07 16 1990 Public Minutes
1988 - 1991 COUNCIL
The following members of Council were present:
Reeve Robert E. Drury
Deputy-Reeve David Caldwell
Councillor David Burton
Councillor Alastair Crawford
Councillor Allan Johnson
Also Present Were:
Mr. Ron Watkin, Mr. Todd stocks, Mr.
Jerry Jorden, Mr. Ian Wilson, Mr. Ron
Sommers, Mr. Brian Pratt, Mr. Ernest
Bidwell, Mrs. Doris Bidwell, Ms. Jean
Bidwell, Mr. Ken Bell, Mrs. Vivian
Bell, Mr. P. Bravakis, Mr. Ken Hollins,
Mr. Ralph Clarke, Mr. G. Fleming, Mrs.
Shirley Woodrow, Mr. Rodney Raikes,
Mrs. Gail Raikes, Mr. Len Edgerton, Mr.
Jeff Ball, Mr. Garth Daniels, Mr. Ted
Beaton, Mrs. Anita Beaton, Mr. Don
Bidwell, Mr. Maurice Heisz, Mr. Floyd
Sinton, Mrs. Pat Thompson, Mr. Rocke
Robertson, Mr. Chuck Lowe, Mr. Steve
Sperling and one member of the press.
Reeve Robert E. Drury chaired the meeting.
Reeve Robert E. Drury opened the meeting by explaining to those
present that this Public Meeting was to obtain public comments
with respect to a proposed temporary use By-law pursuant to the
provisions of The Planning Act, 1983, section 34 (12). The
applicant has applied to rezone certain lands to allow for a
temporary use.
To date, the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Oro
have not made a decision on this application other than
proceeding to a Public Meeting. Only after comments are
received from the Public, Township Staff and requested Agencies
within an appropriate time period, will Council make a decision
on this application.
Notice of the Public Meeting was mailed out on June 22, 1990 to
all property owners within 400 feet of the subject lands.
Notice of the Public Meeting was also placed in both the Barrie
Examiner and Orillia Packet and Times on June 23, 1990.
The Reeve asked the Clerk if there had been any correspondence
received on this matter. The Clerk responded by indicating
that one piece of correspondence had been received and proceeded
to read the correspondence from the Simcoe County Roman Catholic
School Board who had no comments or concerns.
The Reeve then stated that those persons present would be
afforded the opportunity of asking questions with respect to the
proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-Law Amendments.
Reeve Robert E. Drury then turned the meeting over to the
Township's Planning Consultant, Mr. Ron Watkin, to explain the
purpose and effect of the proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-
law Amendment.
Special Public Meeting: 7:00 p.m. July 16, 1990
The subject lands are presently vacant
and located in Lot 35, Concession 2.
The applicant has asked for permission
to put a shed on the property prior to
the house being built.
The temporary use By-law would be in
effect from the date of passing of the
By-Law until December 30, 1991. A By-
law is required for temporary use.
The Reeve after enquiring and ascertaining that there were no
questions from those present, thanked those in attendance for
their participation and advised that Council would consider all
matters before reaching a decision. He then advised those
present that if they wished to be notified of the passing of the
proposed By-law, they should leave their name and address with
the Clerk.
Mr. Ron Watkin:
Moved by Burton, Seconded by Johnson
Be it Resolved that we do now adjourn this Special Public
Meeting (Suwala - Temporary Use By-Law) @ 7:15 p.m.
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