PHONE STA.#l 792.78/ 01847-CA 05607 GLENN JERMEY 85/11127 N5607-1 5607 294. 14 294.14/ VOL. FIRE. STA. #2 01848-CA G5621 GERTRUDE JERMEY 85/11/27 N5621-1 5621 500.00 500.00/ PHONE STA.#2 01849-CA G5623 GEORGE SIDWELL 85111127 N5623-1 5623 761. 90 VOL.FIRE.STA.#3 761. 90/ 01850-CA 05640 GLEN LANOCASTER 85111/27 N5640-1 5640 530.98 530.98/ VOL. FIRE. STA. #3 01851-CA G5685 OARRY J LUCAS 85/11/27 N5685-1 5685 12535 123.00 ARENA RENOVATIONS 123.00/ 01852-CA H5614 HAROLD SHELSWELL 85/11/27 N5614-1 5614 802.20 VOL. FIRE. STA. #2 802.20/ 01B53-CA H5615 HAWKESTONE FIREFIGHTERS ASSOC. 85/11/27 N5615-1 5615 400.00 400.00 ../ CONTR IeUTION 01B54-CA J4574 JIM LEIGH 85/11/27 N5605-1 5605 710.52 VOL. FIRE. STA. #2 710.52- 01855-CA J4580 JOHN KEY 85/11/27 N5625-1 5625 673.34 VOL. FIRE. STA. #3 673.34/ 01856-CA J5566 JOHN HENSON 85/11/27 N5566-1 5566 867.80 VOL. FIRE. STA. #1 867. 8~ 01857-CA J5602 JIM RICE 85111127 N5602-1 5602 695.24 VOL.FIRE.5TA.#2 695.2V 01858-CA J5629 JOHN MCQUAY 85111127 N5629-1 5629 427.84 VOL. FIRE. 5T A. #3 427.84/ 01859-CA K5639 KEN LAKE 85/11/27 N5639-1 5639 618.84 VDL.FIRE.STA.#3 618.84"'/ 01860-CA L4,-LOYD BARTHOLOMEW 85/11/27 N5601 1 5601 VOL. FleA. #2 929.28 e 929.28 ......- 01B61-CA L5. .EIOH REEVIE 85/11127 N5571-1 5571 ~~Q I\R . 01863-CA L5666 LANGMAN. JAMES R. . 01864-CA M5572 MILES HICKLING 01865-CA M5582 MORLEY PACKARD . . r~nUj\jL Q I""h +tv 85/11/27 N5666-1 5666 REFUND DEV.DEPOSIT 85/11/27 N5572-1 5572 VOL. FIRE. STA. IH 85/11/27 N5582-1 5582 VOL. FIRE. STA. It! 301. 78 623.90 618.84 . . . . . . . . .., . It, . ., a; e e wvv. vv- 623. 90,../" 618.84- ill 301.78/ .. .- .; . . . . . .. .. . .. .. .. . . - "'. .. .. ~e DATE 85/11/25 PAGE 8 THE TOWNSHIP OF ORO ** CHEQUE REGISTER ** INVOICE/CREDIT NOTE OESCR IPTION INVOICE AMOUNT CHEQUE NO VENDOR ------------------- CHEQUE NAME DATE PO # CTRL VENDOR NO REFERENCE 212.50 NO 01866-CA M5589 MURIEL PFRIMMER 85/11/27 N5589-1 5589 01867-CA M5603 MER V CUPPAGE 85/11/27 N5603-1 5603 01868-CA M5616 MARLENE LANGSTAFF 85/11/27 N5616-1 5616 01869-CA M5633 MIKE BOWMAN 85/11/27 N5633-1 5633 01870-CA M5706 MURRAY AXMITH & ASSOCIATES 85/11/27 N5706-1 5706 01871-CA N5637 NELS HARDEN 85/11/27 N5637-1 5637 01872-CA 05643 ORMA LEES 85/11/27 N5643-1 5643 PHONE STA.1*3 85/11/27 N5686-1 5686 KT6338425 FREIGHT CHARGES 500.00 01B73-CA 056B6 OVERLAND EXPRESS 01B74-CA P5581 PETER GROOT 85/11/27 N5581-1 5581 01875-CA R4571 ROBERT JERMEY 85/11/27 N560B-1 5608 01B76-CA R4573 RANDY LANGSTAFF 85/11/27 N5599-1 5599 01877-CA R5575 RICK ANDERSON 85/11/27 N5575-1 5575 01B78-CA R55B5 RANDY WUENSCH 85/11/27 N5585-1 5585 01879-CA R5604 RAY CUPPAGE 85/11/27 N5604-1 5604 01880-CA S5568 SANDY BDWMAN 85/11/27 N556B-1 5568 018B1-CA S5573 SANDY RICHMOND 85/11/27 N5573-1 01882-CA 55587 SHANTY BAY FIREFIGHTERS ASSOC. 85/11/27 N5587-1 01883-CA 55588 SANDRA WALTON 85/11/27 N5588-1 5588 01884-CA S5641 STEVE OLENIAK 85/11/27 N5641-1 5641 01B85-CA T4578 TERRY DICKEY 85/11/27 N5611-1 5611 01886-CA T5570 TOM BOOTH 85/11/27 N5570-1 5570 01887-CA T5576 TED APPLEBY 85/11/27 N5576-1 5576 01888-CA T5596 TIM JERMEY 85/11/27 N5596-1 5596 01889-CA U2308 UNA HENSON 85/11/27 N5593-1 5593 01890-CA W4569 WILLIAM COWIE 85/11/27 N5584-1 5584 01891-CA W5569 WAYNE KNELSEN 85/11/27 N5569-1 5569 01892-CA Y5597 YES JERMEY - 85/11/27 N5597-1 5597 PHONE STA. #1 500.00 VOL. FIRE. ST A. #2 500.00 PHONE STA.1*2 343.80 VOL. FIRE. STA. #3 7,500.00 CONSULTING SERVICES 252.12 VOL.FIRE.STA.#3 B7.50 B9.00 VOL. FIRE. STA. #1 660.86 VOL. FIRE. STA. #2 879.66 VOL.FIRE.STA.#2 362.90 VOL.FIRE.STA.U 618.84 VOL. FIRE. STA. #1 412.56 VOL.FIRE.STA.#2 500.00 VOL. FIRE. STA. U 863.32 5573 VOL.FIRE.STA.#1 5~,87 400.00 CONTR I BUTI ON 212.50 PHONE STA. #1 523.34 VOL. FIRE. STA. #3 886.24 VOL.FIRE.STA.#2 VOL. FIRE. STA. 111 696.26 932.42 VOL. FIRE. STA. #1 473.64 VOL. FIRE. ST A. #2 500.00 PHONE STA.#1 752. 54 VOL.FIRE.srA.U 509.08 VOL. FIRE. SrA. IU VOL. FIiATA. #2 ""~~~AL FOR BANK CA 655.64 CHEQUE AMOUNT 212.50/ ) 500.0V 500.00/ 343.80/ 7,500.00,../' 252.12/ 87.50/ 8 9. 0 0,...--' 500.00 ....-- 660.86/ 879.66/ 362.90/ 618.84/ 412.56/ 500.00....... 863.32/' 400.00/ 212.50/ 523.34/ 886.2V 696.26/ 932.42/ 473.64/ 500.00 ...-/ 752. 54~ ) 509.08/ 655.64"'/ 146.607.70 11'1< _" () 7 7 () e