07 04 2001 Council Minutes ~,i 'fi --: THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ORO-MEDONTE COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES " i" I Wednesday, July 4, 2001 TIME: 7:00 p.m. SEVENTEENTH MEETING 2000-2003 COUNCIL e Council met this evening @ 7:05 p.m. with the following members present: u " Ii 11 f.' Ii , I )j Present: Mayor Ian Beard Deputy Mayor Neil Craig Councillor Walter Dickie Counciflor Ralph Hough Councillor Paul Marshall Councillor Harry Hughes Councillor Ruth Fountain ii , " Ii [I :1 I' II I !i Staff Present: Jennifer Zieleniewski, CAO; Marilyn Pennycook, Clerk Also Present: Walter Connell (EZ Rock); Greg McCullough (KICX- FM); Jenn McKay (Packet and Times) Ii Ii Ii I' i' 1. Mayor Ian Beard assumed the chair and called the meeting to order, followed by a moment of reflection. , , I i! Ii 2. ADOPTION OF AGENDA: Motion No.1 Moved by Marshall, Seconded by Hughes :1 Ii , I I Be it resolved that the agenda for the Council Meeting dated Wednesday, July 4, 2001 be adopted as printed and circulated with the addition of the following: 5. RECOGNITION OF ACHIEVEMENTS: a) Mayor Beard, Recognition re: Councillor Dickie's Unanimous Acclamation as President of The Lake Simcoe Regional Airport Commission. 9. REPORTS OF MUNICIPAL OFFICERS: c) Marilyn Pennycook, Clerk, Additions to Agenda for Special Council Meeting scheduled for Monday, July 16, 2001. 10. COMMUNICATIONS: n) Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury reo Applications to the Courts, County of Simcoe Reorganization Study. 11. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES: b) Minutes of the Joint Recreation Advisory and Trail Advisory Committees Meeting held on Tuesday, July 3, 2001. 13. UNFINISHED OR NEW BUSINESS: a) Councillor Marshall, discussion re Eleanor Brown's Petition, Line 2 Road Conditions. b) Councillor Marshall, discussion re Livestock Evaluators. c) Councillor Fountain, discussion re Report on 10th Line Construction. e Carried. "i ~, l! 3. "DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND GENERAL NATURE THEREOF - IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ACT" Ii H None. . i 4. RECOGNITION OF ACHIEVEMENTS: Mayor Beard congratulated Councillor Walter Dickie on behalf of Council and staff on his unanimous acclamation as President of The Lake Simcoe Regional Airport Commission for the 2001 term. 5. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS: a) Minutes of the Council Meeting held Wednesday, June 20,2001. Motion No.2 Moved by Fountain, Seconded by Marshall Be it resolved that the minutes of the Regular Council meeting held on Wednesday, June 20, 2001 be received and adopted. Carried. 6. CONSENT AGENDA: Nil. 7. DEPUTATIONS: Nil. 8. REPORTS OF MUNICIPAL OFFICERS: a) Report No. ES2001-28, Keith Mathieson, Director of Engineering and Envircnmental Services, re: Heights of Moonstone (Bachly Subdivision), request for a reduction in their Letter of Credit. Motion No.3 Moved by Marshall, Seconded by Hughes . Be it resolved that Report No. ES2001-28 by Keith Mathieson, Director of Engineering and Envircnmental Services, re: Heights of Moonstone (Bachly Subdivision) request for a reduction in the Letter of Credit be received and adopted, and that the Treasurer be authorized to reduce the Letter of Credit for Heights of Moonstone Subdivision from $583,281.00 to $410,378.68. Carried. Ii 2 Ii . , , 4 i , , i b) Report No. ES2001-29, Keith Mathieson, Director of Engineering and Environmental Services, rei Purchase of Chlorine and Turbidity Analyzers. 1']1 Motion No.4 e Moved by Marshall, Seconded by Fountain " Ii Be it resolved that Report No. ES2001-29 by Keith Mathieson, Director of Engineering and Environmental Services, re: Purchase of Chlorine and Turbidity Analyzers be received and adopted, and that the quote received from Metcon Sales and Engineering Ltd. for $19,000.00 per water system be accepted, and further that Metcon Sales and Engineering Ltd. be so advised. , Ii! Ii Ii: ! i 'I Carried. c) Marilyn Pennycook, Clerk, Additions to Agenda for Special Council Meeting scheduled for Monday, July 16, 2001. Motion No.5 ii Moved by Hughes, Seconded by Marshall i I: I' Ii ii " Ii U Be it resolved that the following additions be made to the agenda for the Special Council Meeting scheduled for Monday, July 16, 2001: Report by Kim Allen, Facilities Manager/Manager of Building Services re: Horseshoe Valley Property Owners Planter Program; ji Report by Andria Leigh, Township Planner rei Proposed Rezoning for 25 unit Inn at Hardwood Hills, Conc. 6, PI. Lot 10 & 11 (Oro); Ii Report by Jennifer Zieleniewski, CAO, re: Property Matter (to be held In-Camera). i' , Verbal Report by Jennifer Zieleniewski, CAO, re: Prcperty Matter (to be held In-Camera). Councillor Dickie, discussion re: Property Matter (to be held In- Camera). Carried. 9. COMMUNICA TJONS: a) Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority, Minutes of Meeting held on Friday, May 25,2001. . Motion No.6 Moved by Marshall, Seconded by Fountain Be it resolved that the Minutes of the Meeting of The Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority held on Friday, May 25,2001 be received. Carried. 3 !:' ~, : .1 I' U Ii Ii j! I I b) Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority, Minutes of Meeting held on Friday, June 22, 2001. . Ii 1 i (; , I Motion No. 7 Moved by Hughes, Seconded by Marshall Be it resolved that the Minutes of a Meeting of The Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority held on Friday, June 22, 2001 be received. , i ii Ii Ii Carried. , c) Simcoe Community Access Network, correspondence re: request to place underground fibre optic cables along the abandoned rail line between Barrie and Orillia. I: " " , i 1" Motion No.8 (Amendment) Moved by Craig, Seconded by Fountain Ii 'i 'i il Ii Be it resolved that the resolution stating that "the correspondence from The Simcoe Community Access Network re: request to place undergrcund fibre optic cables along the abandoned rail line between Barrie and OriJIia be received and referred to staff for a report" be amended to read "that the report on the Simcoe Community Access Network be brought back to the Special Council meeting of July 16, 2001." , ii 11 i' " I'"~ I I I I , Carried. Motion No.9 Moved by Hughes, Seconded by Fountain Be it resolved that the correspondence from The Simcoe Community Access Network re: request to place undergrcund fibre optic cables along the abandoned rail line between Barrie and Orillia be received and referred to staff for a report and that the report on the SCAN be brought back to the Special Council meeting of July 16, 2001. Carried as Amended. I' d) Township of Springwater, Notice of Committee of Adjustment Application re: Part of Lot 67, Conc. 1, former Township of Medonte, now in the Township of Springwater, 5662 Penetanguishene Road. . Motion No. 10 Moved by Fountain, Seconded by Marshall Be it resolved that the Notice of Committee of Adjustment Application frcm The Township of Springwater re: Part of Lot 67, Conc. 1, former Township of Medonte, now in the Township of Springwater, 5662 Penetanguishene Road be received. Carried. 4 Ii .,: !i e) Township of Springwater, Notice of Committee of Adjustment Application re: Part Lot 64, Conc. 1, OS, former Township of Medonte, now in the Township of Springwater, 2466 South Orr Lake Road. i: Motion No. 11 . I ! ! Moved by Marshall, Seconded by Fountain Be it resolved that the Notice of Committee of Adjustment Application frcm The Township of Springwater re: Part Lot 64, Conc. 1, OS, former Township of Medonte, now in the Township of Springwater, 2466 South Orr Lake Road be received. , , ! , , i , 1 I ! , , I Carried. f) The Premier of Ontario, correspondence re: Photo Radar Prcgram. Motion No. 12 Moved by Hughes, Seconded by Marshall Be it resolved that the correspondence frcm The Premier of Ontario re: Photo Radar Program be received. Carried. g) Ontario Provincial Police, correspondence re: Speeding Complaint, Line 15 between Hwy. 12 and Bass Lake Side Road. Motion No. 13 Moved by Marshall, Seconded by Fountain Be it resolved that the correspondence frcm The Ontario Provincial Police re: Speeding Complaint, Line 15 between Hwy. 12 and Bass Lake Side Road be received, and that this correspondence be copied to residents who have submitted correspondence in this regard. Carried. h) Simcoe County District Health Unit, correspondence re: Municipal Alcohol Policy. Motion No. 14 e Moved by Hough, Seconded by Craig Be it resolved that the correspondence from The Simcoe County District Health Unit re: Municipal Alcohol Policy be received. I' Carried. 5 i i .; I,' " i) Simcoe County District Health Unit, correspondence re: No-Smoking By-laws. Motion No. 15 I ii Moved by Craig, Seconded by Hough . Be it resolved that the correspondence frcm The Simcoe County District Health Unit re: No-Smoking By-laws be received and referred to staff to request the Medical Officer of Health to prcvide a presentation to Council. I, i i !' Carried. j) Irena-Wieslawa (Versha) Szczebior, correspondence re: Neighbouring Industrial/Commercial Enterprises. Motion No. 16 Moved by Craig, Seconded by Dickie i i Ii I: I' Be it resolved that the correspondence from Irena-Wieslawa (Versha) Szczebior re: Neighbouring Industrial/Commercial Enterprises be received and referred to staff for a report. Ii " ii Carried. I I I , , Ii i' Ii Ii ! k) Chief Justice, Ontario Court of Justice, correspondence re: Provincial Offences - Judicial Resources. Motion No. 17 " ii >' Moved by Dickie, Seconded by Hough , Ii Be it resolved that the correspondence frcm The Chief Justice, Ontario Court of Justice re: Prcvincial Offences - Judicial Resources be received. Carried. I) Lake Simcoe Regional Airport, Minutes of Annual General Meeting held on Thursday, May 17, 2001. Motion No. 18 , Moved by Hough, Seconded by Craig Be it resolved that the Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the Lake Simcoe Regional Airport held on Thursday, May 17, 2001 be received. Carried. m) Lake Simcoe Regional Airport, Minutes of Meeting held on Thursday, May 17, 2001. . Motion No. 19 Moved by Craig, Seconded by Hough i Ii Be it resolved that the Minutes of a Meeting of the Lake Simcoe Regional Airport held on Thursday, May 17, 2001 be received. Carried. 6 . I: Ii Ii " " I' !i <: ii , , , , i I I I I ,! I' , Ii I , Ii il I' H iI i; !I i ! ii , i, Ii I Ii . n) Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury re: Applications to the Courts, County of Simcoe Reorganization Study. Motion No. 20 (Amendment) Ii Ii " I; Ii 11 " I Moved by Dickie, Seconded by Fountain Be it resolved that the resolution stating that "the correspondence dated July 4, 2001 from Bradford West Gwillimbury re: Applications to the Courts, County of Simcoe Reorganization Study be received" be amended to read "that the Council of The Township of Orc-Medonte will not support the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury in legal costs re: Applications to the Courts, County of Simcoe Reorganization Study". ii 'i Recorded Vote Requested by Councillor Hough I' Ii Ii I: Ii Ii ii Ii ii II 'I Deputy Mayor Craig Councillor Dickie Councillor Fountain Councillor Hough Councillor Hughes Councillor Marshall Mayor Beard Yea Yea Yea Nay Nay Nay Yea Carried. Motion No. 21 Moved by Hughes, Seconded by Fountain , 1 I: Ii Be it resolved that the correspondence dated July 4, 2001 from Bradford West Gwillimbury re: Applications to the Courts, County of Simcoe Reorganization Study be received and that the Council of The Township of Orc-Medonte will not support the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury in legal costs re: Applications to the Courts, County of Simcoe Reorganization Study. I " " ii I' 11 Ii " [I Ii ii Carried As Amended. ii ji 10. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES: , i; ii II :i il , ii 'I Ii i: i' a) Minutes of the Committee of the Whole Meeting held Wednesday, June 27, 2001. i! ii , ii I' Motion No. 22 Moved by Craig, Seconded by Dickie Ii Be it resolved that the Minutes of the Committee of the Whole Meeting held Wednesday, June 27,2001 be received and the recommendations therein be adopted. " " Ii :1 Ii Ii i, " Carried. I! !i i' , ij 7 !i " :~ ~ ii . Ii , II Ii '! i' Ii , I , ii " ,I I , II . !i !i , l' , i I i II " " H " II :; 'I ii ii i' i: b) Minutes of the Joint Recreation Advisory and Trail Advisory Committees Meeting held on Tuesday, July 3, 2001. ,j Ii " II , Ii , i Motion No. 23 ji 'I ': i' , ii Ii Moved by Craig, Seconded by Dickie Ii , Be it resolved that the Minutes of the Joint Meeting of the Recreation Advisory and Trail Advisory Committees held on Tuesday, July 3, 2001 be received as amended to include Councillor Marshall. " ii " !i ii Carried As Amended. " :! Motion No. 24 i ii ii , ,i :1 Ii ,I '! Moved by Dickie, Seconded by Hough Be it resolved that the recommendation of the Recreation Advisory Committee and the Trail Advisory Committee at their joint meeting held on Tuesday, July 3, 2001 that the official name of the Oro-Medonte Recreation Trail be "Lake Country Orc-Medonte Railtrail" be adopted. I; I: Ii !i ! !I ii :1 ii " II Ii I: , ,I " Ii Ii " Ii ii :; !i '! ii 'I ii if Ii Ii Carried. Ii I: " " " 11. PETITIONS: Nil. 12. UNFINISHED OR NEW BUSINESS: I I a) Councillor Marshall, discussion re: Eleanor Brown's petition re: Line 2 Road Ii Conditions. Councillor Marshall requested that Eleanor Brcwn be advised of Council's receipt and referral of this petition. " " :1 ii Ii 11 Ii Ii :, , Ii , b) Councillor Marshall, discussion re: Livestock Evaluators. Councillor Marshall requested an update from staff on this matter. , ii , i! " i! Ii 'i Ii c) Councillor Fountain, verbal report on 10th Line Concession, south of Ridge Road to Lakeshore. Councillor Fountain requested an update frcm staff on this matter. ,; , , I' Ii ii 1 13. IN-CAMERA: Ii !i Nil. ii i !i I: , , I Ii 'I i: Ii !i Ii j; i' , 1 8 Ii i; i! ..: ~ ! 14. CONFIRMATION BY-LAW: i I' Motion No. 25 . , ! i i i ji Moved by Dickie, Seconded by Hough Be it resolved that a By-law to confirm the prcceedings of the Council meeting held on Wednesday, July 4, 2001 be introduced and read a first and second time and numbered By-law No. 2001-65. j'; i, I; ii Carried. Ii 'I That By-law No. 2001-65 be read a third time and finally passed, be engrcssed by the Clerk, signed and sealed by the Mayor. 'I Carried. , I I I i'j 15. ADJOURN: !I! Motion No. 26 Moved by Hough, Seconded by Craig Ii " I: , i I: I: Ii , Ii , I: Ii Be it resolved that we do now adjourn at 8:40 p.m. Carried. i ii Ii ii , !,! iJ . ,.4 ." ,? " :;; fe" " kC^~ I) C cL..ji Mayor Ian Beard / 9