11 06 1985 Council Minutes . . . Pg. 234 COUNCIL CHAMBERS - NOVEMBER 6, 1985 TWENTIETH MEETING Oro Council met this mornIng pursuant to adjournment at 9:00 a.m. with the following members present: Reeve Deputy Reeve Counc i llors S.C.G. Davie Joanna McEwen R. Drury 1. Halfacre A. Johnson Opening - Reeve opened the meeting at 9:00 a.m. with prayer Declaration sclosure of Conflict of Interest None Declared Minutes On motion of McEwen and Halfacre that the minutes of the last regular meeting of October 16, 1985 be confirmed as printed and received. Correspondence, Communications, etc. - requiring action of Council (a) Presented letter from City of Barrie forwarding resolution of City Council passed at their meeting held on October 15, 1985 as follows: "That we direct all inquiries regarding a Central Dispatch Service for Fire Departments to the County of Simcoe and request them to conduct a study into the feasibility of establishing this serVIce based on the need and interest as exhibited by their member municipalities. II And that Oro and Medonte Townships be informed of City Council IS decision and that they be directed to contact the County of Simcoe also further that any questions be directed to Mr. J. McAllister, Fire Chief City of Barrie. On motion of Halfacre and Drury that the letter be received and filed for reference, a copy of same be forwarded to the Township Fire Chief and Deputy Fire Chief. (b) Presented copy of notice of understanding as signed by the Township of Oro Deputy Fire Chief, which sets out that Motorola Canada has intent to take over the tower and signalling facilities located in the Township of Oro and that the Township of Oro Fire Department have no objection to the transfer of lease or any agreement presently in effect. On motion of Halfacre and Drury that the notice of understanding, signed on behalf of the Township of Oro Fire Dept. by the Deputy Fire Chief, on October 23, 1985, be received and filed for reference. (c) Presented a letter from D. Shobridge, owner of Lot 25, Plan 728, Township of Oro with respect to proposal to extend Robinson Street, advising that for the record, he is in favour of the proposed extension. And, letter from Marion G. Phillips, Lot "A", Plan 1199, Conc. 12 advising that because of existing drainage problems she is opposed to any extension to Robinson Street and that her name and that of Albert and Elizabeth Williams should have been on the petition circulated by residents opposing the project and that a reply would be appreciated. On motion of Johnson and Drury that both letters be received and filed for reference along with letters and petitions previously received and filed. And further that a reply be forwarded to Mrs. Marion Phillips. . . . Pg. 235 H MEETING - NOVEMBER 6 1985 (d) Presented letter from County of Simcoe Resource Development Department with respect to 'Site Selection'86 Participation', requesting input as to providing information suitable for distribution at the exhibition. On motion of Halfacre and Drury that the letter be received and filed. (e) Letter from S. Dixon, Plan 875 with respect to Street Light costs added to tax notice for the street lights installed on Plan 875 and objecting to paying of the costs added to the 1985 tax notice which had been apportioned to his property since benefits will be received and the proposed plan for installation of the lights had been approved by the majority along Parkside Drive. Mr. Dixon is not in agreement to participating in cost sharing. On motion of Drury and Johnson that the letter be received and Clerk to reply that the majority along Parkside Drive were in agreement to have lights installed. (f) Copy of letter from the Ontario Municipal Board to Stephen Davie re: O.M.B. Files C850254 & C850255 appeals by Stephen Davie and Ross Bradley - applications #B13/85 & #B14/85 Township of Oro, in response to telegram of October 28, 1985 advising that these appeals have been withdrawn. In view of such notice the Board hearing on this matter, scheduled to be held on Monday, November 18, 1985 at 10:30 a.m. has been cancelled. Councillor Johnson declared conflict of interest at 9:25 regarding letter from O.M.B. File No. 's C850254 and C850255. On motion of McEwen and Halfacre that a copy of the letter advising that as a result of appeals to File B13/85 and B14/85 having been withdrawn, the Board Hearing on this matter, scheduled to be held on November 18, 1985 at 10:30 a.m. has been cancelled, be received and filed for reference. Councillor Johnson returned to the meeting. (g) Letter from Skelton, Brumwell and Associates Ltd. re: Audubon Subdivision - Walkway on Draft Plan, their File No. PiN 84-584, in reply to Township letter of October 18, 1985, forwarding Oro Council's resolution passed at a meeting held on October 16, 1985 with respect to alternative walkway on the proposed development by Audubon Estates and requesting copy of the proposed reVISIon. Also copy of drawing showing the red line revision (Drawing No. 84584-2). On motion of Johnson and Halfacre that Mr. Skelton, of Skelton Brumwell & Assoc. Ltd. requested to appear before Council re: walkway. (h) Memorandum from Douglas S. Christie, Township Solicitor, along with copy of letter to Ralph Leigh forwarding duplicate registered deed from the Township of Oro to Ralph Leigh, registered September 23, 1985 as Instrument No. 877992 according to lands shown on Plan 51R-13350. Also copy of deed from Ralph Leigh to Township of Oro, the said deed has not been returned from Land Titles and that as soon as the deed is returned, the Township will be advised. On motion of Halfacre and Johnson that the memordanum and copy of letter to Ralph Leigh be received and filed until further correspondence has been received from the Solicitor. (i) Letter from Chairman, South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority enclosing copy of Final Report and Recommendations of the Steering Committee 1985 and copy of 1985 LSEMSS Presentation of Closing Remarks by the Chairman. On motion of Drury and Halfacre that the Steering Committee 1985 and copy of 1985 October 10, 1985, be received and filed. wishing to review same. letter and copy of Final Report and Recommendations of the LSEMSS Presentation of Closing of Remarks by Chairman on Copy of same be made available to all members of Council .. . . . ....... Pg. 236 TWENTIETH MEETING - NOVEMBER 6, 1985 (j) Copy of letter from Douglas S. Christie, Township Solicitor to Ministry of Natural Resources re: Applications to increase Tonnage by E.R. Alexander Construction Co. Ltd. and Allan G. Cook Limited, advising that the Township objects to any increase in the existing tonnages until such time as the concerns expressed in the Township Consultants Report are either dealt with by agreement with the Pit Operators or by way of licence. Clerk further advised that the Solicitor had requested that Ainley & Associates be asked to contact William Fitzgerald at the Ministry of Natural Resources regarding the report prepared by the Township Engineers for further clarification. Clerk reported that Mr. Ron Robinson of Ainley & Associates had been contacted and was to respond to request of Solicitor and advise the Township of the results. On motion of Johnson and McEwen that copy of letter be received and filed until further information has been received. Treasurer's Report of Receipts Treasurer presented receipts for the month of October as follows: Deposit Dates: Oct. 3 11 17 25 $ 49,341.61 26,107.46 6,553.24 32,869.19 $114,871.50 On motion of McEwen and Halfacre that the receipts for the month as presented in accordance with copies of Computer Print-Out as received by each member of Council be received and a copy of the Computer Print-Out be appended to the original Council minutes of this meeting. Treasurer's Report of Accounts Accounts for the period ending November 6, 1985 as per Computer Print-Out presented to each Council Member for review, were considered for the following amounts: Manual Cheque Register: Nov. 6/85 $ 12,010.22 Computer-Printed Cheque Register Nov. 6/85 Payroll Oct. 24 $103,328.82 20,815.92 $136,154.96 On motion of Drury and Johnson that the accounts as presented and in accordance with Computer Print-Out for the period ending November 6, 1985 be approved for payment and Computer Print- Out for accounts as approved, be appended to the original Council Minutes of this meeting. Deputations and Appointments 9:30 a.m. Photographer - Council photo 11:30 a.m. - Hawkestone Police Village Trustees re: Post Office Accommodation H.P.V. of Munici Officers 10:00 a.m. 10:15 a.m. 10:30 a.m. - Road Supt Report Chief Building Official Administrator/Treasurer . . . Pg. 237 ING - NOVEMBER 6 1985 The Road Supt. Fred Haughton was present at 10:00 a.m. to present his report for the month of October. Verbal Report of Road Supt.: Shanty Bay - Jo-Con Dev. Plan M-66 - deficiencies have been corrected. reported on complaint from ratepayer on Plan 709 regarding cutting of trees for reconstruction of Line 5. - Winter Sand - contract completed. On motion of Halfacre and Johnson that the Road Supt. be authorized to attend November 25, 1985 day seminar at Georgian College, Special TOPOS Workshop. On motion of McEwen and Johnson that the report of the Road Supt. and accounts for work done during the month of October be accepted as satisfactory and Treasurer authorized to issue cheques in pay- ment of same to a total of $24,968.18. The Chief Building Official was present at 10:15 a.m. to present his report for the month of October as follows: Monthl rt for the Month of October 1985 There were 26 building and 6 plumbing permits issued with a breakdown as follows: 6 residences at a value of 10 accessory buildings at a value of 3 additions at a value of 2 alterations at a value of 4 commercial at a value of 1 moving $ 231,450.00 53,600.00 41,000.00 2,000.00 192,400.00 $ 520,450.00 Money received for permits $ 2,201.00 $ 533,830.00 Value of permits for Oct. 1984 On motion of Johnson and Drury that the report of the Chief Building Official as presented and distributed to members of Council be received and filed. Report of Administrator/Treasurer - 10:30 a.m. (a) Tender was received for two-door ledger safe. As a result of advertisement in the Barrie Examiner and Orillia Packet and Times, one tender was received as follows: 1. Roger Dunn North Street Unit 7 Barrie, Ontario $ 175.00 On motion of McEwen and Halfacre that the highest tender for the two-door ledger safe from Roger Dunn for $175.00 be accepted. . . . Pg. 238 TWENTIETH MEETING NOVEMBER 6, 1985 (b) Administrator's Report on applications received for the accommodation at Oro Memorial Park. On motion of Johnson and McEwen that the Report of the Administrator as presented be received and adopted and that the lease as prepared by the Township Solicitor be signed by the Reeve and Clerk on behalf of the Corporation and that a signed copy be presented to the tenant. On motion of McEwen and Johnson that Council go into Committee of the Whole at 10:35 a.m. to con- sider a Confidential Report of the Administrator regarding applications for full time Fire Chief. (c) Confidential Report - Position of Fire Chief, Township of Oro While in Committee of the Whole, Mrs. Elaine Davie was asked to attend on another item discussed by Council. On motion of McEwen and Halfacre that Council come out of Committee of the Whole at 11:20 a.m. On motion of Halfacre and Drury that the Report of the Administrator with respect to applications for full-time Fire Chief be received and adopted as amended. H.P.V. Trustees present - Ralph Leigh John O'Kurily Clerk presented letter from W.M. MacKay, Regional Manager, Property Administration, Public Works Canada further to telephone conversation with the Clerk, confirming request on behalf of Canada Post Corporation to seek permission to locate a Post Office Trailer on Municipal lands in the Police Village of Hawkestone Township of Oro. Request being further to an on-site meeting with Trustees H.P.V. by R.E. DeMara along with Hawkestone Community Hall committee members, Bonnie Shelswell and Beverly Johnson. On motion of Halfacre and Johnson that the presentation and recommendation of the Hawkestone Police Village Trustees, regarding Canada Post Corporation requesting permission to place a Trailer as a facility for a Post Office in the Police Village of Hawkestone on part W~ Lot 22, Concession 12, be received along with letter from Public Works Canada (Regional Manager Property Administration). And that Oro Council would have no objection to the placing of a Trailer subject to normal approval of Simcoe County District Health Unit for the placing of a structure and necessary requirements of Township By-law for a Permit. II dence Communications - received and/or forwarded as follows: - Ministry of Skills Development re: New Youth Program aimed at Hard to Employ - Royal York re: accommodation for O.G.R.A. Convention advising that reservations have been referred to Harbour Castle Hilton Hotel - Letter from N.V.C.A. requesting copy of Township Crest and/or lapel pin and copy of Clerk's letter forwarding same - Copy of letter to Bob Richard, Lot 71, Plan 780, Conc. 14, Township of Oro re: application to remove rocks along bank and in lake according to sketch attached and approval granted by Ministry of Natural Resources - Letter from the Hon. Jack Riddell, Min. of Agriculture and Food acknowledging receipt of Township letter with respect to World Food Day. - Allan K. McLean, M.P.P. Simcoe East - letter acknowledging receipt of resolution regarding the Township of Onondaga. - Letter from Ministry of the Environment, Environmental Approvals and Project Engineering Branch - M.O.E. Short Survey Form for Underground Services and copy of completed form as returned by the Clerk. . . . Pg. 239 TWENTIETH MEETING - NOVEMBER 6, 1985 - O.G.R.A. request for resolutions and proposal of names and recognition of Long Service in the cause of Good Roads, which are to be forwarded prior to December 31, 1985. Letter from Robert Lehman Planning Consultants Ltd. requesting appropriate notice on Township letterhead, signed by the Clerk for requirements under Section 17 of the Planning Act - copy of same forwarded on October 21, 1985. - Letter from J.R. Hunter of Ricketts, Harris, Kechie confirming that the E Part of Lot g, Conc. 6 is available for acquisition around the figure quoted in previous correspondence. Report No.7 of the Health and Hospital Services Committee - County of Simcoe. - S.C.B.E. copy of Update - Board Meeting Highlights. - Office of the Treasurer of Ontario - 1985 Ontario Budget and copy of Discussion Paper - Reforming the Budget Process. - Ministry of Municipal Affairs - Issue of Background - October 21, 1985 - M.M.A. - letter forwarding Civil Services Commission Courses - participation by Municipal Staff - N.V.C.A. - Minutes of Community Relations Advisory Board Meeting - Sept. 21/85; Executive Committee Meeting Oct. 9/85; Water Management Advisory Board Meeting Sept. 18/85; Conservation and Land Use Advisory Board Meeting - Oct. 7/85; Water Management Advisory Board - Oct. 8/85. Copy of address by Rowland C. Freezee Chairman & Chief Executive Officer - The Royal Bank of Canada - entitled "Behind the Headlines - Canada's Banks" - Survey Plans - 51R-13911 - A.M.O. notice of change of address to Suite 805 - 100 University Avenue The Banff Centre School of Management - Executive Development Seminar - Energy Ontario - Fall issue of Fuel Saver On motion of Drury and Johnson that the correspondence, communications, etc., as presented be received and filed. Committee orts (a) Adoption of the Committee of the Whole meeting held on October 22, 1985 (Student Council present) and October 23, 1985. On motion of McEwen and Halfacre that the Committee of the Whole Meeting Report for meeting held on October 22, 1985 and which the Student Councils from East Oro and Guthrie Public School were present and Committee of the Whole Meeting of October 23, 1985 be adopted according to printed reports received. (b) Finance, Administration and Fire As a result of the Administrator's Report, the following resolutions were passed: On motion of Drury and Halfacre that the Township of Oro's full-time outside workers receIve a $200.00 per year clothing allowance and further that the Arena Manager and Mr. Allan Lapp receive a $150.00 per year clothing allowance. On motion of Johnson and Drury that the Treasurer be authorized to pay $4500.00 to Woods, Gordon In regards to their consulting services. (d) Plannin (i) Presented letter from Senior Planner, Plans Administration Branch with respect to oversight in Part 13, Section 2 of Amendment No. 22 which only refers to one portion of the property being re-designated. In fact, 2 are to re-designated. Copy of this letter advises the agencies to whom the amendment is circulated that two areas are to be re-designated. On motion of McEwen and Halfacre that the letter advising of coverage to agencies regarding areas being designated be received and filed. . . . Pg. 240 TWENTIETH MEETING - NOVEMBER 6, 1985 (e) Parks & Recreation Committee _ Verbal Report by Chairman of Parks & Recreation Committee _ Tenant has moved in at the Oro Memorial Park accommodation facility _ Committee held a meeting on November 5, 1985 By-laws - two by-laws as directed by Ministry of Municipal Affairs with respect to Amendment No. 23 and Amendment No. 24. (a) A By-law to adopt Amendment No. 23 to the Township of Oro Official Plan as circulated was on motion of Johnson and Drury and introduced and numbered as By-law No. 1420/85 and read a first and second time. On motion of Drury and Johnson that By-law No. 1420/85, read a first and second time be read a third time. On motion of Halfacre and McEwen that By-law No. 1420/85, now read a third time, do pass, be en- grossed by the Clerk, signed and sealed by the Reeve and notice of same be complied with in ac- cordance with the Planning Act. (b) A By-law to adopt Amendment No. 24 to the Township of Oro Official Plan as circulated, was on motion of Halfacre and Drury introduced and numbered as By-law No. 1421/85 and read a first time. On motion of Drury and Johnson that By-law No. 1421/85, read a first time be read a second time. On motion of McEwen and Halfacre that By-law No. 1421/85, now read a third time, do pass, be engrossed by the Clerk, signed and sealed by the Reeve and notice as required be carried out In accordance with the Planning Act. (c) Presented a draft by-law to accept "Petherwin Place" shown on Registered Plan No. 51M-205, within the Township of Oro Road System was presented along with schedule and copy of letter from M.T.C. advising of the on-side inspection and that the road has now been constructed to at least the minimum standards required by the Ministry. After review of the draft by-law, it was moved by Halfacre and seconded by Drury that a By-law to accept "Petherwin Place" as shown on Registered Plan No. 51M-205 within the Township of Oro Road System be introduced and numbered as By-law No. 1422/85, and read a first time. On motion of Drury and Johnson that By-law No. 1422/85 read a first time, be read a second time. On motion of Johnson and Drury that By-law No. 1422/85 read a second time be read a third time. On motion of McEwen and Halfacre that By-law No. 1422/85, now read a third time, do pass, be engrossed by the Clerk, signed and sealed by the Reeve and a copy of same be forwarded to the Ministry of Transportation and Communications as required and a copy be made available to the Township Road Supt. Also that the developer be advised of the by-law. Pg. 241 TWENTIETH MEETING - NOVEMBER 6, 1985 . (d) A By-law to amend a By-law was presented as recommended by the Administrator/Treasurer. On motion of Halfacre and McEwen that a By-law to amend By-law No. 1393/85 be introduced as By-law No. 1423/85 and read a first time. On motion of McEwen and Halfacre that By-law No. 1423/85, read a first time be read a second time. On motion of Halfacre and McEwen that By-law No. 1423/85, read a second time be read a third time. On motion of Drury and Johnson By-law No. 1423/85, now read a third time, do pass, be engrossed by the Clerk signed and sealed by the Reeve. (d) A By-law to amend By-law No. 1311/85 Dog Control By-law. On motion of Drury and Johnson that a By-law to amend By-law 1311/83, Dog Control By-law be introduced and numbered as By-law No. 1424/85 and read a first time. On motion of Halfacre and Drury By-law 1424/85 read a second time, be read a third time. On motion of McEwen and Drury that By-law No. 1424/85 now read a third time, do pass, be engrossed by the Clerk, signed and sealed by the Reeve. Other Business and Matters to be Pre . (a) Presented report of Live Stock Valuer, Ernest Bidwell for livestock killed, owned by Margaret Sweeny, Lot 20, Con. 2, one goat killed by dog or dogs, valued at $200.00 and necessary affadavit by owner of the livestock. On motion of Halfacre and Drury that the report of livestock valuer for one goat killed by dog or dogs, owned by Margaret Sweeny, be accepted and Treasurer authorized to issue cheque for same to a total of $200.00. (b) Presented from Township Tile Drainage Inspector, Andy Clark, Inspection and Completion Certificate (Form 8) for Tile Drainage work carried out by John McCuaig on Lot 19, Concession 4. The ap- plication for Tile Drainage Loan having been approved by Council at a meeting held on September 18, 1985, for a total expenditure of $5352.00 for which a loan is applicable in the amount of $3200.00, based on 60% of the total cost, subject to further allocation being made available to the municipality in which the Township had requested. On motion of Drury and Johnson that the Inspection and Completion Certificate (Form 8) be received ~and upon receipt of further allocation from the Province of Ontario through the Ministry of Agriculture and Food has been received, the necessary documentation be completed for the Tile Drainage Loan by John McCuaig be processed. And further that a copy of the completion of the work as shown on the completed Form 8, be forwarded to the Ministry of Agriculture and Food with request for consideration of additional allocation for 1985. (c) Presented letter from Dr. Andrew Robertson of DSMA Acton Ltd. forwarding report on the radiation survey of video display units (computer terminals and photocopier) as conducted on October 8, 1985 in the Oro Township Offices. The Report indicates no perceptible reading, ionIzIng radiation emissions from all units surveyed are therefore considerably lower than the applicable average exposure guideline level of 0.5 mR/h at a distance of 5 cm. . On motion of Halfacre and Drury that the report be received and filed for reference. ~ . . . Pg. 242 TWENTIETH MEETING - NOVEMBER 6, 1985 (d) Presented letter from Andy Brandt, M.P.P. to Reeve and members of Council with respect to Bill 24, an Act to Amend the Environmental Protection Act - known as the "Spills Bill." Copy of same having been made available to Council members. On motion of Halfacre and Johnson that the letter as presented and circulated be received. (e) Presented letter from Molnar Systems Group with respect to Extended Software Warranty Plan. On motion of Johnson and Drury that the Administrative Staff to contact Molnar Systems Group and obtain a quotation and report recommendations to Council. (f) Presented letter from Gordon Keith regarding Rowanwood Road, Plan 51M-224 with respect to maintenance of the road by the municipality. Clerk advised that the Road Supt. had a copy. On motion of Johnson and Drury that the Rowanwood item be referred to the Road Supt. for recom- mendations. (g) Presented letter from the Corporation of the Town of Durham forwarding resolution regarding a request to the Province of Ontario to amend the School Boards and Teachers Collective Negotiations Act. On motion of Halfacre and Johnson that the Township of Oro endorse the resolution of the Town of Durham with respect to amending of the School Boards and Teachers Collective Negotiations Act. (h) Presented letter from William S. Challis, Solicitor with Macaulay, Chusid, Lipson & Friedman, addressed to Oro Township Council with respect to fence erected between Part Lot 14 and remainder of Lot 14 and Lot 15, Plan 819. On motion of Drury and Halfacre that the confidential letter (h) on agenda of November 6, 1985 IS a civil matter and that Council take no further action. Confirmation aw On motion of Drury and Johnson that a By-law to confirm the proceedings of this meeting of Council held on November 6, 1985 and recommendations contained in the Report of the Committee of the Whole Meeting held on October 22nd and 23rd, 1985, be introduced as the draft by-law having been circulated and numbered as By-law No. 1425/85, now read a first time. On motion of Halfacre and Drury that By-law No. 1425/85 read a first and second time. On motion of Drury and Halfacre that By-law No. 1424/85, b~ read a third time. On motion of Johnson and Halfacre that By-law No. 1424/85, now read a third time, do pass, be engrossed by the Clerk, signed and sealed by the Reeve. Adjournment On motion of Halfacre and Drury that Council adjourn at 12:19 p.m. to meet agaIn on November 27, 1985 at 7:00 p.m. . e e THE TOWNSHIP OF ORO f1ANUAL CHEQUE REG 1'3TER DATE 85/11/05 PAGE 1 CHEQUE --------- VENDOR CHEQUE CTRL VENDOR INVOICE/CREDIT NOTE I NVOI CE NO NO NAME DATE PO # NO REFERENCE DE'3CRIPTION AI'1CiUNT M5720-ML 11075 CANADIAN IMP. BANI< DF CO~lM. 85/10/31 N5482-1 :1482 CHARGE X 976.22 M5721-ML G5483 GERRY HONEYWOOO 85/10/31 N5483-1 5483 WOLF DAMAGE 250.00 M5722-ML 05500 BARRIE PUBLIC LIBRARY 85/10/31 N5484-1 541.34 31W INSTf,LL MENl 6,916.86 M5723-'ML 1 CANADA POST CORPORATION 85/10/31 N5485-1 .:1.'.+8 ::' POSTAGE 1. 000. 00 1'15724-ML 61 DN1ARID MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES 85/10/31 N5486-1 5486 R BIDWELl WhITING PEfUD L103.32 M5725-ML 56800 HENRY NELWELD 85/10/31 N5487-1 5487 PE':TTY 40.85 M5726-ML 61700 DNlhRID HYDRO /10/31 N~,488-'1 5488 1402205 AREN{" l.b4B.91 M5727-ML 83800 TREASURER OF ONTARIO B5/10/31 N5489-1 5489 TILE DRAINAGE /74a 06 TOTAL MANUhL CHEQUES rOTAL FOR GENERAL FUND FUND= TREf\E';URER ~1{', VDE L ,"::;1 P AGE OF APPRDVED RESDLUTION NUMBER AT A MEETING OF COUNCIL HELD I '38UfIC1EMENT If CLERI' CHEDUE Ar'lOUNT 97b.22 250.00 b, 9H. 8b 1,000.00 40:1. :I;,' 40.8c' 1,64B.91 774.06 1;;:!,. 010. 2~! 12,010.22 e e CHEQUE NO VENDOR NAME NO 01643-CA 00500 AINLEY L ASSOCIATES 01644-CA 01100 BRUCE ANDERSON 01645-CA 03200 ATKINSON ELECTRONICS 01646-CA 05100 BANBURY FOOD 01647-CA 05125 BARRIE BUILDING CENTRE 01648-CA 05200 CITY OF BARRIE 01649-CA 05600 BARRIE SUPPLY 01650-CA 06000 BARRIE WELDING L MACHINE 01651.CA 07 K. J. BEAMISH CONST. LTD. 01652-CA 07500 BELL CANADA e DATE 85/11/05 PAGE CHEOUE DATE .-:,E TOWNE,HIP OF ORO ~* CHEQUE REGlfiTER ** CTRl VENDOR NO REFERENCE INVOICE/CREDIT NOTE DESCRIPTION INVOICE AI10UNT PAINT SUPPlIE,? ~,418 3035 PAINT ~,'109 j 708 AIR REFILLS 5410 4<,9865 BULBS :14~i.l 772::,0 PLOW PARTS 5435 77569 PAfns 85/11106 N5437-1 5437 A/l04024 COLD MIX 85/11/06 N5339-1 5339 487-3202 AliENA TF.LEPHONE N5340., 1 :!340 487"~)Ol{, OFFICE TELEPHONE N5411-1 5411 726-4839 EDGAR PHONE N5412-1 5412 722-8833 SHANTY BAY PHONE N5413-1 5413 487-5264 FHJG8Y PHONE N5414-1 5414 487-2417 Hi',WK nmE f'HONE N541:,-1 541 4Ei? 2414 H,\WK rSTONE PHONE N5416-1 5416 487-3030 RUGBY PHONE PO II 85/11/06 N5433-1 85/11/06 N5336-1 85/11/06 N5407-1 N5408-j 85/11/06 N5337-1 N533B-l 85/11/06 N534S--1 N5418-1 85/11/06 N5409-1 85/11/06 N5410-1 85/11/06 N5434-1 N5435-1 5433 285L~16-1 ROADS STREET INDEX 3:,0.00 5336 150.00 WOLF DAMAGE 5407 l\895 SERVICE DESK SET 5408 4887 SERVICE CODE 3 5337 2953 CUI"S 8{ PLATES ~}33H 99i~ CUPS ~{ STICKS 62.65 ~) 1. 36 12.75 22.45 ~) 3.Q :i 10:,.30 1;'.82 4.50 49.43 102..94 /;6.74 988.03 "\9.48 3"\3.06 30.50 29.85 13.54 90.36 109.48 116.71 e CHEDUE At-10UNT 350.00/ 150.00,...........-' 114.01..........- 35.2~ 1 18. 1 2-~. 4. 50~ 49.43-- 169.68-- 988.0 e .. CHEQUE NO NO ','ENDoR NAME " 01653-CA 07700 BERTRAM BROS BLDG MATERIALS 01654-CA 08000 B & I TRUCK 01655-CA 08200 BIRCH BUSINESS SYSTEMS CORP 01656-CA 09500 A.G. BRADt LTD. 01 CA 11075 CANADIAN IMP. BANK OF COf1f'1. 01658-CA 11400 CANADIAN OXYGEN LTD. 01660-CA 12900 CIMCO REFRIGERATION 1 1-CA 12910 ANDREW CLARK I662-CA 12950 JAMLS CLAYDEN 663-CA 13070 CODE FOUR RESCUE INC. OI664-CA 13500 STEPHEN COOK 01665-CA 15800 STEVE DAVIE 01666-CA 15900 E A DAVEY GRAVEL CO LTD e THE TOWNSHIP OF ORO ** CHEQUE REGISTER ** CHEQUE DATE PO # N5417-1 N5436' 1 85/11/06 N5341-1 85/11/06 N5438-1 N5439-1 85/11/06 N5342-1 85/11/06 N5343-1 344-1 85/11/06 N5346-1 85/11/06 N5440-1 N5441 1 D5/11 /0 i\~~;348" 8:1/11 lOt, N~)349- DATE 85/11/05 PAGE 2 CTRL VENoOf~ NO REFERENCE INVOICE/CREDIT NOTE DESCRIPTION INVOICE AMOUNT 5417 728,35:,2 SHANTY BAY/EDGAR PHO :)4~il; 487-- 3211 ROADS PHONE 5341 85;'6-01 WDS BUILDING 5438 194M! BRAKE POD 5439 19700 !]EAL :,342 17648 RIBBONS :,343 28 OFFICE fES 128.08 183.88 4,837.50 83~ 25 5.91 45.58 ;'.90 PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS 5440 5 OB05 CYLHJDER RENTAL ,-,441 4231179 WEL.D I NG 01659-CA 12600 CHAMPION ROAD MACHINERY SALES 85/11/06 N5442-1 5442 249172 PAfns B:i/ 11 /06 N5347 1 =,3-1 65~~~ 96 PARTS ~ SUPPLIES 5344 ~)61 1 B. 51 OFFICE SUPPLIES :>'1.,6 1 ,9~~a~ ~.~u 310. 84 3:1. ~,2 ;;\ 1. 1.73 6~)~~w 9b ")34B 500.00 I N~3PEC T ION I"EES ::)]'19 1~}:,;} 2DO.00 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 85/11/0 N5419-1 5419 2011 BOOTS 85/11/06 N5362-1 5362 B5/11/06 N5351 1 5351 N:)352-'1 5352 B5/11/06 N5443-1 5443 196. 18 60.00 31'0 QUARTER HPV 161.74 3RD QUARTER EXPENSES 166.8 AMO EXf'FN'3ES ",4 3~,. 00 F!UHAL 140.00 01667-CA 16000 DELUXE JANITORIAL MAINTENANCE 85/11/06 N5353-1 5353 1;']. 34 o 66B-CA 16800 DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS 1669 CA 1 050 DOMINION LUMBER 0- 1 noo DollGL L INeOL N MERCLlF,\ NOVEMBER GARBAGE CON 8:,/11/0 N~,444-1 5444 ~J1 040 REPAIRS PNns N5445-1 5445 51039 f~EPAI I"ARTS N5446-1 544t 51038 REPAIRS PI\RTS 85/11/06 N5354-1 5354 4562 SUPF'L IES; 5 11/0 N54q7- 5447 427 174.95 21. 03 3 3? 0 j ~I e CHEQUE AMOUNT L 094.94/ 1 4. 837 . 50/ 89.1~ 45. 58~' 26.'T~ 10,958.2(1..../. 34.6. t~ a 11. 7 :3------- 652.90.-- OO.O(~ 200.00"'-- 196.18~ i,O.OO--- 3~?8. 63~ 6.435.00___ 140.0Q...- 317.32___- 339. o v--' 1:3. 7__ e CHEQUE NO VENDDR NAME NO 01671-CA 17600 DIANNE DUBEAU 01672-CA 18500 DYMENT-STUGLEY PRINTERS LTD. 01673-CA 24100 THE EXAMINER 01674-CA 25700 E. K. MACHINERY LTD. 01675-CA 28500 FRINK CANADA 01676-CA 30100 GARNER'S MENS WEAR AND 01677-CA 37000 HASTINGS ELECTRIC 01 7 fA 37 00 FRED HAlIGHHIN 01679-CA 37700 HAWKINS GARAGE 016BO'CA 41000 IDEAL ,,;UPPLY CO. LTD. e DATE 85/11/0 PAGE 3 THE TOWNSHIP OF ORD ** CHEDUE: PEG I S rEP ** CHEPUE DATE PO # 85/11/06 N5363-1 85/11/06 N=1420-j 85/11/06 N5355-1 N535t,., 1 N5357-1 N5358-1 85/11 1-<=,449' I N::,45D-'1 N5451-1 N5452- 1 85/11/06 N5448-1 CTRL VENDOR NO REFERENCE INVOICE/CREDIT NOTE DESCRIPTION INVOICE AMOUNT 5363 3RD QUARTER HPV 5420 2~'953 BALLOTS :135:\ ~.~H57? HOUSE RENTAL ~)356 59063 NOMINATIONS 5357 59061 ELECTOPS =)358 59064 NOMIN!\ TIONS :\449 ~) 7 8 6 PAliTS ~1450 7 9 PARTS 54:\ I 76~J.~d PART:3 54:\2 460 PMns 5448 60.00 610.86 146.81 59.85 102.30 82.65 63.28 65. 1 L1 16. 8~) ~) 1.84- 3.32 PARTS 8:)/11/06 N53:)9"'1 :i3:,)' lfL94 ARENA SUPPlIES N:\421 1 :\421 1338:\ PLATES COUNCIL MEETING 8~/11!0 N5424-1 :\424 240:\0 PARTS GAS 8 11/0 N5364 1 5364 247520 WDS SUPPLIES N5365-1 53:\ 189 WDS SUPPLIES N5454-] 5454 241204 PARTS N5455-1 5455 262590 SWITCH 85/11/06 N5423-1 542 /11/06 N5453-'1 545 N~)461-1 546 18.94 108.87 1.52B~7 ~I[JTOP 4~j. 76 BOOTS ,,0.00 353.. 78 25.23 30. 1 4'1.31 17.3? e CHEOUE AMOUNT 60. OO~ 610.8,y? 391.61---- 123.43 3.3~ 1 2 7 . 8"'----- 1~528,,7 92. 76~ 353. l~ e CHEDlIE NO VENDOH NAME NO 01681-CA 41200 INDIAN PARK ASSOCIATION 01682-CA 41500 IHVINE CAHPET WAREHOUSE 01683-CA 42500 JANES STATIONEHY INC. 1 47060 ALAN LAPP 1685-CA 47100 LAW CONSTRUCTION o 686-CA 47 00 RALPH LEIGH 01687. CA 491 5 UTSTEH, BfUMi 6B8 CA :>l28 t1AF~K '~; "JCJRK WEMHiCI!15;E o t,89 CA :"1290 HI\fWl D ~lAfnIN Rl Ni AU INC I 690.,(:t, :'J1:;OO MARSHMl '5; AUTD F'Arne:: LTD. 01691-CA 51550 MASTER SYSTEMS 16 50 MCLELLAN DISPOSAL SERVICES LTD CA 53000 MDlNAR SYSTEMS GROl~ 01694-CA :;6100 CRANDLE NELLES 1695-CA 56200 NELSON AGGREGATE CD. 01696'CA 56BOO Y NEUFELD . THE TOWNSHIP DE ORO ** CHEQUE REGISTER ** DATE B ~,/1l! 05 PAGE 4 CHEOllE DATE CTRL VENDOR NO REFERENCE INVOICE/CREDIT NOTE DESCRIPTION I NVOl CE Ai1DUNT PO # N54:;6-1 5456 240974 REFLECTORS N5457-1 5457 263076 PARTS N545B-l 5458 242457 PARTS N5459-'1 5459 242478 PARTS N5460-1 5460 263259 PARTS 3. 21 10. 19 2.93 16. 50 3. 91 B5/11/06 N~366-1 5366 8,835.00 5% WATER RATES 85/1],/06 N5367-1 536 86977 PAIHT N5368-1 5368 86847 f'AINT SUPPI 'IE:" 85/11/06 N5462-1 546 48797 SUf'PLIES 48.79 5:;. 93 7.99 85/11/06 N:;369-1 5369 11 0.00 MILEAGE 85/11/0 N5463-J 54t, 10,13B.00 RENTAL 60.00 8:;/11/06 N5361-1 5361 3RD QUARTIC:R HI',! 8 ::1/11 /0 (! :"~:\ 3 7 o. 1 :'137 (I 2?~OO tlIl..Je: AGE 213. bt.1 5/11/0 N5371 1 5371 9260 ARENt; WOR K CLU n HS !'15,,: / 1 5' WOR K ': ITiTHES 85/11/0 N5467-1 5467 2 16 HENT AI, 85/11/06 N5464-1 5464 B 6 .6li 90. 16 177.09 HEPA If,S N5465--1 5465 902 163.1B N54U.' REPf\IRS 5466 9026 RFPA IR'::; 55'.64 ~I 11/0/. N~1]7f1 537 Lj I, 132.48 DAT A '.oUPPE! FE II 06 N537 ~)37 025:~-\ ,978.00 11 / GAR AGE CONTRACT N5376-1 537 1002 REX N 11. 0.00 85/11/ N54~):)- ~)42 5 131. 00 8 11/06 N5468' GRASS CUTl N 546 56301 AGGREGATE 1 ::i. 3 ~.) 85/11/06 N5377-1 5377 16. 00 Fr;f!E ,., CHEOUE AI'1DUNT 158.83............ 8.B35.00--- 104. 72~ 7.9~ 110.00- 10.138.00---;/' 60.00"---- 27.00-- 242. 3~ 90.U~ 95.91/ 132.48............ . 78.00'----- 11. 770. 00--- 1 1.CH~ 515. '3V 16.00// " . [HE TOWNSHIP OF ORO ** CHEQUE REGISTER ** Dl>;TE D::dl1/0:1 PAGE 5 C~Q~ VENDOR NO NO NAME 01697-CA 60400 JOHN O'KlmILY 01698-CA 61025 ONTARIO AXE & HAMMER 01699-CA 63600 ORO SAND & STONE LTD 01700-CA 65200 THE PACKET CHEQUE DATE INVDICE l\MOUNT CTRL VENDDR ND REFERENCE INVOICE/CREDIT NOTE DE"Cn IPTION PO II 85/11/06 N5360-1 5360 60.00 3RD QUARTER HPV 85/11/06 N5470-1 5470 36 FILE" 85/11/06 N5469-1 5469 7833 38. ;',2 11.40 GRAVEL 85/11/06 N5378-1 537 9666 36.98 RATEPAYER" N5379-1 5379 9649 NOTICE OF POLL 206.40 N5380-1 5380 8175 1 b7. 70 HOUSE RENTAL N5381 1 5381 871 4i. MJMINATIONS N5382-1 5382 8712 ELECTORS N5383-1 8714 NOMINATIONS N5384-1 5384 8716 REG MASTER PLAN N5426-1 5426 9274 LEDGER SAFE 01701-CA 6 00 PARTRIDGE TRACTOR SERVICE LTD 85/11/06 N5471 1 547 2121 PART" N5472-1 5472 2077 PART" 133.51 IIB.68 68.80 20. 12 35. :,8 r,~\47 2022 5 .~). 71 01702.CA 6580 ,Jr"ME,; PAUK PfiUTUGRAPHY Pr\iiTS N5,474-} :;47,} 2082 PAFHS '11/0 N5385-1 5385 1040 PORTRAIT FRAMING N538A-l 5386 1 6 23.43 1. 0 H ~ 3 SUPPL. 1['3 f'J5387-"1 538 '7 l ~) ~ BY 170 C(.'~ 6:\[;')0 PAUl I LOCI( LTD. PRINTS 5/ll/0f) N~)38B-1 :i]Ei S9Bf/4 KEYS 85/11/0 N5389-1 5 488370 (iHEAf:;E :'1 ~ 4 (} 19.74 6 PETRO CANADA . CHEmJE Ar-IOLJNT 60.00/ 38.52-- 11. 48""-- 8 3 7 . 9 3______ 1 4 1. 3 7"""-- 13'4.6''''''''''---- 19.7t~ - . CHEQUE NO VENDOR NAME NO 1705-CA 66201 PETRO CANADA 1706-CA 68590 PROVINCIAL TRAFFIC SIGNS 01 07.CA 68650 PRUDENT IAL n<e:UI<ANU CCWIPI\r;Y' o 70B-CA ~jOO PURDLA-rcm COllin I( un. 01709CA 71300 I~ANEY FUELS 1, BLDG. L:UPPLY 01710-CA 73050 BRUCF R08lNsrn~ Ol711-CA 74300 RUSSELL, WAITE. CHfHCITIE_. 01712,- CA 75600 SAL I L:HURY. AL n~ET' 1713-.CA 77400 SIMCOE DISTRICT DP 01 j4-U\ 7l~,0 ~:; I MCD! ilO~3f t"j'y'[Jf{(" 01715-CA 77590 SINTON HUS LINES 017 CA 77625 ROBERT W SMAL 1717 71'100 J[IHN ,"MOlIL ANCE 01718-CA 8 SlEWARl o 71 79 00 bUPEPIOf, PRClPMlE L 2050 DWIGHT TAYLOR , , . THE TOWNSHIP OF ORn ** CHEQUE REGISTEP ** DATE 85/11/05 PAGE CHEOUE DATE C THL VEND[)f~ NO REFERENCE INVOICE/CHEDIT NOTE OEseR I P T ION I NVO! CE AMOUNT PO # N5390-1 5390 488371 [,OS 0 I E!3EL N5391 1 5391 ~ 69 l-JD!3 U 1 L_!3[[. N5432~1 5432 487721 ROAD DH:!:FL 85/11/06 N5427 1 5427 155629 FUEI_ 0 I L RUGBY 85/11/06 N542B-l 542B 2009 RI.OCK PARENT SIGNS N5475-.1 5475 ?062 POSTS 287.69 335.81 ,973.92 33. Sf! 1. 030. 8{' ;18;}.67 1'15/11/06 N5392-j 5392 ,:.2. ~);( OCTUI'JER I 11M", B5/11/06 N5393-1 5393 28 11. 29 DE!3. GUELJ'H N5476-'j 5476 28066405 1 L 29 DELIVERY B5/11/06 N5394-1 1272 SUPPLIES 8 /11/ N539 1 539 32683 1;Ui.3Cj 390.00 GRASS CIJTTING 85/11/06 96-1 5396 107.08 R ,;,NDSALU 85/11/06 N5397-1 7 100.00 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE B:,flI10 N:i478 :,470 ]l.1. 8~) ~.q,8 G;J(. 1.7977 2 ~'). 6 c, 8/lJ/0 i'~54 '7 ., EJ ~i/' 11 / REPAIRS N5430-1 5430 ISH STUDENT COUNCIL BUS 11 ,.. 44 1.1/0,. N:,39B'1 5 16.00 RU3 FN~E N:!4Bl 1 54[11 TORONTO DEP-REEVE 85/11/0/. N54 1 5429 20663 <:PR COIJRSE EJ5!11!O N5399 1 5399 C19282 GARBAGE BAGS N5400-1 5400 1 12 1 BUPPI.IES ;'45.00 B 10'" 6 \'. 3 8:,(/11/0 N5479-j 547 2~1 1::-' 2 1. 14 PROP,\N[ '3 '11/06 N5401 1 :,401 1 L 00 lliL40 01721-CA 821 XACO CANADA INC. /11/06 N5402-1 540 1185659 C80 GAS CA 821 0 THOMSON SEYEFER GRAPHICS LTD. 85/1 /00 N5403- 1 5403 18873 I_1ST 72 CA [I!- [INT AR Hi 2.059. :,/11/ N:,404. 922.2:, 540'1 , I tJM::: ., CHEDUE AI10UNT 3,672.91......- 33. ~j8~ 1. 313. 53~ 3. 162. ~i2------ 22.SV 126.3~ 390.00/ 107.08........--- 100. O~ 34. ??6~ \ 1 /\4........-- 76.2Y-- 245. 00----- .rs .29~ ? 1.14~ 11.00- 114.40""-- 2. 0:,----- . CHEG)UE NO NO VENDOR NAME 01724-CA 84000 BELL TECHNICAL SERVICES INC. 01725-CA 88200 WOODS GORDON 1726-CA 05350 OSMA ATCON LTD 01727-CA G5422 GAVILLER & COMPANY 01728-CA V543 W VALLEY & SONS INC. IPCR S I GNAT LmEE,: . THE TOWNSHIP OF ORO ** CHEQUE REGISTCR ** CHEOUE DATE PO # N~i480-1 85/11/06 N5405-1 85/11/06 N5406-1 511110 N~) 3~)O...' 1 85/11/06 N5422-1 85/11/06 N5431-1 l'IAYOR API'RLJVED RESI]! UT UN NUt.mER CL.ERI! DATE 85/11/05 PAGE 7 CTRL VENDrm NO REFERENCE INVOICEICREDIl NOTE OESCR I P TJ ON INVOICE AMOUNT 5480 10600 COUNTERS ;,405 1:)017'42 NOVEMBER CONTRACT 5406 3248;JO-Ol SEARCH ASSIST. CAD 5350 3:18 TERMINAL MONITORING 642.00 390.55 8.267.41 380.00 5422 780.96 NOTIFICATION CARDS c!431 3:),00 BUS CANCELLATION TOTAL FOR BANI CA TOTAL FOR FUND TOTAL ALl CHEQUES L/.:.,~:;T OF AT i\ ~lE E.r I NO or.- C DUNG! I. I ;[LD D. '3. Ii . CHHTUE AMOUNT 1. 64. 2~ 390. 5~ 8.267.4~ 380. O~ 780.9V 3 5. 0 0 ,......-/ 103.328.8;) 1 03r 3;-'8. 8 O:L 3;}D. 8;?