06 05 2002 Council Agenda TOWNSHIP OF ORO-MEDONTE COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA COUNCIL CHAMBERS DATE: WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5,2002 TIME: 7:00 p.m. .......................................................................... 1. OPENING OF MEETING BY MAYOR 2. PRAYER ..,. SWEARING IN OF DONALD BELL - COUNCILLOR WARD 1. 3. ADOPTION OF AGENDA 4. "DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF - IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ACT" 5. RECOGNITION OF ACHIEVEMENTS 6. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS a) Minutes of Special Council Meeting held Wednesday, May 15, 2002 @ 5:30 pm. b) Minutes of Special Council Meeting held Wednesday, May 15, 2002 @ 6:30 pm. c) Minutes of Regular Council Meeting held Wednesday, May 15, 2002 @ 7:00 pm. .............................................................................., 7. CONSENT AGENDA CORRESPONDENCE: a) Correspondence re: Proposed Park at Pods Lane and Alpine Way in Horseshoe Highlands from: ~ Norman Saville and Lise Hansen ~ Kara and Bruce Plummer ~ Terry and Wanda Sallows ~ Sheila Smith ~ Gabriele Robinson ~ Wayne and Dawn Gorecki ~ Elizabeth and Jack Pearce ~ Gordon and Frances Martyn ~ Douglas & Carolyn Comrie ~ Mr. & Mrs. R. Dory ~ John Richard Patton ~ Kathy and Gary Lewis ~ Dwight and Audrey Evans ~ D.J. Charles ~ D.J. Charles, Executive Member, Jarratt-Coulson & District Community Group Inc. ~ Joe, Eileen and Jim McLean, and Eldon and Shirley Atkinson b) Correspondence re: Official Plan Review from: c) Helen MacRae, Chief Administrative Officer-Clerk, County of Simcoe re: Simcoe County Council - April 23, 2002, By-law to Change Composition and Size of County Council. d) Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority Meeting minutes dated, Friday, April 26, 2002. e) Orillia Public Library Board Minutes dated, April 24, 2002. f) Ontario Municipal Board re: Decision delivered by Ronald J. Emo and Order of the Board dated May 16, 2002. Decision/Order No. 0590. g) Ontario Arts Council 1999/2000 and 2001/2002 Annual Reports. (Reports are available in the Clerk's office for review). h) Beverley Hubatsch, Chair, Oro-Medonte Community Policing Committee re: Thank you for support. i) Midland Public Library Board Meeting minutes dated, April 11, 2002. j) Correspondence addressed to Mike Drum, Lake Simcoe Regional Airport from Don Haney, President, Burl's Creek Family Event Park, dated May 29,2002 re: Air Show and Automotive Flea Market scheduling. 8. DEPUTATIONS: 7:15 p.m. Mr. Jack Pearce re: Proposed Park at Pods Lane and Alpine way in Horseshoe Highlands. 9. REPORTS OF MUNICIPAL OFFICERS: ~ a) Report No. ADM2002-24, Marilyn Pennycook, Clerk, re: Proposed Street Names for Horseshoe Valley Subdivision, (Concession 4, Part Lots 3 & 4 Ora) by Laurel View Homes. b) Report No. PD2002-23, Andria Leigh, Township Planner, re: Draft Approved Plan of Subdivision (Gordon Mackie), Concession 11, Part of Lot 1, (Oro), Draft Plan Approval #43T-90050. c) Report No. PD2002-25, Andria Leigh, Township Planner, re: Proposed Zoning by-Law Amendment for Eric Bowes and Dawn Braden, Concession 4, South Part of Lot 8 (Oro) Development Application P-97-99. J d) Fire Report No. 2002-07, Paul Eenhoorn, Fire Chief, re: Monthly Fire Report for April 2002. e) Report No. 2002-35, Keith Mathieson, Director of Engineering and Environmental Services, re: Sugarbush Subdivision - Phase III, Stave IV - Pre- Servicing Agreement, Section "B". 10. COMMUNICATIONS: a) Correspondence received from Paul DeVillers, M.P. for Simcoe North re: Commemorative Medal for the Queen's Golden Jubilee. Deadline for nominations is June 30, 2002. b) Correspondence received from Ms Susan Grant, Treasurer, Jarratt Community Hall, re: Capital Expenses - Jarratt Community Hall. c) Correspondence received from Ms Rosmary Dunsmore re: Donor Recognition on Trail. d) Correspondence received from Mr. John Dunsmore re: Donor Recognition on Trail. e) Correspondence received from Mr. J.R. Liss re: Smoking in Office at Landfill Site on Horseshoe Valley Road. f) Correspondence received from Mr. Bruce Waite and Dr. Norman Kee, Co- Chairs, Doctor's Recruitment Committee. g) Correspondence received from Mr. Douglas Comrie, received May 9,2002 re: Pesticide use on private property. h) Correspondence received from Peter and Carolyn Bucik, received May 27,2002 re: Pesticide use of private property. i) Correspondence received from Mr. Harold Devine, dated May 27,2002, re: Pallets North. 11. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES: a) Minutes of Committee of the Whole Meeting held Wednesday, May 22, 2002. b) Minutes of the Planning Advisory Committee Meeting held May 28,2002. 12. PETITIONS: Nil. 13. UNFINISHED OR NEW BUSINESS: Nil. 14. BY-LAWS: a) By-Law No. 2002-056 b) By-Law No. 2002-063 c) By-law No. 2002-066 d) By-law No. 2002-67 15. IN-CAMERA: Being a By-law to adopt the estimates of all amounts required during the year for levying the tax rates for the year 2002. Being a By-Law to Authorize the Execution of a Site Plan Control Agreement between Jess-Cor Holdings Inc. and The Corporation of the Township of Oro- Medonte, described as lands as follows: Parcel 21-14, Section 51 - Oro - 5, being Part 2, 51R-19930, being all of PIN #58550-1032 (Lt), Township of Oro-Medonte. Being a By-law to Authorize the Executive of an Agreement between the Township of Oro-Medonte and Municipal Property Assessment Corporation for the provision of a Vacancy Verification Service. Being a By-Law to Authorize the Execution of a Pre- Service Agreement (Monica Interior Design Ltd. And Modco Investments Ltd., Phase III, Stage IV, Section "B") a) Jennifer Zieleniewski, CAO, re: Property Matter "Edgar". 16. CONFIRMATION BY-LAW NO. 2002-064. 17. ADJOURNMENT: 18. QUESTIONS: 27 Alpine Way RR #1 Shanty Bay ON LOl 2LO r-- ~-'\f~lfl \ RE\;~~~l V, ~. \ \ ~~\ 11 ~O! \ , ORC-ME-DONTE L. ,_JOWNstU~- " May 16, 2002 Mayor Neil Craig Township of Oro-Medonte Township Offices P.O. Box 100 Oro ON LDL 2X0 Subject: Proposed park at Pods Lane and Alpine Way in Horseshoe Highlands: Dear Mayor Neil Craig: We write to you in concern for, and in opposition to, the proposal to develop a park/playground on TO\vnship ow11ed property at the comer of Pods Lane and Alpine Way in Horseshoe Highlands. We are property owners and residents at 27 Alpine Way. This property is in visual contact with the proposed park. While woe are in support of park facilities in our area we de not support the proposed site for these facilities. We acknowledge that almost no one wants to have a park in their back yard (the NIMBY phenomena). We would, however, like to bring to your attention several good reasons why this piece of property should not be the place selected for any park in this area: I)Not Central: While this proposal would clearly be convenient for the proponents of the proposal it would, in our view, be a selfish use of public money to locate any area facility within walking distance of the proponents while making it totally inconvenient to the residents of the valley, Cathedral Pines, Ora Hills, and Sugar Bush. The HVPOA have proposed a park on the 4th Line Township owned property adjacent to the fire hall and police station. This proposal has our support. 2) Unrealistic Fund Raising Expectations: It is our understanding that the proponents of the Pods Lane proposal are committed to fundraising approximately twenty thousand dollars ($20,000.00). Given the population base that this park would serve we believe this goal to be totally unrealistic. Should the Pods Lane plan be approved, Council should require the proponents to have their funds in hand, or post a bond, before any of the Townships funds are committed, or work started. 3) Adjacent Property Values: It is our understanding that the proponents of the Pods Lane proposal are committed to the beautification and upkeep of this park. While this is laudable, it is unrealistic to expect thatthls can be a long-term commitment_ Ifnot immediately, then ce:rtainlyin the future, the cost of maintenance and upkeep of the site will fall to the public purse. This would of course be the case for any site developed. What we can assure you is that my neighbours, and ourselves, will be on your staff constantly to maintain this site. We will not allow our property values to be reduced by a poorly maintained park on our door step. 4) Property Development Costs: Most importantly, to turn this piece of property into a park will require major development including removal of trees and regrading the lot to alter the current area drainage. We understand your roads department have visited the site and have detennined that the site development will cost about twelve thousand dollars ($12,000.00). We have also visited the site and, after having recently landscaped our own lot, we simply do not believe that $12,000.00 will make this site usable as a park. The site is low, and when the roads were installed the water runofftrom Pods Lane, Nordic as far as Chestnut, and Alpine Way both ways flows to that lot and through to the golf course (the lot is at the bottom of a bowl with a drain through to the golf course). The work required will necessitate major tree removal and we fee! that is unjustified. Beyond the points made above we must tell you that our neighbours and ourselves feel betrayed by the process that has led to our position today. The park proponents made a presentation to Council in February 2002. It was only by chance that one of the opponents, Mr. Dory, found out about this meeting and was able to have his name added to the list of those allowed to speak. Many other opponents would have spoken had we been aware of the meeting and the process. There was a second meeting in March 2002, the proponents spoke to the proposal, Mr. Dory spoke in opposition and Mr. Haggarty made an alternative proposal on behalf of the HVPO A. Again the opponents had no advance notice of the meeting and where precluded trom speaking against the proposal. There was a recent third meeting of the Recreation Council and again the property owners immediately adjacent to the Pods Lane site were not advised nor invited so they could have some input to the decision that was ultimately made. We, the neighbours immediately adjacent to the proposed site, believe we should have been made aware of all meetings that dealt with any plans to develop a public property adjacent to ours. We would like an opportunity to have all of our concerns officially heard in an open forum and with appropriate notice to all concerned. We believe that Council should send the Recreation Council's proposal back to the Council for full and complete consultation with all stake holders before finally deciding to accept or reject the plan. Notwithstanding anything said above, should Council decide to proceed with the recommendation of the Recreation Council, we believe that fairness would dictate that the neighbours immediately adjacent to the Pods Lane property be consulted about the exact development proposal. Thank you for your time. We trust Council will consider not only the proponents and the Recreation Council recommendations but also what the opponents have to say. There also needs to be consideration that perhaps the process has been flawed. Nonnan Savill / Lise Hansen cc: Deputy Mayor Mr. Walter Dickie Councilor Ward #1 Mr. Don Bell Councilor Ward #2 Mr. Ralph Hough Councilor Ward #3 Mr. Paul Marshall Councilor Ward #4 Mr. Harry Hughes Councilor Word #5 Ms.. Ruth Fountain CAO Ms. Jennifer Zieleniewski Clerk of Township Ms. Marilyn Pennycook Mr. Chris Carter President HVPOA Mr. Jack Haggarty ."-.~-, , The Township ofOro Medonte P.O. Box 100 Oro, ON LOL 2XO Attn: Walter Dickie, Councillor May 15, 2002 Re: Proposed PlaygroundslPark at the corner of Alpine Drive & Pods Lane - Horseshoe Highlands Subdivision We would like to strongly express our opposition to this playground/park in our community. Even though there are a number of families now residing in our community, the lots sizes are more than large enough for children to play in their own yards while being supervised by their parent or guardian. We feel that this is unwarranted and totally unnecessary expenditure of our tax dollars, especially since there is a more appropriate already designated as a park, right near the new police station on the 4th Line ofOro. Would this not be the most suitable and logical alternative to this issue and should the parents not find great comfort in knowing that their children would be safer in that environment? We do not have any children of our own, however, we have witnessed many parents (in various environments) who simply let their children go unsupervised and are suddenly surprised when something happens to their child. Perhaps council should consider that the reason why parents want the park just down the street is so they could send their small child to play to a location close by, on the "assumption" that no harm could come to their children while playing alone in such a loving and safe community. We have all heard of many problems that occur in such "safe" communities, and unfortunately, that's life in the 2151 century. It seems that not much thought has been given to this issue, nor have the (mostly retired) people of our community been adequately informed about this matter. We believe that all of the residents should be given the opportunity to express their views on this issue, before it gets any sort of approval by council. It is the tax dollars of all residents that are being spent, and not just those select residents who simply do not wish to walk a bit further to attend a park in a more suitable location. We understand that council is apparently hearing this matter on June 5th and we would like our views heard as concerned residents who don't live near the Alpine site. We would also like to point out that the original survey that was conducted by the proponents of the park did not account for any "Opposed" responses, nor was the question worded properly such that a proper opinion could be expressed. We trust that only the most suitable and appropriate site will be approved by council, in view of the opinion of all residents as we are all concerned about the "happenings" in our community and want to maintain the safe neighbourhood as it stands today. We were also assured by the HVPOA that our concerns had been heard, however, it appears that there is still some misunderstanding about our views on this issue, thus the reason that this letter has been drafted. Yours truly, Kara and Bruce Plummer 107 Highland Drive Shanty Bay, ON LOL 2LO 835-3730 . , -i-:. Marilyn Pennycook From: Sent: To: Subject: Terry Sallows [tsallows@sympatico.ca] May 9,20022:11 PM clerk@township.oro-medonte.on.ca Park/Play Area Alpine & Pods Lane Dear Mayor Craig & Councilors; It has come to our attention certain indivduals are attempting to have the township develop a park/play area at Alpine Way & Pods Lane. Please be advised that we totally object to this location which is kiddy corner to our property at 15 Alpine Way. All people I have discussed this with also object to this location and comment that it should be developed over by our new OPP station.My understaning is their is provisions made for this location on Line 4. Please don't get us wrong we oppose only the location not a park/play area we both love kids. Sincerely Terry & Wanda 15 Alpine Way Shanty Bay (Horseshoe Valley) 1 ( ..... thris Carter From: Sent: To: Subject: Sheila Smith [don.s@sympatico.ca] Monday, May 20, 2002 5:15 PM Chris Carter Pods Lane Playground - I'm in favour of it! May 20, 2002 Dear Chris Carter. r I have just received a copy of a letter sent to you by Jack Haggerty, President of the Horseshoe valley Property Owners' Association (HVPOA) I am a member of the HVPOA and I disagree with Jack's stand on the matter. I think a neighbourhood playground in the Highlands of Horseshoe is a great idea. The Highlands has become a wonderfully diverse community with people of all ages. This is quite different than the original concept of retired people spending their time golfing and skiing. We now have babies, children, teenagers, mothers, fathers, men women, working, non-working, retired, etc. Some of them ski and/or golf. These activities provide them with a means to meet and make friends with others in the community. A playground would be a welcome addition to the neighbourhood. It would provide a meeting place for everyone whether or not they can afford to ski and/or golf. Jack has expressed to me the opinion that the mothers are being selfish to want a playground in their neighbourhood when the larger one he proposes would be available to more people from a wider area. He has also expressed the opinion as noted in a recent publication of the Barrie Examiner that he is concerned that teenage toughs will hang out in the neighbourhood park and cause trouble. This latter argument was also used to help defeat the creation of a small park on a piece of land that was designated for the purpose just down the street from Jack's home a few years ago. I disagree with both of the arguments. I do not think the mothers are being selfish. I think there is a real benefit to be realized for these mothers to have a place to which they can walk, provide entertainment for their small children and meet other people. Being a mother with young children can be very isolating. An opportunity to socialize without having to first get into a car and drive somewhere is invaluable. "It takes a village to raise a child" is an idea that is often expressed. A common meeting place will enable members of the community to get to know other people. Friendships will be formed between adults and 1 . .. CJllults', children and children and adults and children. Children will feel safer because strangers do not surround them. A local park will give children a place to play after school and establish friendships within their neighbourhood. This is important for children who are bussed over 10 kilometres to school every day. I welcome the idea of a place for teenagers to "hang out" (meet and talk to each other). This is important for them too. I disagree with the commonly held prejudice that teenagers are of a hat. In my experience, teenagers and enthusiasm. They will find things and entertaining for them. believe they will think twice community. They will that has provided the toughs that cause trouble at the drop are people with a great deal of energy to do with each other that are fun If they do think about causing trouble, I because they and their parents are known in the be known in part because of the neighbourhood park opportunity for the community to get to know them. I hope you will proceed with the Pods Lane Park. I think it will be a very good thing for our community. Thank you Sheila Smith, 25 Highland Drive Highlands of Horseshoe 835-2423 2 Page 1 of2 ,. MCi~i IYr'lf>e n nyc:<?oi{ From: Mayor [neil.craig@township.oro-medonte.on.ca] Sent: Tuesday, May 21,2002 8:43 AM To: clerk@township.oro-medonte.on.ca Subject: Fw: Proposed Playground at Alpine Way and Pod's Lane ----- Original Message ----- From: Gabriele Robinson T 0: Wg!teLgi,gJ5ie@lQY.Vm).blp-"-Q[Q:.rn~(:tQD1e-,Qn,q:3 Cc: n~U-"-G.[gjg,@!Q.'ND~hiR"QIQ:rn,e,QQJ}te,cQn~G~ Sent: Monday, May 20, 2002 7:44 PM Subject: Proposed Playground at Alpine Way and Pod's Lane To: Walter Dickie Councellor Township Office of Oro-Medonte Monday, May 20, 2002 1 Pod's Lane Horseshoe Valley RR 1 Shanty Bay, ON LOL 2LO Subject: Proposed Playground at Alpine Way and Pod's Lane I write to oppose and protest about the proposed playground which has been suggested at the comer of Alpine Way and Pod's Lane. I and other residents in the area (who I am sure win be contacting you) are upset by the way that this whole matter has been handled. 5/21/2002 r <11:;\; ,t. Vi ,t. , Other residents inform me that the council has already approved the idea. If this is true I am very disappointed with the underhand way in which this scheme has been maneuvered without proper consultation with my neighbors and myself. If it is not true that the scheme has been approved please let me inform you now that I, and my neighbors, are decidedly against having a playground so close to our houses and the main road junction. We are all concerned about the extra cars which would be attracted to the junction, especially as some parents would drive their children to the park. There is insufficient space in the area to park cars whichout being close to the junction and the extra traffic hazards and the risk to the children in being so near is, we feel unacceptable. The scheme, as you will notice from my address, is immediately adjacent to my property. Why was I not informed of the meeting discussing this and why were my views not sought on the matter. We knew nothing about the meeting of the recreational department who has discussed the proposed playground and its location. The ideal location, as suggested by the Horseshoe Valley Property Owners Association (HVPOA) is at the fire hall and police station. This area, being further away from busy road intersections and on the much larger site, would be much safer for all concerned. The proximity to police and paramedics would, we feel, give the added benefits of complete security and care for the children concerned. Gabriele Robinson Do You Yahoo!? LbJJNC'H - Your Yahoo! Music Experience 5/21/2002 " (it - ['f\~/ \J c-C-. . J.'F': ...~~'-" -'----..~.-...... '~......- ....., May 6, 2002 Wayne Gorecki 4 Pod's Lane Horseshoe Highlands R.R. # 1 Barrie, Ontario LOL 2LO ....\.. ,.. ..~'";i" & .,~~~~\.~ .~. ~,~ .~~~rX-} ~ ~~.~-, w~'- , AC> ""0 ~ r--? '~" "(j...J ..i'>.~,':';'~ ~/ ~e>' Re: Park Proposal at the corner of Pod's Lane and Alpine Way, Horseshoe Highlands Dear Council Member: It has come to my attention that several people have been lobbying for a children's playground at the corner of Pod's Lane and Alpine Way, Horseshoe Highlands. The methods used to lobby for said playground has been misleading and or misunderstood at best. I live at 4 Pod's Lane which puts us diagonally across to the location ofthis playground. The people lobbying apparently went around to homes of people who would be in agreement for the playground. We weren't asked until well after the lobbying started and there are a lot of people against the location of this playground, The concerns and reasons I am against this location are as follows: - The clearing of trees taking away ffom the area, spoiling the uniqueness of this area. It becomes more like living in the city. - The cost and upkeep of the equipment. I have to look at it everyday, who will provide this and at what level? - Garbage pickup ffom kids, parents, dogs, general cleanup, who will do and how often? Again, I have to look at it daily. - Potential hangout for teenagers during late hours. We have already experienced some older kids in the bushes in the area. I don't want to provide a meeting ground for them across ffom my house. - The noise ffom kids, and parents playing or disciplining kids is not unusual for playground activities. Local neighbours may find it bothersome. - Parents sending children to the park unsupervised will rid them of the noise and responsibility and transfer it over to us. Myself and several others in the near vicinity work shift work. -----J //] Ii./! i .-/ i - This playground location is located on the comer of Pod's Lane and Alpine Way, Alpine Way is a major road with a lot of fast traffic and the location of the playground is at the bottom of a hill putting the kids at risk from traffic if they run across the road, say chasing a ball or just wandering_ Limited space will also create parking problems. - The effect of property value in immediate area. It is okay if you don't live in the near vicinity of the playground. You benefit, but I live across from it and it will have a definite impact on my resale value. Kids don't stay small for long, but the effects of the playground are long term. - The people lobbying for this location were asked if they would agree to a playground placed in front of or near their house. They answered no. If they don't want their own children playing near their house why should 1. My children are older and wouldn't be using the playground for what it is meant for and I moved out to the Highlands because it is peaceful and picturesque. I used to live near a playground and have experience with the goings on. They are great, but not for the houses near them. - There is also a drain problem at this intersection that myself and some of our neighbours are trying to find a solution. It would pain me if money was put up for a playground and nothing done about this drainage problem. I am also under the understanding that there is an area set aside for a park, playground and soccer/baseball field. The location to my knowledge is on the fourth line beside the Fire Hall and Police Station. This location is much more central to the whole area serving many more people. There are no houses directly affected. It will offer much greater activities and is right beside a police station for safety and security. In summary the playground location on the comer of Alpine Way and Pod's Lane would benefit a few people, but at what cost. It brings up many questions and concerns, few of which effect the people lobbying for the location. It hasn't been thought out with an open mind and no consideration given to future problems and concerns. I look forward to being here and enjoying my retirement years in this lovely, quiet, serene area. I apologize for any abruptness there might be in my letter, but this is important to myself and my family and surrounding neighbours. If you have any questions or need clarification, please feel free to contact myself or my wife Dawn, at (705) 835-0294. Yours Without Prejudice, ~/ ~ Wayne Gorecki 4 Pod's Lane Horseshoe Highlands. .....---- ' \I j'~. /Jt "H11 !~ 'J.;ctck & Elizabeth Pearce 19.~lpine Way, R.R. #1 Shaflty Bay, ON LOL 2LO , \, ~ , , .-*,""-'-_.---- ....",r> ~."""" /~ Mayor Neil Craig & Councilors Oro-Medonte Township , Box 100 Oro, ON LOL 2XO May 10, 2002 R~ . ~'J \ ~ 1(j1$L Mt\, d"I\i.~i"~ oo"...Wir,v.,'~ .... .- ::--.~..1~1v";~\? t\'J';\\\-..~t .J. Dear Mayor Craig & Councilors: We understand the township of Oro-Medonte, Parks and Recreation Department is considering a request for creating a children's playground on the comer of Alpine Way and Pod's Lane. For several reasons, we are very opposed to this greenspace being used for this purpose. This Block is bisected by a ravine and is the only drainage route for this area. If this drainage route was eliminated, flooding of neighbouring properties could occur. This Block which remains in its natural state is the only portion ofland in the area to remain so. In its natural state, this Block is the only local refuge for birds and small animals. Also, it is the only remaining local catchment basin for the aquifer below this area. To rebuild this lot would be quite expensive. The elimination of more natural vegetation would be disappointing as the plan for smaller lots in the new phase of development has already negatively impacted on the natural aesthetics of the area. The majority of residents bordering this area do not have young children. Many are retired. Families with preschoolers and primary grade children have equipment in their own yards so that they may be supervised more effectively. We do not feel a park at this location would be economically a good investment Another concern is that this area may become an unsupervised hangout for young people in the evening possibly leading to vandalism. We would recommend that the block on Line 4 adjacent to the Fire Hall already designated parkland encompass a complete facility enabling all ages to benefit from a well-planned family recreational area. This plan would also be fiscally more sound. We feel the negative concerns of creating a park at the corner of AlpineWay and Pod's Lane far outweigh any perceived advantages. ~~,~t V~. Elizabeth Pearce, Jack Pearce () ii' ~i V /,-;--:,~~. /' -j,,~ 'if>" 17 Alpine Way, Horseshoe Highl ds, R.R. #1, Shanty Bay, OntaripL! 2LO. l.;if!J~t!; :: ~tt'{ \ '" :. ~\~'\' The Corporation of the Township ofOro-Medonte P.O. Box 100, Oro, Ontario LOL 2XO. ~~i';".. ~ Mayor Craig and Councilors, It is my understanding that consideration for a playground in the Horseshoe Highlands at the corner of Pods Lane and Alpine Way is underway. We wish to express our strong opposition to this proposal. We are retired people but have grand children that visit us frequently, so our objection is not with the concept of a playground. We object with the location. The proposed wood lot at the corner of Pods Lane and Alpine Way is low lying with a water course through it. Unless the structure to this lot was remarkably changed it will remain as it is - one of the last places to dry out after a rain. Further to this water course situation, the impact on the neighbouring lots as well as to the road at the intersection of Pods and Alpine, may well lead to flooding. The neighbourhood that is in close proximity to this lot consists mainly of retired people or 'empty nesters' who are not in favor of a playground with it's impact upon their lives that they wish to lead having located in this place with the understanding that this lot was to be a Green Belt or 'no build lot'. This lot was NOT designated for the purpose of a playground at the time the present owners, taxpayers and voters bought these lots. It is my further understanding that a plan has been in the works for a more comprehensive playground facility close to the Firehall on the Forth Line. Now that the O.P.P. are located in the same area, what a magnificent controlled location for a playground, with these two services being present adjacent to such a thoughtfully placed playground facility. Such a location resists the vandalism, drinking and drug scene that destroys most such facilities. This location would be one that I would be happy to support and take my grandkids to enjoy. Furthermore, the experience of walking on a woodlot in the middle of a residential setting, at the corner of Pods and Alpine, with the birds and other wildlife still present would continue to be available for years to come. This to me seems to be strongly in keeping with the image of Oro-Medonte. In conclusion, we strongly hope you will use the foresight that has been so characteristic of the major decisions made previously by the council of Oro-Medonte and reject developement of the lot on the corner of Pods Lane and Alpine Way. _~ A ~, ---r- ~.-/"'c. ?'c/..-yt-<::.{./C'J c~ /~L/'C.-.fi~/\...-/ artyn Frances Martyn. . '. '. y' ~\ c0\ . c... <2- . .--f" ,.4" .."',.,,' .~~~-. / /:_ / :2\ I G( i ,"-../' ~ Douglas & Carolyn Comrie RR #1-18 Alpine Way Shanty Bay, ON LOL 2LO 705-835-3542 t<1A ~ - 9 2001 O~GcMEDOmE (;JV.YNSHJf1 May 7,2002 Mayor Neil Craig & Councilors Oro-Medonte Township Box 100 Oro, Ontario LOL 2XO Dear Mayor Craig & Councilors: Re: Block 104 of Plan 51M-456, Alpine Way & Pods Lane - Horseshoe Valley It has come to our attention that certain miss-guided individuals are attempting to have the township develop block 104 (bounded by Alpine Way & Pods Lane) into a park/play ground area. This letter will serve to fonnally present our vehement objection to such an undertaking and the associated rational for our position. We find it almost unbelievable that there has been no attempt rrom the Township or the women spear heading this development, to contact or discuss the proposal with the property owners affected by this park. We live directly beside block 104 and would be greatly impacted the most by its development. This underhanded sneaky approach will not be tolerated and we will outline the legal action we will pursue if this development is not dropped immediately. We moved to this area specifically because of its nonnal unspoiled beauty and abundant green space and not for urban development. It would be nice to keep this green space in our area. Reasons for obiection to develooment: o Surface water flow from the western portion of Alpine Way and rrom Pods Lane drains through a natural drainage channel through block 104. Alternation to the topography of block 104 would alter this drainage pattern and cause potential flooding of adjacent properties. This is unacceptable. o Ground water flow - This is a groundwater recharge area and as such, must be protected from potential degradation due to potential spills of gasoline or oils which it would be exposed to both during potential development and on-going I'a - / J-j , , maintenance of the property. Any development potentially impacting groundwater flow or quality is subject to an Environmental Protection At of Ontario. The local residents would demand that the Township prior to site development/alteration conduct an environmental impact study. o Humus laver destruction - This development would lead to destruction of the natural humus layer on the property thus leaving if susceptible to erosion, as many scopes are greater than 3%. Additionally, with the spongy humus layer gone, it would leave the sand host to the aquifer exposed to potential surface impacts. o Ve2etation removal- Enough trees have been destroyed in this area. We need to preserve our trees for protection and habitat provision to local bird species. Numerous nesting zones would be destroyed if this block were impacted by development. One of the environmental comer stones of this region should be protection of our treed/forested areas. o Aesthetics - One of the advantages of the HigWands development is the fact that homes are not built one a-top of the other as in Toronto/Mississauga type fashion and we have true unspoiled "green" zones. To develop block 104 would detract from the local aesthetics and lead to a decrease in local housing values. This is completely unacceptable. If these women want a park close, why not put fight for the green space on their street, why pick our street???? o Alternate parkJand desi2nated development - Provision has already been made for development of a park facility on line 4 adjacent the new OPP station. This site makes perfect sense as it can be properly monitored and developed with minimal impact to local residents and their housing values. This facility is in easv reach of all local residents and does not necessitate the development of a "satellite" park on block 104. Another question, most of these families with children have play ground equipment in their back yards, how much time would they actually spend on block 104 with their children?? Not to mention this would promote a hang out for teenagers. o Financial- We did not realize that our Township had such an excess offunds that it could develop duplicate recreational facilities which in fact were not needed. Lets utilize these funds for socially responsible programs leading to net social gains not ne2ative environmental and socio impacts. o Social responsibility - As our elected officials you are entrusted with the wise and prudent administration of the local infrastructure of where we live - Oro- Medonte Township. This is an important stewardship, which should consider local impacts seriously, and not in isolation or subversive ness. Council would be wise to consider the wants and desires of the majority and not the voice of a lesser-misguided self-serving component of our society. " //7 /,.- /v{ ,d' j J.'""'\, , i I___j We have presented our arguments for why this block ofland (104) should maintain its natural setting and habitat. If the Township continues down this development path, we will have not option but to file formally with Ontario Ministry of the Environment and force an environmental impact study for development of this ecologically sensitive area. Additionally, my very close friend, Mr. Gord Miller, Environmental Commissioner of Ontario will be contacted and requested to provide our local residents with political help. I have contacted our corporate lawyers in Toronto and informed them of developments to date. They await further instruction. We request to be advised in writing, of any further council meetings regarding this matter so they we may attend to defend our "green space". We also request that you/council cease consideration of development of block 104, as it is not in the best interest of our local community. I would also ask that you/council communicate with those who will be most impacted by this potential development. I also expect to be informed that this "hair brained" idea has been scrapped. I await your/council's reply. Cc: Local residents, McCarthy Tetrault, Toronto Dear Member of Council, I am concerned about an issue that Council will be debating - restrictions and possible ban on pesticides on private property. As a responsible homeowner, I work hard at maintaining my property to ensure I have a healthy lawn and garden. I utilize a professional lawn care service to ensure a safe and healthy landscape. This issue is important to me. I do not want my property to be overrun with weeds and insects like some city parks and boulevards. I also do not want to risk losing my entire lawn to a grub or chinch bug infestation. Weeds not only are unsightly, but they compete with my grass, attract insects, and cause allergic reactions and breathing problems. Funhennore, I do not want my property value drop after many years of hard work. I am asking that you oppose such drastic measures as a ban or other restrictions that limit my choice as to how I maintain my property. All lawn care products available in Canada have been thoroughly researched and tested and deemed legal and safe by our federal and provincial governments. Lawn care professionals that apply these products are licensed and highly regulated by the Ministry of the Environment. I cherish the quiet enjoyment of my home and landscape and do not want these rights taken away. I trust you will consider my views as Council debates the issues. Please vote against any ban or restriction of pesticide use on private property. ~rel ,) /' ,,. I / i ( '. Name: Address: J> D J c.. '- ,1 J' Co ;tA/l (' e:E / B A<-...{J /~ if:. L )A7 ILIL'~ ( I ./ ~', c: (\ ^ a.-/ f2.. /I -/ ,.'f ,J4~ \ I \J ce. g.t- . .A"~ ;",.,....,;.<~';~.. "..........~.........~t,~~ /./ """'''- / "'~._..,....,..., '" .-...............'-''1 "-" '. /'/ ,I May 71, 2002 i ! -', " Mayor Craig & Councillors .,. ~'}; . ~.~~- ,1"" >...~'i/"I. '71, r..1 u ",~:t) /. 'T " tk.'- ~~/ '",', ~~~~2,~{ ~<~ 'l>',V(-. "~.-! C:/,' I am writing this letter to advise you that we are opposed to the park that is being considered at the corner of Pods Lane and Alpine Way. I spoke at the Council of the Wh~e on February 27th, 2002 and at that time spoke of eight specific reasons that this park should not be placed at this location. These reasons were noted by Council and at that time I advised you that ALL of the people living in the immediate area who would be most affected by this proposed park felt the same way. After speaking with these people again it would appear that they are more adamant against the park then I originally thought and that several of them will write you letters explaining their reasons. It is curious to us that this location was brought to Council a few years ago for a park and was turned down at that time. We also find it peculiar that a park was proposed on Fairway Courtbut Council also turned down this location as the neighbours in that area were agairl%t such a park. It is quite obvious that these small parks are not what the people in this area want or need, regardless of what street they are proposed for. After listening to the meetings at Council and the park group's presentation, it appears that the only legitimate reason for putting this park at this location is that it would be close to the people's homes that are lobbying for the park. They have brought various red herrings into play that just doesn't hold water. The area has changed and there are more children in the area but certainly not to the extent that has been presented and the fact remains that most people living in the area are empty nesters. There are only two houses in the immediate area that have children and both households are against any park at this location. The speed factor that was given as a concern is erroneous as both the Fourth Line and Alpine Way have the same speed limit of 50K/Hr... the fact that people drive faster is another concern but would not make either location more desirable for safety reasons, in fact the location on the Fourth Line would be better as a Police Station is located directly beside where a park could be located. This location was actually designated as a park/community area and should be used as such. Mr. Jack Haggerty who represents the Home Owners in this area spoke to Council and advised you of what the MAJORITY of people in this area want... we believe that Mr. Haggerty knows of what he speaks and advise Council to listen to his presentation. Most people in this area left subdivisions and came to this location so that they could live in a natural setting that does not look like a city neighbourhood. This is why we came here and this is why we want the trees, greenbelts, birds and wildlife to remain as they are now. This way of life is what is preached in the Townships report on what residents of Oro-Medonte want. How Council could even consider cutting down trees and putting in any size park at this location is mind boggling at best in that there is an area on the Fourth Line that is put aside specifically for this reason. This is the third time that the residents have spoken against parks in the house areas of Horseshoe Highlands. Now is the time ,H """""'-1 Ic? I ~ for Council to agree to the larger park location on the Fourth Line that would benefit people of all ages from Horseshoe, Oro Hills, Cathedral Pines and other communities in Oro-Medonte. It is incumbent on this Council to say no to the park location at Highlands and Pods Lane and put in a proper multi-use facility on the Fourth Line. Look to the future and the big picture of the area... not to a small, poorly planned and shortsighted idea that would benefit only a small handful of residents. The people that would be most affected by this small park have spoken and given various reasons why it is not in the best interests to proceed. We trust that Council will listen to our objections and act in a responsible manner by turning down the proposal at Alpine Way and Pods Lane and proceeding with the communities desire for a multi-purpose park on the Fourth Line. The area residents would be pleased to speak with Councilor any planning committee regarding any concerns you have regarding our letters and ask that we be notified and advised prior to any decisions being made on this park. All immediate residents were only notified about this proposal 3 days before it went to Council of the Whole and some were not notified at all. Many ofthe residents work or are out of Country and were unable to attend the various meetings. As we are the home owners who would be most affected by any decision Council makes we would ask to be contacted and asked for our input if this goes any further. R"""e5R",;~, c,tfilO",,"I Y, S"ub,IYitt" ed'i I,' , ,,/ , ,1 'l/i{j' ,/ 'Cf\1!(' ,/ "i-)/-:/ / C(,', /, t ",- , ' (J pi Cl /, LL '; ..../-.... ~-- ~ Mr::(nd~/. '. DORY,' ,/) , 1 ... 26 Alpine, y. '--../ .. - (705) &3 23. Ma~ 27 '02 12:36 705 835 3330 VILLR PRRK RNTIQUES FRX 705-835-3330 ,/ 32 Bridle Path. R.R.l (Horseshoe Valley), Shanty Bay, Ontari{), LOL 2LO. May 27. 2002. Mr. Neil Craig, Mayor. Township of Oro-Medonte, P.O. Box 100. Oro, Ontario LOL 2XO Re: Block 104 (Pod's Lane & Alpine Way) M19 I am writing you as T have heard by happenstance that a park (Single Use) is being considered for this location. I have had no formal notification that discussions may commence concerning this proposal. Has the neighbourhood been infonned of this by Council? Is there not a study in existence which addresses suitable potential parklands? Is this location a recommended venue within this study? I have concerns about a park being located in the above-mentioned Jocation. They are as follows: -have topographical studies been conducted? -have proper hydrological studies been conducted? -have traffic pattern studies been conducted? -have parking issues been addressed? -have adequate funds been set aside? -have maintenance/clean-up issues been addressed? It is my understanding that a park (Multi Use) is planned to be located beside the Fire Ban on Oro-Medonte Line 4 North. I fully support this location for such a facility if it meets criteria as set down by the township. If the Line 4 location is to be developed, I do not see the need for developing another site (Block 104). In addition. funds which could be used to provide a more comprehensive. safer park on Line 4 may be eroded. A waiting your reply. in anticipation, I am Sincerely, ;J ~ ~~ A/, -. L~OhnR~Chard Patton P. 1 , dJ ... ~7 25 Alpine Way RR # 1 Shanty Bay, Ontario LOL2LO RECEIVED!,( MJV 3 n 2DD2 , ORO-METJONTE ~ T_O~/il~IP -1 Chris Carter Township of Oro-Medonte Township Offices P.O. Box 100 Oro Ontario LOL2XO May 30,2002 Subject: Proposed Park at Pods Lane and Alpine Way in Horseshoe Highlands We write to you in opposition concerning a proposed park at the comer of Pods Lane and Alpine Way in Horseshoe Highlands. While we believe there is a need for a community park in the Horseshoe area we do not support a neighborhood playground at this particular site. Our opposition to a playground park at this site is based on the following reasons. #1. The proposed playground park would serve only a very small group of potential users.. Any budgeted funds for park development would be put to much better use if allocated to another location. # 2 Many of the natural trees in this area have been taken down for housing development. The environment is of utmost concern to all and as a great deal offill would be required to level this lot for a suitable playground a great number of natural trees would eventually die due to the change in their environment. #3. The cost of developing and maintaining this playground would be substantial. Drainage is a major problem at this location and with future development of housing along Alpine Way this drainage problem would be an even greater issue than it is at present. #4. Safety for neighborhood children is a must priority. Alpine Way is a very busy street with a 50 KIn speed limit. Based on our experience while observing school bus children it is safe to assume that potential users ofthis playground would drive and park in the immediate area thus creating a major risk to children and a possible liability problem for the township. Additionally, neighborhood parks provide an opportunistic gathering place for teenagers and potential vandalism to park equipment. #5 Maintenance of the proposed playground would be a problem. While the playground proponents may be willing to provide short tenn assistance to the township in this area it is unlikely that they will be willing to continue to provide this support once their children grow up. We strongly support a community park in the Horseshoe area. The designated site on the fourth line near the fire hall and new OPP station is far more suitable than the proposed Alpine & Pods Lane site and would service a far greater number of potential users. A park at this site would be strongly supported by the Horseshoe residents and would encourage a community partnership in the development and ongoing maintenance. . . In closing we encourage you and the councilors to be responsible forward thinkers. >- Lets put available township funds toward playground equipment at the more appropriate fourth line site. >- Clear some land at this site and add some goal posts enabling older children to kick a soccer ball around. >- Call this Phase One of a safer, more suitable community park servicing all neighboring residents. >- Develop a plan for the development of other Phases ofthe park at this site as monies become available. Thank you for considering the needs of all of your constituents. Yours truly Kathy & Garry Lewis CC: CAO Jennifer Zieleniewski / Mayor Neil Craig Deputy Mayor WaIter Dickie Councilor Ward #1 Mr. Don Bell Councilor Ward #2 Mr. Ralph Hough Councilor Ward #3 Mr. Paul Marshall Councilor Ward #4 Mr. Harry Hughes Councilor Ward #5 Ms. Ruth Fountain .... .~.. . .- " /' // ,/'/ ; , , P ~lI&',' u~~ ' ce~ ~G ./ Dwight & Audrey Evans, R.R. # 2 Hawkestone. Ontario. Mayor & Council, Corporation of Oro Medonte, Oro, Ontario Ann: Andrea Leigh On May 8th, I attended a meeting on the review of the official plan ofOro Medonte. Although I was unable to stay until the end of the meeting, I found that the part ofthe meeting I was able to observe was dominated mostly by special interest groups such as Big Cedar and the Oro Moraine. My wife, Audrey (nee Johnstone) is a fourth generation Oro resident. We have also owned a property in Oro Medonte for approximately ten years. We own 148 acres on the 13th Line and of course, enjoy living in Oro Medonte very much. On our property we have a closed down gravel pit and also a bush area that is separated by Jackson's creek which is gravely and certainly not capable of being fann land by any stretch of the imagination. Would it not make more sense to take two or three lots off properties such as this than to make a large subdivision in one area requiring septic tanks and weBs in close proximity, as well as using extra gravel and gravel pits to create more roads. To keep the aesthetics ofOro Medonte as near as possible to the way it now is while creating the possibility for more homeowners to enjoy our beautiful surroundings could be made possible and viable by using the Jand that is not farmable and spreading out the septic systems and wells. We all know that Oro Medonte is going to grow and some constructive, commonsense planning would make it possible to have the best of all worlds. Lets have a plan that spreads our developments over the whole township and not focus on high volume concentrated areas. Thanks you for your consideration. 27-=:a- ~. c.c, Garfield Dunlop MPP May 8,2002 ~:'~.~~;.J:...' .~ "tOji~~,lr' )....: Mnc.n 1 " PiJH'~ . (J I~. '. <.JUf, it.'1 fi 'i,'j'i'u,',',..."" ' ..t.;i::r~,"~' _', ,;"r Township Oro-Medonte Box 100 Oro, Ontario LOL 2XO Attention: Planning Department Re: Review of Oro-Medonte Official Plan- suggested revision Reference: Oro-Medonte Official Plan Section 02.3-2 and 02.3, 2.1 Gentlemen: These sections govern the creation of a new lot in an agricultural area for a retiring farmer. It appears that often this provision does not serve its intended purpose. Often such lots are promptly sold for profit, the farm is sold for as much as it was worth before the severance and the farmer retires elsewhere. We have seen properties that were joined into one farm years ago, separated anew so that the farmer can sever a lot off each of them. These examples show the abuses of the system that contribute to the fragmentation of agricultural land and lead to infilling contrary to the stated goals of the Official Plan. While this goes on, some legitimate farmers who would like to retire in their own home and yet provide a separate home for a son who, with his young family will carry on farming, cannot do so. Can we improve these sections of the Official Plan to make them more effective for legitimate retiring farmers while removing the opportunity for abuse of the Plan's intent? Should we just delete this controversial provision? -") .L... "--/ May 8,2002 ;..;.",,'/ .i;:;,.loi!.l!"" "'/ ;~ '. . J,,--J~1!' ~~ ~~.~; '. ~.~. !;! .' '~.I~' ;~. Township of Oro-Medonte Box 100 Oro, Ontario LOL 2XO Attention: Planning Department ,..." . ' .....il . _7t!J'TI.. '1:, I'""'" : \." r.'~\ ....i'!":"f~ Re: Review of Oro-Medonte Official Plan - suggested revision Gentlemen: Mr. Ernie Dryden.o(the Oro Moraine Association made the enclosed submission dated April 9, 2002 to the Oro Moraine Land Use Steering Committee to suggest a method of accumulating needed hydrogeological and biological data on the Moraine as needed and at little expense to the Township, even though the budget for study is limited and the time available for developing detailed standards for land use for inclusion in the OP Revision is too short. We feel his suggestion has great merit, not only as an aid to the Land Use Steering committee, but as an addition to be included in the revision of the Official Plan itself, providing a means whereby proposed land use changes can receive timely, fu.Uy. informed consideration by a Council with the tools available to demand and provide the most complete and up to date information available. this will allow Council to deal with proposed development as it arrives, "do business" on a daily basis, even though the Township's broader and overall studies may not yet be complete. This will also supply, site by site, area by area, information which will complement the information already available to the Township from it own, and previous, studies. We suggest that the five points proposed in Mr. Dryden's submission would, with suitable adjustment of language, fit into the Official Plan in Section A2.1-1. Principles, under bullet no. 4 to refer specifically to the Moraine, orwith adjustment of ianguage, under bullet no. 1 to refer to the entire Township. Thank you for the consideration of this item. rul c _U~- D.J. Cries Exe tive Member Jarratt-Coulson & District Community Group Inc. c/o P.O. Box 201, Orillia, ON L3V 6J3 To: Ora Moraine Land Use Steering Committee Members SUbject: Proposal for your consideration regarding the Ora Moraine Natural Heritage Evaluation Study. Date: April 9, 2002 I believe Dr. Scott's objectives for her Ora Moraine Natural Heritage Evaluation Study are worthy ones and I hope the methodology she has recommended will achieve the goal we all want. There is, however, the nagging problem of the lack of complete site specific data for the hydrogeological and biological makeup of the Oro Moraine. It would seem to me that lfWeftad such information, which I understand can only come from field evaluation, we would have a solid defensible position in future land use planning. Needless to say we do not have the resources available to obtain this data within the time frame which has been set out for producing a revised Official Plan. With this in mind, I would propose the following: 1) In those areas of the Oro Moraine where data is incomplete, an applicant seeking a change in land use designation will be required to have a detailed study made of the biological and hydrogeological makeup of the land under review :....y~lith the required data in place, an environmental assessment will be made and presented to Council for it to either accept or reject the application. 2) The cost of such Study and Environmental Assessment will be borne by the applicant. 3) The Study and Environmental Assessment will be carried out under the jurisdiction of the appropriate Conservation Authority or R.A.P. 4) The biological and hydrogeological data base would be maintained by one of the Conservation Authorities. It would also be responsible for updating the data base as new validated scientific data becomes available. 5) Suitable policies will be required in the Official Plan to 'institutionalize' this system. - , , I j -/.-f ". '.... "'........ '-. ". ~~ May 2, 2002 o~~ ;:1;), ;..,:: m, -10 C1 i~ ! rn :r:. m -..-. ...... ia:O ....'- <: ""'" 0 M"'j ~ =OZ t':Y .. rri ~;:! 0 'N " 1 . ,-- 1.--. , \ -' ----./ Dear Orc-Medonte Council, We farm in Oro-Medonte along the Penetanguishene Road. When the Official Plan was passed in 1997 our farms were taken out of their original "Agricultural" zoning and put into a "Restricted Rural" or as the public likes to call it "greenbelt" zoning. We would like to point out that when this was done we were never notified of any potential changes that were about to occur. Our elected officials did not contact us. The local ratepayers association did not contact us for our input nor did the township planner or anyone associated with the Official Plan give us any indication that the Agricultural zoning, which had been on our land for generations, was about to be changed. In fact to this day we have not received any official notification. We have been told by the township planner, Andria Leigh, that there was a public meeting called with many in attendance from the Shanty Bay Ratepayers Association and that its representative claimed to speak on our behalf. Apparently there were no objections to the proposed zoning changes. No one seemed to care that the actual property owners were not present. Is this what we've become in this township? The people who have moved out here - destroying bush lots, agricultural land and shoreline to build their homes and septic beds actually have the nerve to claim they are the protectors of farmland; that they represent the interest of farmers. What has this "greenbelt" zoning accomplished that the previous agricultural zoning didn't? We could never build a subdivision on agriculturally zoned land. This zoning change was simply a mean spirited piece of planning to pacify the NIMBYS - at someone else's expense. And what of Ora-Medonte's claim to protecting farmland? Since the Official Plan was passed in 1997 Agricultural and Environmentally Protected land on the first concession has been changed to accommodate a golf course and Agriculturally zoned land north of Shanty Bay has been rezoned for residential development. Along with this there has been a surge of development around Barrie Terrace and beyond. Somehow you've showed no resolve to stop development unless it's at the expense of local farmers. We have never tried to develop our farms, never graced your council meetings with proposals to capitalize on the development potential of our land. For the most part we have simply wanted to be left alone to farm. For all the years that we have given the residents of Oro and Barrie a view of beautifully maintained farmland, this is a slap in the face. You can't save farmland unless you treat farmers with respect. Farmers need a reason to keep farming - a viable alternative to selling their land to speculators. In other areas of the province people with a genuine interest in farmland preservation have pursued land trusts, agricultural easements on deeds along with other methods to keep farmland in production. In these cases farmers with land close to development are compensated for keeping their land as farmland. In Oro-Medonte you just steal it. By this zoning you have stated loud and clear to every farmer in this area that they have no rights as land owners and that if they get a good offer from developers or speculators they should grab it and get out. We can't imagine any other sector of this community putting up with this treatment. As you discuss revisions to the Official Plan we request that you change the zoning of our farms back to their original agricultural classification. Failing that we want to be compensated for the loss of land value that this zoning has imposed on us. , ," 7fJ , -...-/ The next time the Shanty Bay Ratepayers stand before you with demands ask them what they are willing to sacrifice to maintain our "rural character", Take them to task for the impact that their lifestyle has had on farmland, We look forward to hearing your response. Yours Truly, Joe, Eileen and Jim McLean 121 Penetanguishene Road 1 {:;~ ~.~ '-h1e ;;f~ 1/ dirt? /'Jf ~ Eldon & Shirley Atkinson 199 Penetanguishene Road / "., '</m/ fl ~, /j ~~1 ~~ 5-23-02; 1:04PM;County of Simcoe Oro Medonte ;7057263991 7c ,. . The Corporation of the ~(' ~~.: County of ~M . Simcoe 'Ir':",..;,t"~ (705) 726-9300 Fax: (705) 726-3991 Beeton Area: (905) 729-2294 CLERK'S OFFICE Telephone Extension 246 May 10,2002 Administration Centre 1110 Highway 26 Midhurst, Ontario LOL lXO MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and Members of Council, Simcoe County Member Municipalities CAO-Clerks, Simcoe County Member Municipalities FROM: Helen MacRae, Chief Administrative Officer-Clerk SUBJECT: Simcoe County Council - April 23, 2002 By-law to Change Composition and Size of County Council This will confirm that, at its meeting of April 23, 2002, Simcoe County Council defeated the By- law to change the composition and size of County Council and the number of votes given to its members. As a result of Council's decision, Simcoe County Council will remain at its current complement of 32 members (Mayors and Deputy Mayors of each member municipality) and will continue with its current number of weighted votes - that being 108. Subsequent to this action, Simcoe County Council adopted the following direct motion to present a by-law to address the issue of weighted votes: THAT the necessary by-law be presented for consideration to adopt the following weighted vote formula for County Council: a) That each local municipality be entitled to a minimum of three (3) votes. b) That each local municipality having more than 5,000 municipal electors, be entitled to one (1) additional vote for every 2,000 Municipal electors over 5,000. And to provide for the division of the weighted vote between the Mayor and Deputy Mayor and to establish the process by which the County shall be notified of the number of electors following each municipal election. This by-law is currently being drafted and will be presented to Simcoe County Council at its meeting of May 28,2002. You will be notified following that date as to Council's decision. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Helen MacRae, Chief Administrative Officer-Clerk. c. Mayor Jim Perri, City of Barrie Mayor Ron Stevens, City of Orillia # 1/ 7cl-J a LAKE SIMCOE REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY , MEETING NO. BOD-04-02 Friday, April 26th, 2002 - 9:00 a.m. MINUTES The Nature Centre Scanlon Creek Conservation Area Bradford, ON MEMBERS: R. Bridge - Chair Councillor L. Corrigan J.O. Dales Alderman A. Eadie Councillor V. Hackson Mayor J. Holec Councillor M. Jordan Councillor G. Lamb Councillor H. Lodwick Councillor P. Marshall Deputy Mayor S. Para Councillor S. Pliakes Councillor N. Snutch Mayor T. Taylor Councillor W. Teel Councillor H. Vander Kooij Deputy Mayor J. West ST AFF: D. G. Wood, C.A.O./Secretary-Treasurer S. Hanson, Director, Corporate Services A. Leach, Director, Conservation Land Management R. Vos, Director, Watershed Management M.Walters, Manager, Environmental Services G. Casey, Recording Secretary REGRETS: G. Richardson Mayor R. Stevens DEPUTATION: Debbie Gordon, Save the Maskinonge River Cathy Bock, Save the Maskinonge River Roland Peacock, Save the Maskinonge River Chair Bridge called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone in attendance. Chair Bridge reminded all Members to please confirm their attendance at all Board Meetings in advance with the Recording Secretary. This will ensure we are aware prior to each meeting whether or not a full quorum of members is available. 8 1(A - d-.. Board of Directors' Meeting 800-04-02 Minutes April 26th, 2002 1. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest & the General Nature Thereof There were no declarations of conflict of interest at this meeting. 2. Minutes Board of Directors Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting No. BOD-03-02, held on March 22nd, 2002. Moved by Seconded by: Larry Corrigan Paul Marshall BOD-02-52 RESOLVED THAT the Minutes of the Board of Directors' Meeting No. BOD-03-02, held on March 22nd, 2002, be adopted. The Chair requested that the minutes of the Administrative Committee meeting be dealt with in "Closed Session" after the deputation. 3. Adoption of Agenda Moved by: Seconded by: Larry Corrigan Jeffrey Holec BOD-02-53 RESOLVED THAT the Agenda of the Board of Directors' Meeting No. BOD-04-02 be adopted. 4. Announcements Chair Bridge advised that the CAO, Rob Messervey, Ministry of Natural Resources and himself met with Chief Bill McCue, Chippewas of Georgina First Nations on April 15th, 2002. Chief Bill McCue is invited to attend all Board Meetings as a visitor and has been invited to sit on the Executive Advisory Committee in relation to the Lake Simcoe Environmental Management Strategy. The Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Foundation Dinner held on April 19th, 2002, was a great success. The Dinner was very well attended and was an enjoyable evening. Both the Uxbridge and the Bradford tree planting events were very successful. The Sunoco Earth Day Tree Planting event is scheduled for April 28th in Barrie, and it is expected that 1,000 trees will be planted. 9 7d-:j Board of Directors' Meeting 800-04-02 Minutes April 26th, 2002 Announcements (cont'd) The CAO advised the Members that Authority Golf Shirts and Windbreaker samples are on hand at this meeting and asked that they be tried on for size and the Apparel Form be completed and returned at the end of the meeting. 5. Deputations (a) Thane Development - Aluminum Smelter Ms. Debbie Gordon, representing the Save the Maskinonge River Community, delivered a presentation on the Thane Aluminum Smelter property in the Town of Georgina providing information on the leaching of pollutants from the property into Lake Simcoe. This situation is very important to both the Town of Georgina and to Lake Simcoe. On behalf of the Board of Directors', Mayor Holec thanked Ms. Gordon for her presentation and for her time and obvious efforts extended by herself and the Maskinonge River Community to save the environment and for creating public awareness on this hazardous situation. Councillor Margaret Jordan advised that a meeting was held on March 27th, 2002, on this matter at the Georgina Civic Centre. A copy of the minutes from that meeting is included with these minutes. The Board requested that a Staff Report be brought forward to the May 2002 meeting outlining a strategy on partnering with the Town of Georgina to address the Thane Aluminum Smelter property. The Board also requested an update on the Maskinonge Remedial Plan. 10 , V1 -, Board of Directors' Meeting 800-04-02 Minutes April 26th, 2002 Moved by: Seconded by: 800-02-54 800-02-55 Margaret Jordan Jeffrey Holec RESOLVED THAT the presentation given by Ms. Debbie Gordon on behalf of the Maskinonge River Community, regarding the Thane Development Aluminum Smelter be received for information; and FURTHER THAT staff be requested to prepare a Staff Report for the May 2002, Board of Directors' meeting regarding how the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority can partner with the Town of Georgina regarding this matter. I I _ I ! I ,~ RESOLVED THAT staff meet with the Ministry of the Environment regarding monitoring criteria to be used to determine if the Thane site is polluting surface and groundwater; and FURTHER THAT an appointment be sought with the Minister of the Environment and Energy by the Authority's Chair. 6. Hearings Under Section 28 of the Conservation Authorities Act There were no hearings at this meeting. 7. Fill. Construction & Alteration to Waterways Applications Moved by: Seconded by: 800-02-56 Paul Marshall Virginia Hackson I . RESOLVED THAT applications under Section 28 of the Conservation Authorities Act and Ontario Regulation 153/90, as amended by Ontario Regulations 534/91 and 623/94, be received and approved. 11 I --r / /{;/- .5 Board of Directors' Meeting BOD-04-02 Minutes April 26l1" 2002 8. Correspondence The CAO spoke to the correspondence listed in the Agenda. Moved by : Seconded by: BOO-02-57 Wayne T eel Paul Marshall RESOLVED THAT the correspondence listed in the April 26th, 2002, agenda be received for information. 9. Monthly Communications Update The Director of Corporate Services spoke to the Monthly Communication Update. The Authority's website is being very well utilized with 54,473 hits in the month of March, mainly visiting the Authority's water management reports. Moved by: Seconded by: BOO-02-58 Larry Corrigan Wayne Teel RESOLVED THAT the Monthly Communications update, dated March 1st to 31st, 2002, be received for information. The Board of Directors requested that they move into "Closed Session" to deal with the items listed under "Other Business" in the Agenda and in the Tabled Items Agenda. 11. Other Business Moved by: Seconded by: BOD-02-59 ./ Neal Snutch Wayne T eel RESOLVED THAT the Board of Directors move into "Closed Session" to deal with the confidential matters relating to personnel and legal issues under New Business of the Agenda. 12 ICf - {o Board of Directors' Meeting BOD-04-02 Minutes April 26th, 2002 Moved by: Seconded by: 800-02-60 Virginia Hackson Jeffrey Holec RESOLVED THAT the Board of Directors rise from "Closed Session" and report their progress. (a) Potential Land Acquisition Moved by: Seconded by: 800-02- 61 (b) Legal Issue Moved by: Seconded by: 800-02-62 John West Larry Corrigan RESOLVED THAT Confidential Staff Report No. 25-02-BOD be received; and THAT staff be directed to pursue funding options for the Acquisition and report back to the Board of Directors. John West Larry Corrigan RESOLVED THAT the information presented on a confidential legal matter be received for information. (c) Administrative Committee Minutes Moved by: Seconded by: 800-02-63 John West Larry Corrigan RESOLVED THAT the minutes of Administrative Committee meeting No. AC- 02-02 held on April 19th, 2002, be adopted. 13 --; / --, /0 - / Board of Directors' Meeting BOD-04-02 Minutes April 261h, 2002 10. New Business a} Budget Update - Municipal Approvals The Director of Corporate Services presented Staff Report No. 22-02-800. The Authority's final budget will be brought before the 80ard for approval at their May or June 2002 meeting. Moved by: Seconded by: 800-02-64 Susan Para Margaret Jordan RESOLVED THAT Staff Report No. 22-02~BOD on the 2002 Preliminary Budget-Municipal Responses, be received for information; and FURTHER THAT the recommendation contained therein be approved. b} Healthy Futures Lake Simcoe Water Quality Improvement Program The Manager of Environmental Services presented Staff Report No. 23-02-800 and briefly reviewed the program eligibility and application. Moved by: Seconded by: 800-02-65 Neal Snutch Paul Marshall RESOLVED THAT the Board of Directors receive the program guidelines and application package for the Lake Simcoe Water Quality Improvement Program as outlined in Staff Report No. 23-02-800. Chair Bridge, due to other commitments, left the meeting at 11 :00 a.m. and Vice-Chair Susan Para took over the duties as Chair of the meeting. 14 -(d-if , , Board of Directors' Meeting BOD-04-02 fviinutes April 261\ 2002 c) Digital Aerial Photography - Lake Simcoe Watershed The Manager of Environmental Services provided a visual presentation on Digital Aerial Photography and the advantages of having this tool for Eco-Land Classification and for Watershed Management (flood plain mapping). This is a significant step forward especially in light of the Oak Ridges Moraine Strategy. This program will ensure the entire Lake Simcoe Watershed is photographed and that information will be available to the Authority. The presentation was very well received by the Board and they are very supportive of this initiative. Moved by: Seconded by: Virginia Hackson Harold Lodwick BOO-02-66 RESOLVED THAT Staff Report No. 24-02-800 be received for information; and THAT the LSRCA participate in the South- Central Orthophotography Partnership Project; and FURTHER THAT the LSRCA contributes a maximum of $30,000 toward the cost of this project. Adjourn Moved by: John West The meeting adjourned at 11 :30 a.m. i ! . i Roy Bridge Chair O. Gayle Wood Chief Administrative Officer! Secretary Treasurer Susan Para Vice-Chair 15 7e-1 ORILLIA PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD MINlITES APRIL 24, 2002 A regular meeting of the library board was held in the Children's Services Department of the Library commencing at 7:37 p.m. PRESENT - BOARD - J. Swartz, Vice-Chair; A. M. Alexander; R. Fountain; M. Hill; F. Kreisz; K. McLaughlin - STAFF - M. Saddy, Chief Executive Officer S. Campbell, Director of Children's & Audiovisual Services L. Gibbon, Director of Information Services D. Rowe, Director of Technical Services T. Chatten, Recorder ABSENT - C. Dowd, J. Francis, B. Stanton AGENDA MOTION #2002:17 Moved by K. McLaughlin, seconded by M. Hill that the agenda of the April 24, 2002 meeting be approved. CARRIED DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND GENERAL NATURE THEREOF-None MINUfES MOTION #2002:18 Moved by M. Hill, seconded by K. Mclaughlin that the minutes of the March 27, 2002 meeting be adopted. CARRIED DISCUSSION WITH REPRESENTATIVES OF CONTRACTING MUNICIPALITIES B. Stanton was absent from the meeting but did pass on a report through a telephone conversation with M. Saddy. It was reported that Simcoe County has defeated the motion to disband the county library system and sent this part of the report back for more study. The County's plan to bring the Coldwater Library along with Epixtech continues. Barriers to future cooperation with the Orillia Public Library are uncertain. Question also arose whether depending on the County library service would still be problematic. R. Fountain reported that Oro-Medonte Township had announced the new mayor would be Neil Craig, and that the new deputy-mayor would be selected from council members. The Library's annual report was received by Council. REPORT OF BOARD REPRESENATIVE TO SOLS C. Dowd is attending the SOLS meeting tonight and win report at the next meeting of the Board. I C - C7"'-- REPORT OF FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY Board members M. Hill and R. Fountain attended the Friends meeting and found them to be a very positive group, and the Friends were very pleased to have these members in attendance. Details are still being worked out for the upcoming Art Auction and volunteers are stm needed for this event on May 11. MANAGERS REPORTS M. Saddy reported that the Library's fire alarm was set off recently due to a faulty panel which has been repaired. While responding to the alann, it was discovered that the Library's fire safety plan was outdated and in need of updating. M. Saddy and caretaker Jai Khemraj are working on updating this document to be approved by the Fire Department. M. Saddy was contacted by Don Jenkins, who is on the board of the Gril1ia Museum of Art and History, regarding the Library owned art work stored at the Museum. It was suggested that these items should be returned to the Library. M. Saddy win arrange to retrieve the art. Lockable mounting hardware has been purchased to hang the art securely in the Library. M. Saddy win inquire if the Library's environment is now suitable for these paintings, with the possibility of loaning to another gallery if the conditions here are not suitable. It was suggested that the Leacock Home is environmentally controlled but there is some question of the security of this location. Library Trustee Handbooks have been revised and updated, and were distributed to board members with an accompanying workbook. S. Campbell reports that the Children's Department has been very busy with programs, with the March Break programs being very successful. There is a Georgian College ECE student on placement at the library at present, with another student here next month. L. Gibbon reported that Fred Marlow has put a notice of the Friends of the Library Art Auction on the Library's homepage to advertise this event. The Volunteer Luncheon went very well with Rogers Cable here filming for a program shown during Volunteer Week. D. Rowe reported that new staff computers are being received and set-up with the newer or still good old staff computers to be used to upgrade OP AC's, etc. or maybe donate to Computers for Kids if they can use them. GeoWeb page down at present with the internet recently switched to Bell Sympatico (no longer with OriIlia Power fibre optics as they were too costly). K. McLaughlin recalls the library should have been given special pricing provision, and he win investigate this with OriIlia Power. J. Swartz to look into free cable service from Rogers Cable, as the Library should qualify as an educational institution and receive this service free of charge. MOTION #2002:19 Moved by K. McLaughlin, seconded by M. Hill that the manager's reports for March 2002 be accepted and filed. CARRIED ---, J,--. ~ II.........) - ) f ',-_ -'-\ "-" REPORTS OF BOARD COMMITTEES AND REPRESENTATIVES Property - As mentioned earlier the fire safety plan is in the process of being updated by staff to be reported to the Board and approved by the Fire Department. Building Steering - Minutes of the committee meeting held Thursday March 28 at the Opera House were distributed. The next committee meeting to be held Thursday April 25 to which Rod Young will attend to gather information to analyze the present site and report to the committee. K. McLaughlin reported that the MURF group win be holding a public meeting May 15. There are several issues related to the library as part of the MURF, and many positive ideas brought forward from the report. Strategic Planning - The meeting scheduled for April 18 was cancelled and rescheduled to Tuesday May 14, 2002 at 7:00 p.m. at the Library. CORRESPONDENCE A letter dated March 18, 2002 from Barb Parsons, Marketing Director, Grillia Square Mall thanking Suzanne Campbell for helping make the March Break Activities successful with the presentation of a puppet show with library patron Charlene Fiander. NEW BUSINESS K. McLaughlin asked for a recorded vote. A.M. Alexander declared a conflict of interest and declined to vote on or discuss this item. MOTION #2002:20 Moved by F. Kreisz, seconded by M. Hill that the Orillia Public Library Board write a letter to our local MPP, Garfield Dunlop, that the Board disapproves of the sale of Hydro One, and express concern the sale thereof will cause hydro electric rates to increase for the Orillia Public Library. CARRIED Recorded Vote: Ruth Fountain - Yes Michael Hill- Yes Frank Kreisz - Yes Ken McLaughlin - Yes J. Swartz - Yes Adjournment at 8:56 p.m. moved by R. Fountain. BOARD CHAIR CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER IC - '-f f REPORT OF THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER FOR THE BOARD MEETING OF MAY 22, 2002 1. TRANSFER OF PAINTINGS FROM ORILLIA MUSEUM OF ART AND HISTORY TO ORILLIA PUBLIC LIBRARY The paintings were successfully transferred on Friday, May 3, 2002 and have been hung in the library. The Board had asked to investigate and seek expert opinion on the safety and preservation of the paintings at the library. Paul Wildridge of the Roberts Gallery suggested that there are two concerns with the paintings: · Humidity - As the building has air conditioning the humidity is controlled and there is no reason not to hang the paintings. · Vandalism - We will be hanging the paintings out of easy reach on security hooks so that we can be reasonably assured that the paintings can be safe. It is therefore the opinion of Mr. Wildridge that, since his conditions had been met that there is no reason why the library should not hang the paintings. I have sent a letter to Mike Cox of the City's Property Services Department informing him that the library is now housing these paintings. He will, in turn, inform the insurers. There may be an additional cost for insurance. I will keep the Board informed. 2. SUNDAY OPEN HOURS Management staff continues to meet to address the motion of Council: "That the Orillia Public Library Board be encouraged to revisit its staffing model and hours of operation in order to open on Sundays without an increase in the budget." At the meeting of May 16, 2002 we continued to review the use patterns at the library over time in order to comply with Council's motion to revisit hours of operation. We have: . Called a number of libraries who have Sunday open hours to plan our Sunday openings within the context of other libraries of similar size. How they manage in terms of levels of staffing, service and compensation for Sunday work will inform our own plan. Of the 9 or 10 libraries called all tend to open for the last half of the day from September or October to May. . Weare looking at the budget to see if any savings were made with the new people who were hired to replace those who retired at the end of the year or any other ----: / f i _h '-.,../ savings that we can make to try to find sufficient funds to open on Sundays starting later this year and still stay within the budget. · We have discussed minimum Sunday staffing levels and levels of service that we need for Sundays. · We are currently examining our scheduling in order to attempt a schedule that will be equitable to all staff. Process? When the report is ready the Board may decide on the appropriate committee to receive it and appropriate communication with Council. My thoughts at this time would be to look for Board approval for the plan before seeking acceptance from our staff. 3. FRIENDS SILENT ART AUCTION Congratulations to the Friends who worked very hard on their first silent art auction. Nearly $4,000 was raised which is sufficient for the Friends to carry through with their plan to purchase one bank of movable shelving for our storage area. I hope that this represented the first of many silent art auctions as this concept is a real winner for fundraising. With a nod to the steep learning curve we also recognize some key areas that could be improved for the next one. We owe a debt of gratitude to the many artists who generously donated their work to the library to be auctioned off. (They will receive a thank you and a tax receipt from the Friends) Andy Nixon also donated his time and expertise to evaluate all the art in order to place a value suitable for the tax receipt. C-0 MONTHLY REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR OF CHILDREN'S AND AUDIO VISUAL SERVICES APRIL 2002 Reference Services Reference Questions: April 2002 444 April 2001 372 The number of reference questions answered by Children's Services staff continues to show an increase over last years statistics, with a 19 per cent increase this month and overall year increase of 21 per cent. The number of teachers making use of our services has increased from 13 in April 2001, to 30 in April 2002. Staff helped put together classroom support materials for 30 teachers. The use of the computers in the library showed a large increase of 78 per cent. However, this is an exaggerated increase as the multi media computer was not working for most of April 2001. Promotions and Publicitv Kelly Smith produced the brochure advertising our programs for the month of May. Kelli Absalom updated our Web Page for May programs and also updated the homework help page. In house book displays this month included: Easter, Cookbooks, Animals, and Snakes. Kelly Smith, Lee Kelly and I visited Cumberland Beach on April 30 and May 1, as part of their Education Week celebration. We were invited as guest readers and did a story time and library introduction for six classes from Kindergarten to Grade 4. The Preschool class from Central Preschool visited the library on April 30 for an introduction to the library and a story time featuring Space. ; / Staff Patti Imhoff, an ECE student from Georgian College, was on a four week work placement. Patti was an asset to the department, she worked well independently and both parents and children enjoyed her programs. PrOQrams Tales for Twos and Preschool Stories, and Books for Babies finished the winter session. We had a one week turnaround to accommodate a third session before the summer and all the programs filled up during this period. Patti Imhoff planned and presented Preschool Stories, Tales for Twos and the Preschool Science Club. All her programs were creative, organized and enthusiastically executed. Having an ECE student allows us to add an extra program. The Preschool Science is planned, prepared and implemented by our ECE student. It is one and a quarter hour program centering on a science theme, designed to demonstrate to parents how to find science in the everyday world around them. The program is very popular with both parents and children and runs the 8 weeks we have students here on placement. Saturday Explorers is in full swing. Programs this month included a visit from Mike Blair of Critter Cove. Mike brought two tarantulas, a hermit crab, a black scorpion and a tree frog. We also had a visit from Jean Marc Roy from the Simcoe County Beekeepers Association as part of a program featuring bees. The children were intrigued with the creatures and equipment each of our visitors brought. 7e -:g MONTHLY REPORT DIRECTOR OF INFORMATION SERVICES APRIL 2002 April was a busy month for staff development. Jayne attended a workshop on fund raising at Georgian College on the 29th and she and I attended a Southern Ontario Library Association workshop on the best ways to apply for grants. The Volunteer Luncheon, held on the 22nd was a great success. This was Jayne's first big challenge in her new position. She chose the Wizard of Oz as a theme: volunteers followed the yellow brick road into the reception area, Jayne's children and a friend danced to one of the pieces from the movie and speeches concentrated on heart, courage and brains, all elements displayed by our volunteers. The food was plentiful and tasty and the turnout was excellent. Three library patrons won Canada Book Day bags in our draw on April 23. Library users were asked to provide the title of - their favourite book and a random draw was made at the end of the contest. From April 10th, when we converted over to Sympatico, the library's home page averaged 350 hits per day; hits in May are over 1000. This should increase when GeoWeb is mounted again. REFERENCE QUESTIONS: Queries made at the Information Services desk were up 5 per cent over last year, at 1999 for the month. Of these, two questions were e-mailed and one was received via fax. USE OF ONLINE PRODUCTS: EbscoHost, the online index to magazine articles, was accessed 100 times in the month, producing 350 searches and 154,862 hits of information. INTERNET USAGE: Internet usage was down last month, but has increase by 16 per cent this month, with 1523 users accessing the stations during the month. PROMOTION: One fiction booklist and one promotional brochure was created during the month. Newspaper articles were published by the Packet. NEWSPAPER INDEX: News stories indexed in the month numbered 924 and 83 births, deaths and marriages were indexed. 52 newspapers were referenced in the month. COMMUNITY OUTREACH: Materials were gathered for fifteen shut-ins during the month. INTERLIBRARY LOANS: Interlibrary loans are still down from last year. 105 items were borrowed and 134 items were loaned. GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS: The OPSEU strike made the web page where government documents are ordered inaccessible, so no orders for Ontario documents were received in April. Sixty-four annual reports were added to this new collection. 7e r:"'\ -u I I REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR OF TECHNICAL SERVICES APRIL 2002 Systems April was a hectic month for our computer systems. We installed a new Internet server (A Sun Cobalt Qube3) , 12 new staff computers (Dell Optiplex) models. The new staff machines are using the Windows XP operating system. The magnitude of the change over was a bit overwhelming, especially the problems of leap-frogging from our old Windows 95 computers over several generations of operating systems to the state-of-the-art Windows XP. At the same time, the Library changed internet providers, from OWLP to Bell (more band width for lower cost). After trying to change everything at once, we decided it was better to take the step-by-step approach. As a result of this upheaval, not all of our services were back to normal by the end of the month. External GeoWeb and Advance access were a particular difficulty, and still not resolved. Circulation Circulation figures were up by 3000 items over April 2001, or 14.6%. On the year so far, we are now back even with 2001, with approximately 91,600 items circulated. The Circulation Department arranged to donate most of our withdrawn CNIB talking books to the Orillia Lightsighters , a local association for the blind and visually impaired. These materials had not circulated for several years. Technical Processing April is volunteer month, and Gail Matthews spent time helping the new volunteer coordinator, Jayne Turvey, with the volunteer luncheon. The lunch, with a "Wizard of Oz" theme, was very successful and a lot of fun. Susan Dance has begun codifying our cataloguing and processing practices, which are becoming more complicated and varied as we add new media to the collection. She is also liaising with other departments to get input on their requirements. . DECISION/ORDER NO: 0590 ~ ~~ Ontario Ontario Municipal Board Commission des affaires municipales de I'Ontario ,r-~~.<:;,..:;;;~~~~.::-::::---- ~."..~ ., '~'''4'~,~, 'if fi :IJ~:~'i::~ 't{tiJ ~ I! 'n'", I 1'/; ~\. ~ ; 1 ?p.i-\.~") , ,; It"":; '- ~ t l~!.iVi.. ; ISSUE DATE: May 16, 2002 OR, Q.,.tu~]}(\~.'?".... """"', "" -~'<I'. &; .VW~~, ipL020004 Leslie Sneyd and Gary Sneyd have appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board under subsection' 45(12) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P. 13, as amended, from a decision of the Committee of Adjustment of the Township of Oro-Medonte which refused an application, numbered A49/01, for variance from the provisions of By-law 97-95, respecting 18 Pine Ridge Trail OMB File No. V020002 APPEARANCES: Parties Counsel*/AQent Township of Oro-Medonte Leslie arid Gary Sneyd Christopher Williams* Gary Sneyd DECISION DELIVERED BY RONALD J. EMO AND ORDER OF THE BOARD Leslie and Gary Sneyd have recently constructed a new 'log' home on their lot on Pine Ridge Trail in the rural-residential community of Horseshoe Valley in the Medonte portion of the new Township of Oro-Medonte (Township). Although, their site plan included a detached garage to the front of their home, it was only when they commenced construction of the garage that they became aware, through a stop-work order, that section 5.1.3 of Zoning By-law 97-95 prohibits accessory buildings in the "front yard". "Front yard" is a defined term in By-law 97-95 covering all lands between the street and the front of the dwelling. While By-law 97-95 sets a minimum front yard setback of 7.5 metres, because the Sneyds sited their home further back from Pine Ridge, all 22 metres of set back becomes "front yard" with respect to the accessory building prohibition. A variance application to the Township Committee of Adjustment (Committee), although supported by the (Township) junior planner, was denied. The Sneyds have appealed that decision. At the outset of the hearing, the Board reminded the parties that its decision would be based on an assessment of the evidence presented as to compliance with the 'four tests' of subsection 45 (1) of the Planning Act (Act). Gary Sneyd, acting as agent t7 '\ .j-. ..--. H'" "" , - 2- PL020004 for he and his wife, presented the case (exhibit 2) in support of their contention that a detached garage in their "front yard" should not be offensive to their neighbours and meets the 'four tests'. Just prior to the start of the hearing, the Sneyds learned that Andria Leigh, the Township's senior planner, would be giving expert evidence at odds with the written opinion the Committee received from her junior. While the Sneyds were taken aback at this turn of events, the Board noted that only when a hearing is estimated to take five days will a pre-hearing conference, dealing with expert witnesses and the content of their evidence, be held. In response to my query for an explanation of the differing (staff) planning opinions, Ms Leigh indicated that she had not reviewed her junior's written opinion to the Committee and that it was only in preparing for this hearing that she had put her mind to the Sneyd appeal and the 'four tests'. The Sneyds had retained land-use planner Brandi Clement to give them some tips to assist them in presenting their case. Although a memo from Ms Clement was attached to the Sneyds' evidence brief (exhibit 2), they chose not to incur the cost of having her attend. Ms Leigh's expert opinion as a land-use planner is that a variance to permit a garage in the Sneyds' "front yard" fails to appropriately address all 'four tests'. Mr. Sneyd, on learning that he could attach the garage to their home by a breezeway structure of not more than 4.5 metres in length, was at a loss to understand why a further separation of an additional 2.5 metres failed the 'four tests'. Four neighbours in the persons of Gary & Cheryl Taber, Dave Abbotts, and George Isaac also spoke against the Sneyd appeal. Mr. Isaac, a resident since 1979, told the Board that for 25 years (until 1999), there were restrictive covenants imposed by the developer which also prohibited front yard accessory buildings but, since then, the only protection for the residents is By-law 97-95. After a thorough review of the evidence, it is clear that there are two key issues. One issue relates to the "rural character" of the Pine Ridge, Pine Hill & Pine Spring enclave of some 68 lots and the fear of the residents and Ms Leigh that a 624 sq ft garage in the Sneyds' "front yard" will set a precedent and encourage similar structures, which, in turn, would erode the "rural character" and ambiance of the rolling (treed) topography. As noted, although Mr. Sneyd's opinion is that the garage meets the 'four .. l ~, .4... ! -..../ - 3- PL020004 tests', he expressed dismay on learning that eight feet (2.5 metres) is roughly the difference between a legally "attached" garage and his (proposed) "detached" garage. Mr. Williams addressed the Township's second main issue by directing the Board to the case of Jordan v. Currie (1983) 15 O.M.B.R. in which former member e.G. Charron (page 325) made the following comment: The interests of the resident owners must be taken into consideration. They have a right to expect t.hat the rights which they enjoy under the existing zoning by-law will be protected and preserved unless there is a compellinq and overwhelminq reason to allow chanqes. There is nothing in the evidence here to warrant such changes. (Board emphasis) Mr. Williams submits that, as with the cited case, there is no justification for the Sneyd variance. Ms Leigh testified that in addition to "attaching" the garage, the Sneyds could also locate it in their back yard as, contrary to Mr. Sneyd's contention, this is not a "re-charge area". The Board also learned that the former municipality of Medonte had authorized two "front yard" garages in 1991 and 1993 and that a third such garage had been constructed prior to any prohibition. Mr. Williams also submitted an (unreported) 1987 Board decision titled Keefer et al v. City of Toronto (Committee of Ad;ustmentJ in which former member T.F. Baines made the following comment: This results in the variance being not "desirable for the appropriate development of the land, building or structure". The Board interprets that section to mean desirable not only as it relates to the subject land but also as it relates to the neighbouring land. I accept the interpretation made by Mr. Baines in relation to the facts in this case. Other than the unfortunate confusion with their building permit that has resulted in the Sneyds starting to build a detached garage some 7 metres (4.5 plus 2.5) from their home, I heard no compelling reason why the variance should be authorized. Preferring the evidence of planner Leigh and the four neighbours, the Board finds that the requested variance is not desirable for the appropriate development of the subject property in particular and the larger neighbourhood in general. Having failed one test, the appeal must fail. -4- '-J [;' ! ! '~ , . PL020004 Accordingly, the appeal is dismissed and the variance is not authorized. The Board so Orders ~ Ie ! '-J ONTARIO ARTS COUNCil CONSEll DES ARTS DE l'ONTARIO May 16, 2002 r----...--..~....-~G~~~D 1 i ! I t<AV Z 1 2.GDZ Ii (lR(}.~~ErJCprrE: , 1C\liN!:HiiP Dear Colleague: Last November, the Ontario Arts Council submitted its 200012001 annual report to the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Recreation. We received notice that this report was tabled in the Legislature on April 18th, 2002. We are now able to distribute our limited print run to libraries and other interested parties. In addition, you will find enclosed the previous year's annual report which you may not have received. Regards, ~t; Kirsten Gunter Communications Manager 151 Bloor Street West, 5th floor, Toronto, Ontario M5S 1T6 Telephone: (416) 961-1660 Fax: (416) 961.7796 TolI.Free: 1.800.387-0058 E-mail: infD@arts.on.ca Web site: arts.on.ca 151, rue Bloor Ouest, 5e etage, Toronto (Ontario) M5S 1T6 Telephone: (416) 961.1660 Telecopieur: (416) 961-7796 Sans frais: 1.800.387.0058 Courrier electronique: info@arts.on.ca Site web: arts.on.ca -f ( ---..J, '-1 .... --- ~ -=.._ ..::.. .do .J 'j- .~ 5 d. ~? 1.;)~ ....~ ~ ~ ---L ~ ~ '9 '6 ;:~.,~ ~ ~ ~.~~, --:::5 ~~ ~ -.0 - -~ ? ~~~:E~ ~ ~ ~ ""-, ~ ~', ~ ~ \~z> .1''':> '.:::;.) \ ~ \ J, "-... Q" ~ ". ....) ;3 ~ ;:J ~ ~ S::' ""''-' - .::) .....:J ~ ~, ~ ~y; ,;.-;, . .~ ?, =-- ~ ~~\ ~~~j .~~ 1 ~ ~<~ _ ....::> ..->. ~ -$-- c ::1."""" ~ . .~. ~ $ ~ ~ '2.:).~ -s d, <C~ ~ . ~ ..;:.-____~ .,j :3 - J \ ..) '~~ --:;3 .--J ~,~ <:.~ . ~ ~ ~," ~ ~ -C ~, .......... ""'. ~ ,.....;" C~,~' \ :::s s:: ~ ....< '. ~ :.;;;; .' ~ ~ '~-~ :-~~-~ 3 ~ ~ \~~ ., ~ ~ ',,~ \-~~~~ ":) /4 ~ ~b~~ ._~ r~ -/. I ! ( --I MIDLAND PUBLIC LIDRARY BOARD MEET Page 1 of 5 ACTION ITEM # ISSUE 1. Call to order Mr. Playter called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. 2. Invocation - Justin Sainte Deferred 3. Approval of the agenda Additions: 5. Business arising from the minutes 5.3 Resignation from Board 8. New Business 8.1 County of Simcoe Library Co-operative Moved by: D. Moore Seconded by: A Campbell That the agenda be approved, as amended CARRIED 4. Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting of March 21, 2002 Correction: page 1, second to last paragraph. Change from: Mr. Archdekin stated that the average cost over the whole year would likely be a little over .05 cents perKw hour. Change to: five cents perKw hour. Moved by: A. Wilkes Seconded by: G.A. Walker That the minutes of the Board meeting held on March 21, 2002 be approved, as corrected. CARRIED ",,..-,,, L~ d MIDLAND PUBLIC LffiRARY BOARD MEETING Page 2 of 5 DATE: April 11, 2002 LOCA TION: Midland Public Library Boardroom ITEM ISSUE # 5. Business arising from the minutes ACTION 5.1 Tiny Township update. Mr. Sainte reported that he would be speaking with Town of Midland Treasurer, Mrs. Gignac next week after the final budget adjustments for the Library are in. Mr. Sainte wil1 prepare a report for the Board based on his findings. 5.2 SOLS survey update Mr. Sainte has spoken to Mr. Peter Abbott from the Southern Ontario Library Service about moving ahead with a space needs survey. Mr. Sainte will meet with Mr. Abbott on Wednesday~ April 24, 2002. 5.3 Resignation from Board A faxed letter of resignation has been received from Mr. Greg Swick. Moved by: D. Moore Seconded by: L. LaPlume That the Board, with regret, accept the resignation ofMr. Greg Swick. CARRIED Mr. PJayter suggested that a letter of thanks be sent to Mr. Swick for his work on the Board. 6. Approval of the accounts Moved by: A. Campbell Seconded by: J. Swick That the accounts for the month of March 2002 totalling $11,765.49 be approved. CARRIED 7. Reports of Board Committees 7.1 Finance Committee - Mr. A. Campbell, Chairman Mr. Campbell asked Mr. Sainte to report on the 2002 budget. Mr. Sainte reported that the Capital Budget was approved by Council as presented. ~I . I I It.... __c t"-:( -' MIDLAND PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD MEETING DATE: April 11, 2002 Page 3 of5 LOCATION: Midland Public Library Boardroom ITEM # ISSUE ACTION 7.1 Finance Committee Report - continued There was a slight reduction to the proposed Operating budget. However, there was an overall increase of 10%. Mr. Sainte thanked the Board and Town of Midland Council for their hard work and efforts on the 2002 budget. Mr. Sainte also reported that the Library had received $2960.87 for an outstanding insurance claim, that was made as a result of the September 2000 flood in the Reference Department. 7.2 Strategic Planning Committee A meeting will be called after Mr. Sainte meets with Mr. Abbott of SOLS about the space needs survey. 7.3 Fundraising Committee - G.A. Walker, Chairman Mrs. Walker displayed the tastefully designed tickets for the Literary Affair dinner/dance Vol. II. Mrs. Walker and Mr. David Winter of the Friends have canvassed the main street merchants for silent auction items. 8. New Business 8.1 County of Simcoe Library Co-operative Mr. Playter asked Mr. Sainte to report on a recent development related to the County Library Service. A study of the County of Simcoe Library Service has been carried out by the consulting firm, AlImat & Associates. They have recommended the "deletion" of the County Library Service. They also recommend "that the larger libraries be encouraged to take on a leadership role and approach smaller rural libraries on a one to one basis to offer no-cost mentoring program". The County currently receives $24,285.00 (Allmat & Associates) annually from the Town of Midland through the County levy for library service. J , ;".'- MIDLAND PUBLIC LffiRARY BOARD MEETING Page 4 of5 DATE: April 11, 2002 LOCATION: Midland Public Library Boardroom ITEM # 8. New Business - continued ISSUE ACTION Mr. Sainte reported that his research on the cost of replacing the products & services the County Library suppJies would be at least double that amount. The Library currently receives: 1300 Large Print Books (per year) 480 Videos (per year) Electronic magazine subscriptions Bestsellers book leasing plan. This report has not been made widely available. Questions should be raised about methodology and the speed at which this decision'is being made. A suggestion was made to speak to our Council representatives at County. The Board directed Mr. Playter and Mr. Sainte to arrange a meeting with Mayor George MacDonald and Deputy Mayor Jim Downer. The urgency of this situation cannot be overstated as the vote at County Council is slated to be on Tuesday, April 23, 2002. It was suggested that a letter should be sent to the Mayor and Council in time for the Midland Council meeting to be held Monday, April 22, 2002, and a letter be sent to the Warden and Council of Simcoe County expressing the Boards concern. 9. Information 9.1 Chief Librarian's report - Justin Sainte The Sainte Marie Among the Hurons coJJection room has been painted and shelves erected in preparation for this coJJection. Mr. Sainte commended Scott Cameron, an adllJt Co-op student from M.S.S., for his valuable assistance in preparing the collection and the room. Proper ventilation of this room is all-important due to the musty condition of the books.. c.. ~ MIDLAND PUBLIC LffiRARY BOARD MEETING DATE: April 11, 2002 LOCATION: Midland Public Library Boardroom ITEM # ISSUE 9. Information - continued 9.2 Correspondence Notification of an Ontario Library Trustees' Association Video Conference was distributed to the Board. If anyone is interested in attending, please contact Gail Griffith. 9.3 Other information A question was raised about the photograph of a skate boarder on the Library's steps that appeared on the front page of The Mirror newspaper. Mr. Sainte has sent a letter of concern to The Mirror pointing out that skateboarding on steps is unsafe and dangerous and not permitted on Library property. Mr. Sainte requested the Mirror redress their misleading photo report. Moved by: D. Moore That the meeting be adjourned at 8:40 p.m. J.s~rt Chief Librarian Page 5 of 5 ACTION laY-~'9-02 09:02 Burl's Creek Park 17054876280 P_02 May 28. 2002 lj Lake Simcoe Regional Airport 5607111 Line N. Oro Station, ON LOL 2EO VIA FACSIMILE: Attention: Mike Drum Dear Mike: I read with a great deal of interest on your upcoming Arid show for June 8'\ 2002. Your aerobatics show for June 8th; 2002 coincides v\.ith our 20'h AnnuaJ Automotive Flea Market held on Lot 21/22 Concession 8 & 9 of Oro-Medonte. Mike you and your airport commission members are we!! aware of the magnitude of this event held twice annually. The Event starts Thursday tam and runs until Sunday at Spm. the first Thursday in June and the Thursday after Labour Day. Would you take the necessary safety precautions of having the airport traffic rerouted so as to eliminate overhead air traffic during these time periods? Please notify of actions taken to address the safety concerns. Trusting you will alleviate my disaster concerns by notifying the proper government agencies. Thanking yOll in advance for your prompt reply, I remain. as always, A2r;1:u-~1 ~annev I . , /J ~ President ce. Paul Eenhorn - Fire C.hief Township Mayor & Council Len Hasberger - O.P.P. Transport Canada ~" "Home of the Ban-ie Automotive Flea Market" Burl's Creek Family Event Park PO. Box 210 Oro,Ontarjo LOL 2XO Phone: (705) 487-3663 Fax: (705) 487-628C , \'(Ieb site: wvv.v.burlscreek.com Email: burlscreekpark@burlscreek.com Township of Oro-Medonte REPORT Dept. Report To: Prepared By: #AOM2002-24 Council Marilyn Pennycook Subject & File #: Department: Council Proposed Street Names for Clerk C. of W. Horseshoe Valley Subdivision, (Concession 4, Part Lots 3 & 4, Ora) by Laurel View Homes Date: May 23, 2002 Motion # A.M. File No. Date: 020-011821 Background: Initial fax correspondence dated January 25,2002 is attached from Jerry Leiderman of Laurel View Homes requesting approval of fifteen street names for their subdivision project in Horseshoe Valley. Due to street name duplications, revised names were submitted on Feb. 4/02, March 11/02 and March 29/02. The final revised list is shown on Attachment "A" to this report and a map of the location of the streets is Attachment "8". Analysis: The street names on Attachment "A" conform to the Township policy with respect to naming of streets and are not currently used in the Township index of street names. The street names and revisions were also circulated to the Public Works Administrator, Fire Chief and adjacent municipalities on Feb. 15/02, March 12/02 and April 5/02 to ensure there were no conflicts. Recommendation(s): 1. That the street names listed on Attachment "A" to Report #AOM2002-24 for the Horseshoe Valley Subdivision, Concession 4, Part Lots 3 & 4, Oro, be approved. 2. That this report be received and adopted. C.A.O. Comments: Date: ')-7 (iO~ ~v~uJv I J C.A.O. Dept. Head PH: LAUREL VIEW HOMES, INC. 4 1 6 - 6 3 :> - 6 6 6 3 FAX: 4 1 6 - 6 3 5 . 1 5 1 ~ ~.1". '~2,. 3 FACSIMiLE TRANSMITTAL SHEET A ndna T..cigh rROM: Jcrry LeideallilD TO: ':OMPANY: Towmhip of Oro-Medonte I'^X NUMBER: 1-705-487.0133 DATE, 1/25/02 '..{HAL NO, OF PAGES INC1.unIN(3 COVER: 2 PHONE NUMBER: 1-705-487-2171 SENDER'S 1t1'.1'I'RENCc NUMBER: NJA Street names - Horseshoe Valley YOU!! Rht'J:::JtJ::NCE N\.IMIH',R: N/A RE: o URGFNT 0 POR REViEW o PLF-M;;E COMMENT OPLEA$E REPLY o PLEASE R KCYCU, Non,S!COMMENTS: Andria, pkas(', fiod attached our list of proposed street names. I would appreciatc it if you wuld circulate the list and detcrmiDe if alll:be !lames a.re acCt;p~ble to the TO'\\.>"Dship. Tf yon have any questions, please don't hesitate to call. Thanks, Jerry. 4001 CHESSWOOD DRIVE, NORTH YORK, ON. M3J 2R8 ?-( ~ 30'Vd ~~~?-O:t ?-O.S?--N'Vr ~8~S~S899~t ~S3WOH M3IA l3~n'Vl :A8 IN: 81S1S1;:991j7 . . .. TO: ANDRIA LEIGH MEMORANDUM PROM: ].E.RRY T.EIDl!J\.MAN SUBJECT: STREET NAMES AT HORSJl.sr J()E V AlJ.JW PROJEO' DATE: 1/25/02 ec: D./\ VE MANDEl. Plea~e find below the existing ~trect lcttcIS, togethcr with the propose.d street names: > I Street A ,vr,,",, Street B Street C , I Street F \\ic Street G Country Oub Drive: Oakmont Avenue ,/ Tanglt.'wooo Cresccnt. Valleyview Drive Willow Run Court v' Street I I Mapkwood Court Street J Pine Valley Drive ,/ St1"(':t:r J BrookmHl Court ,,/ i'v c Street K Beechwood Drive SlIeet L Timbe:rview Crescent -/ Street M Hickory Trail Street N North Hill Drive Street 0 Ridgewood Court .,/ NN ~treet P Fairway Court Street Q Aspenwood Court i/ ,I' 3~'1d ~~d'O:t ,O.S,-N'1f CC0.ntry (\Vcl:; LC\\"je v C\ \ \ e Yv\ 2 vJ D r \ V 2- I f'i\U\p\~ .;, / ' ! r--, ~.,+. L' t:.~, \ B \2.e d\ v,' (. c cI /' -- \....\42SC( - c\ v-\D't bEECh (cd ~~, I k {) c,d M\ l. kG (\i Lc~ n <. I '; {/l \ Cv\J [, Y l C LA \'t ~8~S~SS99~v :S3~OH M3IA l3~n'1l :A6 iN: Attachment "A" Proposed Street Names at Horseshoe Valley Project Laurel View Homes, Inc. Revised March 29, 2002 Street A Landscape Drive Street B Oakmont A venue Street C Tanglewood Crescent Street F Gatestone Way Street G Turnberry Court Street H Inverary Court Street I Sunvalley Drive Street J Brookmill Court Street K Gleneagles Drive Street L Timberview Crescent Street M Saddlebrook Trail Street N North Hill Drive Street 0 Ridgewood Court Street P Greenside Court Street Q Aspenwood Court ~ ....# f-;;;" ,,_ ~ .., _ c~ I f-;;;- - - f-- t-- i - ... E~ ~ ... - FAr- I ~- - r:- ~ ~ 1- ... I--- 1 J!.. - : -;.. t ~ .. ... ..!!!... - .. , t-- .. .. -;- A\'\ 7---;- ~JJ ~--__ I ... ~ -;- .:"I'~" I"." ~ . ~ .. 1<\ / - I . - ::I j23I!I.S "\, II iI ,--,' .. ... .. ~ ~. \~'.'3'..'..1 . ....-...." ~ of";! I .. , I "" · ,t ' "I' I .I'I~' ~ . ~." .. .' .. STREIT S S'II'ICET II ~ .. . '. ~r" · · · · .. · · I a .. · , · · .j- ~I' -. .. . II ~ W"'\" · .. I · · .. .. J~ · II I II II r I' iii. ." · · : . " · . ~Nw .... .J LtF\) - " Attachment "B" -- ~ ... ~ f-- ~ ~o~ I: ~ ~ 6 -:;- ~~~ ... r-::- ... --;;;;- ---' ~ ~ . . . . ... . - ,.. .. - . I I - ORO 3m LINE ORO 4th LINE I I n Sa · /, I Y ! z ! ! {;J i ~...r.~;1 "'~'::,:~ ~ ~J1 .. . . .L--;- .. rlit ..;.."" \.~ ..... .. " ,,,~ ~ - V .... ... ..",' ~1" S1'R[['T 8 ~ -s ... ,\ ~ ..-'-- ,.-=.. __~Y,.- , , !.-t,'" iI '.I~ ~ ~ -:-. .." " .. "):.. -=- .. .- -~ ~ ~ ~ - .... ~ .. r-;;"' .~. , . ~ ~ . .. - r:::- f-;;;"' - ~ ~ Iii :: ;..~" ~.....' . . ~ ~ ---~ ... - ~ - .... ~ '";0;- i S1RaT w '* ~ ... S1REO" ... -;:-' --;;- ~ ..... "'7-..., "":;;;"" ..,..~ -:- ~ ..... i"":"".'\....- ~ ~ . .... -:;- f-=- 1--- ~ ...... ... I~. -;:- .....~ ". I-;;- _... f-;;-~ , - - "" I--- ~- ~ Q 1'-: ~ , ~ ,/ _ ~ ..- I ~~... .1. .~... " .. J I ~ -::::-,. ~J 'I .. ~ ~~.. 11"".f+:,.~..J; ~ ---L..<~ ~ K ../ ~~~~I"'I" . I . . , . ,I. _ . J , f-- .. ~ ... .. ~ = !I - .. ~ ..~- ... ... .... ... " . ! I 5 I ! , I .. ! .. . ! - . Township of Oro-Medonte REPORT ,i ,...., Dept. Report To: Prepared By: #PD2002-23 Council Andria Leigh Subject & File #: Department: Council Draft Approved Plan of Planning C. of W. Subdivision (Gordon Mackie) Concession 11, Part of Lot Date: Motion # 1 (Oro) Draft Plan Approval # 43T- May 17, 2002 90050 Date: R.M. File # C1111680 and D12 326 Background: A letter was received from the purchaser of the above noted property requesting that Council consider not proceeding by way of plan of subdivision for 13 residential lots on the subject property but to allow the lands to be developed by consent for a total of 6 residential lots. The purchaser is also requesting that similar to the existing draft plan of subdivision condition, the development charges be paid at the time of the building permit. A copy of this request is attached for Council's review (Attach #1). The subject property is located within the community of Jarratt. The lands are designated Rural Settlement Area in the Official Plan and are zoned Residential One Exception (R1 *119) in Zoning By-law 97-95, as amended. The exception establishes a setback for structures from the Environmental Protection (EP) Zone that is located to the back of the subject property on the adjacent land holding. The property was draft approved by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing on July 17, 1992 subject to a variety of conditions. A copy of the draft approval is attached for Council's reference (Attach #2). The owner of the property has completed some of the conditions but the file has been inactive since 1994. Analysis: The objectives of the Rural Settlement Area designation are to maintain and create attractive communities with suitable amenities and to ensure that settlement areas are developed in a logical and cost effective manner. The development policies permit land division either by plan of subdivision or by consent and establish a number of criteria to be satisfied to determine which manner of land division is considered appropriate. The Committee of Adjustment would review the land division by consent policies to ensure compliance at the time of applications being received. The attached draft plan of subdivision contains an internal road and therefore proposed two access points to Line 10 North. It would appear that one additional entrance onto Line 10 North could be a viable option and would ensure that an additional small street would not have to be maintained by the Municipality. Discussion has occurred with the Roads Superintendent to determine if three entrances onto Line 10 North could be considered as an alternative to the internal street and Mr. Ball supports, in principle, such a proposal. The applicants would however be required to obtain entrance permits as a condition of consent. The proposed subdivision is intended to be serviced by individual wells and septic systems and therefore the reduction in the number of lots from 13 to 6 would reduce the number of servicing facilities required. The proposed severance would encompass the entire land holding and would appear to develop the land in an orderly and efficient manner and would be more cost effective long term for the Township with the elimination of an additional street for maintenance. The land division by consent would continue to comply with the existing residential zoning of the property. In accordance with the policies of the Official Plan proceeding with land division by consent for a total of 6 residential lots would appear to comply with the policies. The owner would be required to provide cash-in-lieu of parkland as required by any consent application. The current fee established by by-law is $ 500.00 per lot for a total in this case of $ 3500.00 for 5 lots being created. There does not appear to be a need to accept parkland in this location at this time. The development charges by-law for the Township requires that these charges be paid at the time of an application under Section 53 of the Planning Act (Consent) or at the time of issuance of a building permit as it relates to Section 51 of the Planning Act (Subdivision). The purchasers have requested that the development charges be postponed until the issuance of building permits as was proposed by the draft approved plan of subdivision and not to be a condition of consent. There is concern that a precedent would be established if such a request was granted since similar applications for multiple lots considered by the Committee of Adjustment in the past three years have been required to pay the Development Charges as a condition of consent. Recommendation(s): It is recommended to Council that: 1. The Township support, in principle, the proposal for consent of a total of 6 residential lots on Concession 11, Part of Lot 1 (Oro), 43T-90050; 2. That the Township request the County of Simcoe to rescind the draft plan approval for Concession 11, Part of Lot 1 (Oro), being 43T-90050 approved on July 17,1990; 3. That the Development Charges for the subject property be paid as a condition of consent in accordance with the Township policies; 4. That the landowner and purchaser be so advised; and 5. That this report be received and adopted. Respectfully Submitted, /1 J, ~ iN~- !~~. (.J -- Andria Leigh, Hons. BA, MCIP, RPP. Senior Planner C.A.O. J Date: wr;)7;0 !~' \t J ~ Lrt \'\1 ry'\r\ Dept. Head C.A.O. Comments: .~uJu ..; ~~_.- ........':o.~.......~.~. <" ~T'~"" " / I ,/ I l I "'4~'" ao.... ... e '"'0 ;;;J1&~., ~O<? 'If'1.}{fl1t 'I'~J,xf"., (' 'i,r-- , 't;~ . , , I~ .! 125 :skstman Cres. ..Ne\)'inarket, Ontario L3-'Y 5S3 ... ..".'Tel: (905) 895-4699 . Mobile: (416) 726-3923 May 6, 2002 ~. r. Ms. Andria Leigh Planning Department Township of Oro-Medonte 148 Line 7 South, P.O. Box 100 Oro, Ontario LOL 2XO Dear Ms. Leigh: Re: 2:: 15.54 acre property located in Jarratt, on the east side of the 10th Line, approximately 100 metres south of Horseshoe Valley Road, Part of Lot 1, Concession 11 Township of Oro-Medonte Thank you for meeting with Mr. Jim Kennedy and myself on April 22, 2002. The infonnation you provided was very helpful. As discussed in our meeting, we are purchasing the subject land and would like to proceed by way of severances. As you are aware a draft plan and zoning by-law were approved for the subject land for which would provide for a total ofthirteen (13) lots, ranging from:t 0.75 acres to 2:: 1.0 acre in size, off of a crescent road with two access points to the Tenth Line. We intend to increase the size ofthe lots to at least 2 acres in size which would reduce the total number oflots to six (6). The lots will conform with the present Rl zoning standards applicable to the property. The attached concept plan shows the approximate lines of severance. Mr. Kennedy and I plan to keep the southerly two lots and each build a home for our respective families. The lots that we are proposing would not require the construction of an internal road which would save the municipality the ongoing maintenance expense. Driveway access would be obtained from the tenth line. We would propose that the driveways for each of the six lots be paired across the municipal road allowance to the pavement so that there will only be three access connections to the Tenth Line. Proceeding with applications for severance to create five (5) new lots with one (1) remainder lot confonns with the policies of the Official Plan and allows the lands to be developed in an efficient and cost effective manner for both ourselves and the Town. Before filing the applications for severance we would like you to take this matter to Council for their support of this process. Also, a condition of the existing draft plan approval is that the Town's Development Charges be paid at the time of obtaining a building pennit. We would like this condition to also apply to the future severance approvals. Thank you, for your assistance. Yours v,er\ truly 0' )". \~1': I \ i \ :,,' ",\ ii' ------- \ \,.\ . \ \../ Y~'-J \V \V Roy Mason \ \. HORSESHOE VALLEY ROAD J R R TT ~"30'DO"t 40.32 LOT 1 / LOT 2 W Z LOT 3 '" '" - ~ --.J .,. 'A a 1:1 % ...c LOT 4 -+-J 0 ~ LOT 5 LOT 6 N5T43"O"E 217.340 . ,. . tere des Mi(\is\ry 01 IV,I(\IS @" MU(\iCipa.1 1\1Ia.ire~ . .., , ,cO . ",,010"". 92/ L' 7/ L G , \J 1\lIalrs - 0,,,,10 SUB 0 1 ~ 1 S 10M ,Hol'" ,Ii"~ : p....~,~,j)F . OF OpO ~ ,GO? TM AtlacMdlt.le t'f "pf!: i 01,>.1 N, S \-11 P "~ .~ ~0 \/ ED. n ~ \i~7 des~\kb et i\'tonlr~e . \ ~R~ 1= J ' . e 's" g l'al:lmlt1fS\ a \ . 6\"1 ete sou IS I \ Mmi(\iS\ratlO(\ wasl ' Submitted to pla(\S S 1 ,'" N . r.O\~C~S. u' LO': GEO ,lAP: DI\F.U:~\E St\O 1"'IF Of 0\,0 R Rill ORO S\!\110~\ ON1Ar.10 lOlceO 973 (10189\ RI0Gf, C.LERI( 777 Bay sneet/.,:;"1':"ftle-.B,~:'I 14th Floor //~ . . , e!age " TorO(\to, d~tari6 )(\to (O(\lario) M5G 2E.5 ,.,,,G; 21;5 -' / " . . P\ea~e Beier. g\~Rfr~s~~_~?~e.~ce Belated 10 IhlS submlssto\'l.,1o.l i : . ' \/euil\e! adresser 10lne:.la!iiirr~!3PO(\da(\Ce re~~~\~t ~~W vI S I( 1 (416) 585-6058 ouo\i(\9 our File Numbed . . e(\ me(\tiO(\Oaot oone (\Umero de dosSIer . 43_1-90050 .k"* COP'1' **., 4 41 ~ e e File No. 43T 90050 The Minister's conditions and amendments to final plan approval for registration of this plan of subdivision, file no. 43T-90050, are as follows: No. Conditions 1. That this approval applies to the draft plan, prepared by Jordan and Jones Planning Consultants, surveyed by Douglas Smith, OLS, dated August 2, 1990, to show thirteen single residential lots, and one Park Block (Block A) 2. That the road allowance included in this draft plan shall b~ shown and dedicated as a public highway. 3. That the internal street shall be named to the satisfaction of the ,Township of Oro. 4. That the owner satisfy the requirements of the Township of Oro for the supply of services and grant easements required for drainage purposes. 5. That prior to final approval by the Ministry, we are to be advised by the Township of Oro that the appropriate zoning is in effect for this plan of subdiv~sion. 6. That the owner convey up to 5% of the land included in the plan to the municipality for park purposes. Alternatively, the municipality can request cash-in-lieu of all or a portion of the conveyance. 7. That the owner agrees in writing to satisfy all the requirements, financial and otherwise, of the Township of Oro concerning the provision of roads, and the installation of services. 8. That prior to final approval, the Ministry of the Environment shall be in receipt of a copy of the fully executed sUbdivision agreement specifying that the recommendations of the hydrologist report, as approved by the Ministry of the Environment, shall be implemented by requirements of the subdivision agreement. /2 . e - 2 - ~.,...,. File No. 43T 90050 No. Conditions 9. That prior to final approval, a drainage plan be prepared and submitted by the owner's consultant to the satisfaction of the Simcoe County District Health Unit and the Township Engineer. (See Note 4. (i)) 10. That prior to final approval, a lot grading plan be prepared and submitted by the owner's consultant to the satisfaction of the Simcoe County District H~alth Unit and the Township of Oro Engineer (See Note 4. (ii). 11. That the subdivision agreement shall contain clauses with worping satisfactory to the Simcoe County District Health Unit to the effect that any major works required in the approved plans in Conditions #9 and #10 above will be carried out by the developer. 12. That prior to final approval, the Simcoe County District Health Unit will require general site plans for Lots 6 and 7, showing proposed design of septic the tank systems. (See Note 4 (iii)) 13. That the subdivision agreement shall contain clauses with wording satisfactory to the Simcoe District Health Unit to the effect that individual lot owners may be required to obtain the services of a qualified professional engineer to prepare a detailed site development plan to the satisfaction of the Simcoe County District Health Unit, prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Approval. 14. That prior to final approval, an erosion control plan detailing how erosion and siltation and their effects will be minimized both during and following construction shall be prepared to the satisfaction of the Ministry of Natural Resources, and the Township of Oro. 15. That prior to final approval, the owner shall agree in the subdivider's agreement in words satisfactory to the agencies identified in Condition No. 14 to carry out or cause to be carried out the recommendations and measures contained within the plans identified in Condition No. 14 (see Note #6) . /3 " " ~ , . e . - 3 - File No. 43T 90050 No. Cqnditions 16. That prior to final approval by the Ministry, we are to be advised in writing by the Township of Oro, how Conditions #1 to #15 inclusive have been satisfied. 17. That before final approval is given, we are to be advised in writing by the Ministry of the Environment how Condition #8 has been satisfied. 18. That before the Minister's final approval is given, we are to be advised in writing by the Ministry of Natural Resources how Conditions #14 and #15 have been satisfied. 19. That before the Minister's final approval is given, we are to be advised in writing by the Simcoe County District Health Unit how Conditions #9 to #13 inclusive have been satisfied. NOTES TO DRAFT APPROVAL 1. It is the applicant's responsibility to fulfil the conditions of draft approval and to ensure that the required clearance letters are forwarded by the appropriate agencies to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs, Plans Administration Branch, Central and Southwest, quoting the Ministry file number 43T-90050. 2. We suggest you make yourself aware of: a) section 143 (1) of the Land Titles Act, which requires all new plans be registered in a land titles system; and, b) section 143 (2) - allows certain exceptions. /4 . e ~ - 4 - NOTES TO DRAFT APPROVAL continued 3. Inauguration, or extension of a piped water supply, a sewage system or a storm drainage system, is subject to the approval of the Ministry of the Environment under section 23 and section 24 of the Ontario Water Resources Act, R.S.O. 1980. 4. The Simcoe County District Health unit advises that: (i) In reference to Condition #9, this plan will show how surface water will be controlled on and off the site and will include swales, where necessary. Any necessary erosion control measures will be shown. This approved plan will form part of the subdivision agreement with the Township. (ii) In reference to Condition #10, existing and final grades on lot corners will be shown as well as mid lot elevations, where necessary. 'This approved plan will form part of the subdivision agreement with the Township. (iii) In reference to Condition #12, this site plan will contain the following information: a) a building envelope for the proposed home; b) envelopes for the primary and secondary sewage system sites including mantles as required; and, c) location and type of proposed water wells. (iv) In reference to Condition #13, this detailed site development plan will contain the following information: a) the location of the proposed house and any other structures on the lot; b) the location, size and elevation of the subsurface sewage system and all engineering design criteria and standards pertaining thereto; /5 ~ . . e . - 5 - NOTES TO DRAFT APPROVAL continued c) the existing and proposed grades of the disturbed areas on the lot after buildings, drainage and sewage works have been completed; d) the engineer may be required to check the elevations of the building footings, prior to further construction, to ensure conformity with the approved plans as noted; e) the engineer may be required, prior to the issuance of a Use Permit, to certify to the Health Unit in writing, that the installed works have been carried out in accordance with the approved plans; and, f) the type and location of the water well. (v) The subdivision agreement will be registered on title and the registration details forwarded to the Health Unit. 5. ontario Hydro advises that: (i) The costs of any relocations or revisions to ontario Hydro facilities which are necessary to accommodate this subdivision will be borne by the developer. (ii) The easement rights of 'ontario Hydro are to be protected and maintained. (iii) The developer should contact the local Ontario Hydro Area Office to verify if any low voltage distribution lines may be affected by this development. 6. In reference to Condition #14, the owner shall agree in the subdivision agreement to maintain all erosion and siltation control devices in good repair during the construction period. /6 . e - 6 - NOTES TO DRAFT APPROVAL continued 7. The subdivision agreement between the owner and the municipality shall be ,registered against the lands to which it applies once the plan of subdivision has been registered. 8. When the zoning by-law required in Condition #5 is being prepared, reference to this subdivision application T-file number should be included in the explanatory note. This will expedite the Plans Administration Branch's and other agencies consideration of the by-law. 9. Clearances are required from the following agencies: Township of Oro P.O. Box 100 Oro station, Ontario LOL 2EO Ministry of the Environment 7 Overlea Blvd., 4th Floor Toronto, Ontario M4H 1A8 simcoe County District Health unit Administration Centre Midhurst, Ontario LOL 1XO Ministry of Natural Resources Huronia District Midhurst, ontario LOL 1XO If the agency condition concerns the subdivision agreement, a copy of the agreement should be sent to them. This will expedite clearance of the final plan. A copy is not required by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs. Reqistration: 10. The final plan approved by the Minister must be registered within 30 days or the Minister may withdraw his approval under Subsection 51(21) of the Planning Act. . . ,. I I i ~ Agricul1urol I I ! \ I:II.OCI\ l~ '....IILI".... 8LOCt\ 26 D.J...lIl.n".~ .,OCK " I ....."It.."...~ "'",." I - o.'...II\n"vt-CO Hurot ~ I ~ , I ~". (f) . W " U ~ Z N I: I~ w "'0"'" ~ .. -......1- ~ 6I..OCI\ 28 0 'h."'r~ I I \,..VUI\l1 I nv,""v I". c..c. ROAD ALLOWANCE BETWEEN TOWNSHIPS n I --n-:- i II ,I ilJiu L L i R.sident~ I I ~._-=+- I ~I~ --. ~ OF ORO AND MEDONTE -r-I- U I L-JI ~ u, - 10 II 1'I!!,t{.m', 1~!\r6mtl 9 U606",', . RUR Al 01 c: LAND USE 5UMMtl.AY I.ANO USE CATEGOtlT RE5!OENT!jI,L LOTS 1.13 IJPEN.SPIoC( . 61.0CK 'p,' I !)"f.1 fiRE PR01EClION' alOCI! '0' IHIDENmG Rf5ERVES BLOCKS 23,24,2:.,2&,21,20 SfREET ',.' MINIMUM 1.01 fflONfAGE . 30m MINIMUM 1.01 AREA : 20Z3.!)",' A'IEflAGE LOT ARt", '~"'2t1mf SECTION :>0"1", !no PLANNIHG ACT ;,,1''''''0/1 111''''11'11'' 1"'1f ,hII..." .",p!\I1I Idl ,ulll."UIII hi In pia" 1/1 U' p,o" 1;'0"1"11" Inl"''''...'...., ..en. 100.IIMI, "II III .W, ."nd 1I,,,..,,,,,,,,,on/>llI/I \.11>,4'0, u'.pI>O~' III no,,' 1.1 ",' ~ ToTAL 6 0\,0\ 2:> m , ...J...J...J...J...J...J...J ..J..J _1..J.J.J..J ..J_U.J.J.J ..J ..J.J.J.J.J.J..J ..J..J.J.J.J.J..J ..J.J.J.J.J.J.J ~r1~~ J:)~E: I. .' ~'~2~!....:"~~ AREAlm', :>II.H:.~ mJ 329" m~ l2 ~",' METRIC DISTANCES SHOWN ON THIS PLAN AHE I!~ ME,1RES MI:;' CAN BE CONVERTED TO FEET 6Y OIVIOU-IG 9'1" C. ~C..:.a MACKIE TOWNSHtP PROPERTY OF ORO PLANN'NG , e:,I'H'Ht ,C,;T.r.RII) L':' t; Township of Oro-Medonte REPORT Dept. Report To: Prepared By: #PD2002-25 Council Andria Leigh Subject & File #: Department: Council Proposed Zoning By-law Planning C.ofW. Amendment for Eric Bowes and Dawn Braden Concession 4, South Part Date: Motion # of Lot 8 (Oro) Development Application May 28, 2002 P-97/99 Date: R.M. File # D14010814 Background: An application for a Zoning By-law Amendment was submitted in July of 2000 by the landowners to permit the continuation of the business on site and to ensure no future evolution of the business occurred. The property is located on the east side of Line 3 North between the Old Barrie Road and the Bass Lake Side Road. The property is a total of 50 acres in size of which 9.3 acres is proposed to be rezoned for the pallet business and to identify the area to be subject to Site Plan Control. The subject property is currently the site of the dwelling in which the applicants reside and a number of outbuildings that are being utilized for the business. The outdoor storage and size of land used for this business is intended to be limited to the area around the existing buildings. The remainder of the property continues to be used for corn production. Adjacent land uses include: a residential dwelling to the north (50 acres), a forestry operation to the south (100 acres), and a commercial dog kennel to the north-west (145 acres), an agricultural operation to the north-east (150 acres), and an agricultural operation to the east (100 acres). The applicant's consultant has provided information regarding the nature of the business and its activities including the number of employees and the type of clients (Attachment #1). The applicant's were intending to maintain a small-scale industrial use, to provide products to the rural community, and to maintain the use as accessory to the single detached dwelling in which they reside on the property. This information does indicate that a large portion of the materials brought into the site are recycled material and that a much smaller portion of the material is from new materials. However it is clear both from site inspections conducted in October 1999, August 2000, April 2001, June 2001, and April 2002 and the business statistics provided by the applicant's consultant that the applicants do more than what is defined as a "recycling establishment" in the Zoning By-law 97-95. Analysis: The Vision in the Official Plan indicates that additional economic development will be encouraged in the Township through the Official Plan and in fact the principles of the Official Plan promote economic activity within the Township and strongly encourage home based businesses. During the formulation of the new Official Plan there was clear direction that the Township wanted to maintain its rural character and also create economic opportunities for our residents. The Oro-Medonte Official Plan established several principles on which the development policies were subsequently established. In order to facilitate both of these, the Official Plan policies and the Zoning By-law provisions were created to provide flexibility in regards to home occupations, home industries and commercial/industrial uses in the agricultural and rural areas. The principles strongly encourage the development of home based businesses and industries and the development of agriculturally related commercial uses to contribute to the economy of the municipality. The subject property is located within the Agricultural designation (Section 02) and would therefore be subject to the applicable policies within that designation. The objectives of this designation clearly indicate that the intent is to preserve and promote the agricultural character and maintain the open countryside of the Township. The objectives also attempt to promote agricultural industries and their associated activities and enhance their ability to contribute to the economy of the Township. The permitted uses within the Agricultural designation allow for single detached dwellings, home occupations, home industries and agriculturally related commercial uses. Within the permitted uses it is clearly indicated that "home industries are small-scale industrial uses which are accessory to agricultural uses and which do not alter the principal use of the property for agriculture. Home industries should generally be in an existing out building, but a new building may be permitted provided it is small in scale. Home industries may include welding, carpentry, electrical shops or agriculturally related uses that involved the processing of crops or other products." It is recognized that these uses are intended to be small-scale and therefore a site specific zoning and site plan approval would be necessary to limit the scope of the business and maintain the intent of the Official Plan policies. Section 02.3.5 indicates that the development of a new home industry may be subject to a Site Plan Agreement dealing with buffering, the location of any buildings used for the home industry and the location of any associated open storage, in order to minimize potential impacts on adjacent uses. In accordance with these policies of the Official Plan, the Site Plan would be required to be completed to the satisfaction of Council to ensure that all on-site matters are addressed including, but not limited to: buffering, storage, traffic and parking. The applicant's have submitted four revised Site Plan drawings since October 1999 which have continued to be revised showing changes in the business. The revisions have been based on the needs of the applicant, the growth of the business, and the recommendations from the Township's Site Plan Committee. The most recent Site Plan drawing #4 is attached for Council's review (Attachment #2). The Zoning By-law, further to the Official Plan policies, defines a home industry as follows: "means a small-scale industrial use, such as a carpentry shop, a metal working shop, a welding shop or an electrical shop that provides services or wares to the rural community and which is an accessory use to an agricultural use or a single detached dwelling. For the purpose of this By-law, the repairing of motor vehicles, mobile homes and trailers is not a home industry". The Zoning By-law defines an industrial use as follows: "means premises used for the manufacturing, processing, finishing, treating, ornamenting, altering, fabricating, or assembly of raw materials or recycled material or the adapting for sale of any good, substance, article or thing". It is evident from this definition and the information provided in the business statistics (Attachment #1) that the pallet business would be considered an industrial use as defined by the Zoning By-law as they process and assemble recycled and new materials. A public meeting was held on June 20, 2001 at which time the correspondence was received from the following: Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority, Royal Pets Hotel, Hacker Gignac Rice, Horseshoe Valley Property Owners Association, and Alvin Moore. Subsequent to the Public Meeting two additional letters were received from Hacker Gignac Rice and Alvin Moore. All correspondence received is attached for Council's reference (Attachment #3). At that meeting verbal presentations were also made by: Harold Divine, Nels Harnden, Evelyn Hird, Frank Gracey, and Jim Garner. There were a number of matters raised at the public meeting including: noise, traffic and parking, look of sight, alternate locations, scale of business, and use of agricultural lands. A number of these issues had been discussed at the October 1999 Site Plan Committee meeting and at the Planning Advisory Committee meetings in August 2000, February 2001 and April 2001. The neighbours to the north verbally indicated at the Public Meeting in June 2001 that a videotape had been produced and they would provide it to the Township for review, however this has never been provided. The issues raised at the public meeting are discussed below: Noise In 1997 a noise by-law was passed by the Corporation which would restrict the noise created from radio or sound equipment and therefore this is not a matter which should be regulated through a zoning by-law amendment. The noise from the equipment utilized in the business is intended to be generally maintained in the existing buildings; however the noise by-law does not restrict noise from businesses, construction or agricultural activities on properties anywhere in the Township. Traffic and Parking The matters of traffic and parking are required to be contained within the private property in accordance with Zoning By-law 97-95, as amended. The attached site plan identifies fourteen on-site parking spaces and would indicate the potential for more than the 6-10 employees as proposed by the applicant's consultant. Areas have also been identified on the site plan for loading and unloading of pallets. The unloading or parking of vehicles on the municipal road allowance is not permitted. Look of Sight The nature of the pallet business requires outdoor storage of materials related to the business. The site plan (#4) currently under has been revised and proposes berming and vegetative buffering to reduce the view of the business both from the road and to the neighbouring properties. Alternate Locations The applicant has indicated in their planning submissions (Attachment #1) that they reviewed alternate locations within the Township to determine if a suitable alternative site was available. While it is recognized that there are three industrial parks in the Township the amount of land available in two is limited and the parcel sizes do not provide the amount of land required for this type of business. The Winfull Industrial Park located at Line 4 South and Highway 11 does have lands designated Industrial located on Hollick Crescent which are not currently subdivided and were intended to be developed through the consent process for the appropriate parcel sizes required. Scale of Business The intent of the zoning by-law amendment and the site plan control agreement would be to ensure that a small-scale use is maintained as defined by the home industry provisions of the Official Plan and Zoning By-law. The site plan drawings and numerous site visits clearly indicate the business is not a small-scale use as defined by the policies and is therefore not a home industry. Use of Agricultural Lands The area of the existing business is located within the vicinity of the existing outbuildings and the house. There is a small portion of the property to the south which was previously cropped which will be utilized for the business including outdoor storage; however if the business ceased to exist that portion of the property could easily be re-utilized for agricultural purposes. Summary In summary, the application as proposed including the revised site plan (Drawing #4) submitted does not maintain a small-scale industrial use, as defined by the home industry provisions and required by the policies of the Official Plan. The use is also clearly not accessory to the single detached dwelling on the property as required by the definition of a home industry in Zoning By- law 97-95, as amended. The proposed use does not preserve and promote the agricultural character nor maintain the open countryside of the Township as required by the Official Plan. Other than the home industry provisions within the Agricultural designation, no other provisions are contained within the Agricultural designation to permit such a use. On this basis, the proposed rezoning would not conform to the policies of the Official P~an. It is therefore recommended that Council deny the Zoning By-law Amendment for Concession 4, South Part of Lot 8 (Oro) for a Site Specific Agricultural/Rural (AlRU*) Zoning. Recom me ndation( s): It is recommended to Council that: 1. The Zoning By-law Amendment to rezone Concession 4, South Part of Lot 8 (Ora), Development Application P-97/99 (Pallets North), be denied, as it does not conform with the policies of the Official Plan; 2. That the applicant be advised of Council's decision; and 3. That this report be received and adopted. Respectfully Submitted, ~~ --i~ Andria Leigh, Hons. B.A., MCIP, RPP. Senior Planner C.A.O. Comments: Date: NI < o )--'/ L 0 (\._J.J./~ ,/ v a ~n '{'L/ Dep . \~Wr C.A.O. 14-2D01 WED~09:32 NI.. FROM,NZlES PLANN1NG AND .DEV FAX:705~7 0608. PAGE 5 · '..A-r\AU-4 ~ I PALLETS NORTH P-I05/00 Business Statistics February 2001 Pallets North is located on the Third Line of the Township of Oro-Medonte between the Bass Lake Side Road and the Old Barrie Road. The site is located on a large tract of rural property. Pallets North recycles used pallets and wood waste into new pallets and top names. These products are delivered to customers throughout Oro-Medont.e and Central Ontario. Approximately 95% of the Company's output originates from recycled materials wi1h some 80% of the product being repaired, recycled pallets. Odd sized or custom pallets, built from reclaimed lumber, comprises approximately 15% of the business while the remaining 5% of the business is the manufacture of new pal1ets from new materials. Through recycling, Pallets North saves approximately 50 trees a day from being destroyed and manufactured into pallets. The site which Pallets North is located was the site of a unused farm_ The she hosts out buildings and the farm yard is substantially paved which is required for the pallet business. When the property was purchased, the barn buildings were deteriorating and the owners of Pallets North undertook to rehabilitate the structures for use in the business. It is likely that the fann buildings would have otherwise been left to decay. The business occupies approximately 5 acres of the south western portion of the property near the existing home on the lands. The balance of the lands is rented to a fanner for corn production with approximately 5% of the lands in bush. The crop production area comprises over 40 acres of land. The owners of the business live in the home on the property . As the pallet business is land intensive and requires flat, well drained and paved land in order to operate effectively, cost effective industrial designa.ted land is difficult to find. The current operation utilizes over 12,000 square feet of building space and more is required in order to provide for better flow On site. The owners of Pallets North have investigated the purchase of industrial land in the TO'\i'lnShip of Oro-Medonte. They have found that there is no opportunity to garner the land area which is required for the operation on existing industrial designated land which would be cost effective for the business to continue. The largest tract of vacant industrial land appears to be the industrial subdivision located on Highway 11 at the 4th Line however, the configuration of the land is less than ideal, there are no existing structures to utilize on the property, and several lots would have to be purchased at a cost in excess of $] 00.000 for the land component only in order to have a semi-suitable business operation. As the pallet industry is a low profit indu.stry, locating to this area, in wbat may be categorized as a poor site configuration for the business, would jeopardize the business. 1 4-2001 WED.09:32}JJ FROM,NZlES PLANNING AND DEV FAX:7054j? GoO\:\ t'J\IJI!, q Shes in the City of Barrie were also examined and aJthough the lot and building availability is more appropriate for the use, the cost to relocate is greater than that offered in Oro-Medonte. . The ovmers of Pallets North have a desire to remaining living and operating their business in Oro-Me.donte. There axe advantages of having the family home located at the business in order that the business can be more properly secured and the family children 8Ie being groomed to assists and one day, take over the business operation. Being close to the business operation, which is not dissimilar to the advantages of a family farm, are advantageous to the family. Pallets North employs people outside of the family members. The particulars regarding employment factors are stated in more detail later in this synopsis. With the exception of the office admirostrarion, the employment opportwllries at Pallets North are for general labourers. A highly skilled labour force is not required for the business. This therefore, provides opportunities for employment for those who may not otherwise be employable in other industries. Several of the employees support families though the operation and have long term intentions to stay employed by Pal1ets North. Pallets North, therefore, is assisting in supporting the local economy. The business operates from Monday to Friday from 8 :00 am to 5 :00 pm. On rare occasions, there is overtime. Particulars related to the business are as follows: Equipment . Four-Head Band Resaw - cuts stock lumber to 1h" boards, . Pallet Stringer Notcher - notches stringers, . Band Saw Disassembler - disassembles pallets . Automatic Pallet Nailer - builds pallets . Top Frame Press - presses top frames . Hand Nailers - compressed air nailers . Cut Off Saw - used to cut boards to length Future equipment proposed include a Twin Blade cut-off saw which would cut the boards to length and a Small Log Scragg Mill for cutting small logs to feed the Four Head Band Resaw. Employees There are 8 to 10 employees, plus the owner, on site depending on the volume of work. Labour requirements include: . 2 people in the repair shop repairing pallets 2 ,4-2001 WED.09:32 AM FROM4IjNZ1ES PLANNING AND DEV FAX:7054it7 0608 PAGE 3 . 2 people on the Band Saw Disassembler disassembling pallets received . 1 employee in the yard sorting pallets and unloading trailers . 2 yard labourers cutting wood to size and building custom orders . 1 office administrator It is not expected that the number of staff win increase. The advent of the new equipment 'proposed may even reduce the staffing compliment. Any increase in sales would offset this staffing reduction. Transportation Six trailers aTe owned by Pallets North but are generally stored at the site of suppliers. There is typically two trailers on site at the loading dock at the back of the existing building on site. Pallets North owns one tractor. One five ton straight truck is also on site but rarely utilized. The tractor and trailer would typically come into the yard three times a day and exit three times a day. Independent pickers a.lso come into the site. Pickers are individuals, typically 'With half ton trucks, who drop off salvaged wood materials. There are characteristically three drop offs per day. Approximately 6 employees drive to the site and stay for the day. Their cars are parked in a conunon parking area. Buildings The operation is currently conducted on approximately 5 acres of land on the southern edge of the site. The family home is also located on the property. The office, and a portion of the operation, is located in an existing barn and the remaining bam houses the balance of the operation. One additional building is being proposed on the southern edge of the site (adjacent to Gracey Fanns) in order to better space out the existing operation. The area of operation is not proposed to expand even with the advent of this additional building. In the fall of 2000, the Disassembler, which is a potential noise source, was moved from its outside location to inside one of the existing buildings. The building is noise insulated. The moving of this equipment was done in direct response to concerns raised by the adjacent neighbour to the Township. This move has caused the flow of operation in this building to be less than ideal. The new structure would assist in alleviating the congestion problem currently being experienced. The new structure therefore, is not proposed to expand the existing operation but to make the operation more mana.geable. The balance of the property is in crop production for corn. 3 4-]001 WED 09:31 AM rKUM.NLl~t t'Ll\NJ~JJ~\] l\riU ur.v fl\/>.. IV).I VVVV .10 .n,"'...., L r"- Site 1mprovements A driveway has been constructed on site in order to access the loading docks at the end of the building. A.n entrance permit was provided for this by the Township. Work was undertaken to organize the yard to meet fire code regulations at the request of the TOVlIlShip. The site now complies. A 400 ampere 600 volt three-phase power line was installed to the site. A trench was dung adjacent to the access driveway for the intention of planting a tree barrier. This has not been completed due to an impending Zoning Amendment for the site. . Since the business has grown from a home occupation type of use, Pallets North have invested over $115,000 in upgrades and improvements to the property, induding equipment on site. Over $40,000 of this has been as part of their submission for Site Plan Approval. Customer Base Fruit Juice Processor Margarine Packager Ice Cream Producer Yu An Farms Maple Farm Supplies Parson Seeds Ontario Potato distributors lee River Spring Water Ascent Bottles Vitality Foods Pearce Containers Denison Agricultural Water Bottling Auto Parts Manufacturer Hunter Energy Napoleon Appliances Can-Save MF Enterprises Almand Davis' Group Moore Packaging Hidden Hitch Injectech T ower Auto Wood Stove Manufacturer Building Supplier Lumber Yard Cardboard & Packaging Negotiations are currently going on with Pallets North and the following businesses regfU'ding providing pallets for their use: Dole Brothers Sod, Braeford Sod, and the SheppfU'd family sod seed farm. 4 4-200101 WED 11 :42 AM FROM.ZIES PLANN1NG AND DEV FAX:70517 0608 PAGE 5 - ' PIZ Menzies Planning & Development February 14, 2001 Andria Leigh, MCIP RPP Township of Oro- Medonte Box 100 Oro, Ontario LOL 2XO By Fax 5 Pages 487-0133 Dear Ms. Leigh, Re: Pallets North Application for Rezoning ]>105/00 PalJets North, a pallet recycEng and building operation, has made application to amend the Tovmship of Oro-Medonte Zoning By-law in order to permit the continuation of 'the existing business located on site. This letter outlines planning matters associated v.,rith the application. DetaBs regarding the type and form of business are provided under separate cover. L.Q Introduction The subject lands are located at Part Lot 8, Concession 4 in the fonner Township of Oro. The site is approximately 8 acres in size and is located on a rural lot of approximately 50 acres in size. The application for rezoning is for the area of a business operation known as Pallets North. The business is operated on the sou1h west corner of the property on approximately 5 acres however, 8 acres of land for rezoning is requested in order to provide for the location of a parking area and additional building. Pallets North is a pallet recycling and constroctionbusiness loc.ated in two existing barns on a rural property. The recycling and/or reclaiming portion of the operation constitutes the majority of the business. Approximately 50 trees per day are saved from manufacture into pallets based on 'this initiative. The balance of the site is in crop production and a small portion at the rear of the lot is in bush land. The family home is loca.ted on site. planning . devclopmem . project :mansgement :21 GrcenwQod Foreat Road RRl Cornp ~os Oto S~tion, Ontario LOl 2EO (705) 487-0569 fa." 487..0608 c:r=ii: krn<!f1~i,,"@1'b;iTnl1V ~nrn 4-2001, WED 11 :4'2 AM rKUM,NLli!,:) t'L1\NN1N\.7 t\l\W U~V rt\h: IV).' VVVU IfiV\J "1 -2- 'February 14. 2001 The business is family run and operated. There is a small number of primarily low skilled labour force on site ranging from 6 to 10 employees. The operation runs five days a weekt except bo1idays from approximately 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. On rare exceptions. some overtime occurs. 2.0 Site and Surrounding Uses The site of the Pallets North operation is flat and well drained and primarily has a concrete ground surface. This surface formed part of the fann yard of the previous Use of the lands. The operation is whol1y contained within two existing fann buildings. Tbe owners of the business live in the house which is located in close proximity to the out buildings. The buildings are located relatively close to the roadway in the southwest portion of the property. Most of the balance of the property is com production with a small portion of the site being bushland. One driveway provides access to the home and the farm yard. An additional access. on the northern boundary of the business portion of the site has been installed to permit the business vehicles to access the site more easily. An entrance permit has been issued from the Township for this purpose. The surrounding uses are varied as is characteristic in a rural area. To the north is a single family dwelling on a large tract of land. south of the site is an active tree farm.. The tree farm is used for commercial activity. West of the site, across the 3rd Concession Road the property is crop farmed and hosts cattle and north west of the site is a large boarding kennel operation. East of 'the property is the continuation of the bush lot which is located on the subject lands. 3.0 Official Plan The subject lands are designated ~'Agricultural" in the TO\VI1ship of Oro-Medonte Official Plan. A portion of the lot, which hosts the bush lot, is also designa.ted UEnvironmentaJ Protection Two" however, this area is far removed from the area which is subject to the application for Rezoning. In February 1997, the Council for the Township of Oro-Medonte approved a new comprehensive Official Plan for the newly amalgamated Municipality. The Agricultural polices took a proactive look at the diverse and potentiaBy diverse nature of agricultural and rural uses in the Township. A portion of the Agricultural designation states the following: The Township recognizes that the nature of farming is changing and that additional activities, such as home indu.strie.s, can be carried out in rhe 711'S 487 11'511'8 ~-2001 WED 03: 11 PM FROM ~Z 1 ES PLANNI NG AND DEV FAX: 705 _ 0608 PA<iE 1 . _ 3 - . 'February 14, 2001 Agricultural designation that wo'Uld not have an impact on agricultural or rural uses. Home' industries' Clre 'small scale industrial uses which are accessory to agri.pilil.lral' uses and which do not alter the principal use of the property, for agriculture. Home industries sho'Uld generally be in an existing out building, but a new building may be permilted provided it is smal1 in scale. Home industries may include welding, carpentry, electrical shops or agriculturally related uses that involve the processing of crops or other products. These uses are permitted in the Agricultural pesignaTion. It is submitted that the Pallets North operation is a small scale home industry. The use.can be described as a carpentry use. Pallets North, in effect, col1ects wood waste or broken pallets and .dismantles themt recuts them, if required, and reassembles them for business and' agricultural uses. Approximately '5% of the business is the construction of new pallets from new wood sources. Pallets North therefore is also in the recycling business. The operation is environmentally friendly arid is a dry operation. As stated previouslYt the riature of the business permits the use of the majority of the property for agricultural use. This practice is occurring on site. It should be noted that should the business grow further and move from the she. that the existing fann yard could readily revert back to agricultural uses. Without the advent of the Pallets North operation" it is likely that the existing farm buildings on site would have been left to deteriorate. They are now sound and useable structUres. There is no intention to sever the lands used for the business from the balance of the landholding. It is the opinion of this office that the Pallets North operation confonns to the policies of the Official Plan for the Townsrup of Oro-Medonte. 4.0 Zoning By-Law The subject lands are zoned Agricultural/Rural (AlRU) in the Zoning By-law 97-75. The AlRU zone pennits numerous uses including Home Industries and Home Occupations. Elements of both of these uses are inherent in the Pallets North operation however, rezomng the site t.o a site specific zone related to "the pallet business would provide clear assurances to the Township tha.t the fonn of home industry or home occupation will not evolve beyond what the panet operation presents. The rezoning also affords the Township a means in which to control the size and location of the bU$iness. Inherent in this is the provisions of Site Plan Control which would assist in the proper development of the site. A.n application for Site Plan Control has been submitted. The proposed zoning for the site would be an AlRU exception. This exception would specifically state that the use of the site would be for a pallet recycling and manufacturing 14-200t WED 11 :41 PJI.. FROM,NIIES PLANNING AND D~V ~l\x:'fUj i' ut)Uo t'1\\JtL -4- Fc:.brull.ry 14', 2.001 business in a specific area of the property. Site Plan Control would offer further site specific controls related to buffering and landscaping, among other matters. 5.0 Transponation As Pallets North is primarily a re-cycling operation, wood waste material is transponed to the site. Typically three truck and trailer combinations access the site per day (and subsequently leave the site for pickups). In addition to this, independent ''pickers'' attend on 'the site approximately three times per day in small trucks, usually half ton in size. This would therefore constitute six trips onto the site and six trips off of the site. Approximately six employees drive to the site daily and remain for the day's work. As has been stated previously, a second entrance has been provided on site in order to provide for better site circulation of the vehicles attending on the property. Both entrances to the site provide excellent site lines. The 3rd line is paved and well maintained_ It should be noted that when the Pallets North operation was commenced, the 3rd line was a County Road (CR 57). 6.0 Acoustics Pallets North does have a potential noise source (beyond the sUITounding agricultural operation). This piece of equipment is called a Band Saw Disassembler. The disassembler breaks down the waste pallets into components for new use. It has historically been operated in the farm yard. The equipment has now been relocated within one of the insulated buildings and the noise source has been mitigated. It is also understood that there have been concerns raised by the adjacent resident regarding loud music being played on site. The music has now been reduced and the speaker system, which was previously turned towards the neighbour's property has now been focused in a different direction. 7.0 Aesthetics As the business is primarily a recycling operation, pallets are stored in the farm yard. These are typically recycled through the yard at a rate of daily to every four days depending on the nature of the stock auiving and leaving the site. Some benning has been placed on the site and additional efforts related to berming and tree screaming are being 705 487 0508 14-2001 WED 11 :41 AM FRO~NZIES PLANNING AND DEV FAX:70~7 0608 PAGE 1 _ 5 - Feb:nu.ry 14,2001 planned for the site as is outlined in the Site Plan Control application and/or based on the requirements of the Site Plan Control Conunittee and Council. Based on the operations location at the southwestern corner of the property, there is a good separation distance between the adjacent residential lands and the operation.; This , distance is over 500 feet to the adjacent lot line and estimated at over 1000 feet to the house. As previously stated, the land between the operation and the adjacen1lands to the north are in com production. The lands to the south of the. property are an active tree farm. 8.0 Conclusion The pallet recycling and construction business operated by Panets North at Lot 8, Concession 4 in the fonner Township of Oro conforms to the spirit and intent of the Township of Oro-Medonte Official Plan. The nature of the business requires a large land area in which to operate. The operation is well sitWited on its lot away from the adjacent neighbours and is located in an area of the Township where commercial and/or quasi commercial uses are currently occurring. The owners of Pallets North are utilizing buildings which woUld likely have been left to deteriorate and the majority of their land holdings been farmed. The business itself is a recycling operation which saves over 50 trees a day from being turned into pallets. Should the business be moved or cease to exist, the operation is environmentally friendly and the lands cou1d easily revert to a traditional agricultural operation. The business employs a low skill labour market of very valued and dedicated employees. With the advent of a site specific Rezoning and Site Plan Control on the property, the TO'NDship would be assured that the business would be specifically defined and the site appropriately developed. 11 is the position of the undersigned that the application for Rezoning on Part Lot 8, Concession 4 in the former Township of Oro (now Oro-Medonte) for a site specific use of panet recycling and manufacturing represents good planning. Yours truly, PK Menzies Planning & Development Inc. ~.~Jah President Cc Eric Bowes - PaBets North Eric Gionet - Oatley, Purser 4-2001 WED 09:31 AM FROMIIJNZIES PLANNING AND DEV FAX:70541t7 0608 PAGE 1 .~ . ,.~,~ OnUlrlo Crostltuency otfk:r.s: o 14 Co~ Road West P.O, Box 2320 Olillla, Ontario l3V 652 ie!. (705) ~2&-~246 1-800-304-7341 Fax (705) 326-9579 L:I 482 ElInbeth S~t Midland, Ontario L4R 1Z8 ~. (705) 526-8671 fax. (7OS) 526-S600 ~d2Iys: 9 am - 1 pm lEGISLATIVE ASSEMBlY GARfiELD DUNLOP~ M.P.P.. Simcoe North July 27, 2000 Mr. Eric Bowes & Ms. Dawn Btgdelj Pal1ets North Inc. RR#1 Shanty Bay, Ontario LOL 2LO Dear Eric and Dawn: Thank you so much for taking the time for bOth explaining to me and for giving me a tour of your pallet manufacturing-recycHng business. Not only does Panets North Inc. supply 2 very important product to our local industries, it is important to understand that by recycling the panets, we not only save our trees, we also save valuable space in our landfill faci1ities The government of Ontario is continually encouraging citizens to invest in companies. that produce both economic and environmental benefits. You obviously are on the right track. As 1 mentioned to you, I would encourage you to work with the Township to make sure your zoning and planning designation is appropriate, should you decide on future expansion. 1 have enclosed some infonnation from the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade. 1 hope they will be of some assistance to you. Please feel free to contact me if I can be of any help at any time. . Garfield Dunlop, MPP SIMCOE NORTH QD~c . En~MA'LlNG ADDRESS: Ga~ld Dunlop, M.P.P., Qu~'s Park. ThrontD. Ontario MiA lAB fCl): (416) 325-9035 E-mail: garfleld_dunlop@onUa.ola.org. ~jte; www.garflelcldunlopmpp.com * rI .. ~ .J < .. " <" :::;NIFERCUS SC::::CUNGS . + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ~ +~+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ~ + + . + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + . . ~ . ~ . . . . ~ . . . ~ . . - ~- .....- - .....- ....- - """'- ---- ...- ~ lREf: SCHEDULE ""'"iii" .- - ...... ."t'f_ ...- .......... ...- .._,~ID' r0 W I <( z I w ::i I 0::: W I <( l- I ~ z I <( 0 r'''/ 0 \ -' <,J-i I I- :2 I , ::J I \ 0 () a::: I a::: 0 I '" 4: I c I <( I I 0 I i I a::: \ ~ \, o:J z hl- 0 I ~ I e- If) 0 1'1 (f) I w () I z \ c <.) I I ",G" :CR_:~~E ;"DUStRVV .,' I I I I I I I I I I I I SKi I I I \ CDNIFERDUS PLANTINGS 3m A 3m A ":S;..\ft:::\Cu::; rLN'j r,i'lGS (MIN. 2.0m HIGH) =-ORESTED _-"REi\ \ \ ':"iE~ 110\. ~,r:-r:.::~ ,;,;,,:::E:5S iCl..:-::::. ,~i,..;" .'iTC:RNAL ~OADS DOUBLE ,.;5 :;:ii.E . ::Cr-. .:,:'r;:-" ~j:'" ":::CREC \~I!"It:~\^i... ...CT ~': .-'-..-- ) .-- "'=" (/ I( -- 0.01~ AGRICULTURAL AREA CONIFEROUS PLANTINGS (MIN. 2,Dm HIGH) GRASSED AREA ~mA 3mA , /.."f 3m /~; 3m R !)Om ;;~ORAGE AREA 2\ 95:otq.m. /i4.61m 26..wm "7.8m ,;;C:TICNAL '~'roRAGE AREA 1133 :>Q.m. ((;ONCRElt) .i -~ ~ E li ~ li6~~GE j~! REA ::47 :;;C.r.'4 ~Q . ~~ 3mA . 3mA \Om .-------- - ""'" PAD 5t-Oi ~ MiU.Llfl()U'tlW YARD LJ(7tt '!>>Sl#'1f!(; (;O'YC. Sf(YtMiC NlCA .C':5I.O lXJ.SllYG ~c -;a;;-IiD'; ur;H' _...~- OO.bm ; DtJS lING catC. FRQPOSELJ 6rnJl J ';~ CONC, 0 AD ,;t:.CC;',:..;-,CN' '::::, wEST 1/2 LOT 9 CONCESSION No. " ~ ,r, -- - . .. --= \--- \.1 - -. ."",.. (I: ;; '" 'z C o w '" I o LOT e 5 LOT 9 KEY PLAN NTS SOUTHWEST ", /4 ,-OT 8 CONCESSION No, 4 <( w 0::: <t , :1 0::: LEGEND 2m i-iIGH ''I'I'OODEN PRIVACY F::.NCE \- ~ - E>>>>] ;::!..ANT ' CONifEROUS SEEDUNGS ~ , , '-' a::: <..? <t "' 7CWNSHP CF 01"0- ~'\EDONTt: SCUT,...j'NEST './4. \.C;:T e. CCNC. .ol U"'-CRMERL'f -::WNShiF c:F ,:RO) jlTE ?LAi-.l BOWES/BRADEN PROPERTY - ..... ii -.. t- .... ~.. .... .-.1iii' -.. - 2 :;n, No UV' J..L' VJ. ~1:~U t~~ i IU~ .~1 ~J.J.v ."..\ .\...."\. ./f I , I l .......... VI\U-.lll:.11Ul"J.1:. ~ VUi,~- UUi ~~f~~.~.; n .,-- .;.,...... NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING ftEtEIVEO FOR PROPOSED ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ORO-MEDONTE TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township ofOro-Medonte will bold a Public Meeting on, Wednesday JUDe 20,2001 at 7:10 p.rn. in the Municipal Council Chambers. The purpose of the publi~ meeting is to obtain public comments on a proposed amendment to the Zoning By-law under Sectio~ 3~ of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990 c. P. 13. THE PROPOSED Zoning By-law Amendment would rezone the subject property from AgriculturallRuraJ (NRUj) Zone to a Site Specific Agricultural/Rural (AlRU*) Zone. The applicant is applying for the rezoning to allow for a pallet business to be permitted on 9.3 acres of the total 50 acres. A key map is available below. ANY PERSON may attend the public meeting and/or make written or verbal representation either in support of or in opposition to the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment. If a person or public body that files an appeal,ofa decision of the Township of Oro-Medonte in respect of the proposed ZoDing By-law Amendment does not make oral submission at the public meeting or make written submissions to the Township before the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment is adopted, the Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss all or part of the appeal. If you wish to be notified of the adoption of the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment, you must make written request to Marilyn PelIDYcook, Township Clerk, at the address noted below. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION regarding the proposed amendment you can contact Andria Leigh, Township Plannc:r at 487-2171 or attend the Township Administration Building, Planning Department, between 8:30 A.M. and 4:30 P.M. DATED at the Township ofOro-Medonte this 29th day of May, 2001. w'\ ~D~. 11 J /' ulef~ L.A~r~ ' Man yn P ycook, Cler Township ofOro-Medonte P.O. Box 100, Oro, Ontario LOL 2XO (705) 487-2171 r NOTTAWASAGA VALLEY \CONSERVATION AUTH()Rl1Y we h8Ye r9'lltewed 1h1e , applicaboO and base? ~ ~ our mandate and polICIes. \ ~ we have no objection to ; ; its appfOvai. ~ /' \ t i '"'-.~ ( hlw\fJ \\ 0 \ \ \~ ~ ~~ ~~,'~v~~ L ---v ~O.1 ~, 0.3 0 0.3 O.G Kilometers =-= Propeny 10 be re:z.oned from \he Agr\cullu~I1Rural (A/RU) ZOIK 10' Sile S~iflC AgricullurallRura! \NRUO)~. <iSl) . HORSESHOE VAUEY PROPERlY OWNERS ASSOCIATION Box 51 RR #1 Barrie, Ontario lAM - 4Y8 June 19,2001 To the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Counci11ors of The Township ofOro-Medonte Re: Pallet Manufacturing Facility on tbe Tbird Line I am writing to you on behalf of the board of directors of our association to express our disagreement with the Zoning By-Law Amendment that you wi11 be considering on Wednesday, June 20, 2001. We feel strongly tbat tbis request for a zoning change to allow tbe panet manufacturing facility to continue operations at tbis location sbould be turned down for the following reasons.... -the Official Plan shows the location as agricultural, and indeed it is in an area of what appears to be productive farm land. -the operation has grown quickly and has become an unsightly mess to passers-by and to neighbours. Several of our residents who use the road regularly have complained about it. Good housekeeping and respect for the community around them does not seem to be a priority of the operators. - Their occasional open fires to burn waste materials also says something about how they feel about township by-laws. -the manufacturing operation has increased truck tTaffic on the third line. -the official plan clearly states that manufacturing operations of this type should be placed in an industria1Jy designated area. -approval ofthis zoning change would create a dangerous precedent, as it would send a signal to others that it is alright to buy a piece of land, start doing something that is contTary to the official plan and the zoning, and that later on the township wiH give in and change the rules to make it legal. -a 'Yes' vote at this time would be particularly damaging to the township's ability to defend its position in the Gold Mountain case. You are spending a lot of money to preserve the Official Plan, and the right of a municipality to control unwanted developments, and Gold Mountain and its lawyer will seize on any action or decision you might take that shows inconsistency with this principle. Thank you for considering our views! rh Jack Haggerty, President THE ROYAL PETS HOTEL RR#1 Shanty Bay On LOL 2LO , ;'... " "1 . June 8, 2001. Marilyn Pennycook, Clerk Township of Oro-Medonte PO Box 100 Oro, ON LOL 2XO Dear Ms Pennycook, RE: Proposed Rezoning, Lot 29, Concession 4, for a Pallet Business Further to your notice dated May 29, 2001, we would provide the following for Council's consideration. We appreciate that at this time Council has only received an application for a rezoning and, as such, is not necessarily in support of the application until Council has had the opportunity to carefully consider the various aspects of the matter before it. Also we would like to stress that we bear no ill will towards Mr. Bowes and his partner, Dawn Braden. Our family resides just north of the subject site, in Part Lot 8, Concession III, where we have operated The Royal Pets Hotel for some 20 years. Initially, our concern is that what may have commenced as a "home industry" has grown much beyond what a use of this nature should be, and this is apparent from what we presume is the reason the Township is faced with the current application for rezoning. We have had the opportunity to review the Township's Official Plan and would offer the following comments. This site falls within the "Agricultural" designation of the Official Plan. The Plan states "that the nature of farming is changing and that additional activities such as home industries, can be carried out...". The clear tone of the above indicates to us that the intent of this permission is to allow a farmer the opportunity to supplement his income and possibly allow him to remain in the farming business by carrying on small scale "Industrial" or business uses. We can certainly understand this and would normally support such endeavors. The example before you cannot help but lead to the question: was it Council's intent to allow any non-farm related person to purchase an "Agricultural" property and commence an Industrial use which employs 5 to 10 persons, utilizes 3 to 5 acres of land and creates substantial truck traffic? We are hopeful this was not the type of use contemplated or the message Council intends to send out. Our next question concerning the Official Plan is if the need for the rezoning is because the present use is not a "home industry", and if the proposed rezoning is to allow for an "industrial use" (regardless if it is a site specific exception) where is such a use permitted by the policies of the Official Plan within the" Agricultural" designation? We note that "small scale industrial uses such as manufacturing, processing, assembly..." are allowed within the "Rural" designation but no such permission appears to exist within the" Agricultural" section. o!""'" The above leads to the inevitable question of how can Council, in good conscience, adopt a Zoning By-law Amendment which, from our understanding, is not in conformity with the policies and permitted uses of the Official Plan? In our view the adoption of any By-law to allow such a use sends out a dangerous and unsettling message to the community: namely, that anyone can establish, on prime agricultural lands, a "home industry" and then apply for and be granted permission to establish a full blown industrial use. Is this not a use which should really be located within the areas selected by the Township for industrial and manufacturing uses, or at least within the "Rural" areas as prescribed by the Official Plan? Should Council somehow satisfy itsetf that the existing (proposed) use is in conformity with the Official Plan and decides to proceed with the rezoning, we would suggest that the applicant be required to enter into a site plan control agreement with the Municipality before any amending By-law is adopted. Such an agreement should at least address the following; · Delineate area of property to be used. · Delineate entrances. · Require proper driveway treatment to prevent mud and dirt being transferred to the road. · Provide for fencing or vegetative buffers to obscure the storage area from view. · Limit storage height to be consistent with the buffering treatment. · Provide lighting details. · Provide for on-site, permanent water storage sufficient for firefighting purposes. · Restrict open burning unless approved and regulated by the Township. In regard to the above we would also like to have the opportunity to review the proposed agreement and make any further comments that may be appropriate. Although possibly outside of the site plan control process, is there any way to ensure a limit on reasonable hours of operation? Finally, what assurance do we have that the municipality will be vigilant and enforce the terms of the agreement? In conclusion, we must state that the use does not appear to us to represent good and reasonable planning. If our observations made above are correct, what comfort can the residents of the Municipality take (and where is the security in the policies and objectives of the Official Plan) if the guiding principle of development is to establish a use and then beg for forgiveness instead of playing by the established and agreed to rules? We would like to thank Council for this opportunity to express our concerns. We would respectfully request that we receive notice of any decisions on this matter made by Council. Yours truly, ~~~ ~-'-- ('''''-~ Lester Parry and Rosetta Parry . ce.: Ian Bender, County of Simcoe. JUN-20-01 15:53 From:Hacker Cianac Rice 7055260313 T-883 P.Ol/27 Job-948 The Law Firm of Hacker Gignac R.iee Midland, Orinia & Penetlmgutshene June 20, 2001 FAX TRANSM]SSION 705-487 "()133 Attention: Marilyn Permycook, Clerk Township of Oro-Medonte P,O. Box 100 Oro Ontario LOL 2XO Dear Ms. Pennycook: RE: Bowes & Braden: Application for Rezoning C:on('pssion 4. Part of Lot 8 (Orn) Development A,pplicatioD P-1 Q5/00 We are solicitors for Harold and Patricia Divine. The Divines are the owners of property located at 2129 Line 3 Nonh, R.R. #1 Shanty Bay, Ontario LOL 2LO. The southern boundary of the Divine lands abut the northern boundary of the Bowes and Braden property, We are requesting that this letter together with copie5 of OUT previous correspondence to the Township be provided to council for its consideration prior to the public meeting scheduled for June 20, 2001 at 7:00 p.m. To ensure that your record is complete, we are taking the opportunity to provide you with copies of our previous correspondence. Mr. and Mrs. Divine have also prepared written submissions which we are enclosing at this time. We are requesting the opportUnity for both Mr. Divine and 1 to make sUbmissions at the public meeting this evening. Mr. and MTS_ Divine are opposed to the propo5ed rezoning of the Bowc:s and Braden property to pennit a Pallet and Recycling Business. Further, the Divines are seeking council's assistance in prohibiting the Panets North business from further operation until such time as the business relocates to properly designated industria.l1ands. The Bowes and BTadcn application is for an AgriculmrallRural exception to aHow a recycHng business to operate in an agricultural zone. It is our respectful submission that this application is contrary to the provisions of Oro-Medonte's Official Plan, and should not be approved by council. The Divines have been residents in this area for over 25 years. They were initially attracted to their property because of the peace and tranquility of Oro-Medonte' s agricultural areas. The Divines built a lovely home and they have enjoyed many years of quiet comfort in their beautiful surroundings. Fred IUcktr J.D~ Q.C. John Gignac B.A., 1..1..8. GrcB Rice B.A" LL.B. red Symoflll B.Se., LL.B. Deane Ewan B.A., LL.S, FI*p\: 1'b2i1C1Ii LL.B. LLM (Tax) Lynn BW'gc" B.A., LL.B Chriatim Mannon B.A., I..1..B. PcLn tiaI1l: B.A., M.A., LL.Ei 8nner Mmchllk.B.1I B.A., LL.B. Scan Fairley B.A., M.A., LL.B. Toni Ni""",hofB.Sd'Iun., 1..1...B BTV" W.ite Q.C. {Senior CoW1IiCI) AClC1resa: ~11! Yong!: Street, Midland, Ontario LAR 2C5 Phone: 705.526.2231 Fax: 705.526.0313 Lawyer: Esther ATTnChu\<:-Bal1 526.1232 ext 265 I esther@bgr.ca Assistant: Kate Arnold 526.2232 en. 2S8e I K:ite@heT.CII Web: www.hgr.ca JUN-ZO-01 15:54 From:Hatker Gianat Rite 7055Z60313 T -883 P . 02/27 J ob-948 ~ 2 /"\ ~'\, ,. r (I'Ct--- Things changed dramatical1y approximately 18 months ago. Almost overnight, and without any warning, Panets North Recycling suddenly appeared next door to the Divines. What is most disturbing is that it emerged as a large scale industrial busineu. The Divines were suddenly awakened in the early morning by b1aring rock music from the barn next door, and the unmistakable noise generated by loud saws and hammering machines. Almost out of nowhere, heavy trucks began accessing the Bowes and Braden property at all hours of the day. kicking up dust and stones in front of and beside the Divine property and making additional noise. The biggest shock for the Divines however was the unsightJy heaps of panets which quickly appeared outdoors, strewn about the Bowes and Braden property. There was no attempt by Bowes and Braden to minimize the impact of their large scaJe Te{;ycling business on neighbouring propenies. There was never any attempt to restrict the business and storage to an out building. Before the Divines had a chance to digest what was taking place next door. Panets North Recycling was already running at full steam. The distress and anxiety felt by the Divines was abruptly heightened when they were advised by the Township that Pallets North Recycling was a "Home Occupation" or "Home Industry", and that it was permitted to operate in an agricultural zone. As; a result of the position taken by the Township, Pallets North decided to increase the size and scope of its business to the point where it now employs approximately 10 people, it regularly burns rnateria1s in open fires and there is a steady wave of heavy trucks accessing two driveways from the 3rd line. The business operates 5 days a week from 8:00 am to 5:00 p.rn with some overtime. Noise from the saws and hammering machines has continued daily, the number and size of pallet heaps has grown substantial1y, the area of property which is used for outdoor storage (approximately 5 acres) has rapidly expanded and there have been no attempts by the owners to exercise business and community responsibility by developing and complying with an appropriate site plan. By virtUe of Development Application P-I05/00, Bowes and Braden have admitted that their business is not simply a "Home Industry" as defined in the OfficiaJ Plan. However, they are appealing for council's approval to rezone on the bM~i~ that after operating for over one year, simply it would be economical1y difficult for the business to relocate. It is our respectful submission that Pallets North Recycling does not confonn to the Epirit and intent of the Oro-Medonte Official Plan. With respect, Bowes and Braden are working backwards. They decided to start an industrial business, (which by their own admission has grown substantially over the past year) and now, after the fact, they are trying to fit themselves within the Official Plan policies and Zoning By-law. It is our respectful submission that they are trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. As much as Mr. Bowes and Ms. Braden would like the business to remain where it is, we submit that the Official Plan po]ices do not permit a business of this type and this size to locate on agricultural lands. JUN-2U-Dl 15:54 From:Hacker lilKnat IIlte (U:;):;)'DU~I~ I-OO~ I" .U~ILI JOC-~4C l1BIlII /} () ..--, l/"~ ' i /-" 1 ( ---- v -~) The Vision ofthe Official Plan states; that the agricultural areas are an important component of the Township. As a result, the fragmentation of those areas and the introduction of incompatible uses is strongly discouraged. 3 The objectives of the Agricultural provisions include promoting the agricultural industry, preserving the agricultural character of the Township and maintaining the open countryside. However, the Township also recognizes that the nature of farming is changing, and that additional activities, such as home industries can be carried out in the Agricultural designation without any impact to' existing agricultural or rural uses. Heme industries are small scale industrial uses which are accessory to agricultural uses and which do nQt alter the principal use of the property for agriculture. It is expected that home industries win operate in an Qut building. The types of businesses which fall within this definition inc1ude welding, carpentry, electrical shops or agriculturally related uses that involve the procession of crops or other agricultural products. 11 is clear that the-intent of the Agricultural policies is to permit fanners to' complement their farming operations by carrying on a related but am an Bcale industrial businese. For example, if a fanner with cucumber crops decided to' operate a small pickling operation in an out building, that may well be considered a related and accessory use to the primary fanning operation. Similarly, produce stands. and small scale businesses which produce goods from the very crops which are farmed would certainly conform to the Official Plan policies. However, it is submitted that it is not the intent of the Agricultural policies to permit industrial businesses which have no connection or relationship to fanning. The key component is that the sma11 scale industrial use must be 2ccessory to an agricultural use. With respect, Mr. Bowes and Ms. Braden are not fanners. A portion of their lands is leased for corn production, however they are not involved in any aspect of that operation. Their only business is Panets North Recycling. Even if Mr. Bowes and Ms. Braden were considered fanners, Panets North Recycling has absolutely no connection or relationship to corn production. Similarly, the size and nature of Pallets North Recycling is far beyond being an accessory use to a single detached dweHing. By its very name, Palleb; Nerth Recycling is a "Recycling Establishment" as well as an "Industrial Use" as defined in the Zoning By-law. "Recycling Establishment" is defined as premises in which used materials are separated andJor processed prior to shipment to other users who will use those materials to manufacture new or recycled products. "Industrial Use" is defined as the manufacturing, processing, finishing, treating, ornamenting, altering, fabricating, or assembly of raw materials or recyc1ed material or the adapting for sale of of any good, substance, a.rticle or thing." The Official Plan contemplates that "Recycling Est3bllshmenti;" and "Jndustrial Uses" will be permitted in the "Industrial" areas Qf the Township. Most of the lndustrial areas in Oro- Medome are along the highway 11 corridor. For a business such as Panets Nonh, there WQuld be advantages in locating closer to highway 11. For example, truck and employee travel may JUN-Z'O-Ol 15:54 From:Hacker Gianac Rice 7055Z60313 T-883 P.04/Z7 Job-948 tttBI 4 /:, VI'"' r t be quicker and more convenient. The Official Plan also contemplate:s that "Recycling Establishments" and u1ndustrial Uses" will only be permitted if a site plan is in place. which among other things, pTGhibits outdoor storage and single detached dwe11ings, determines entrances and parking facilities, provides for f~ncing or other buffers, addre88es fire regulations and site servicing (sewage & water). The site plan is the means of contro11ing what a business can and cannot do on the property, and it sets out the limits and extent of use which a business can make of the lands. The proper procedure is fOT the site plan to be in pl8Ce before the bU3ines~ st~ operating. Not the other way around. If a business has a site plan in place, and wants to expand its operation in the future, then the Planning Act and the Zoning By-law provide a procedure for making further application to the Township to expand. After public input council would then decide whether the application to expand or enlarge the operation confinns to the Official P1an and Zoning By-law. It is our submission that Panets North Recycling is a perfect example of the dangerous implications of not having municipal controls in place before a new business startS. We have been advised by Township staff for over a year that a "site plan" is in the works. However and in the meantime, instead of getting a plan into place, and abiding by it, Pallets North has taken the liberty of growing larger, hirinS more employees and U5;inS more agricultural land for unsightly storage. It has burned bigger and more frequent open fires apparently with the approval of the Fire Chief, it has increased the frequency and size of truck traffic and it now appero-s before council to convince you that it complies with the Official Plan In the absence of an application for an Official Plan amendment, it is submitted that the Bowes and Braden application for rezoning does not conform to the policies of the Official Plan. It is respectfully submitted that jf council were to adopt the proposed By-law, not only would it be acting contrary to the Official Plan., but a precarious: precedent would be established. Imagine the possible implications: what would stop any other non agricultural industry from setting up business wherever it wanted. We submit that Panets North is no a "Home Industry". It is a ful1 blown industrial operation with no municipal controls on it at the moment. In closing it is respectful1y submitted that Panets North ought to locate on lands which are specifically intended for "Industria}" operations and which are available in other parts of the Township. The economics of moving this business should not be a reason or justification for council to approve it in its present location. JUN-20-01 15:55 From:Hacker Cianac Rice 7055260313 I-~~~ t" .u:)", JOD-:l4t1 ~ 5 /71'= _ VI L We thank you for the opportunity to make submissions on this maner and we would request that the Township keep us infonned of any further developments. Y OUTE very truly, HACKER GIGNAC RlCE E~c~_Q~J:' BJJ EAB:ka Enc1. C:\ Window$\f,,"onlc$\F..A B conupondmce\Divine.Pennyooo\C.dcx: (ka) JUN-ZO-Ol 15:55 From:Hatker Gianat Rite 7055260313 1-883 P.OS/Zi Job-948 JUNE 20, 2001 '- er many s\eep1ess nights I'm here to express myself with regard to iHegal business that has been operating next door to me for over one Lt. ay i11egal, because with a11 due respect 10 Mr. Bowes and Ms. Bradeny e fact that we are here tonight is an admission of non compliance. Mr. Bowes' operation was indeed uhome industry" there would be )so1utely no reason to rezone. l March of last year my wife and 1 noticed that the smal1 home }dustry that Mr. Bowes had described to me, was getting larger. alertes gobbled up more and more acreage and were strewn in no tarticu1ar order. Tractor trailers were now in and out of the property. A aTge road to faci1itate these trailm was built. Hauling trucks came and ~ent. Heavy nuxil1ary power was instaned. B1aring rock music and ,Qud hammering could be heard from the plant. Large open fires burned in the front and rear of the property. It was clear that this was now more than just a carpente.r or woodworking shop with one employee. This was now a fun-scale non agricultural,industrial business. My wife and I wrote our first Jetter of concern to the planning committee last April 24. We received no response.. We fol1owed up .through letter and end1ess phone cans and still no one would address OUT concerns. How could this kind of operation get approval when it so - clearly defied the outHne provided in the official p1an? Again., no one could give me an answer. Finally after many stressfu1 and frustrating months, we felt we had no choice but to seek LE9AL COUNSEL. I am not in the business of putting people out of work. I have heard some account of how this industry is helping the environment, how i is employing men..how it is thriving. 1 suppon any man or woman trying to make a living. We did it for 50 years. However, we did it iJ\wne that was suirnble to our busin~ss. .Mr. Bow~s and Ms. Baden did not. /~ -~ f l./ ~e re-zoning is granted this \vin set a dangerous precedent for ryone who owns ngricultura1 land in Oro. Bylaws must be ~arched before business are buHt, not after.. senior citizens, we live on a fixed income. My days of bui1ding siness and taking risk' are over. Three rea1tors have confinned that s operation win negatively affect the value of my home. is 1and is my security. J assumed the township's bylaws were there to )tect it. Did I assume wrong???? .an.k you. HAROLD AND PATRICIA DIVINE RF: APF'!. I CAT I ON FOF\: RE.- ZON 1 NG. PART LOT 29. CONC. 4. Some time be..,utiful ooer.:ltinq f..,rm" ..,nd neiqhbors in 1999 ..,n .:Il..,rminc event h.:looened on Line 3 North in Oro/Medonte. Almost overnight .:In industry bee..,n on prooertv .:Iffection..,tely known .:IS "the Old Wrieht mushroomed overnight to oiQ..,ntic crooortions before h..,d .., ch..,nce to re..,lize wh..,t w..,s t..,kinq pl..,ce. Enouiries to the M.:Iyor. v..,r10US council members ..,nd offici..,ls of the Townshio informed us th..,t this business wes ooeretina under the qLlise of .., "Home I ndustrv" license. When Dressed for .:I definition of "Home Industry" we were told th..,t it wes intended for cersons who want to run .., sm..,ll business. out of their 9.:1r..,ge~ b..,sement. or b..,rn. cerhacs. and ocer..,ted solely bY themselves and/or f..,mily members. The Mavor and some members of Council agreed with us~ at that time. th..,t Pellets North hed fer exceeded the sDlrit and intent of a "Home IndL!strv" license. Now we heve indLtstrv" . carryino on with which no diseoreement with the spirit and Indeed. there are a number of business 01 varlOUS tyces wlthin we have no croblem. 1ntent of a "home home industries the neiohborhood. However. I submit. L.:Idies and Gentlemen. that Pallets North does not fit 1nto this c.:lteoorY for the following reasons -: 1) Pallets North .:Ind its proprietors are not farmlne. True. they nave acreaqe which 15 currentlv rented out and oroduces crops. I believe this rental aoreement was 1n olace before they acou1red the crooerty. Will thev scrawl out even further when this aoreement exclres? ThlS is en ever-oresent concern q 1 yen thei r his torv of accaren t non-.:;;\dheren ce to "Home IndLtstrv" gLtldellnes. 2) Pallets North have admitted Quite ooenlv that thev employ between 5 - 10 non-related oersons. and. indeed. caraded these emclovees oroudlv before the Plannlna Advisory Committee on February 20. 2001. 3) It is our understandino th..,t. after our initial complaints. certaln conditlons were imoosed ucon Pallets North to make the1r business less disructive and the imoact of their unsiohtly mess less vlsible to nelohbors and cassersby. We have seen no eV1dence that any of these conditions have been met. with the exceotion of some bermino of a small amount of footaae at roadslde. In fact. a further driveway was aaded to the orocertv (presumably to accommoaate the incre.:lsed truck traffic). These driveways are not malntained reaularlv 1n the wlnter months and trucKS ana vehlcles are often forced to oark on the road. ,;"1. ! v.!~. i':;. !~fE ': i"-e.:? "C~.?O .to ~ne soectacle "-' j 1..3.r"~::;E DO~-iT.1r"2:-:: -, ~ ~eqular lntervals. ~ccerdlnq ~o tne Fire Ch1e~ ~nev may de - this because of their aoricultural status. But who w11l foot the b1ll 11 such a bonfire oets out of control and spreads to the surrounding trees. Does Pallets North have the necessary fire fighting equipment on site? 5) Last. but not least. there is the croblem of the used wood that is left lYing around. Accordino to the The Ministry of Natural Resources and the Canadian Forestry Services these skids. the source of which may be uncertain. can be host to non-indigenous insects. harmful to our native trees. Every morning this week residents of this area have been subjected to aerial spraYing of evergreen trees to prevent Pine False Webworm infestation gaining even more of a hold on our forests. Pine False webworm is a non-indigenous sawfly not found in Ontario until 1961. One only has to travel alono Line 3 North to see the damage this infestation has caused. Finally there is the cuestion of land values. The land values of ne1ghbouring croperties may already have declined as a result of this undes1rable business venture: it seems certain they will decline further if this business is allowed to remain and indeed proceed to industrial status. Until now Members of Council and the Planning Advisory Committee have not heard from the closest neichbours. those who have been 1moacted the most by the unsightlY mess and noise. With all due respect the letters from neiohbours endorsino this business live the furthest away from Pallets North and. indeed. one does not even reside on Line 3 North. Orc-Medonte has an Official Plan. dulv accepted by its Council and residents. with specific sites set aside for 1ndustrial use for such businesses as Pallets North. This site. upon which Pallets North 15 operat1ng is deS10nated AGRICULTURAL. Does 1t make any sense to allow an industrial zoning in this area? Should the ambitions of Pallets North supercede the1r closest neighbors' desire for ceace and quiet. safety. the protection and preservation of ecologicallY sensitive lano~ and the rational adherence to our Official Plan? Compliance with their re~uest North's seeminglY deliberate ::one. would simplY accommodate Pallets nonconformity in an agricultural 7 .~~~ Rescectfullv submitted to Oro/Medonte Counc11. June 20th 2001. ~vei1ne ILvn) Hire. L1ne 3 North. Oro/Meoonte INo. :153' P~stal Address: R.R.l.. Shanty Bay. On. LOL 2L0. 1726-19311 7055260313 JUL-27-01 08:13 From:HACKER GIGNAC RICE 7055260313 n/": _.' "'-c,L/ ~/ 1-979 P.01/03 Job-t62 The Law Firm of Hacker Gignac: Rice Midland, Grima & Penet~nguish(me / " CC J/7--1.-).~'v;"L0 July 26,2001 I \ (' / ~'~. 1 ,'v !J.....-I, ~ .;...1'" v'-"~ . ,.- y' The information contained in this transmission is confidential. if you have re;ceivt:d this fax in error, plea.'fe nOTify us tmmed1arely by telephone. FAX TRANSMJSSJON 705-487-0133 Attention: Marilyn Pennycook, Clerk the Corporation ofTovmsrup ofOro-Medonte P.O. Box 100 ORO ON LOL 2XO Dear Ms. Pennycook: RE: Bowes & Braden: Application for Re:wning Concession 4, Pflrt of Lot 8 (Oro) Development AppJication P-I05100 Our client: Mr. and Mrs. Harold Divine OUR FILE NO. H34.523.001SW This is further to the public meeting which was held on June 20, 2001. Would you kindly advise whether the Township Planner has prepared her follow up report, and if so, may we have a copy of that report as soon as possible. In addition, we would appreciate your advice regarding when you expect Council to make its decision on the Bowes and Braden application for rezoning. We happened to come across an article in the Orillia Packet & Times relating to a group home which is currently operating in an agricultural zone in the Township. The Mayor was reported to say that the "Township will not stand for people who thumb their noses at the zoning by- law and start operating a business in contravention of the zoning by-law". A copy of 'that article is enclosed for your review. Our clients' submission all along is that from the day it started operating, Pallet5 North ha:s been in contravention of the zoning by-law. It is an industrial business operating in agricultural zone. 1 would like to emphasize a critical point: for all new industrial businesses which wish to operate in an industrial Zone, the Township would have to be satisfied that 2 site plan was in place before the business would be permined to operate. Bowes and Braden started operating an industrial busines3 in an agricultural zone without any site plan or other controls in place. Now they are trying to backtrack by saying that they are really a "home industry" . - Fred Hack~r J.D., Q.C. John Gip1i1e B.A., t.t..I3. Gre~ Ric.e B.A.~ LLB.. Ted Symone B.Ss.. LL.B. Dc;\nt t;wnn B.A.. LL.B. Frank PizziteUi LL.B. Lt..M (Tax) Lynn Burgos, B.A..LL.D Ouisl;nc Mannen D.A., LL.B, PeleT it,tne B.A.. M.A.. LL.B c~lhcr Annchuk-Bsll B.A., 1.1..11. Seon Fairley B.A.. M.A.. LL.B. To)}; NieuwhofD.St.Phm.. LL.B Broce W~ite Q.e, (Senior Counsel) Address; 518 Yantlc Street, ~1idhlnd. OntMio US< ~CS Ph()n~: 705.~26.2231 Fu: 705.526.0313 Lawyer: Esther Armchul:-Ball S.26..2232 cxt. 265 / cSlher@hgr.ca :"s:;inam: 8arb Dunlop 526.2232 ~xt. 249 I bnrbd@hgr.ca Web: ...-ww.htr.cQ . ..1""'''''-'''1-'''1 \,I1Iij/.,,.;/ I "'""tI~...._.._.. ~,_...,_ "'__ II ( iI{ .rltii Jii ;1I:<11<1~U":I[., 'I .., ... We have made numerous submissions to support the oonclusion that Pallets North is not a "home industry". 111e Township's planning documents anticipate that a "home industry" will operate exclusively inside one outbuilding located on the property. The very nature and size of the business as it exists today, the fact that it is requesting 9 acres of land for future expansion, and the fact that it admits that it does require a site plan. ought to be sufficient proof that the business in no way complies to the zoning by-law or Official Plan. The proper procedure is for the business to locate on properly zoned lands. and then submit a site plan for approval by the Township, which site plan will dictate and control exactly how. the business will operate. The zoning and site plan do not come after the faot, contrary to Ms. Menzies' submission at the public meeting. Why should Pallets North be exempted from the standard procedure which the Township's planning documents provide for new industrial business which intends to operate in the Township? We would again urge Council to deny this application and to ensure that all businesses follow the rules when "setting up shop" in the Township. We look forward to your early reply regarding this application. We would appreciate you providing a copy of this letterto members of Council. Yours very truly, (IJ~'y~R GI?\AC RICE ~~~U~~. Esther Armchuk-Ball EAB:bd Encl. Copy: cJients C:\Wincdm\W7dat8\Esthcr\Divinc\Fax Twp July 26 2001.P~,c . I JUL-27-01 08:14 'JAY, JUNE 26, 2001 From:HACKER GIGNAC RICE 7055260313 1-979 ?03/03 Job-462 Vi U; lie.,; ORILLIA PACKET &. TIMES A3 : IGEST rtion Hawkln' Is the LeIJon .",UxU\ary member wbo vis. ile In t.he1r dylns 4iI.yB. Tbe lUirTIe "'II! ginn in Mon. I1110n. The Packsl &: 'I'izne, the error and MY inCDnve- it may heve a~. C board reGcho. d.al III.mentel')' teacher. Simcoe County District Board annoUJ1cvd Monday "as tentatJwly agnf>cl1O a ~J W:lh lis uJementary :5, No details of the now deal rt:!c~$cd u."riJ both parties 111ft~d. it. The bonrd ia IIJX'" to give it6 OK at a tnHllnc Ir:ltlay. The curnmt contraC1 ; Aug. 31. , ..-k tip. obout oy night ~rln9 \r.e and their K.9 unit were ,nto aC1ion SUnday ebout ,hi ..h~n a man WAS bellum obOd outside the l'iue An- al" In downtown OriJ!!a. ",.. 1b\d u.. CntlUiD Provin- lice the ma.'1 wa., repeatociJy i1J1d punched: !hen one of' ~c!\e~ emptiud the vict!m's, s. No &US~ have yot beer m""'3e6 lold police there number of people wno 1M' een the att3ck bllt who djI main to talll with IJOUce/hc , ",,,,, ......ins ..nyone win \r.. t ion to call Crime Stop,~ lit 222-TrPS. L dmr narrow" Pel eloctnxutiol :.o.Ct::BRIDGE-A deJvcry drI. .hoae trUck ~Ol entjtaJed in ~ad electrical wiret)alutday 'ph~n' l><Iy IInntl-fO., en,..,. 't!moved irom hi5 rhlcle and :>t injured. The Ojarlo flCW Police say a.'2r thP. of the \ruck hit'" wires. ((Ire pule. wen: .mpPClt and . am! phone 'arice ww; In. ,ted In !.he area"T m06! of LOCAL NE\\7S Group home troubles township Judg" erd.,. ChrIstian HoriIoDIJ Oro-Medonte to worl out ilfferences ~ Mix. 'II>....""n , 'M ~.lt.CJLtI .... Tima ORO.MEDONTt-This town. ship. a.'!i an oI1!lI.I'\.i2atJon opcrntin~ a homo.'or menlally<hallenged peo. ple on }Ino G. hE"" be;,n oroon>d by a :3ujX.'!'1:Ir Court jUCljIe to Tn..,t JUlY b In Tt>XJnIO 10 try 10 te,;o]ve their dlf. ferat>eS. 'Jje orgcni:u.t1on, Christian HoJtZOTl!I, ~ a non.proflt croup that so"ral years IIgo boughl an aUrae- 1I't ilJ1d laree home on 20 hect~ru, If} acres) i."! a secludod farm area on Lm 6, noar Old t\l!r.-1c Road West. The o1l!M1:zation. funded by the :"1nW'IO gownunent. then opened a iroUP home for four roental\Y-<:haJ. Ilensed people nnd applied to the ,ownohip feT a puUcuna permit to :make renavation5, A bulldinl! permit WII' wranted but thB tDW1ish~ revoked the \1Onnit when wrong information. it r.on. tand!. wa.~ (H,;covered on an a!lp]1ca. tbm form. Chr!st1nlj Hori:wns has also a.aked the tOWT1$hlp for parmi,. sian 10 aUow a "coromunltY \'1)I;iden- tlal facility" at the 6ite. but the town. sh.!p curnei1 m~ <lDwn. Nearby re$loonts have bO&n proleeting because they don't wa.nt "0 in.lityuan..l 81"OUP 4om. beJIli locatod in an I\rca tbat is zoned for "agriculturaJ/rurnJ" and. accolU\J)Q 10 the residenta. intendod mainly tor single iamlly hoIl"..ea, and flU"tnS. Howover. accord In;; to the by1aw, Oro.Medonte's scrlcu!turc/rural designallon also allows the foHow. =::,c...._ ~ I City will \ --- I"l1o.1...... ....................J ......................T_ A nOIl-prctlt organl2ation called Chrl6tillll Horizons hll6 opened thIS group home lor mentally-challenged people In a QUiet. heavily-wooded I=rming oree on Line e in Oro-MeOOnte. cnrlStlan Honzons has taken ttIB tOwnship to court 10 lon;e il to allow the opemlJon oltha home. which is being run in defiance of the municipallty's 2.Oning bylaws. i.'1~ hed :lnd breskfut oullut~: <:U6- t.O mako the opa!'"Btion 10l!a!. torn worksh/)p~; hone farms: r~rm The JudGe of t!JO Superior Court ProclUCD sale cutle!.,: hobby fanns: of Justice in J<lIchonor h......d ho~n h/)m~ industries; marKllt Hardens; .Jdes of the case and then ordered piu; portable II.Sphl!1t pJant.Ii; private the p:lrlles to try and rellch Ii solu. dub$; prtlr.lte home dAY ca.'11: veteri. lion at <I meeting on July 6 in Toron. nary cllnJC!>. ana waY~IIIO pitt,. 10. Ch.tMian Horizons. which be- Richard Ha:iJboom. 1be IlIwyor !levesthe cllre of muntally-d\53blod for Christian Horuo1\.', told The "e"ple In a qUIOI rural se!!!!!!; u; ~ 1'acJ\e1 that ho belil!Vl?s!he hoUJe:is proper U$e of its build\nc, took the bein~ usod properly He said that the township 10 court March 23 to force pt'l)ple JJv bit meTe h:)\/e the "6.IllI'te the '0\UmCIj111Hty to approvt\ tho rights as you <lnd me" to II"" in 11 !:roup home. family setting in their own home. As lit.. municipiI! 10011\1; bylaw Hullxlom said that it the JUly S stan()~. ;1 J;rot~? r..on\w \1i ~\U~ p..'rmit. mQfoUnS in Tvrunto fai1:s. then Chria. tea IInd ~ <oninl! chao'!!:e IS ner.~~~;u-y tia.." HorjU)n~ wiJ! be back In court With u,., t.!>1>mCthip. Thl. attitude anllen Oro- Medonte ~ lan &an1. He 811111 that he', perturbed that , aome -people can move 11110 a com- mun\~ tilI!reprd the aon1nt! byln\lf$, "thumb !.heir noses at 1:18" and begin buainaa. . Boerd aa!d the townal\4J b& a d&- mocratlc 'Proceas tor genlng .sr I'T.",.,Ja and thus applU1lnD.y wasn'! foUowod In th1a case. The miQ'Or said It's the wrong p\Aco fer ...u. .. nomo _.- thw>ta al"e no mWlJctpaJ tralUpOrtiltlon set' V1ces, and no other auppon $e!'\llces, In the Iaol4ted a.rua. He also sa1ll1oc::a1 reaidenu near the rroup home don't want !t there bocause they ~ afraid it wUJ_CT'Ow :.n SlZE anQ t7Iere may oY(!ntually be "three or tour [STOUP horn.,,} beside them." , t'" 1:114... """"r;utive alrector Of Christian Horb:ot:l.!. aai.d hit organl. Ult1an bel:lln With ofI~ camping pro.......... baok 11\ 110&1 ...... 110'"" cares for 1.000 develoJlltlont.ny 1wu!\aIJ)}'Jed people in Ontario. 'Ron Kolbe, Oro-Medonte'a dl\'ec. tor of bui1d!nc and plllnnln,. said Wedne~ 1..'1&t tha u.ae of a single- r~mlly home as II "coltlmunlty reel- dell~\a\ J:\c1l1tjl,.. aOSlln. con!tlrm to the zonlnc bYlaw out the U>Wnai!1p d09&ll't w16h to evltt anyOI\ll. He eaid tn..... _.... cIo..M of poop1e at It ..... cent meetins: caUed to proteat Q811Wt the C'I'WP home. 11'1 an a1t\davit fl1oc! with th.. COurt. Kolbe contends that 8'V8n thOU8h Ita bui1d\ng :perJn1t had been revoked. Christian Hortulns "I\a$ chosen to Ignore tho PDliition of'the townihip and htu COJnDleled the nmo ovation or the residence in <;OI!\J)Jete c:!isresarc of the 10wnS!UP'S zonIng bylaw. and 115 bUlIl\1ns pormit." Leacock poses a challenge/ .-" . '~ " ~, .::;;~ n J _./;;; "-.' '.' . ~ / ~ f5 ~r '.f'- (JJ/I&- ~ / AZ__A~ ~(~ ~ ~'Ik inA . ;-_ ~~~'_A;; = J:Iv /..5H-'>-?:l,,"~f2" -.-- ---- --- ' _--------- -- .P.-:;:z-------- ~p~ ~r ~~a-"'.ff4-" - -1) - -= ---------- -- ~.. .. ,. __~-'Adl.;< ~::j> , . : " , ~. -.-,' .~ - . ~= ~. . . . . ,.... -. ..' _. , . . C:L-._LJCL' ~ ._-~~~-~-" :. __----~_,-------------c-- ,---- -,' ~" .~ - ~--_.- .~_.- ...-.-.-.-....-.... --'-. ...~....'~'" . 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For April, 2002 DATE: Motion # May 23, 2002 Date DATE ST A TION TIME TYPE LOCATION DAMAGE Station #5 Carbon 9812 Highway 12 April 1,2002 Wanninster 09:58:00 Monoxide Call Station #3 Chimney 158 Huron Woods April 1, 2002 Horseshoe 13:06:02 Overheat Drive Station #5 Dishwasher 1628 Mt. St. Louis April 2,2002 Wanninster 13: 44: 01 Overheat Road East Station #5 Brush Fire 64 Stagecoach April 2, 2002 Wanninster 09:42:30 Road Station #3 Alann, No 16 Green Mountain April 3, 2002 Horseshoe 19:21:52 Fire Court Station #2 Motor Vehicle Highway 11 NIB, April 4, 2002 Hawkestone 09:27:24 Accident @ Line 6 Station #1 Motor Vehicle Highway 11 SIB, April 5,2002 Shanty Bay 02:31:54 Accident I VSA North of Highway 93 Station #3 Ambulance 129 Huron Woods April 5,2002 Horseshoe 08:30: 12 Assist Drive Station #1 Police Request Highway 11 SIB, April 5, 2002 Shanty Bay 03:53:52 Search North of Hiqhway 93 Station #3 Smell of Smoke 847 Old Barrie Road Apri16,2002 Horseshoe 21:40:05 From Furnace Station #1 Ambulance 2022 Ridge Road April 6, 2002 Shanty Bay 19: 17: 17 Assist West Station #f3 Motor Vehicle Highway 400 NIB, April 7,2002 Moonstone 13: 19:08 Accident S. of Mt. St. Louis Rd. Station #2 Hydro Wires, 2890 Lakeshore Road April 8,2002 Hawkestone 23:29:22 Transfonner East Station #1 Ambulance 2240 Highway 11 S April 8, 2002 Shanty Bay 05: 10:45 Assist q) .-' Fire Report 2002-07 Con't ...2 DATE STATION TIME TYPE LOCATION DAMAGE Station #6 Ambulance 1 Slalom Drive April 10,2002 Moonstone 19:37:00 Assist Station #1 Alann - No Fire, 19 Barrie Terrace ADri110,2002 Shanty Bav 09:41:42 Accidental Station #2 Natural Gas 10 Forest Plain April 11, 2002 Hawkestone 18:58: 13 Leak Road Station #3 Appliance 33 Sugarbush Road April 13, 2002 Horseshoe 18: 19:25 Overheat Station #3 Unauthorized 2118 Old Barrie April 14, 2002 Horseshoe 22:02: 10 Burn Road Station #2 Unauthorized 150 Shoreline Dr. April 15,2002 Hawkestone 19:53: 19 Burn Station #2 Multi Vehicle Highway 11 NIB, April 15,2002 Hawkestone 17:39:48 Accident South of Line 15 Station #3 Rubbish Fire 50 Huron Woods April 15, 2002 Horseshoe 19:22: 10 Drive Station #3 Ambulance 18 Pine Lane April 16, 2002 Horseshoe 00: 13: 18 Assist Station #5 Grass Fire Horseshoe Valley Rd., April 19,2002 Wanninster 22:29:35 @ Line 3 Station #2 Burning 481 Lakeshore, April 20, 2002 Hawkestone 11: 40: 00 Complaint Between Li ne 8 & 9 Station #4 Ambulance 63 Cameron Drive April 20, 2002 Ruabv 14:05:35 Assist Station #3 Electrical Wires 3 Monica Court April 22, 2002 Horseshoe 23:04:21 Overheat Station #5 Ambulance 3765 Line 12 North April 23, 2002 Wanninster 11: 33:38 Assist Station #4 Structure Fire, Line 13 North & Bass $ 500.00 L April 23, 2002 Rugby 19:55: 35 Plav I Fort House Lake area .OOS Station #2 Buming Campbell Ave. April 23, 2002 Hawkestone 09: 16:38 Complaint Station #3 Vehicle Fire, Line 6 North, between April 24, 2002 Horseshoe 05: 15:49 Abandoned 15/16 S.R. & Old UNKNOWN Barrie Road Station #2 Call Cancelled Highway 11 SIB, Apri128,2002 Hawkestone 18:22: 12 Enroute South of Line 15 Station #4 Motor Vehicle Old Barrie Rd., East April 28, 2002 Ruabv 18:58:25 Roll Over of Line 11 Station #1 Hydro Wires Ridge Road and April 28,2002 Shanty Bay 09:57:21 Down I Fire Ranae Road Station #5 Motor Vehicle 9701 Highway 12 ADril 28, 2002 Wanninster 18:30:58 Accident Station #5 Motor Vehicle Highway 12 @ April 28, 2002 Wanninster 18:39:00 Accident Conder Drive Station #2 Unauthorized 17 Moon Point Road April 28, 2002 Hawkestone 04:34:00 Bum Station #5 Vehicle 4555 Line 11 North April 29,2002 Wanninster 08:57:06 Overheat /) '/, -_.,./ , Fire Report 2002-07 Con't ...3 DATE STATION TIME TYPE lOCATION DAMAGE Station #3 Ambulance Horseshoe Resort, Apri129,2002 Horseshoe 21:43:50 Assist Silks Restaurant Station #3 Motor Vehicle Old Barrie Road, April 30, 2002 Horseshoe 15:32:51 Extrication @ Line 2 Station #4 Ambulance 69 Cameron Drive April 30, 2002 RUQbV 12: 18:47 Assist Structure and Vehicle Fire Dollar Value lost Dollar Value Saved $ 500.00 $ 0.00 Ambulance Assist Calls comparison: April calls 2001 - 2, 2002 - 9 ./ Monthly Fire Report for April, 2002 Training Sessions Station #1 Station #2 Station #5 Shanty Bay Hawkestone Warminster 2 2 2 Station #3 Station #4 Station #6 Horseshoe Rugby Moonstone 2 2 2 Inspection Record for the Month (including Fire Prevention / Public Education) Commercial 1 Residential! Bed & Breakfast 1 Industrial Schools! Assembly! Church 1 Wood stove 1 Daycare! Camps! Hall Tours Comments or Recommendations by Fire Chief and/or Deputy Fire Chief Extra training / Seminars and Events Attended Master Plan Meeting with Ontario Fire Marshal in Attendance Point to Point Communications Show - On Future Radio Equipment Chiefs Meeting Chiefs Training Conference First Aid! CPR Course! Training Respectfully submitted, --. // ///j ') ~.~- y /~ / a L-e-~- / d-e-Z__ Paul Eenhoorn, Fire Chief C.A.O. COMMENTS: DATE: C.A.O. DEPT. HEAD Oc\ ' It... - i REPORT DEPT. REPORT TO: COUNCIL PREPARED BY: #ES2002-35 Keith Mathieson SUBJECT & FILE #: DEPARTMENT: COUNCIL: Sugarbush Subdivision - Public Works Phase III, Stage IV - C.OFW.: Pre-Servicing Agreement - Section "B" DATE: May 29,2002 MOTION #: DATE: R. M. FILE #: D12-10970 The former Township of Oro and the Developer, Monica Interior Design Ltd., entered into a Subdivision Agreement in 1988 for the construction of Phase III of the Sugarbush development. The Developer is now planning on proceeding with the final stage of the development, consisting of 48 lots. The Developer is planning on developing this final Phase in three (3) Sections: . Section "A" - consisting of seven (7) lots fronting on the existing Sixth Line; · Section "8" - consisting of 19 lots on Ironwood Trail; . Section "C" - consisting of 22 lots on Ironwood Trail and Ash Court. The Township and the Developer are presently working on an amended Subdivision Agreement and revised Engineering drawings to reflect the red line revisions to the Draft Plan and updated Engineering Standards. This Agreement will be presented to Council upon completion. The Developer is requesting to enter into a Pre-Servicing Agreement with the Township to construct Section "8", 19 lots on Ironwood Trail, as described in Schedule"A" of the Pre-Servicing Agreement. The Developer has deposited the required cash deposit with the Township. vfp _ J) 1'-- C7'--.. 1. THAT Council receives and adopts this report. 2. THAT the Township of Oro-Medonte, Monica Interior Design Ltd., and Modco Investments Ltd. enters into a Pre-Servicing Agreement for Phase III, Stage IV, Section "B", as described in Schedule "A" of the Pre-Servicing Agreement. 3. THAT the Clerk prepares the appropriate By-law for Council's consideration. ~e~~IY submitted, Keith Mathieson (\" ~,' ~~" (-AU , --:2 "?J( \) ~ N~~ A"..- "'" -----'-, ~"t!~~('E 0, '1 V~~TJ.f .... 1 " ~ ~ ". I '. i '1.J/;V' " ~' , "it', ~ I ' ) . -. , I I , I j , -~ (DQ ,-I ... HOUSE OF COMMONS CHAMBRE DES COMMUNES CANADA Paul DeVillers M.P. FOR SIMCOE NORTH DEPUTE DE SIMCOE-NORD ROOM 172, CONFEDERATION BLDG. PtECE 172, ED. DE LA CONFEDERATION HOUSE OF COMMONS / CHAMBRE DES COMMUNES onAWA K1A OA6 (613) 992.6582 FAX (613) 996.3128 INTERNET: devilpO@parI.9c.ca Midland, May 15,2002 Mayor and Council Township of Oro-Medonte P.O. Box 100 Oro, ON LOL 2XO Dear Mayor and Council This year we will celebrate the Golden Jubilee of Her Majesty's accession to the throne as Queen of Canada. To commemorate this milestone, Her Excellency the Right Honourable Adrienne Clarkson, Governor General of Canada, will be issuing Commemorative Medals to me for fonnal presentation to notable residents of Simcoe North. I therefore respectfully request your assistance in selecting three (3) people rrom the Township of Oro-Medonte who you feel are deserving of receiving this medal. Persons should be selected in recognition of a significant achievement or distinguished service to their fellow citizens, their community or to Canada. A more extensive description of the selection guidelines and criteria are attached for your reference. Once your selections have been made, please forward the following details to me for each of the two people chosen: Recipient's full name (Rank or Title if applicable) Home address (and mailing address if different) Telephone number Please also include a short statement as to why each recipient was selected. Your submission of this information to my office no later than June 3d}, would be greatly appreciated, so that I may in turn forward it to the office ofthe Governor General. 361, RUE KING STREET MIDLAND, ONTARIO L4R 3M7 (705) 527-7654 FAX: (705) 527-7668 RIDING OFFICES / BUREAUX DE CIRCONSCRIPTION 1-800-265.0228 55, RUE NonAWASAGA STREET ORILLlA, ONTARIO L3V 3J5 (705) 327'()513 FAX: (705) 327-8310 2, RUE POYNTZ STREET SUITE/PIECE 128 PENET ANGUISHENE L9M 1 M2 (705) 549.2921 .. On receipt of the medals, which will be sent to me, my scheduling assistant will contact your office to arrange a mutually agreeable date to present them at your Council Chambers, or at an alternate location of your choice. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Sherry Ariganello at my Midland office at 527-7654. Sincerely ~ .../" ,/ ,//" -<: ,/~/ j /,,',,) /{L"/ / / / ' " f../ Paul J. De Villers, M.P. Simcoe North PJD/sla Ene. .J . I l THE COMMEMORATIVE MEDAL FOR THE QUEEN=S GOLDEN JUBILEE CRITERIA AND GUIDELINES FOR THE SELECTION OF RECIPIENTS The Commemorative Medal was created on the occasion of the Golden Jubilee of Her Majesty=s accession to the Throne as Queen of Canada. To be eligible to receive the Medal, a person must: .~. 1. b~ a Canadian citizen, not necessarily resident in Canada at the time of awarding; 2. have made a significant contribution to Canada or to a p~icular province, territory, region or community within Canada, or have made an outstanding achievement abroad that brings credit to Canada; and 3. have been alive on February 6, 2002, the fiftieth anniversary of Her Majesty=s accession to the throne. All members of the Order of Canada and individuals on the National Table of Precedence are designated recipients so they should not be included on lists selected by partners. Based on the experience acquired through previous commemorative medal programs, the integrity of such programs is dependent on public trust in the selection process. The following guidelines are offered for your consideration: 1. the cr~ation of a committee to assist with the selection of recipients is suggested. 2. the recipients should be exemplary citizens whose service and achievements extend over a period of years; youth should be included in the list. 3. the list of recipients should ref]e~t the demographics of the region or cOIlli.liunity. 4. the list of recipients should withstand public scrutiny. Recipients::: names and the partners who selected them will be part of the public record. f14IVZ4tt e~ ~aLL ! J\ '-, ] 1" ,{ j ..., {u'.../ ! c/o Susan Grant 1241 Bass Lake Sideroad East R. R. #2 Hawkestone, Ontario LOL ITO May 27,2002 Township ofOro-Medonte P.O. Box 100 Oro, Ontario LOL 2XO Attention: Oro-Medonte Township Council RE: CAPIT ALEXPENSES - JARRA TT COMMUNITY HALL Dear Council Members: The Jarratt Community Hall Board members would like to request some help regarding capital expenses. As you are aware, we became the new Hall Board after the capital expenses were to be submitted. Therefore we would like you to review three requests we have at this time. 1. ROOF We have received 3 quotes. Photocopy of quotes attached. o K. S. Roofmg, R. R. #1 Oro Station LOL 2EO $8206.90 includes taxes / tippage fees / 5 yr workmanship / 8 roof vents / New Chimney & step flashing. o Brentwood Roofmg, 22 Line 14 South, R. R. #1, Orillia L3V 6H1 $7813.14 includes taxes / tippage fees / Reseal Chimney / 5 yr workmanship o A & G Roofmg, 10 Brammer Dr., Dnit 6, Orillia L3V 7T4 $7250.00 + GST / tippage fees extra / New Flashing & Vents /2 rolls Grace Watershie1d on front entrance. 2. PAINTING We would like to paint the front entranceway, wainscoting upstairs, trim and both washrooms. This area has not been painted since the early part of 1980. We requested 3 quotes - 3 local painters came and viewed the building, only two companies submitted quotes. Photocopy of quote attached. o J. M Construction, 1120 Mt. St. Louis Road, R. R. #3, Coldwater LOK lEO $3,120.00 Labour & Materials + if we wish to paint panelling $2,930.00 = $6,050.00 + GST o Fine Finish Painting, Markus Koenig - 325-1791 $6400.00 + GST Labour & Materials / includes painting panelling ! 7\' ~ r') ub-~ Jarratt Community Hall, Capital Expenses May 27,2002 Page 20f2 3. CHAIRS We do not own the chairs that are located in the lower level of the Hall. They are the property of the Bass Lake Snowrunners. We would like to purchase the chairs from them. o Offer $500.00 to the Bass Lake Snowrunners for 50 metal, padded green cloth covered auditorium chairs. We hope that you will consider our requests. Please contact us if you have any question regarding any of these capital expenses. Yours Cordially, 'C?): ytJ Susan Grant Treasurer Jarratt Community Hall cc Chris Carter All Jarratt Hall Board Members (Photo copies of quotes not attached.) O!C:)r~ - ~ K. S. ROOFING R.R, -I ORO STATION. ONTARIO LQL 2EO r~ , ' .J \. . . ,\ !,J (~ '~ . I .' .,' I : l j . : .\ './ '_._.:.J "'.. h\L'I"I~ ~i n\ II [ ," W 1,,"':::1 (705) 487.3699 1 ' ~/1 .,~/I/tJ-;f- //~< / . ~.._....._. , '.1. L .~ 7.L , (' ~ d /I~...,,(.. 7:J ~..A""""'" j-...:J.A---'l "t -fY2.. ..-, , +: ./.. ". --.......--. .,i> , ALL ROOF DECK REPAIRS ARE EXTRA. JOH DE5C-~tON: / ~1 ..1'\ L. _z-", > /r"~ !-~~ """:7--' ,,7 J,,; ~// ~k /J')-<r-M' ~ --"~/ -.. ~Cp. .4,,; ~T~' ,. , .,. -:....'1'4~~~~~0,.., . ..m",.", - ~~~~/ V'-:L..4.. !(,!:~; .~7 - ?_~w~ '. _.~ '~~., ...... .., i!I~';:"if fI-..~ ~.- d /hj1 /_ 4;J~ ~. " ,. ,~~ :~/ W"J./;' (t~1' d-"-'..-- "ffr'~ ) /' ~~--47 ~ - ".,' ,'.... -.. . . , . ~-if I.. <?_')..p.(,. ~J.P , ~&y (~.,: ~/:t;~:; ~ - --_...~. -.... ---.- ...... ....-.. .-.... . -....--..... ...--.- . ----- ..- --""-- < , ..... (. . '. 'j' ..._..,.,...........~ , .-----.- .--..--. .-...--.....-. ". .._.. _._- .- .-.-.....-. :> . "' -. ~ .. ... It;!. u,,< , .. IS fOR COMFLETlNG THE JOB AS OE$C,:UBcD ABOVE. 11 : :;';,.i..L) '.i!, OUR EVALUATION AND DOES NOT INCLUDE MATeRIAL PilE ;;, II\X:;f1[A,SES OR ADOITIONAI I AAOUA AND MATERIALS WHICH M' 't ',jLU IHI::D SHOULD UNFORE<SEEN PROBL~MS OJ:! I'''[)V~~SE We.>>'. I;", CONDITIONS ARISE AFTER THE WORK HAS STARTED, ESTIMA TED JOB COST ,_., ESTIMATED By____.. .-.....-.- ..--.' '[0 39V'd !:JNU00C:i 'S')1 5E.'3U8P90L EP:50 l.001./Pl/90 . ! ! b ....!-f i B A EN IVVc::>e>D QUOTATION ROOFING a.. ALUMINUM WORKS LTD. ~2 LIne 14 SQuth, RR 1. Orllll-, ON L3V 6H1 Phone: (705) 487-2884, Fait: (70S) 32S.U9S Webslte: www.bren1woodltd,<tom Shingles. Flats. Bur. Rubber' Vinyl & Wood Siding' Soffit. Fascia Seamless Eavestrough. Windows. Doors (RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL) Date: $4-1.1 ();. Telephone: _ g;z ~ ... 6 7g<2 ....,..._... Contact: _.Su,5.c.LYL.._~ Fax: , .,.. 5)&;-:..9.9.4--------.... Address: J"Clt.tQl,J.t.. (Q~.~\t>."L'.j,>f._"~rt1s4[ ....-.._ D.~rlpllon: 2tciill7,L .oj~p/2S'" l' jf ~ i >'I,&,~ '~sudt-,ls.,__ j / .5/~ ffl' /! .Y4lrr . To.. &(L~~. ---,-..r f'u / CA; Wi L'lJ::?_'1-~_A.! f.A:/. .._.._ ,__ .__ ~..l1l.e+o.( l./~ {ley. RQcl.faL1:..-;~(L Sh.~V\~(ps I . fi~f<.(L:t:- Dc,;; p" ~e 4--LL_:!Q~.L$_,-_$."L u.J <Y' ~ ._-----~-- " ~._...~->_._. --.-....-.,.". ... " QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL ....lr-. .-.. - ..$~--- SHINGLES -.-.-.--.-.. FLAT VENTS VALLEYS FLASHINGS ICE & WATER SHIELD __..w_..,...w ~...__ EAVES STARTER -.-~........ .. ,..__, . ..' ~ J/ WOOD REPLA~.~~ENT OOM,~()-'20NTRACT"'i flt-!.FT " ' ---.. .......- , .-...-.,. PlY / -~.._.~. .<.. SOFFIT FASCIA TROUGH __~w "'J ._ -........., ,.>.. ,-- size size ---................. -..-... .., ..... '-.- ",-,. ,... -. SIDING --........... INSULATION ......... .'''OJ. .. _ __"..., ". ',..h. ..._ ...-..--.--......... Financing Available AmOllnf ooe on eta/Ivery at work unless credit has been previously arranged. Sales are SUbject to QlJf sttndarct !$rm6 and oondltlorl1. 2% intl!fest per month charged on overdue acoOVnlS. We CilT'l full coverage lability insurance G.$.T.1S8S82600 We are not r&t\ponlllble lor act. of God wo" as wind, fire or Ice baokul'. Quotation Acceptance: ~ ~ Sales Representative: ~ r SUBTOTAL G.S.T. AMOUNT DUE Date: 10d WdL1:~0 c00c L0 'hEW 8686S;C:i::S0L 1 : . ON ~OHd !:IN ! .=JOOCj aOOf'1J.N3~a : WJC!.:! . -- --- -- ---... _-".~_1 I I f-J. , lOb A & G ROOFING oFortl6<l by Audia Roofing Corporation limited 10 Brammer Dr., Unit #6. Orillia. Ontario, L3V 7T 4 CONTRACT PROPOSAL Phone: 325"805 or 326-9917 .--, I I To Jarratt Community Hali c\c Susan Grant 1}:d.t!o May 13, 2002 Fax No: 326-9827 DsrSir: Th~ nnder$'g"'ed prope... to furni.h all materials and perlonn all U. bour nocKSnry to complete cUi the wark <:U!...".i"..(! fx:1ow; Re: Roof on Jarratt Corr.munity :;2111 Strip off existing roof and cl~an 2rea of an dabris. To Install: 1. 2 Rolls of G:ace Watershield on front entrance 2. 25 Year Shingles 3. New Flashing and Vents Please Note: 1. AI! contract prices are subject to 7% G.ST. 2. There will be an additional cost for Tippage Fees as incurred. All of In" ..I><>... work to bE completed I"a good end W<1rkmanlli<e r.wu= Inr the, ,n"..../. Seven thousand I two hundred and fifty dollars u*....,.**n:"'*ri.._.n-.t...,...,..,....u,..,."n-",..""'",...,*u<:** ($ 7 ,250.00 ) Dollar!. Paymenu to be mnd~ II.~ fo1lo""~; ... \ ~. .. 1'hi~ prO;X:>$1\1 i. mndE on tho basi. of ()urunt .....t....iaI4I.hd lal><>ur ()08ta. A dai.y in ~c.ptan<:e vI moN tba>l............, ..................:::-.................,......................:.:, days wfU requ.!re" review of the pro;x:>seJ and r...dating before the agr~menl. becomes bindi:1g. R,8Spretfully Submitt@<!, - ~ . '. ACCEPTAN /':. /.' ............._..~.."""",..,,......,.. Ym'lIr~ hqroby .\I~h<>m~td ;.\> fUnUMb..n Trud....,..!. .nd labouT to compl"... u... ..nrk ",;m,ionwd.n th. aIM'W prOIX'~..I, lor wlUch th~ Utlder!rign.:d Dr.rO>l!~ to pay the amc,lmt mentioned in said propo99.!. and according t.o the term. th"reof Date ... ................ ..... ................. . ..........'n..... .............................................. ..h. ._............. .n. .....n.. .... .....". ._............................... ...... ..... ............................ .... WHITE COPY - REIURN WITH SIGNATURE CANARY COpy - CUSTOMER COPY } J & M CONSTRUCTION ......\:7 RR#3 Coldwater - Ontario LOK 1 EO Phone 705-835-6167 John Botman PRICE QUOTE Date: May 26, 2002 To: Jarrett Community Hall Horseshoe Valley Road Jarrett, Ontario Re: Painting of front entrance way to doors leading into basement. Painting doors and trim with high gloss finish paint. Painting male and female bathrooms (the dark brown areas only). Painting auditorium (green areas) to color of choice. Labor and materials $3,120.00. Extra: Painting wood paneling to color of choice (above green in auditorium and bathrooms). Labor and materials $2,930.00 Total amount: $6,050.00 r- . .. I (~ b r . c.;j \ \ ~ l ';) n ~(~I l .,~ l \;J l.'- ; ,j..... u To ..JA "-IL.4 -1/" ~4--t-""' ~ A II ~ML- ~"r-,z - S '{,~ M-t. a./'Z-A- It r. '3Jc, 1i'd1 (t:~x) 3;2 (, {, 7!f (1/ I~). Date ;k> /~2- led DelivElry Date ;;UJ2- ~? We thank you for the opportunity of submitting the following prices and specifications. U~:~.1fi&. 'i'r;,j'}: !i!iim:'~~W!tFu /J t:f'C"S i ~ ~" III-A,!'! k(j D'"11.F . This quotation is only valid for: .s:'~ A 1'1 C. ~.11-'# "/ . By -'::';-/1 ~ ?;J,. ;- r L Il i"h r/A'7 . ~k~f k~~;~5 PST Total 72--:> 17q/ ];, 3))ql This is not an invoice 147879 fDBU.EUNE' DC 161 Rf#z-- IS Dri- J~ll~ LD7 .n?J1~Jtjn/2QO,.2-. m~...!..~-i-j),,~_~T~, /k .~__~~ZL-kJ... - .~~~~~~ pst~~~ .!l::t-.~.- ... .. ..~- _ ...__.___,~._1~- ~~~~... dddzLi_~~mMJc .d<,.~ ,~",4~~-.~-.,.",.""q",,~ "~". .::5-~-~-~....;~-iL..~'~ .,.,..", _~-~m#4.~",~, ,~~~ -fo~.... '~~~. . . ~...,.....;""~"!':"--' -:~ /' ~" /;/' i / ; I I , J{~ ! \..:.-- C,tJ. ,Li~' AG.t' -t::]).,(.$ /G^ICi)/n/YJl7(~t7.. . ,J3.~j~)..",f6.Lct\i,..<:Cn ,."e9.s. c;.12J4 Y'J..));L{n$JbQX~ ",' ,Chi~_i_?fIY>~-4q.r.J. ".Car,/~liJ.Q.tZLt({$.' r- kF a }?'1 ~ 7.1,",:.." ""...-iJ.. K~." """"~-L- RECEIVED '/ 1 M.AV 'i l' r,,..,i',~, 'I . , I -'" r ; ~. { < ... ....... . I - +. A { .' b I LAL"'''''. ;;, ';,";-, "J ., .-'- ' I ~I ' 10 e /"1 .,:"_';'~"",,"'" D - e. WI' , ",h ",,0-,0 2-~, :"(;;g~J?~l.;"",,t.oYL2 " .&, dOilie ," ,C;"n., j'J.,5.p" .,. ,.....,. ':f' C,,- ,; +. 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Q Y' () +0 -fA €- g at'/" i~ H'!J-l ] . 5<- ),:nLJ:Lu: ;~_~i}' ,,-19 5~'5~~.~-=-~.=-_..___._ ....... ----------.-----..-..------.------.--.--------------.----.-...---------- ---------- ------- ... ------. --- '-,-..- --- ... --~-----_.- ---------- ------..--------.---------------------.-.----.----.-...--.-....---.--.....----------- ---._----- ------- ._---- .------.. ---- ---_._-------- ......-- -.--.-------.---------.-------. -------- ...----.----..--..--------------.-----------.- .---.----------.----.-------.--------.------ .----- -----------~ .. ---._--*--------- ..---------------.-------------.--.------------------. ---. --------.---..-----------.------------.-.-.-. ..-------.-.-----.--.----------------------.--..-.---.----.-------..- --..---.-----.-.-----------------.--, "---..-- --'-.. _.____._____.________.____________.____._.______..___....._m.___..__._..______._. -----~-.-- - .---- -..--------.----.-. .-.----.-------- -.---.-----.--.-*...--.---.-.---....--- . .--.. ---_.__.._--------++-----~._-----_..-. ----- _ _..____ _______.. ___.._u.__.______._._.._u .____.u_ ,,_. ~_ ___._ ..__ _. ___.. ..._ _._.__.____._._ -.---- / n t::J i U,-- JR liss 1812 Mt St Louis Rd E Rural Route 2 Coldwater, Ontario, LOK lEO Canada Phone 1 705-326-5584 Mayor and Members of Council, Oro-Medonte Council, Box 100, ]48 Line 7 S, Oro, Ontario, LOL 2XO May ]9,2002 Dear Mayor and Council, I was very upset and concerned to frod that smoking was aJlowed in the office of the LandfiJl Site on Horseshoe VaHey Road between Line 5 and 6 on two recent visits. My first action was to attempt to complain about the matter to Simcoe County as the Invoice clearly states" County of Simcoe" at the top, and I also found the site initially in the Blue Pages under" County" . I received short shrift. I am still confused about whose responsibility smoking in this building is, suffice to say there should not be any smoking whatsoever in any building where the public is required to attend; this includes no smoking in back rooms which may be out of sight. ~. Please let me know the date of the meeting when this item will be decided, I would like to attend if possible. ~: JR Liss t O+}-I '~,1 b (' '~t- r:~_ May 9,2002 fffmCt\VED \ \ '" , (\ 0\1n7 n L.\.''-'- \ 'M,''f t 1<,-' _ ~j. do I~L Mayor Neil Craig & Members of Council Township of Oro-Medonte P.O. Box 100 Oro,ON LOL 2XO Dear Mayor Craig and Members of Council: It is no secret that the overall health of a community reflects its wellness across a vast number of areas including economics, sense of community, quality of life, environment and the provision of adequate health services among other things. We have within our community a respected, well-managed (soon to be expanded), state of the art hospital. However, we are not without our challenges when it comes to medical servicing. As you are aware we have been designated provincially as an "under-serviced" community with respect to sufficient family physicians to service our health care needs. Our medical community has worked exceptionally hard, with success, over the past number of years to recruit new doctors. However, the lack of family physicians is prevalent across the country; the degree of competition amongst communities for physicians is significant. Without question, the recruitment of physicians has changed - "supply & demand" for family physicians must not be ignored. The issue of physician recruitment is separate from the current need to expand our hospital. While linked, they address health care at different levels - the abifity to have a family physician providing office care (inoculations, yearly examinations, prescriptions for an infection, etc.) vs. in hospital servicing (birthing, emergency stitches, surgery, dialysis, etc.) With this thought in mind, a number of area community volunteers identified, in the spring of 2001 , the need to bring the issue of Doctor Recruitment to the community level. The issue is a "Community" problem. Why? . The lack of family physicians puts a strain on those physicians currently serving our residents, . It is more difficult to attract businesses to the area knowing that their employees cannot be guaranteed a physician, . It is difficult for current employers to attract new employees when they cannot be guaranteed of finding a physician, . As the community and hospital continues to grow and expand, the situation will only escalate and the strain on our hospital and its budget will grow. We are fortunate to live in an area that offers many benefits to its residents from a quality of life standpoint (4-season recreation, safety, arts/culture, quality schools, friendly & welcoming residents etc.) to its proximity to Toronto and other large urban centres. One of the key functions of our Committee has been the development of a community response team to acquainUsell visiting physicians and their families on these benefits of relocating to our community. Over the past year we have hosted over 20 physicians and their families (see the attached list of accomplishments). During these visits we have had the support from over 25 individuals and businesses (see attached) that have provided both time and product. We have been successful. In partnership with the medical community and the community at large we have assisted with the relocation and integration of six family doctors or specialists. We hope to continue our efforts of hosting visiting physicians and their families. We have made a conscious decision not to be come embroiled in the "incentives" game as a recruitment tool. We are confident that as a community we have a lot to offer and these quality of life benefits will be sufficient to entice physicians and their families. However, the efforts to recruit physicians are not without hard costs. We have estimated that annually, the cost to host visiting physicians is nearly $60,000. There are many organizations that can playa role in supporting these efforts - municipal government is one. As we begin another year of physician recruitment, we are respectfully asking for your support in the form of a cash contribution of $1,500 towards our efforts. We will be asking the Townships of Severn and Ramara and Mnjikaning 151 Nation for contributions of $1 ,500 each and the City of Grillia for $5,000. In light of your population base as compared to the other townships and with your proximity to Barrie, we believe that this request is reflective. We recognize that you receive many requests for assistance. How'ever, the provision of medical care to our community is fundamental to its overall wellness. Where will we be without family physicians? Thank you for your consideration of our request. Respectfully yours, /~ // ./ Bruce Waite Co-chair Doctor's Recruitment Committee /~ Dr. Norm Kee Co-chair Doctor's Recruitment Committee ---;; -:J Doctor's Recruitment Committee Community Hosts & Contributors Lisa Bowlin Bill Brown Bob Brown Rossalyn Bhatt Brewery Bay Food Co. Judge Carter Community Development Corp. Reta Dennis East Side Marias Marsha Feddis Hardwood Hills - Hawk Ridge Golf & Country Club Kiwanis Club Mariposa Market Movie Warehouse Orillia District Chamber of Commerce Orillia Martial Arts Centre Orillia Opera House Orillia YMCA Ossawippi Express Dining Cars Pedal Power Bicycle Rentals Debrah & Ross Rabbitts Rotary Club Ron & Darlene Sattler Senses Salon & Spa Calvin & Cheryl Stone & family John Waite April 2001 May July August September November January 2002 February March To Date: Doctor's Recruitment Committee Accomplishments - Inaugural meeting of the Committee - Hosted visit from Drs. Chow from Vancouver - Hosted visit from Mrs. Okafo & family from New Brunswick (relocated to Orillia August 2001) - Hosted visit from Dr. Collins (relocated to Orillia December 2001 ) - Began exploring developing a "turn-key" medical facility - Hosted visit of 11 Interns with the University of Toronto - Hosted visit from Drs. Seki from Rhode Island - Hosted "Appreciation Evening" for all Doctors and their spouses who have relocated to our community within the past three years (over 50 guests in attendance) - Hosted visit from Dr. and Mrs. Seemann - Conducted survey of Doctors who have relocated to our community within the past five years - Created database and map of medical office space including both vacant and occupied sites - Hosted visit from Dr. and Mrs. Perrigo & family - Hosted Dr. Alegreto - Hosted Dr. & Mrs. Hogan and family from Ohio -Rec;eived provingialapproval for extension of 'under-serviced' designation and access to $15,000 grant over four years for new relocates. Three new family physicians will be applying for these funds. ~ - 3 family physicians have relocated, - 2 family physicians anticipated to relocate this summer - 2 specialists have relocated, - 1 specialist to relocate this summer ; i\ (' ( ) '-" <~ 1---\ , -- Doctor's Recruitment Committee Membership Member Affiliation Municipality Bruce Waite, Co-Chair Hospital Foundation, Ramara Township Kiwanis Club Dr. Norm Kee, Co-Chair Chief of Staff - OSMH Severn Township Lisa Bowlin Orillia District Chamber of Severn Township Commerce Bob Brown Thor Motors, City of Orillia Kiwanis Club Ian Brown City of Orillia City of Orillia Clayt French Health Trust City of Orillia Golden K Donna Hewitt CDC Ramara Township Community Foundation Gord Jacox OSMH Board City of Orillia Lori Koughan City of Orillia City of Orillia Rose Longo OSMH Board City of Orillia Hospital Foundation Dr. Magdi Makar OSMH Severn Township Dr. James Menlove Family Practice Resident-UofT City of Orillia Dr. Pritt Pallopson Chief of Staff - July 2002 City of Orillia Dr. Geordie Ray VP OSMH Medical Staff Severn Township Ron Sattler Fergus Hill Estates Oro-Medonte Twnshp For further information please contact: Donna Hewitt - CDC 325-4903 or Qacdc@c$Qlve.net Annual Physician Recruitment Budget Contributions: Hospital Orillia District Chamber of Commerce Rotary Kiwanis Community Businesses City of Orillia* Township of Oro-Medonte* Township of Ramara* Township of Severn* Mnjikaning 1 st Nation* Total $38,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $5,600 $5,000 $1,500 $1,500 $1 ,500 $1,500 $57,600 Expenses: Accommodations Meals Travel Entertainment Sundries Community Events Total $3,500 $6,600 $40,000 $2,500 $1,000 $4,000 $57,600 * denotes request for funding Based on hosting 20 visits throughout the year Had already taken into consideration provincial funding support through "underserviced" designation ( / ...~~ ~ . ------.------, ORILLIA & DISTRICT DOCTORS' OFFICES PHARMACIES 16 O'Brien StrMt Dr. C.F. B..-.r. St. 200 Dr. D.N.F. Cheng Dr. PL DonIeI Dr. UI. Fala. Dr. TA HMIoon Dr. ".A. 1\01_ ~: ~t ~~::'n. St. 201 Dr. W.... "cComb. SIAl 201 Dr. .I.B. ..cGutjon Dr. .I.e. ........... ~ 301 Dr. G.... Roy Dr. H.V. 5-'0 Dr. G.J. StoInef. G2 Dr. C.A. Strlcldond Dr. R.G. Taylor Dr. S. WI! St. 200 Brec:hin Dr. T.V. Gony =E"DAR ISLAND 2-2263 Highway 12 8rechin Dr. C.P. Bn:Ind ,.,~;, ',; ~i ~.i" Beo~ol'l W.oicot COI'Iv. Dr. G. Loudonold Dr. F.D. II<:C<<cIie / 'l'"" ~- !\\\ \J,\\ 12 ., ~\~ " .-' HiGHWAY If I '~~,,1;T-~~ "" U_on.' =- .. I ~\:'\{ 1 )/" .,.C" Dr. K.I.I. Letwln, St. D ! K I', "/. /... Dr. D.R. Nixon. St. D ~;~r'- . I Or. G.O. Schachter. St. 0 ,?,~,~,:",,~)" "~,~\(,l f ~:~5;::~~~::'0 ,~ Dr. Rob Combridg.. St. 310 '!,,',I,,\, Dr. D<Md ChrI. CoIItne. St. 111 Dr. TA Honnothy. SIAl 125 ':. \i~\ g~: g:C~fi.~e~ ~~ 106 ~ i;\\ Dr. 8. Okafo. Ste 110 ~ ~\\ Or. N. Refndera. Ste 125 ~,~ g~: ~~T. ~:hO~:'~j? Ste 106 Vacancy PUMPkiN "~, B4r '''...~''".._,....._.., ""HI"'''''.... b :".,;",-..,~~.',;-::f:T~:;;... . .,(i " '"" ,."*,, ", ~j~"'<;,"> '\C't. \,,,,. "'~.~~' ,0"">( '~ .. ....\'" .:,,-..",(~ ..~,~p.~;)tz\ . ';;;?~ .~>A~~~~~e;; '-/ . .'!:I. ,c;;/ '-\, ~'~ 'Ci.'I:, '-,..,.....-/ t..,..:P:;J) d' \\~ '''\.'''._ ~.~,- #f?A'J\\" ,"- '{/i"" .' ,~."/.,r::',.../ <''''\)~ .~\~ fif.J#:.l,<:::(,,,,,"--- "\ or){~ .. ..:. (-~ .,/ '~;~:~3~ ~ ..\ \~... -c \ \, \"'\ \\. \~ \\ :1 ii t'"~; ~j U ';'~ ? ~~ ",,-_~o;]~"""~ '~ ':,';:'" <J/" ,1/ /' .\. 71 WYQndOtt6 Street Vacant ---- 290 490m 100 CdborMo Str.6t W..t Or. D.J. Alexonder. Ste 306 Dr. M.G. Alexander, St. <103 Or. J.G. Arm.trong. St. 400 Or. L. 80_. St. 301 Or. DavId Scott CoMIna, St. 300 Dr. J.P. DeImUng Or. J.A. GGIloghor, Ste -403 Dr. N.L.. HarTis. Ste 403 Dr. 1.1. KroJoy. St. -402 Dr. L. T Lorn. Ste 202 Dr. C.D. .._.. StAt 400 Dr. K.A. "k:hoblkl, SIAl 301 Or. S. Olupona, St. 402 Dr. PL PoD_. St. 400 Dr. V. PoCJlopouloe. SIAl 303 Dr. R.~. Price-Jones. St. 302 Or, A..!. ReId. Ste -403 Dr. "'.1.1. Slang. Ste <103 Or. J.t Tozuo. St. 401 / 170 ColbOrne Street West Dr. L.J. AdkIns. RodlolO9Y D.pt, Or. SA OePIero Or. D.A. WcClo'key Or. P. Mill> Or. R.C. l.Iullklttrick. Pa\hQI09Y S.1\'Ico Dr. ~. Rleckenberg. Pathology Service Dr. C.L Roblnaon Dr. t.lA SWCJneon. RadiQiogy Service Dr. K. Taber ~10 Me-monol "venue Ben', Pharmacy ,... )~- ~.t:./ ./ \ \ \ \ \ \ p/\\ r'/ "\ ~\ / ' 1\ '" \ l~!\ / \ ~- 2qOm 0 ~i;, 'i~. "; -;:; 8,000 100 <Alborne Str~~t We:o\ Rexal! Drug Store ,,,....-_.,,.. .. ./,. " " I U cf - \ i ---..' l Dear Member of Council, ...........~ :.,,;..}.:1;'".'u.:Wt:. \..I.,,, '~\.:.~.1Y' ,.r" . ' ~ ....r ~ ~~.,. ~.'J <' .' . ~.~>, --, ~",",. .,'r: ..:-:..... -. _ " r'o ";..f' \)~\j' .. \cN\. . I am concerned about an issue that Council will be debating.. restrictions and possible ban on pesticides on private property. As a responsible homeowner, I work hard at maintaining my property to ensure I have a healthy lawn and garden. I utilize a professional lawn care service to ensure a safe and healthy landscape. This issue is important to me. I do not want my property to be overrun with weeds and insects like some city parks and boulevards. I also do not want to risk losing my entire lawn to a grub or chinch bug infestation. Weeds not only are unsightly, but they compete with my grass, attract insects, and cause allergic reactions and breathing problems. Furthennore, I do not want my property value drop after many years of hard work. I am asking that you oppose such drastic measures as a ban or other restrictions that limit my choice as to how I maintain my property. All lawn care products available in Canada have been thoroughly researched and tested and deemed legal and safe by our federal and provincial governments. Lawn care professionals that apply these products are licensed and highly regulated by the Ministry of the Environment. I cherish the quiet enjoyment of my home and landscape and do not want these rights taken away. I trust you will consider my views as Council debates the issues. Please vote against any ban or restriction of pesticide use on private property. Name: Address: J> e J c... '-- /J f Co tv'/l (" t:E / B ~l... fJ I:.) E L)A7 /lfL ~ ( Sl--lA~ &,47' I D~tl ,0 D f..A.-IL Co ~ L:' L /116/vtO G1- / a"",- A~ E: V(,~.J J'oA-G4 ~ S~<;.::;A [f~f r /J..-.-g LJc> '-' ~ tJ.!;,~C;.4~ ~Lk'~7 ~ yo>-- i<l6.$>4 ~;.f A~ ~,~,,~ --/_ I . II D /1iI<:.A-.. J-o c~ / S'S..; E)' . . '" ----. S t~ c..E;r-G L7~ ), G!..A-!....'fJ / I/LES ('p<f4 -~,N D /L/~ 4 <f c ~- ~:I<i,..) ,,) L.c5>' I ~ J.' / ~ G'L-r--//l ~~ MY HOME-OUR ENV-IRONMENT ..-!!...',..... ,..... Pesticide Risk ReductionjrrCana!]i2!LN/!ighhour.hoods " \1.....(3. ~. '~', .... '!f!:::~' ........, -tj... / ...,t( ,/n /' ,c ! May 03,2002 Mayor Ian Beard Box 100, R.R. 1 Township ofOro-Medonte, Oro ON LOL 2XO RECEIVED MAY - n ~5n7 ORO..MfDn:JTE Dear Mayor Beard & Council: Federal and Provincial Initiatives Achieving Sigl"!!!!..cant Progress Toward Canadian Pesticide Risk Reduction My Home - Our Environment, a diverse coalition of Canadian stakeholders, is pleased to provide your Council with infonnation that will be of assistance at this time of discussion about pesticides. Through regulatory activities, the federal! provincial/ territorial governments' Healthy Lawns Strategy is focussing on reducing reliance on and use of pesticides for lawn care. The accompanying document provides detail on the following elements that are being reviewed for change: . Product types available to homeowners . Classification of domestic products . Labelling requirements of pesticide products . Education and training Additionally, Health Minister Anne McLelland recently proposed a new Pest Control Products Act (PCP A) to modernize pesticide legislation. Facilitating Education and Awareness My Home - Our Environment stakeholders recognize that pesticide risk reduction will be accomplished through a combination of regulation, education and awareness. They agree that developing and implementing education and awareness programs to support pesticide risk reduction is: . Complex, and . Expensive - far beyond the capabilities of anyone group on its own Ste 101,5830 - 176A Street, Surrey, BC V3S 4H5 Phone: 604-574-7772; Fax: 604-574-7773; istock@telus.net Letter - Municipal April 2002 ", 'I n /i _ .4\ l V G1 ----' My HOME-OUR ENVIRONMENT - PAGE 2 "- They believe the keys to successful education and awareness programs are: · Sharing of resources to develop the programs · Communication across Canada to minimize redundant efforts · Quality and accessibility of the programs · Allowing sufficient time for development and implementation, and for the change in pest management techniques to "take hold" The key reason this diverse group of industry, government and advocacy groups is able to work together is that there is agreement on at least 95% of pest management messages: · Healthy plants can best withstand insect, weed and disease attacks · The Integrated Pest Management (IPM) decision making process is effective in helping gardeners choose alternatives to pesticides. The area of disagreement is that some support a total ban of pesticides, while others support using pesticides in certain situations. My Home - Our Environment achievements in the past year include: · Provincial landscape and lawn care associations learned to work together and share resources. A good example of this is the IPM Accreditation Program developed by Landscape Ontario and now being reviewed for its potential as a national program. · A survey of many Canadian municipalities showed a high demand for a cooperative approach to public awareness and education programs · Preparations are underway for development of strategic education plans for landscape service providers, public pesticide vendors, and for public awareness programs. We urge you to look beyond the rhetoric of the pesticide debate and move toward constructive solutions. Regardless of which regulations are passed, environmentally friendly pest management requires homeowners and industry practitioners to learn how to implement fairly complex "best horticultural practices". This is an achievable goal only if we are prepared to work co-operatively arid commit resources, time arid patience. If you would like to be involved with My Home - Our Environment, we encourage your Councilor Parks I Public Works department to fax us the accompanying response form. Yours truly, ~ S toCAt:::.- Jane Stock Interim Project Manager Attach: Information form; Healthy Lawns Initiative , l ('- , Federall ProvinciallTerritorial Healthy Lawns Initiatives- April 2002 The Federal government, the Provinces and Territories have developed an Action Plan to help Canadians reduce their reliance on pesticides in the urban setting. This Plan includes a Healthy Lawns Strategy which focusses on pest prevention and the application of pesticides only when necessary. Some of the elements being reviewed with stakeholders include: 1. Product types available to homeowners Certain product types are being reviewed for their compatibility with Integrated Pest Management principles (ie. use pesticides only when necessary). Some product types may present concerns regarding this principle: combinations of herbicides and fertilizers, those with multiple active ingredients and those intended for broadcast (complete coverage) applications. The primary focus is on products used by homeowners for lawn and garden maintenance. 2. Harmonized classification of domestic (consumer) products Currently there are several classification systems used as the basis for regulating pesticides in Canada, once they have been registered under the Federal Pest Control Products Act. The Provinces may use the Federal classification system or their own system to apply regulatory control for sale and use. An improved classification system will help facilitate the adoption of consistent sale, use and education requirements for domestic products. 3. Product Labelling F or domestic products, the label may be the only link between the contents of the product and the consumer who will select, use, store and dispose of the product. Homeowners do not generally have extensive knowledge on the use of pesticides, and clear label information is essential to ensuring proper use, storage and disposal. The goal of the label initiative is to make it easier for homeowners to use labels for informed purcb~iI1g; to understand and follow essential label infonnation and understand and avoid health and environmental risks. 4. Education and training 'National standards for service provider (eg. lawn care companies) and vendor training will be enhanced. Providing training with an awareness of the principles of Integrated Pest Management will aid in responsible pest management decisions and help to provide to consumers of domestic products reliable advice and infonnation. Health lawns update - April 2002 MY HOME-OUR ENVIRONMENT Pesticide Risk Reduction in Canadian Neighbourhoods D D For Council Members and/ or Parks & Recreation/Public Works Participation in this fax-back information form is appreciated. Please check .t appropriate boxes We support co-ordinated efforts to develop education and awareness programs. If you do not support this effort, it would be helpful for us to know why Please keep us updated on the progress of co- operative education and awareness activities through My Home-Our Environment. Municipality: Address: Contact person: Title Phone: Fax: Email: Please indicate the most accurate response to the following: In our municipality we currently: (j have an integrated pest program (IPM) in place (j are actively working on an IPM program (j do not have a program If your community has developed or is currently developing public educational material to increase awa,reness of pesticide usage / reduction, please list the information below and if possible, send us a copy of your material so we can amalgamate an inventory. Thanks! Pleasefax to 604.574.7773 Ste 101,5830 -176A Street, Surrey, BC V3S 4H5 Phone: 604-574-7772; Fax: 604-574-7773; jstock@telus.net Health Canada - The honourable Anne McLellan, Minister of Health, introduces a bill to ill.. Page 1 of 2 .+. Health ~ Canada ~da Callada bi:.w1fi1J; Search .~.lIt.Hf;I..'1I(~ Contact Us , . ~" ~ fillll, , . .. t. it.".' ' Media Room Healthy living Health Care Health Protection Hea,fth Canada Ho~ New Release .. BqglsJQ Relea.~f:?l1 Backgrounders ~ Ih52r[QJ;JQ~\?_d Neyy Ee$J_C901rPIPmdWGt$ A.Gt.Pe$l Management fle.gulatiQn inJlle 21 sl Cenl\JJY ~ A ComQarison of the f'mQ9$edand J;;.;J$Jlngt:e_$tG9DI[Q! Products Acts ~ Q\Jes!\QD$?Dd Answers about the f'fQPQ.seiiNe)~E52J21 CQnJrPLPrQdlJ.c!s"Ac! 2002-17 March 21,2002 News Release The Honourable Anne McLellan, Minister of Health, introduces a bill to modernize pesticide legislation and protect Canadians OTTAWA - The Honourable Anne McLellan, Minister of Health, today introduced in the House of Commons a bill to enact a new Pest Control Products Act (PCPA). The bill will safeguard Canadians, especially children, and will help ensure a safe and abundant food supply. "The Government of Canada is committed to ensuring that Canadians are better protected from health and environmental risks posed by pesticides. The bill reflects this commitment by modernizing and strengthening pesticide regulation and making the registration system more transparent, U said Minister McLellan. The proposed new Pest Control Products Act would: Strengthen health and environmental protection by: . requiring special protection for infants and children; . taking into account pesticide exposure from all sources, including food and water, and considering cumulative effects of pesticides that act in the same way; and, . supporting pesticide risk reduction, for example, ensuring that only pesticides that make a useful contribution to pest management are registered and encouraging the registration of lower-risk products. Make the registration system ffiol'"etransparent by: . establishing a public registry to allow access to detailed evaluation reports on registered pesticides; . allowing the public to view the test data on which these pesticide evaluations are based; and, . allowing the Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) to share scientific studies with provincial/territorial and international regulators, which will enhance the process for international joint reviews of pesticides, giving Canadian growers equal access to newer, safer pesticides so they can be competitive in the marketplace. Strengthen post-registration control of pesticides by: . requiring pesticide companies to report adverse effects; . requiring re-evaluations of older pesticides 15 years after they are rA(1i~tArI~ri ::Inri nr{wiriinn thp. Mini~tp.r with thA ::Illthnrit\l tn rAmn\lA hH~.I/",,,,,,, J.,r'_Cr' at" t">I!pna li<;:h/mf'.c1i::1/releases/2002/2002 17.htrn 5/16/02 A AvUHU 'LoUUUUU - A UV UUUUUI aUII;;, J""1.11UI;;, IV.1\.,.LX;l1aU, lV.111U~ll;;,l V.1 .1.1~aJlU, lUll VUU\"~~ a Ul11 LU 111.. rag~.tt., UI .tt., ......:::1............-- _""" ,.................;::, ........ .................. ......, ......... __............} ....... .................. ......,f pesticides from the market if required data are not supplied; and, . providing increased powers of inspection and higher maximum penalties, up to $1 million for the most serious offences, when pesticides are not marketed or used in accordance with the law. The proposed new PCPA will enhance public confidence, here and abroad, that Canadian agri-food, forestry and other products are safe. "The changes introduced today take into consideration the views of all parties, while recognizing that the protection of human health and the environment continue to be the top priority in regulating pesticides in Canada," said Minister McLellan. - 30 - The following is available on the PMRA web site or by telephoning the PMRA Information Service at 1-800-267-6315: · E?QLS.bs:~tQ!JJJJ!2Jl~g\.lLqti91LQtJ:e..~tiQig_~1?jnJ:;,9,n9g9 Media Inquiries: Marc Richard Media Relations, Pest Management Regulatory Agency (613) 736-3573 Farah Mohamed Office of Anne McLellan Minister of Health (613) 957-1694 Last Updated: 2002-03-21 A. Important Notices http://www.hc-sc.gc.caJenglishlmediaJreleases/2002/2002_17.htm 5/16/02 _.:;;~,t~ r:>if>\r\ 11.," ~ ~"i~~r"U ~~~"",\\ ~~.... 7"'~17 M~Y r 7 ilL. (uh .)> , ,...... i Dear Member of Council, I am concerned about an issue that Council will be debating - restrictions and possible ban on pesticides on private property. As a responsible homeowner, I work hard at maintaining my property to ensure I have a healthy lawn and garden. I utilize a professional lawn care service to ensure a safe and healthy landscape. This issue is important to me. I do not want my property to be overrun with weeds and insects like some city parks and boulevards. I also do not want to risk losing my entire lawn to a grub or chinch bug infestation. Weeds not only are unsightly, but they compete with my grass, attract insects, and cause a11ergic reactions and breathing problems. Furthennore, I do not want my property value drop after many years of hard work. I am asking that you oppose such drastic measures as a ban or other restrictions that limit my choice as to how I maintain my property. An lawn care products available in Canada have been thoroughly researched and tested and deemed legal and safe by our federal and provincial governments. Lawn care professionals that apply these products are licensed and highly regulated by the Ministry of the Environment. I cherish the quiet enjoyment of my home and landscape and do not want these rights taken away. I trust you wi]] consider my views as Council debates the issues. Please vote against any ban or restriction of pesticide use on private property. Sincerely, Name: Address: -'" /- ~ / l~; 1:6:7" y (a/7't<C:>/,~ p.tzc/ 'jc "'7 /V/L//)f(O-j I~! JilZ -/I [;.2 //~?(/ill}:j k-:r/ . /0/' - i v Harold Divine, R.R.#l. SHANTY BA~ ON. LOL 2LO May 27,2002 Mayor & Council, Township ofOro-Medonte. Dear Mayor and Council: I was disappointed to receive your letter of May 22,2002, indicating that Council did not deal with the request that I made through my Ward CounciHor, Mr. Paul Marshal1. PaUets North's location is designated as agricultural. Pa11ets North continues to operate in a manner that does not conform to the Oro- Medonte Official plan. Bylaw enforcement officers are supposed to deal with such violations, especial1y when complaints are made. Since the by-law enforcement officer has not acted it is reasonable to believe that he has been directed otherwise. According to the information provided by Mr. MarshaU there has been no motion of Council to provide direction one way or the other, yet Pallets North continues to operate and expand in violation to the Oro-Medonte Official Plan. Council must be providing direction in some manner and your letter suggests that Council is refusing to make its direction known by attempting to avoid my request for a formal motion. The taxpayers ofOro-Medonte rightfully expect their elected representatives to be forth- right in letting them know, if and how, the Official Plan is being defended. Once again I am requesting that my elected representative specifically, Ward Councillor Marshall and Deputy Mayor Dickie bring a motion before the June 5th 2002 meeting of council with a recorded vote to enable a11 residents to know whether PaUets North is being regarded as agricultural, home industry, commercial or industrial in relation to the Official Plan. The inaction of the by-law enforcement officer clearly shows that a decision has been made. Surely as elected representatives all members of council will respect the residents and honour their moral obligations to officially declare their positions for something as important as upholding the Oro-Medonte Official Plan. I also request that I be contacted in advance to the June 5, 2002 meeting so that I can attend, to listen to the discussion concerning the motion. I also request a written copy of council's decision regarding this request. I can be reached at 722-5893. Yours truly, /~vJ- ..'~ Harold Divine. /' c.c Mayor Craig, Dep.Mayor Dickie, Councillors Marshall, Fount~ Hughes & Hough. .,,,,. , ;z "V/ !- I V THE CORPORATION OF THE 148 Line 7 S., Box 100 Oro, Ontario LOL 2XO TOWN~IiIP r9/V?~~ Phone (705) 487.2171 Fax (705)487.0133 www.township.oro.medonte.on.ca May 22, 2002 Mr. Harold Divine R.R. #1 Shanty Bay, ON LOL 2LO Dear Mr. Divine: Your correspondence of May 13, 2002 was received by Committee ofthe Whole on May 22, 2002. In order to make an informed decision with respect to Pallets North, further information is required by Council regarding the site plan application and its relation to zoning specifications. It is Council's hope that this matter will be dealt with before the summer recess. Thank you for your patience. f)M~ J. Neil Craig Mayor c.c. Members of Council 1 h - i {,-,..j . TOWNSHIP OF ORO-MEDONTE PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES MAY 28, 2002 PRESENT: Peter Wigham, Susan Grant, Robert Barlow, Fran Sutton, Don Bell, Councillor Paul Marshall, Councillor Ruth Fountain, and Mayor Neil Craig STAFF PRESENT: Andria Leigh 1. Appointment of Chairman from May 28, 2002 to November 2003 Ms. Leigh explained that the terms of reference that were adopted for the Planning Advisory Committee for the term of 2000-2003 identified that the Mayor would be the Chair of the Committee and in his absence another member of Council would assume the Chair's position. Councillor Marshall has indicated an interest in becoming the Chair of this Committee for the remainder of this term. This had been discussed with Mayor Craig and was considered acceptable. Ms. Leigh requested a resolution from the Planning Advisory Committee to support this amendment request. Moved by Bob Barlow, seconded by Peter Wig ham "It is recommended to Council, that notwithstanding the Terms of Reference which indicate that the Mayor will the Chairman of the Planning Advisory Committee, that Councillor Paul Marshall assume the position of Chairman of the Planning Advisory Committee for the remainder of the Committee's term from May 28, 2002 to November 2003." ...Carried. 2. Call to Order by Chairman Councillor Paul Marshall called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. 3. "DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF - IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ACT." None declared. Cf; 4. Minutes Moved by Peter Wigham, seconded by Susan Grant That the minutes of the meeting of the Township of Oro-Medonte Planning Advisory Committee held on March 19,2002 be adopted as printed and circulated. Carried. 5. Correspondence and Communication (a) Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority Memorandum from Charles Burgess, Director, Planning Services Re: Conservation Land Protection and Acquisition Policy Dated May 15, 2002 - Received for Information. Ms. Leigh explained that this policy was similar to other Conservation Authority for Conservation Land Acquisition and believed it would be a valuable policy. She explained that there was currently one property that could be investigated which is part of the newly registered Veenstra Brothers Subdivision at the intersection of Line 2 North and Ski Trails Road and is adjacent to Willow Creek. Mr. Wig ham raised two matters for comment. The first was a question on the definition of "Community Conservation Lands" in Section 5.0 Policy and to ensure that this was not overly restrictive. The second related to Section 6.0 Implementation and why the policy would not be applicable in a local municipality which has a conservation land acquisition policy if that Municipality was not interested in the particular land acquisition. There was concern that the policy was too restrictive and did not allow an opportunity to the Conservation Authority subsequent to the local municipality. (b) Jones Consulting Group Ltd. Letter to County of Simcoe re: Proposed Golf Course Residential Community by UCCI Consolidated Companies Inc., Concession 5, Lots 26-28 (Oro) file P-115/01 - Received for Information. Ms. Leigh explained the status of the County of Simcoe Shoreline Policy review and indicated that the applicant's had been following the process to determine the effect of their current application. Ms. Leigh explained that the proposed Shoreline policies were intended to be an overlay designation as a second level of policy review for any application on lands that were located south of the Ridge Road in our municipality. She explained that the Committee would be provided a copy of the policies for review at their next meeting to ensure any comments were provided to the County prior to the Public Meeting. Mayor Craig indicated that the County was proposing to hold a Public Meeting in either ate August or September. / 6. Deputations None. 7. Other Business (a) Discussion regarding 5 year review of Official Plan Policy and recommendations regarding required amendments Ms. Leigh explained to the Committee that Council had held a public meeting as required by the Planning Act to initiate the 5-year review process. She explained that the 5-year review was not intended to be a comprehensive update similar to the process in 1997 but that the policies should be reviewed to ensure their continued appropriateness. She indicated that a number of policies had already been identified in the report that she had presented to Council, which had been provided to the Committee. Ms. Leigh explained that part of the mandate for the Planning Advisory Committee was to maintain the vision, principles, and land use designations of the Official Plan and to act as an advisory body to Council and provide recommendations on policy amendments. On this basis, the Planning Advisory Committee should be actively involved in the 5 year Official Plan review and provide recommendations to Council on proposed policy amendments. Ms. Leigh explained that a report outlining the process and policies to be reviewed would be presented to Council in June prior to the summer recess. She explained that it was anticipated that the 5 year review would be completed at the same time as the proposed policy amendments regarding the Oro Moraine and the Aggregate Management Plan to attempt to complete one Official Plan Amendment to be considered by the County of Simcoe for approval prior to the end of 2002. The Committee discussed a number of matters related to the Official Plan policies including: home businesses and home industries, existing draft approved subdivisions, and the visions and pillars of the Official Plan. Moved by Don Bell, seconded by Peter Wig ham "It is recommended to Council that in accordance with Section 38 of the Planning Act, an Interim Control By-law be adopted for a period of one year during the five year review of the Official Plan of the Township." ...Carried. (b) Status Update regarding Ucci Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments for golf course and residential community Ms. Leigh explained that the studies required by the Official Plan have been submitted by the applicant and were currently being reviewed by the Township Consultants. It was anticipated that the technical review ./ comments would be received in time for the June 18, 2002 meeting of the Committee. It was also explained that the applicants still require an Official Plan Amendment to the County of Simcoe Official Plan as it relates to an Adult Lifestyle Community not being permitted outside of a settlement area. It was also hoped that a response to the letter that had been sent by the applicant to the County in regards to the proposed golf course community dated May 2, 2002 would be provided prior to our next meeting. The reports had been provided to the Committee members early to ensure that prior to the deputation in June sufficient opportunity was available to review the reports and the subsequent township consultant technical review comments. The Committee members did indicate that at the June meeting of the Committee the appropriateness of the application and its reports should be addressed. The Committee was advised that the Planning Report and appended technical reviews would address that matter. (c) Appointment of Planning Advisory Committee members Ms. Leigh explained that Mr. Bell would be sworn in as the Councillor for Ward 1 on June 5, 2002 and therefore would not longer be a public member of the Planning Advisory Committee. She explained that the past practice of the Committee when a public member's position had become vacant mid-term was that a replacement not be appointed for the continuity of the current Committee members. As the Council members do not vote on matters at the Planning Advisory Committee there would not be an issue of balance between Public Members and Council Members on the Committee should Mr. Bell in his new capacity as Ward 1 Councillor maintain a position on the Planning Advisory Committee. Moved by Peter Wigham, seconded by Susan Grant "It is recommended to Council that Don Bell be permitted to continue as a member of the Planning Advisory Committee in his capacity of Councillor and further that no additional public member be appointed to the Committee for the remainder of the term from June 5, 2002 to November 2003." ...Carried. 8. Adjournment Moved by Don Bell That the meeting now adjourn at 8:20 p.m. Councillor Paul Marshall, Chairman /' j Carried. Andria Leigh, Planner OS/29/2002 11:35 7057251285 COUNTY SIMCOE CAD WARDEN NO. 885 GJ01 ./ MEDIA RELEASE ., COUNTY OF SIMCOE HIRES GENERAL MANAGER OF CORPORATE SERVICES On May 28,2002, Simcoe County Council approved the appointment ofMr. Mark Aitken as the Genera.! Manager of Corporate Services, Mr. Aitken, a graduate of the University of Guelph, has been an employee of the County since 1995 in the Environmental Services Department and since October 2000 as Director of the Environmental Services Department. As part of the implementation ofthc County's reorganization, Mr. Aitken's first initiative will be to commence the convergence proc~ss of the employees, programs and assets of the Roads zmd Engineering Department, the Environmental Services Department, and the Planning and Forestry Department into one inter-related shared service provider. Commenting On his appointment, Mr. Aitken stated: "Simcoe County is being extremely pro-active with respect to providing increased customer service capabilities with a mind to overall efficiencies. This takes place amidst ever increasing popu\ation gro'Wtb and development. 1 am extremely pleased with the opportunity to be involved in these positive processes at this levet and I will do my very best to enSurc that the residents of Simcoe County have the processes, infrastructure, facilities and services which they deserve, at a level which will beche envy of many Ontario municipalities." Chief Administrative Officer Hclen MacRa.e c.ommented: "Mr. Aitken's ability to stratcgically manage the County's environmental responsibiliticg has been a real benefit to the County and its citizens. He will be able to employ this ability in creating a ncw department which is streamlined to provide excellent customer service," Wardcn Dr. 1l10mas Garry remarked: "Mark Aitken brings to this new appointment a wealtJl of knowledge in his field and has made remarkable progress in the County's operation of environmental services. CouneH has complete confidence in his ability to guide and direct the Corporate Services division and implement the changes necessary 10 meet the County's goats and objectives derived from its reorganization plan in the areas of Roads, Environmental Services and Planning. As the Warden of the County of Simcoe I am delighted to welcome Mr. Aitken to a team of bright and enthusiastic General Managers." - 30 - Contact: Mr. Mark Aitken County of Simcoe General Manager of Corporate Services (705) 726-9300 Ex!. 289 Ms. Helen MacRae County of Simcoe Chief Administrative Officer (705) 726-9300 Ext. 260 Or. Thomas Garry, Warden County of Simcoe (705) 726.9300 Ext. 226 , , i , i j THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ORO-MEDONTE BY-LA W NO. 2002-56 A BY-LAW TO ADOPT THE ESTIMATES OF ALL AMOUNTS REQUIRED DURING THE YEAR AND FOR LEVYING THE T AX RATES FOR THE YEAR 2002. WHEREAS Section 367 of the Municipal Act, Chapter MAS, R.S.O. 1990, as amended, authorizes the Council of a local municipality to prepare and adopt estimates of all amounts required during the year; AND WHEREAS Section 368 of the Municipal Act, Chapter MAS, R.S.O. 1990, as amended, authorizes the Council of a local municipality to pass a by-law levying a separate tax rate, as specified in the by-law, on the assessment in each property class in the local municipality rateable for local municipality purposes; AND WHEREAS the County of Simcoe has passed By-Law No. 4776 establishing the following tax ratios for the year 2002: ResidentialIF arm Multi-Residential Commercial Industrial Pipelines Farmlands Managed Forests 1.0000 2.1499 1.1877 1.9258 1.1464 0.2500 0.2500 and establishing the County tax rates for the year 2002. AND WHEREAS O.Reg. 169/01 and O.Reg. 138/02 establishes the Education tax rates for the year 2002; AND WHEREAS Section 447.68 of the Municipal Act, Chapter MAS, R.S.O. 1990, as amended establishes limitations on the taxes for the comrnercial, industrial and multi-residential classes; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township ofOro-Medonte enacts as follows: 1. That the estimates of Expenditures required during the year 2002 for the purposes of the municipality shall be adopted as follows: General Government Fire and Emergency Police Building, By-Law and Planning Public Works Street Lighting Water Works Systems County Waste Management Arena, Parks and Recreation, and Economic Dev. $ 1,634,348 1,084,232 1,948,9 I 5 861,864 4,417,364 66,894 908,192 1,020,059 1,062,343 Total estimated Expenditures for Local purposes $ 13,004,211 2 ~. v' 2. That the estimates of Revenue required during the year 2002 for the purposes of the municipality shall be adopted as fo!lows: Contributions !Tom other Governments Other Revenues Special Charges on Property Other Taxation Revenue $ 236,578 5,007,217 1,014,275 137,391 Total estimated Revenues, other than taxation $ 6,395,461 3. That the following amounts shall be raised by taxation within the Township of Oro-Medonte in the year 2002: Township General Purposes County Purposes School Board Purposes $ 6,608,750 5,290,591 7,387,855 Total Tax Levy $19,287,196 4. That the Tax Rates shown on Schedule "A" attached hereto and forming part of this By-law sha!l be levied upon and collected rrom the whole of the assessment for real property, in accordance with the last returned Assessment Roll for the Township ofOro-Medonte. 5. That in addition to the foregoing the following Special Charges and Co!lectables be levied and co!lected: (a) A levy for the purposes of recovering amounts advanced under the provisions of the Tile Drainage Act, Chapter T.8, R.S.O. 1990, as amended, rrom benefitting properties. (b) A special levy to collect for the annual estimates for the fol1owing Street Lighting Areas apportioned on a flat rate basis to the benefitting properties: Street Lighting Areas Flat Rate per Property Shanty Bay $ 34.00 Hawkestone $ 20.00 Sugarbush, Plan M-367, Plan M-368 Oro Hi11s, Plan M324 Horseshoe Highlands, Plan M391, M447, M456 $ 20.00 $ 28.00 $ 28.00 Beechwood Crescent, Plan M-281 Georgina, Plan M 1561 Warminster, Plan M92, MI04 $ 32.00 $ 86.00 $ 30.00 Black Forest Estates, Plan M-191 Canterbury, Plan M-343 Harbourwood. Plan M-118 $ 58.00 $ 30.00 $ 15.00 Parkside Drive, Plan 875 Mount St. Louis Estates, Plan M-] 12 Day Subdivision, Plan M-] 62 $ ]8.00 $ 56.00 $ 86.00 Conder Drive, RP51R624, RP5lR2163 Pritchard Subdivision, Plan 1626 Snowshoe Trail, Plan M-174 $ 12.00 $ 5.00 $ 56.00 Robin Crest Subdivision, Plan M-l 0 I, Plan M-123 Cairns Estates, Plan 1676 $ 56.00 $ 56.00 Kade Meadows, Plan M-340, Plan M-469 Forest Glen, Plan M-264 $ 56.00 $ 30.00 3 /- Craighurst Estates, Plan M5 I 0 Windfield Estates Sprucewood Plan M535 Heights of Medonte $ 28.00 $ 30.00 $110.00 $ 38.00 Lakewood Subdivision, Plan M-381 Forest Home Industrial Park, Plan 1719, Plan 1720 Simoro Winfull $ 20.00 $ 75.00 $ 38.00 $ 38.00 (c) A special levy to collect for the annual estimates for County Waste Management apportioned on a flat rate basis per user: Flat Rate per User Residential Commercial, garbage collection, disposal & recycling Commercial, recycling only $ 119.00 $ 119.00 $ 35.00 (d) An adjustment to taxes for the commercial, industrial and multi-residential classes as determined in accordance with Section 447.68 of the Municipal Act, Chapter MAS, R.S.0.1990, as amended. (e) A levy for any or all other amounts collectable pursuant to any statute or by-law and chargeable to any or all real property and business and/or person or persons to be raised in the same manner and at the same time as all other levies, rates, charges and/or collections. 6. That the final tax bill less the interim tax bill be due and payable in two equal installments on or before Wednesday, July 31, 2002 and Monday, September 30, 2002. 7. The Treasurer is hereby authorized to mail or cause to be mailed the notice of taxes due to the address of the residence or place of business of the person to whom such notice is required to be given as shown on the latest revised Assessment Roll. 8. A penalty for non-payment of taxes shall be imposed not exceeding I \1..% on the first day of default, and on the first day of each calendar month thereafter during the year 2002, until the taxes are paid. 9. That there be added an interest charge of I \1..% on the first day of each month on any outstanding tax arrears from the 31st day of December in the year in which the taxes were levied until the taxes are paid. 10. That taxes may be paid either in full or by installments for remittance payments to the credit of the Treasurer on or before the day on which such taxes fall due, at most financial institutions, which accept and process payments on behalf of customers, with the onus on the financial institution to remit payments on time. II. That all taxes be paid into the Office of the Treasurer. 12. That the Treasurer be authorized and directed to collect any penalty or interest or any other levies, rates, charges or collections in the same manner as empowered to collect taxes levied by the Council. 13. That the Treasurer be authorized to accept part payment from time to time on account of any taxes due and to give a receipt for such part payment provided that acceptance of any such payment does not affect the collection of any penalty or interest or any other levies, rates, charges or collections imposed, collectable and due in respect to any non-payment. 4 /.......) *'" { ,', v 14. That this by-law come into force and take effect on and from the date of the final passing thereof for the current year 2002. Read a first and second time this 51h day of June, 2002. By-law read a third time and finally passed this 5'h day of June, 2002. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ORO-MEDONTE Mayor, J. Neil Craig Clerk, Marilyn Pennycook TOWNSHIP OF ORO-MEDONTE 2002 TAX RATES SCHEDULE A BY-LAW NO.2002-56 PROPERTY CLASS TOWNSHIP COUNTY EDUCA TION TOTAL TAX RATE Residential/Farm , 0.426253% 0.341234% 0.373000% 1 .140487% Multi-Residential i 0.9164010/0 0.7336190/0 0.373000% 2.0230200/0 Commercial Occupied 0.506261O~ 0.405284O~ 2.109397% 3.020942O~ Commercial Vacant i 0.354382O~ 0.283699O~ 1.476578% 2.114659% Industrial Occupied 0.820878O~ 0.657148% 3.426344% 4.904370% Industrial Vacant 0.5335710/0 0.4271460/0 2.2271240/0 3.1878410/0 Pipelines 0.4886560/0 0.3911910/0 1.992737O~ 2.8725840/0 Farmlands 0.1 06563O~ 0.0853090/0 0.0932500~ 0.285122O~ Managed Forest 0.106563% 0.0853090/0 0.0932500/0 0.2851220/0 NOTE: Vacant includes vacant land and vacant units/excess land Commercial class includes parking lots, shopping centres and commercial offices Industrial class includes large industrial THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ORO-MEDONTE SITE PLAN CONTROL BY-LAW NO. 2002-063 Being a By-Law to Authorize the Execution of a Site Plan Control Agreement Between Jess-Cor Holdings Inc. and The Corporation of the Township of Oro-Medonte, described as lands as follows: Parcel 21-14, Section 51-0ro-5, being Part 2, 51R-19930, being all of PIN #58550-0132 (Lt), Township of Oro-Medonte WHEREAS authority to enter into Site Plan Control Agreements is provided for in Section 41 of The Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990, c. P. 13, as amended, and Council deems it necessary to enter into a Site Plan Control Agreement on the lands described herein; AND WHEREAS By-Law No. 94-149, a By-Law to Designate Parts of the Township as Site Plan Control Areas, was passed by Council for the Township of Oro-Medonte, pursuant to the provisions of The Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990, c. P. 13, as amended; AND WHEREAS the lands referred to in this By-Law are subject to Site Plan Control, pursuant to By-Law No. 94-149; NOW THEREFORE the Corporation of the Township of Oro-Medonte hereby enacts as follows: 1. THAT the Township enter into the Site Plan Control Agreement attached hereto, as Appendix "A", on lands described on the attached Schedule "A"; 2. THAT the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute the Site Plan Control Agreement on behalf of the Corporation of the Township of Oro-Medonte; 3. THAT the attached Schedule "A" and Appendix "A" shall form part of this By-Law; 4. THAT this By-Law shall come into force and take effect upon being enacted by Council. BY-LAW READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 5th DAY OF JUNE, 2002. BY-LAW READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS DAY OF ,2002. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ORO-MEDONTE Mayor, J. Neil Craig Clerk, Marilyn Pennycook -" THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ORO-MEDONTE BY -LA W NO. 2002-66 BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE EXECTION OF AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE TOWNHIP OF ORO-MEDONTE AND MUNICIPAL PROPERTY ASSESSMENT CORPORA TION FOR THE PROVISION OF A VACANCY VERIFICATION SERVICE. WHEREAS the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. MAS, Section 442.5, as amended, requires the municipality to establish a vacancy rebate program for eligible property; AND WHEREAS the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation provides a vacancy verification service; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Oro-Medonte deems it desirable to enter into an agreement with the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation for the provision of the said service; .. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Oro-Medonte enacts as folJows: 1. THAT the Treasurer is hereby authorized to sign an agreernent between the Corporation of the Township of Oro-Medonte and the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation, said agreernent attached hereto as Appendix "A" and forming part of this by-law. ") That this by-law come into fulJ force and effect upon final passing thereof. BY -LA W READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 5TH DA Y OF JUNE, 2002. BY-LA W READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 5TH DAY OF JUNE, 2002. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ORO-MEDONTE Mayor, J. Neil Craig Clerk. Marilyn Pennycook THIS AGREEMENT made this 27 day of May, 2002. BETWEEN: The Corporation of the Township ofOro-Medonte hereinafter called the "municipality" OF THE FIRST PART -and- The Municipal Property Assessment Corporation hereinafter called "MP AC" OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS pursuant to section 442.5 ofthe Municipal Act the municipality has the obligation to establish a vacancy rebate program for eligible property; AND WHEREAS MP AC is the assessment corporation referred to in the Municipal Act and Regulation 325/01; AND WHEREAS the municipality wishes to retain MP AC to provide certain services in connection with the processing of applications for vacancy tax rebates; . THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSES that the parties have agreed as follows: 1. The municipality hereby retains MP AC to perfonn some or all of the following servIces: (a) Upon receipt of a copy of a properly completed application for vacancy tax rebate MP AC shall use reasonable efforts to investigate the accuracy ofthe facts set out in the application and any supporting documentation fonning part ofthe application or any other factual matter pertaining to the application as may be requested in writing by the municipality; and (b) MP AC shall report its findings to the municipality within 60 days from receipt of a copy of the properly completed application. (c) Upon separate request of the municipality MP AC shall make available a witness to testify before any court or tribunal regarding any findings made by MP AC under this agreement. 2. It is clearly understood that MP AC will not provide legal advice or opinion to any parties regarding the entitlement to any vacancy tax rebate on any application made. 3. To enable MP AC to carry out its investigative services as set out in paragraph l(a), the municipality shall designate in writing such employees ofMPAC as MPAC may require pursuant to 442.5(6) of the Municipal Act. 4. The municipality shall pay MP AC for the services provided under this agreement as set out in Schedules "A" and "BII to this agreement. ../ 5. This agreement shall be effective from the date hereof and shall continue until tenninated by either party on 30 days written notice to the other. 6. No action or other proceeding shall be commenced by the municipality against a director, officer, employee or agent ofMP AC for any act that is in good faith done or omitted in the perfonnance of services under this agreement. 7. Notice under this agreement shall be given in writing as follows: To MP AC: Municipal Property Assessment Corporation Vacancy Verification Service 50 Bloomington Road West 2nd Floor P.O. Box 2700 Aurora, Ontario lAG 6J8 To the municipality: The Corporation ofthe Township ofOro-Medonte 148 Line 7 S., Box 100 Oro, Ontario LOL 2XO IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have executed this agreement. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ORO-MEDONTE " Paul Gravelle, Treasurer I have authority to bind the corporation THE MUNICIPAL PROPERTY ASSESSMENT CORPORATION Mario Vittiglio, Vacancy Verification Service, Coordinator I have authority to bind the corporation ~-". SCHEDULE "A" PAYMENT PROVISIONS 1. The municipality shaH pay for aH services provided by MP AC under 1 (a) and 1 (b) of this agreement at the foHowing schedule of rates: On applications for vacancy of space in simple CommerciallIndustrial properties, including, but not limited to, properties to which MP AC has assigned property codes 401, 406-412, 420-422, 430, 432, 471,520,530, 531,575 and 580, the rate shaH be $84.00 per application plus $21.00 for each portion in excess of three portions for which vacancy rebate is claimed in the application, plus properly incurred disbursements, plus any applicable taxes. On applications for vacancy of space in complex/unique Commercial/Industrial properties, including, but not limited to, properties to which MPAC has assigned property codes 400, 428, 429,500-515,521, 522,550,556-560,566, 700, 710, 725, 741, 742 the rate shaH be $84.00 per hour, plus properly incurred disbursements, plus any applicable taxes. 2. MP AC shaH invoice the municipality on a monthly basis; payment by the municipality shaH be made within 30 days of receipt of invoice. Overdue invoices shaH bear interest atthe rate of Prime plus 1 %. '"" - ~ SCHEDULE "B" PAYMENT PROVISIONS 1. The municipality shall pay for all services provided by MP AC under 1 (c) of this agreement at the rate of $1 00.00 per hour plus properly incurred disbursements, plus any applicable taxes. If 2. MP AC shall invoice the municipality on a monthly basis; payment by the municipality shall be made within 30 days of receipt of invoice. Overdue invoices shall bear interest at the rate of Prime plus 1 %. " THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ORO-MEDONTE BY-LAW NO. 2002-067 Being a By-law to Authorize the Execution of a Pre-Service Agreement (Monica Interior Design Ltd. And Modco Investments Ltd., Phase III, Stage IV, Section "B") WHEREAS Section 51, Subsection (26) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter P.13, as amended, provides that municipalities may enter into agreements imposed as a condition to the approval of a plan of subdivision and such agreements may be registered against the land to which the subdivision plan applies; .. AND WHEREAS, pursuant to By-law #97-86 of the Township of Oro-Medonte, it is deemed desirable for the Township to enter into a Pre-Service Agreement with the Owner (Monica Interior Design Ltd. And Modco Investments Ltd.), for Phase III, Stage IV, Section "B" of the development, being: Firstly: Part of PIN #74057-0310 (Lt) Part of Lots 67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74 and 75, according to Registered Plan 51 M-367, being designated as Parts 18 to 24, both inclusive on Plan 51 R-31153; Secondly: Part of PIN #74057-0311 (Lt) a) Part of Lots 41,42 and 43 and Part of Ironwood Trail stopped up and closed by Lt 494770, according to Registered Plan 51 M-367, being designated as Parts 7 and 8 on Plan 51 R-31153. b) Part of Lots 35,36,37,38,39,40,41,71,72 and 73; Part of Blocks 76 and 77; and Part of Ironwood Trail stopped up and closed by Lt 494770, being designated as Parts 10 to 17, both inclusive, and Parts 28 and 29 on Plan 51R-31153. c) Block 78, according to Registered Plan 51 M-367; Thirdly: PIN #58533-0065 (Lt) Block 79, according to Registered Plan 51 M-367; Fourthly: PIN #58533-0064 (Lt) Block 80, according to Registered Plan 51 M-367; Fifthly: PIN #58533-0063 (Lt) oJ' Block 81, according to Registered Plan 51 M-367; Sixthly: Part of PIN #58533-0204 (Lt) Part of Lot 1, Concession 7, designated as Parts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, according to Plan 51 R-17872; All in the Township of Oro-Medonte, formerly in the Township of Oro, County of Simcoe. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Township of Oro-Medonte hereby enacts as follows: 1. That the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of the Township of Ora-Medonte, a Pre-Service Agreement, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this By-law as Schedule 'A'. 2. That the Municipality shall be entitled to enforce the provisions of the Pre- Service Agreement against the owners. 3. That this By-Law shall come into force and take effect on the final passing thereof. " By-Law read a first and second time this day of 2002. By-Law read a third time and finally passed this day of 2002. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ORO-MEDONTE Mayor, J. Neil Craig Clerk, Marilyn Pennycook .. --~,.,.. ~ H~;~~ "B" h. . ".1' , " , ~." . . - . .,' '. .. ~~~~:.;~:~" PRE-SERVICING AGREEMENT - between - MONICA INTERIOR DESIGN LTD. AND MODCO INVESTMENTS LTD. PHASE III, STAGE IV, SECTION "B" - and - '" THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ORO - MEDONTE DESCRIPTION OF LANDS Firstly: Part of PIN #74057-0310 (Lt) Part of Lots 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74 and 75, according to Registered Plan 51 M-367, being designated as Parts 18 to 24, both inclusive on Plan 51R-31153 Secondly: Part of PIN #74057-0311 (Lt) a) Part of Lots 41, 42 and 43 and Part of Ironwood Trail stopped up and closed by Lt 494770, according to Registered Plan 51M-367, being designated as Parts 7 and 8 on Plan 51R-31153. b) Part of Lots 35, 36, 37, 38, 39,40,41,71,72 and 73; Part of Blocks 76 and 77; and Part of Ironwood Trail stopped up and closed by Lt 494770, being designated as Parts 10 to 17, both inclusive, and Parts 28 and 29 on Plan 51R-31153. c) Block 78, according to Registered Plan 51M-367. Thirdly: PIN #58533-0065 (Lt) Block 79, according to Registered Plan 51 M-367. Fourthly: PIN #58533-0064 (Lt) Block 80, according to Registered Plan 51M-367. ., Fifthly: PIN #58533-0063 (Lt) Block 81, according to Registered Plan 51M-367. Sixthly: Part of PIN #58533-0204 (Lt) Part of Lot 1, Concession 7, designated as Parts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, according to Plan 51 R-17872. All in the Township of Oro-Medonte, formerly in the Township of Oro, County of Simcoe. May, 2002 By-Law No. PRE-SERVICING AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT MADE BETWEEN: THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ORO-MEDONTE (hereinafter called the "Township") - and . - and - MONICA INTERIOR DESIGN L T,.Q. ~'? MODCO INVESTMENTS LTD. ~. (hereinafter called the "Developer") .. . WHEREAS the Developer is the registered owner of the lands described in Schedule "A" attached (the "Subdivision Lands"); AND WHEREAS the Developer desires to commence installing municipal services with the Subdivision Lands, prior to the execution and registration of the amended Subdivision Agreement with the Township; NOW THEREFORE THE PARTIES HERETO AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1. ASSUMPTION OF RISK BY DEVELOPER 1.1 The Developer agrees to assume all risk in commencing installation of Township services on the Subdivision Lands, prior to the execution of an amended Subdivision Agreement with the Township. The Developer hereby releases the Township, its agents, servants and employees from and against all actions, suits, claims and demands whatsoever, which may arise either directly or indirectly as a result of the installation of Township services by the Developer. 1.2 The Developer acknowledges and agrees that, in the event that an amended Subdivision Agreement with the Township is not finalized for any reason, pre- servicing of the Subdivision Lands shall cease immediately. .. 1.3 The Developer acknowledges and agrees that engineering design plans and specification for the Township services to be installed by the Developer, as submitted to the Township, in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, may require further amendment as a result of requirements imposed by the Township under the terms of the amended Subdivision Agreement to be entered into for the Subdivision Lands. The Developer covenants and agrees to assume all risk and responsibility for the cost of required revisions to the engineering design drawings and specifications for the Township services, together with the costs of modifying, reconstructing, removing and/or replacing the Township services installed by the Developer, pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, in order to satisfy the requirements finally imposed by the Township at the time that the amended Subdivision Agreement is entered into. '" 1.4 The Developer acknowledges and agrees this approval relates only to the installation of the following Township services for Phase III, Stage IV, Section "8" (19 lots): 1. Earth moving 2. Granular "A" and "8" 3. Water mains - hydrants 4. Hydro 5. Base course asphalt 6. Drainage works ~ ~ 1.5 The Developer acknowledges and agrees that no work shall be carried out on any existing Township right-of-way, and that there shall be no connection to services on any Township right-of-way. 1.6 The Developer acknowledges and agrees that no work shall be carried out on lands not owned by the Developer, without the written consent of the owner to be filed with and approved by the Township. 1.7 The Developer acknowledges and agrees th;;>t all Servicing Plans must comply with Federal, Provincial and Township provisions. 2. REQUIREMENTS PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF WORK 2.1 The Developer agrees to submit the following to the Township, in a form satisfactory to the Township, prior to the commencement of the installation of Township services on the Subdivision Lands: a) A letter from a qualified Engineer experienced in the field of Township services confirming: 1. Retainer - That their firm has been retained by the Developers to act as Consulting Engineers for Monica Interior Design Ltd. 2. Terms of Retainer - The terms of their retainer with the Developer as follows: a) Plans and Specifications - Prepare plans and specifications for the construction of Township services; b) Cost Estimates - Prepare cost estimates for the Township services to be constructed from the drawings; c) Approvals - Obtain all necessary approvals to construct; d) Co-ordination - Co-ordinate the installation of Township services to avoid conflicts with regards to telephone, cable T.V. and Township services; e) On-Site Inspections - Ensure that all on-site inspections of Township service installations are conducted by the Developer's Consulting Engineers at all times during construction; f) As-Constructed Drawings - Submit certified "as-constructed" drawings after acceptance of the Township services; g) Change in Retainer - If at any time during the project: i) The terms of their retainer are changed by the Developer, or; ii) If they become aware that they will not be able to provide "as-constructed" drawings, they will notify the Township within twenty-four (24) hours; h) Erosion and Siltation Control - Ensure all necessary precautions are taken to prevent erosion and sedimentation of sewers, ditches, culverts, slopes, etc., both within the subdivision and downstream, prior to and during construction. b) Confirmation letters are to be filed with the Township Clerk, confirming the following: 1) The Township Engineer has no objection to the pre-servicing; 2) The Planning Department has no objection to the pre-servicing; 3) The Township Solicitors have no legal objections to the pre-servicing. 3 .. . - r??~ c) Payment of cash or certified cheque required to cover the cost of the Township's lawyer and Planner for all costs involved in processing the Pre- Servicing Agreement, and for all the Township's Engineers for checking of plans, specifications and inspection on behalf of the Township for the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00). As accounts are received from the Township Planner, lawyer, and Engineer, they will be paid by the Township and then submitted to the Developer for reimbursement within thirty (30) days. In the event that the deposit is drawn down to a level of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) or less, and the Developer does not pay the accounts within thirty (30) days, it is hereby understood and agreed that the Developer is in default of this Agreement and all work must cease; . d) A Letter of Credit, as per Schedule "C", in the amount set out in Schedule "B", attached, as security to ensure the due completion of the Township services to be constructed by the Developer, and as security to be held by the Township for the warranty periods to be more particularly described in the amended Subdivision Agreement for the Subdivision Lands. The said Letter of Credit shall provide that if in the sole opinion of the Township, default under the terms of this Agreement has taken place, the said Letter of Credit may thereupon be drawn upon in whole or in part; e) A certified copy of an insurance policy, or a certificate of insurance, confirming comprehensive general liability in the amount of Five Million Dollars, ($5,000,000.00), naming the Township as co-insured, and containing the following additional provisions or endorsements: 1) Products/Completed Operations provisions; 2) Cross-liability clause; 3) Blasting included, only if done by an independent contractor; 4) Notice of Cancellation - a provision that the insurance company agrees to notify the Township within fifteen (15) days, in advance, of any cancellation or expiry of the said insurance policy. f) All servicing plans shall be submitted to and accepted by the Township Engineer; g) The Ministry of the Environment and Energy has given technical approval to the servicing plans. 3. INSPECTION BY THE TOWNSHIP ,J 3.1 The Developer agrees to permit unrestricted access to the Subdivision Lands to the Township and its agents for the purpose of inspection of the Township services to be installed by the Developer. Notwithstanding that inspections may be conducted by the Township or its agents, the Developer shall bear sole responsibility for the soundness of the engineering design of the Township services, and for ensuring that the Township services to be installed will function, as intended, and will be compatible with the final Plan of Subdivision when and if such Plan of Subdivision is approved. 3.2 If, in the opinion of the Township, there is an emergency situation as a result of any work undertaken by the Developer or its servants, or agents, which requires immediate attention to avoid damage to private or public property or services owned by the Township or to eliminate a potential hazard to persons, such work may be done immediately by the Township at the expense of the Developer, but notice shall be given to the Developer at the earliest possible time. /" ~o 4. APPLICATION OF SECURITY 4.1 In the event of default by the Developer under the terms of this Agreement, or if the Township is required to enter onto the Subdivision Lands or the abutting Township lands to conduct any work on the Township services or the connection of the Township services to facilities due to an emergency, the Township shall be entitled to draw upon the security posted by the Developer pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, in whole or in part, to cover the costs incurred by the Township in remedying the default on the part of the Developer, or in addressing the emergency situation. 5. NO REDUCTION OF SECURITY 5.1 The Developer acknowledges and agrees that no reduction in the amount of security filed by the Developer with the Township, in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, shall be permitted until such time as the Developer has entered into the amended Subdivision Agreement for the Subdivision Lands with the Township. Thereafter, any reductions in the security posted by the Developer shall be completed in accordance with the terms of the said amended Subdivision Agreement. 6. NO ASSUMPTION OF TOWNSHIP SERVICES 6.1 The Developer acknowledges and agrees that the Township shall not be required to assume the Township services to be constructed by the Developer, pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, until such time as the Developer has entered into an amended Subdivision Agreement with the Township for the Subdivision Lands, and the Township services have been completed, inspected, and approved. 7. NOTICE 7.1 Any notice required to be given pursuant to this Agreement may be given by prepaid registered post to the Developer at the following address: 1950 Hwy. #7 West, Building "C", Unit #1 CONCORD, Ontario L4K 1W5 (905) 669-4011 and such notice shall be deemed to have been given and received on the third day after mailing. 8. NO ASSIGNMENT 8.1 The Developer shall not assign or otherwise transfer the benefit of this Agreement without the written consent of the Township, which may be unreasonably withheld. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Developer has hereunto set its hands and seals this J... '\ day of 1'1\ u..., ,2002. Per ~~ MONICA INT RIOR DESIGN LTD. Peter DeMartini, C.S.O. Has the Authority to Bind the Corporation PER: ~~ ~ MODCO INVESTMENTS LTD. Renee DeMartini, C.S.O. Has the Authority to Bind the corporation.~ ~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Township has hereunto sets its hands and seals this day of , 2002. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ORO-MEDONTE Per: J. Neil Craig, Mayor Per: Marilyn Pennycook, Clerk 1'\ " .. .. ... SCHEDULE "A" / DESCRIPTION OF LANDS: Firstly: .. Part of PIN #74057-0310 (Lt) Part of Lots 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74 and 75, according to Registered Plan 51M-367, being designated as Parts 18 to 24, both inclusive on Plan 51 R-31153 Secondly: Part of PIN #74057-0311 (Lt) 'f Thirdly: d) Part of Lots 41, 42 and 43 and Part of Ironwood Trail stopped up and closed by Lt 494770, according to Registered Plan 51 M-367, being designated as Parts 7 and 8 on Plan 51R-31153. e) Part of Lots 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41,71,72 and 73; Part of Blocks 76 and 77; and Part of Ironwood Trail stopped up and closed by Lt 494770, being designated as Parts 10 to 17, both inclusive, and Parts 28 and 29 on Plan 51R-31153. f) Block 78, according to Registered Plan 51M-367. PIN #58533-0065 (Lt) Block 79, according to Registered Plan 51M-367. Fourthly: PIN #58533-0064 (Lt) Fifthly: Sixthly: t Block 80, according to Registered Plan 51M-367. PIN #58533-0063 (Lt) Block 81, according to Registered Plan 51M-367. Part of PIN #58533-0204 (Lt) Part of Lot 1, Concession 7, designated as Parts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, according to Plan 51R-17872. All in the Township of Oro-Medonte, formerly in the Township of Oro, County of Simcoe. ~ SCHEDULE "B" CASH DEPOSITS TO BE FILED WITH THE TOWNSHIP: 1. Ensure erosion and siltation control and any works that may be required by Township forces as a result of work performed within the subdivision. TOTAL CASH DEPOSITS TO THE TOWNSHIP SECURITY TO BE DEPOSITED WITH THE TOWNSHIP 7 ~.~D $ ~,OOO.OO $ 20,000.00 -=- $ 3?~ ~ -> .. . .. . THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ORO-MEDONTE BY -LAW NO. 2002-064 BEING A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON WEDNESDAY, JUNE 05, 2002. .. THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ORO-MEDONTE HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: ., 1. THAT the action of the Council at its Council Meeting held on Wednesday, June 5, 2002, and in respect to each Motion, Resolution and other actions passed and taken by the Council at its said Meeting is, except where prior approval of the Ontario Municipal Board is required, hereby adopted, ratified and confirm. 2. THAT the Mayor and the proper Officials of the Township are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the said action or to obtain approvals where required and to execute all documents as may be necessary on behalf of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Oro-Medonte. And, the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to affix the corporate seal to all said documents. BY-LAW READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 5th DAY OF JUNE, 2002. BY-LAW READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 2002. DAY OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ORO-MEDONTE Mayor, Neil Craig Clerk, Marilyn Pennycook