11 05 1990 Public Minutes 3
The following members of council were present:
Reeve Robert E. Drury
Deputy Reeve David Caldwell
councillor David Burton
Councillor Allan Johnson
councillor Alastair Crawford
Also Present Were:
Mr. Ron watkin, Mr. Ron Sommers, Mr. Jim
Bell, Mr. Walter Nes, Mr. Ken Hollins, Mr.
Paul Perri, Mr. John Harrison, E.
C. Bryan, L. Harrison, Mr. Mike Quinn,
U. smith, Mr. Steve Sperling, and One
Member of the Press.
Reeve Robert E. Drury chaired the meeting.
Reeve Robert E. Drury opened the meeting by explaining to those
present that this Public Meeting was to obtain public comments
respect to a proposed Zoning By-Law Amendment, pursuant to the
provisions of the Planning Act, 1983, Section 34 (12). The
applicant has applied to rezone certain lands described as Lot 55,
Plan 967, Concession 7, (Debiasio).
Notice of the Public Meeting was mailed out on October 16, 1990,
all property owners within 400 feet of the subject lands.
To date, the council of the corporation of the Township of Oro
not made a decision on this application, other than proceeding to
Public Meeting. Only after comments are received from the public,
Township Staff and requested agencies within the appropriate time
period, will Council make a decision on this application.
The Reeve then asked the Clerk if there had been any
received on this matter. The Clerk responded by indicating
correspondence had been received from the Nottawasaga Valley
Conservation Authority, indicating that this proposal was located
outside the Nottawasaga valley conservation Authority Watershed.
The Reeve then stated that those persons present would be afforded
the opportunity of asking questions with respect to the proposed
zoning By-Law Amendment.
Reeve Robert E. Drury then turned the meeting over to the Township
planning Consultant, Mr. Ron watkin, to explain the purpose and
effect of the proposed zoning By-Law Amendment.
Mr. Ron watkin:
This is an application by Mr. DeBiasio
tile rezoning of his property from 1:he
Seasonal Residential "SR" Zone to the
Residential General "RG" Zone. This
process is to convert existing seasonal
residence to permanent usage and the
of this program is to make sure that if
someone intends to use their residence
permanently then the septic system is
capable of handling year round usage. So
it is simply a straight rezoning from the
Seasonal Residential to the Residential
General Zone.
- 2 -
Mr. Ron Watkin:
I own the lot next door and would just lik~
to understand a little bit more what the II
rezo~ing really entails, in terms of taxesll
for ~nstance. I also understand that theYII
can build a little closer to the lot line.11
In tenns of taxes, certainly if an II
individual adds an addition to his propert~
the assessment will change and the taxes II
will then change, I don't think it will II
have any adverse affect on yourself. II
In tenns of the zoning from the "SR" Zone :1
which presently requires a 4.5 metre II
sideyard, this would then be reduced underll
the Residential General Zone to 3 metres 0#
ten feet. II
One of the things I am really interested in
is the location of the septic? I have a II
permanent residence on the one side and if I :
I have a permanent on the other, and I hop#
to build in the next two years, I think itll
is important to know where the septic I
system is located because I want to make I
sure that I have room to put in my septic Ii
system and well within the next two years. II
Mr. DeBiasio' s septic system is already inll
place, it is already there. This is not :1
for a conversion it is already an existing!1
use. ,
Mr. Mike Quinn:
Mr. Ron Watkin:
Mr. Mike Quinn:
Mr. Ron Watkin:
No the residence itself. So he already ha~
a septic system in place on the property. I
Unless I am quite confused here, I think w~
are talking about a cottage property that I
is probably going to be ripped down and a I
house built. Is this correct?¡
Not necessarily, it could happen that way.
Through the public Meeting process we do
not have any comments directed from the
Health Unit, however, the application is
made for a conversion basically for
utilization of the dwelling from what is
seasonal usage to a permanent usage. It
a process which we proceed by, primarily
ensure that there is an adequate septic
Mr. Mike Quinn:
The septic?
Mr. Ron Watkin:
Mr. Mike Quinn:
Reeve Drury:
My main concern is protecting my own
interest when I decide to build and as I .
said unless I am confused with the parcel II
of land in question, the property next dOO~...¡""
to me is certainly not in liveable.
condition and I am not aware of any septic
system there currently. Is Mr. DeBiasio 1.".1
present or a representative here?
I don't believe so. The septic systems
all under the authority of the Simcoe
County Health Unit and they are aware of
what is going on along there and they do
make sure that everyone complies.
Mr. Mike Quinn:
. I
- 3 -
Councillor Crawford:
As I understand the zoning, it probably:
cannot be rezoned unless the septic system!1
is up to standard for a permanent dwellingl
Now this is a Public Meeting and if after II
this meeting we find that he does not hav~1
an up to date septic system, then he cannqt
have his property rezoned. I would assumell
before it would come to a Public Meeting'
all these concerns would be settled, in II
other words the man has a permanent septicll
system already in existence or he couldn I tll
apply for a rezoning because he would not 'I
get it. II
Mr. Ron Watkin:
After the Public Meeting, I can show you
the survey and the septic tank approval
that is on file.
The Reeve after enquiring and ascertaining that there were no II
further questions from those present, thanked those in attendance II
for their participation and advised that Council would consider alll
matters before reaching a decision. He then advised those present II
that if they wished to be notified of the passing of the proposed Ii
by-law, they should leave their name and address with the Clerk. I
Moved by Crawford, seconded by Caldwell
Be it resolved that the Special Public Meeting of Council (Debiasioi
Rezoning) now be adjourned @ 8:l0 p.m.
R~~ert ~ ~
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